FL - Terri Schiavo Court Case

My comments are not about this woman's domestic situation with her husband and parents. My comments are strictly regarding the feeding tube death issue ...

My mom died this way. She had terminal lung cancer. Four months after finding out about the cancer, she fell and broke her hip. She went into the hospital at this time and never returned home.

She had a feeding tube and the last week of her life, the doctors talked to us about removing her feeding tube. My sister, who was a nurse at the time, did not feel comfortable with that option at all. She said she had witnessed many situations where a family had removed a feeding tube. She said that the patient starves to death and it takes days, sometimes up to a week or more!

We didn't have to make the decision, thankfully. My mom made it for us. The next morning, when we got there, they told us she had thrashed around in the middle of the night and her hand caught the feeding tube. She pulled it out herself!

She took four days to die this way. It was hard watching it happen. I totally believe in human euthanasia, after experiencing this. I just don't agree with removing a feeding tube and allowing a person to die of starvation. If I were terminally ill and my last days were going to be death by starvation, I would much rather receive a lethal injection and end it quickly and painlessly.
This is unsually tragic and sad because of the method of death. I have seen videos of Terri, too, and she didn't look the way I expected her too after I had just heard about the case. She was smiling, looked like she was somewhat aware of what was going on around her. And now, who knows what she could be like with doctors saying she would be responsive to rehabilitation.

One would think if the husband really was being honest about his intentions and if he really loved his wife he would try to make it as easy as he possibly could. At least more humane, less painful.

The husband was not the only one who gave testimony about her wishes of not being kept alive, there were 3 people who heard her and testified.
There is not a large amount of money left, it has been spent throughout the years for her care so there is not a huge dollar amount for the husband to get.

IMO I think there are so many stories about people killing their spouse etc that we've become jaded, always thinking it has to be evil and suspicious.
Just wondering, about the money...

After 12 years of medical care, how much mone could he possibly get?
Being that over 1 million was just recently awarded to him I wonder if much of that jackpot was even used for Terri?
Possibly she had insurance or medicare coverage?
We are assuming the money was eaten up by medical bills but I really wonder how true that is.

I agree that starvation is a disgusting way to die and I to have seen video of Terri and dispute just how "brain dead" she is.
She does appear to be reactive to those around her.

I fail to see what harm it would come if Terri was permitted therapy?
The husband is saying he is doing this because the father will go to any lengths to keep Terri alive.
If it were my child I don't know if my actions would be to different.
I don't care if the father did say he would let Terri lose limbs to save her life... that has not become an issue yet so I don't understand why the husmand is fighting it.
IF that were an issue maybe then the fight would have some validity.
The husband can divorce her and probably some of the settlement was for his emotional distress so he can take that and go.
Why he insists of fighting only shows that this has become a battle of wills between the parents and him not about Terri.
And long ago stopped being about her. Its just those to families trying to prove the other wrong.
CarolinaGirl, I completely agree. I think it should be legal and it should be utilized. However, I think that it should only be done in cases where a living will has been signed and that it has been expressly stated in that living will.
Originally posted by Amraann
Being that over 1 million was just recently awarded to him I wonder if much of that jackpot was even used for Terri?
Possibly she had insurance or medicare coverage?
We are assuming the money was eaten up by medical bills but I really wonder how true that is.

I agree that starvation is a disgusting way to die and I to have seen video of Terri and dispute just how "brain dead" she is.
She does appear to be reactive to those around her.

I fail to see what harm it would come if Terri was permitted therapy?
The husband is saying he is doing this because the father will go to any lengths to keep Terri alive.
If it were my child I don't know if my actions would be to different.
I don't care if the father did say he would let Terri lose limbs to save her life... that has not become an issue yet so I don't understand why the husmand is fighting it.
IF that were an issue maybe then the fight would have some validity.
The husband can divorce her and probably some of the settlement was for his emotional distress so he can take that and go.
Why he insists of fighting only shows that this has become a battle of wills between the parents and him not about Terri.
And long ago stopped being about her. Its just those to families trying to prove the other wrong.
According to Terri's site. the husband has spent over 500K on lawyer fees fighting her parents to have her killed. (that came from Terri's trustfund)
The husband did receive a settlement from the courts for $300K for his mental anguish, etc when he sued and Terri was 1Millon. So he got $300K and she got 1 Mil. They say she only has $350K left. He has spent $500K on lawyers.

The battle over Terri Schiavo has played out at times like a soap opera, but when the Florida Supreme Court hears arguments in the case Tuesday it will be deadly serious stuff.
The brain-damaged woman is at the center of one of the nation's longest, most bitter right-to-die disputes, one that has pitted her husband against her parents.
The question before the court is whether the law that Gov. Jeb Bush signed in October to keep the 40-year-old Schiavo alive violates her constitutional right to privacy and the separation of powers between the branches of Florida's government.
"It's a fight for dominance between the governor's office and the courts," said Steven Gey, a law professor at Florida State University.
The court's decision could ultimately determine whether Schiavo lives or dies.
It has been more than 14 years since Schiavo suffered brain damage when her heart stopped beating, a condition brought on by an eating disorder. She left no written instructions in the event she became incapacitated.
~~more at link~~

(I did a search and couldn't locate a thread. If I overlooked it, will the mod please combine? TY)

It was this case that made me have a living will drawn up. My husband and I are on complete opposite sides of the fence. He wants to be kept alive no matter what. If I'm brain dead, pull the plug. I don't know what is right in this case but it's a sad one.
Newswolf said:
It was this case that made me have a living will drawn up. My husband and I are on complete opposite sides of the fence. He wants to be kept alive no matter what. If I'm brain dead, pull the plug. I don't know what is right in this case but it's a sad one.

It's the same with my husband and myself as well!

This case is just so tragic and I think Terri's family has some major issues and are misguided .
Im interested in the outcome of this!
this case is devastating... I believe her nasogastric feeding tube has been pulled and reinserted time and again... feedings stopped, then resumed.This case prompted me to order and fill out a document called five wishes from the aging with dignity website. They have a nonprintable link to view the document as well. It expresses how I want to be treated if unable to speak for myself. http://www.agingwithdignity.org/5wishes.html

The Florida Supreme Court appeared skeptical of "Terri's Law," during oral arguments over legislation passed to try to keep Terri Schiavo alive.
Chief Justice Barbara Pariente called the law a way to give Gov. Jeb Bush "super appellate power" during oral arguments Tuesday, The Miami Herald reported Wednesday.

More at the link

For years, Michael Schiavo says, he refused to believe that his wife, Terri, was in a vegetative state. Every day, he would insist that someone put on her makeup, and brush her hair, just the way she used to.

"I was going to bring my wife home," he said Friday. "And we were going to get on with our lives."

By now, almost everyone knows how the story turned out.

But for the first time since his wife's death six months ago, Michael Schiavo publicly shared his side of the ordeal that captivated the nation.

More at link
I believe everyone should have a living will to ensure their wishes are respected. Terri did not, any blame for the legal wrangling was her fault.
Thank you Marel for posting that link.

My own heart about stopped when I read the article as I know indirectly someone quoited and I just want to say that if that said person was so concerned about life she would have been a better mother and her own son would possibly now be with his wife and child rather then deceased.

Sorry to take it off topic but I just think that when reading in the media the source should be considered and I can tell you first hand that source is a flake cake.
I don't plan to buy or read this book, Mark Furmans or any other book written about this case. I don't know who to believe or who not to believe and I am going to leave it there as I doubt any book will shed light on the truth.
I just don't think anyone not her family, not him, or anyone else should make money off what became a war in the media. IMO!
But if ya'll read the books and post about them I will read the posts!
I wouldn't purchase any books on Terri. I don't think anyone has a right to "cash in" on her story.

But of course, I too will read any comments here on ws.
Beyond Belief said:
I wouldn't purchase any books on Terri. I don't think anyone has a right to "cash in" on her story.

But of course, I too will read any comments here on ws.

I do agree with this as well. Let her rest in peace.

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