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Off topic? My DNA came back....

26% Native American
20% Europe West
17% Scandinavia
11% Ireland
9% Great Britain
8% Finland/Northwest Russia
5% Asia East
3% Asia Central
1% Caucasus

Fascinating! Did you expect to be way over half European?

I reckon most of me will be English and I had one half-Irish grandad. But several family members (including me) are quite olive skinned so I do wonder if there's a bit of Med in there somewhere.

Did your results show anything else? Can you submit them to be matched with any other DNA (genealogically, not criminally!)?
Lots of Texans here.... Stay safe with all these shootings!!!
Off topic? My DNA came back....

26% Native American
20% Europe West
17% Scandinavia
11% Ireland
9% Great Britain
8% Finland/Northwest Russia
5% Asia East
3% Asia Central
1% Caucasus

Wow, that's many nationalities you have by DNA results. I never knew about that. My parents tell me by verbally that I have 4 nationalities (Mom-3, Dad-1). I'd tell people by 2 nationalities based on highest percentages, not small ones. I may get more than 4 if I tried DNA testing who knows. Mouth swapping? Blood test?

I would guess strong Irish and part of Europe appearance for you based on your Red hair and unique orange glasses frame. I don't see that in USA anywhere. Even though, I'm 3rd generation USA as citizen and my genealogy goes way back to Quebec and PEI via France, Ireland and United Kingdom. I've met family (little girl that have strong red hair) that comes from Labrador in PEI as family vacation when I was youth and knows one woman that born in Newfoundland and still have families around there when she moved to CT due to marriage American man.


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