S. Lee Merritt, Esq.
Defendant Greg McMichael told police he DID NOT KNOW
#AhmaudArbery and did not see him do anything other than run down the road but he “knew instinctively he was a criminal”
Wright Gazaway
You’ve likely seen the :36 video showing Ahmaud Arbery getting killed. Dial confirms the video is longer, and the GBI has a copy of it. However, he says Bryan “put the phone down”, so you can’t see much, but you can see Arbery go around the truck, according to Dial.
During his opening statement, state prosecutor Jesse Evans said Arbery “was chased, hunted down an ultimately executed, we believe the evidence will show based on what’s about to be presented to the court.”
Among the details shared, Dial said that Bryan told investigators he overheard Travis McMichael use an expletive along with a racial slur to describe Arbery following the fatal shooting. Dial said he has also seen “many” other examples of Travis McMichael using the “n-word” on social media.
The defense attorney for Travis McMichael brought up the mental state of Arbery when questioning Dial. Arbery had been diagnosed with a mental illness, Dial said, but he was not sure of the particular name of the diagnosis. He added that Arbery was not, at the time, under treatment for any mental illness.
Defense attorney Jason Sheffield said it’s relevant because it could mean the difference between self-defense and felony murder.
“I don’t believe it was self-defense for Mr. McMichael, I believe it was self-defense for Mr. Arbery,” Dial said. “I think Mr. Arbery was trying to get away, he couldn’t, so he chose to fight.”
GBI investigator: Witness heard man who killed Ahmaud Arbery use racial slur following shooting