FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #8

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Thank you, Shutterfly and Spamelope. You have truly made my heart lighter. I feel better. Wait a minute...I think I should feel worse.

So it's definitely there. Aw, geez. .

Kewpiedoll, Falcon Heene is the 'balloon boy', whose dad who wanted publicity. He got infamy and notoriety the hard way.
Doggies, I saw it this a.m and it really didn't make me feel any better, but it made me understand how I had been listening instead of seeing. Turn the sound off and you see something so much different without the anguished pleas. If anyone can provide the original "we're coming to get you" link, I'd appreciate it. Because I saw that same look about 4 times before 4 mins. was played.
I tried to watch a video of the mom that was linked but some Mormon thing about how to find happiness suddenly started talking and then downloading.
I've been trying to figure out why SP was at the house and a thought struck me. Just a wild hunch but maybe he wasn't there all afternoon......Could Mom have called him to go to the house when it became apparent that Somer was overdue? Maybe trying to make it look like someone was at the house waiting for the kids to come home from school so that she wouldn't look bad for leaving them alone? That would kinda explain the differences in who called or texted who first? I would guess if that is the case that they have told LE the truth by now. Anyway, it was just a thought.........
Took me till the 2nd time but I do see it. Still don't think mom is behind this. However, I am starting to believe she could have been aquainted with WLK or people associated with him.

I don't believe that she did either. I just get the impression, and it could just be because I'm an idiot, that these speeches seem scripted and rehearsed. Ever see the movie Mommie Dearest? I go back to Christina sitting at her mother's night table, using her hair brush as a microphone, thanking all of her "fans" in the mirror. I don't know precisely why, but that's where I go.
Any ideas why he would have remorse or regret?

I don't.. I was totally confused at really what she was trying to tell us.. That Somer's missing/death is harder on males in her family? I am sorry... I just don't know how to take what she was trying to say..

Anyone else???
Why do you think that?

From reading the other thread - Astro -

Then I was given this:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4323293&postcount=464"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased FL-Somer Renee Thompson, age 7, missing from Orange Park, thread #3[/ame].

The person with the same last name as WLK was removed from her facebook. I think that is odd and nobody can confirm the first name.

They don't live that far away. His GF's daughter allegedly lives at this address. It looks like from her MS she has a baby and a older daughter. So would this daughter be a classmates of somers???

I could continue but I don't want all my speculation confused for fact :)
Been thinking of another odd comment from DT....

When she said something like - the perp probably said something to somer like "I'm going to take you to your Mommy"

I just thought it was strange.

If Somer was taken when DT was not home - that would mean Somer would have to have thought that the perp would have taken her to her Mom at work?

Just something she added into the conversation that sounded oddly speculative.

Of course I don't know what I would really do or say in her situation - but I can picture myself thinking that if someone took my child (son) - right from my own neighborhood - they must have used some lure that would interest him - and not frighten him. Like maybe ask for help looking for a pet or something.

Do kids really fall for the "I'm gonna take you to your mom" anymore? Seems it's been pounded into them that this is a danger sign. The little 5 yr. old girl from the alleged abduction attempt didn't fall for it apparantly - it freaked her out.

I hope I'm getting my point across. At least I know what I mean.:)
Just wonder if we were on the right track and the 1 time poster came on to throw us OFF track????
I think it's somebody messin' with us!
"BSU"="Bull**** You"

Not you Passion, "You" as in WSers

If BSU had any guts they'd come back on for a WS smackdown...:slap:
There are a couple of more things I want to add...I remember reading in The Hillside Strangler about cops that cannot deliver a death notification without laughing. That came to me just a little while ago, and I have a friend who does the same thing, almost.
It's purely a defense mechanism.
NSC, I don't think she's involved, either, but am wondering if seeing LE led her to think about the deserved retribution that will be coming. I think she knows something, too-and despite her denials, she probably knows more than she's admitting.
The 2nd thing is how strange it was for her to be referring to her 13-year old as a 'man'.
I thought that was kind of odd, but since she was kind of stuttering there, I didn't go back to listen again. But yeah. If ya'll caught that, that must have been what I thought. Strange. 13 to me is still almost a little boy. And little boys cry, whether they want to or not. Is he the one who was always tormenting Somer? For him to start hitting things sounds a little unruly, but times, they're not normal.
And I missed this-he doesn't live there, right? Does anyone know since when?
I don't believe that she did either. I just get the impression, and it could just be because I'm an idiot, that these speeches seem scripted and rehearsed. Ever see the movie Mommie Dearest? I go back to Christina sitting at her mother's night table, using her hair brush as a microphone, thanking all of her "fans" in the mirror. I don't know precisely why, but that's where I go.

Yes, Yes and Yes -- I get it and see it. I just hate to think this way. :angel:
Remember the other time she stumbled when she said, "it could be my-someone I know." Oh man, I don't know where the link is to that, does anyone else remember that?
Remember the other time she stumbled when she said, "it could be my-someone I know." Oh man, I don't know where the link is to that, does anyone else remember that?

I think that is in the same video I posted.
The BSU post has also thrown me for a loop. I just thought my head was spinning before.

Ok I looked for this post, which post is it? Can someone share please? I am not able to sleuth alot because of my work schedule but I do check threads daily!

Oops, I'm so sorry I missed that! Yeah, this is logged in like 24/7 even if I'm not in the state lol. Sorry, I wasn't sure if it was you or... well, ya know?

*gasp* them's fightin' words, spammie!!! :croc:
I don't believe that she did either. I just get the impression, and it could just be because I'm an idiot, that these speeches seem scripted and rehearsed. Ever see the movie Mommie Dearest? I go back to Christina sitting at her mother's night table, using her hair brush as a microphone, thanking all of her "fans" in the mirror. I don't know precisely why, but that's where I go.
Yes!!!!!!!!!! I got the idea that some script writer was there, and key words like "We're coming for you" and "It's not okay" are about to get copyrighted! I still don't think she did anything to Somer but it is sure is odd. I think she has a good idea who did do this.
There are two users names BSU One joined on the 25th of october, and one joined January 15th 2009
Ladybass0711 this is the post. I took it from a quote on page 14, I believe it was.
Originally posted by BSU1967
Registered User

Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 1
Good morning,
The vast majority on here are looking in the wrong direction. Pay particular attention to body language/discourse analysis in the interviews on the day of this crime, and on days immediately after.
Once you have done so, you will know more.
Add this to information gleaned from the police report, google maps and police procedure and you will know who murdered this child.

Thank you.
I don't believe that she did either. I just get the impression, and it could just be because I'm an idiot, that these speeches seem scripted and rehearsed. Ever see the movie Mommie Dearest? I go back to Christina sitting at her mother's night table, using her hair brush as a microphone, thanking all of her "fans" in the mirror. I don't know precisely why, but that's where I go.

In a sense Shutter maybe parts are scripted to her from LE or she has been instructed by LE what NOT to say and be careful. They did that edit on the one clip so I'm sure they are telling her to remain MUM with them. IDK

I do sense she is more than grateful to have a community surrounding her with worst days of her life. I don't know if I would crawl in bed and want to die myself or face the situation. Just too much for me to go there.

Also-- Im not sure if she is medicated or not?? I'm sure that could effect her behavior?? IDK


ETA: also LE originally made the comment when they located Somer's legs sticking out of the trash they were coming after him. DT could be following that same mantra.
I don't understand why anyone, after having a child abducted and murdered would draw any attention at all to another child on television. Maybe this mom is just a little on the dramatic side, but I thought it was odd that she mentioned planning some sort of missing kids work right after Somer's body was found. I read that on WS and didn't see or hear her say that, so I hope I'm not mistaken. Personally, I'd suspect the live in boyfriend more than the mom since he came home and went looking for Somer alone. But then, John Walsh believes a child killer did this and there's no proof or reason so far to suspect any of the family.
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