Forensic Astrology - GENERAL

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Tuba, I don't post much but read every day and I think you are truly gifted.

Just a question and I hope it's not off topic...but what is your thought on today being the 10th of Oct. (10th month) 2010, and tonight at 10:10 and 10 secs. so that's 10-10-10-10-10-10....?? It's pretty cool anyway you put it. Is that an omen and should we all wear tin foil hats to bed?

OT- numerology
The Chinese believe the number 10 implies perfection, full circle. According to multiple news reports online, many people rushed out to tie-the-knot yesterday.
10/10/10—Tens of thousands of couples from all around the world got married on Sunday, Oct. 10, 2010.

On just about every continent and regardless of the culture, a large number of grooms and brides exchanged their vows.

It is a well-known tradition in China to select an auspicious day for marriage. The Chinese have a saying called “tens make full circles.” When translated from Chinese to English, 10/10/10 translates into perfect luck or "perfection," so having three 10s in a row is considered by many to be a very good omen for newlywed couples.
FifthEssence Thank you, In no way did I mean to exclude all of you wonderful people here that constantly give your time freely. Many Thanks ie Soulscape and Leomoon and all of you for your contributions.

Can we get a weekend update? I just had a local astrologer tell me that the drama and it's repercussions will not end until November 18, and to be extremely cautious for the entire last week of October. IDK if this person knows what they say, but it was about retro venus and something else that is rare. I think it is Jupiter retro? I cannot remember...

You keep us out of trouble and in the right path when you forewarn.

Too many thank you's, always.
Post #417 directly overhead is on this very topic. Just scroll up and you will see the same span of time until November 18 was covered, exactly.
The question of symbolic or metaphoric death has been asked before, I think in connection with Gabriel Johnson but maybe also Steve Koecher: could he have assumed a new identity and be dead to his old self. The death signatures in astrology do not work that way, however. It is not that such a shift doesn't occur at times but you would find the indications in and through Neptune, not through tragic marks like Sun° = Node° or (D) aspecting the victim Significator.

Websleuths ask this question, hoping that the missing person sought has merely taken on a new appearance and a new life elsewhere. The astrology which is answering a mystery draws a distinction.
This chart shows how a pointed examination can squeeze out the reluctant truth. Past lies, fraud and deception make a clear imprint on House 12: Neptune, Mars and Sun. The Sign of investigation rises, Scorpio. Then see the actual facts, the truth in Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius with the Moon of the activity in the moment cooperating with divulgence. All of this would not occur without the ruler of the investigators, Pluto of regulatory bodies and coercion making the tightest of squares from Virgo at the top o the chart.

The chart formation is called a Bowl, one hemisphere of the chart full and the other half empty. When the Bowl is tipped this way, you can see the contents spilling out and spilling secrets is precisely what Charles Van Doren did. Van Doren is an Aquarian and you see his Sign on the House of testimony, 3. That his revelations upended his life and produced media shock waves is shown by Uranus opposing his testimony from House 9.

These are the sorts of patterns and planets we need when we are trying to uncover the truth beneath a fabric of lies and camouflage.

Our December New Moon comes due on the first Sunday at 13:29 Sagittarius and the very next day, our Moon occults Mars, opening a dangerous period when retrograde Mercury, Mars and Pluto will all conjoin. The triple conjunction will be exact on December 13, a Monday. Not only is this pile-up inflationary, opposing our House 2 Jupiter, adversaries in the world jump off. The lunar node is also in Capricorn, only two degrees away. We must keep in mind that the Sun will square Uranus for shock & surprise and on Turesday, the Moon enters Aries (on a Mars day) to square the triple conjunction. Retreating to the bunker is not enough for me, under the bed in the bunker is better.
Aaaaahhhhh! Just signed a new lease Friday, trying to move, I am spooked now!
I have one of many questions and I don't know if this has ever been asked before. Can Forensic Astrology help with any information pertaining to someone who lost their memory and don't know who they are. Perhaps a person is in an accident and no one knows who they are. Also many unclaimed bodies due to not having information. I know that astrology uses a natal birth chart, but is there any way through astrology to find out anything about these people?
Another question would be the purchase of a house. Is this a bad period of time astrologically to be doing this? If it is a bad period when would it be safe to do this?
About unclaimed and unidentified bodies, astrology could help where a regulation morgue kept entry records. Now in war or massive disaster, where you are looking at a heap of corpses, no. As for amnesiacs, astrology would work with the sketchy information that deals with how the individual got to the consultation, the time and place of the consultation. That will actually give a lot of clues to the person's background. Astrology will not provide a name but will supply character and more.
A good rule to follow in purchasing a house is Saturn should be favorably aspected. When he was square Pluto, resale value was poor. The final ten days of November are somewhat promising.
About unclaimed and unidentified bodies, astrology could help where a regulation morgue kept entry records. Now in war or massive disaster, where you are looking at a heap of corpses, no. As for amnesiacs, astrology would work with the sketchy information that deals with how the individual got to the consultation, the time and place of the consultation. That will actually give a lot of clues to the person's background. Astrology will not provide a name but will supply character and more.

Thank you so much Tuba. Astrology is very amazing. It is too bad more people don't use it. Does anyone know if LE has ever worked with astrologers? I know that they have sometimes used psychics, but I haven't read about them using astrologers. Is there any cases online where LE has worked with astrologers?
Puglover, Tuba has quite a reputation & I wouldn't doubt that they appear on this forum under "guests."
I think that all the astrologers are excellent. You are right, I don't think that LE ever really admits when they listen to a psychic or astrologer because they get ridiculed by ignorant people. I feel like everytime I post, it is where Tuba is posting and I get sorry for the questions that I pose to her. Lot of curiosity.
I have read some of leomoon80's post and started asking her questions too. It doesn't seem as if I have been posting on site that SoulScape posts on, but she is probably going to meet up with me soon as is all the others. I love to look at all of them. I want to know now what they know. LOL I know, I need patience. I am learning some though. :woohoo:
Reminder._______The Moon will occult Venus on Friday, which does belong to Venus. She becomes invisible, as though the backward motion of this retrograde period which began on another Venus day, October 8, were not debilitating enough. Nor is she comfortable or strong in Scorpio. Scorpio opposes one of her Signs, Taurus, thus she is detrimented or in exile, losing her capacity to act on matters.

Ordinarily, approximately three or four days past an occultation, the planet gets not only new inspiration but a jolt of new energy & push. We are robbed of that this time because Venus continues in reverse until November 18 but at least there is room for quiet, back room diplomacy when she drifts into Libra Sunday night (the 7th).
Our December New Moon comes due on the first Sunday at 13:29 Sagittarius and the very next day, our Moon occults Mars, opening a dangerous period when retrograde Mercury, Mars and Pluto will all conjoin. The triple conjunction will be exact on December 13, a Monday. Not only is this pile-up inflationary, opposing our House 2 Jupiter, adversaries in the world jump off. The lunar node is also in Capricorn, only two degrees away. We must keep in mind that the Sun will square Uranus for shock & surprise and on Turesday, the Moon enters Aries (on a Mars day) to square the triple conjunction. Retreating to the bunker is not enough for me, under the bed in the bunker is better.


Is there any know direction that this jump off occurs from? Guess we should just pay attention to the world news, as you did say shock and surprise. Just wondering exactly what areas to observe. TIA!
Leomoon80, Whenever you get time, I have some questions. Even though I wrote what you stated, I am not asking in reference to this person, I am wondering in general. Please don't take time away from something else for this. Possibly you could even direct me to a site on the web to look this up.

You said:

Part of Fortune conjuncts Moira and opposes Uranus (the separation of the body to the spirit and separating from the earth plane….and then Part of Fortune also squares the Ascendent, (the physical as he was known to the family)


I would like to know a little more information pertaining to this. Are you saying that the charts do show that the spirit leaving the body and earth? Does this show this on everyone who dies? Also I am wondering what the last part means...

and then Part of Fortune also squares the Ascendent, (the physical as he was known to the family).

Another question that I have is do the charts ever show any spirits of others around people? Some people say that they are haunted by an entity.
Reminder._______The Moon will occult Venus on Friday, which does belong to Venus. She becomes invisible, as though the backward motion of this retrograde period which began on another Venus day, October 8, were not debilitating enough. Nor is she comfortable or strong in Scorpio. Scorpio opposes one of her Signs, Taurus, thus she is detrimented or in exile, losing her capacity to act on matters.

Ordinarily, approximately three or four days past an occultation, the planet gets not only new inspiration but a jolt of new energy & push. We are robbed of that this time because Venus continues in reverse until November 18 but at least there is room for quiet, back room diplomacy when she drifts into Libra Sunday night (the 7th).

Take extra care of your pets, cats especially; your jewelry; use your Strangelove hand to refrain from new purchases at the make-up counter. There is a list of matters affected above in the thread.
There is material about what the occultation affects on our Astro Calendar for November 5. We will be under this blot out for several days.
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