GA - Possible bomb at Jackson County school

The Public Relations Machine at its FINEST at work and well:

Noon News Local Atlanta Channel 2 Report...

NO Mention of any BOMB Threat in Barrow County School System.

Instead, it was reported that one metro Atlanta local school system is forming a committee to consider the possibility of deveopment and teaching of a course to teach the Bible to students in BARROW COUNTY SCHOOLS...

(GA passed a law last year making this a possiility)

Isn't this news about the possibility of teaching a course on the Bible much better to hear than that your child was threatened by a bomb and the system which your tax dollars pay to protect and educate your child, miserably failed at their job today....
*mods please excuse temporary use of larger font within this post- this is a personal local crisis situation :

Please Help Me... and our local students and staff!


Legal advice and your personal individual opinions on how best to proceed:

How could the school have received the warning at 7:15 AM when the alleged bomber did not make the warning call until 7:26 AM???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In addition, I know for a fact that the BCBE Transportation Dept did not even KNOW about this bomb threat until 7:44 AM, as 911 dispatch called schools directly and BCBE administrators and transportation directors were NOT notified until much later and too late to effectively safely implement the safety plan. I have it on good authority that Principals were left to their own disgression as to evacuate the students from the schools. One school NEVER even evacuated and searched that particular school!

As my previous above posts state and the times of those posts are to document:

This did NOT happen as the Board of Education and the Local Law Enforcement would have the general public believe!

I have documented actual phone calls to my home from current and retired teachers and other county employees directly involved it the emergency situation, and from concerned parents, and current students directly involved.

The Barrow County News 4/15/07

Suspect in bomb threat in custody

By Kathy Bridges and LeAnne Akin
News Staff

"An anonymous telephone call came in to the Winder restaurant at 7:26 a.m. and a male told the female employee there was a bomb inside one of the county's schools. The employee called police.

The alleged caller, Johnny Ray Wilson, 35, of Stoneridge Drive in Winder, is being held in the Barrow County Detention Center without bond.

Schools received the warning around 7:15 a.m. and the Transportation Department began calling the buses asking drivers to park in a safe place, if not already at a school, until further notice. A fleet of buses parked briefly at Home Depot, before receiving the go ahead.'


Someone here PLEASE legally advise me, how I, as a lowly concerned citizen and one who, is concerned only for the best interest of the student and staff of this county NOT being 1st prioity "How do I attempt to FIX this problem???"

Approximately, 3 years ago, I attempted to go through the proper channels within Law Enforcement and within the educational system to correct a very similar situation involving a school bus window being shot out by a student wearing a trench coat who was allowed by LE and school officials to board the morning school bus, after the SHOOTING and having gone unsearched, with the gun not retreved until 1 PM, after the bus driver went to LE and forced their hand making them search the child already in his classroom and the residence of this child.

I was assured that the system would FIX the problem.

Obviously, NOTHING was corrected.

Please advise as to my legal rights of confidentially in notification of the media? (or advise as to other options...)

Thank you in advance for any help which you might offer!
In Franklin County, if you talk to the media,your contract will not be renewed. There were multiple times each year I wanted to be an anonymous source, but there is no such thing in a small town.
My bet is that someone involved is being "protected."
I wish you the best. STAY SAFE! Make sure you have a plan for you and your students in the event of an emergency and have a "code" for your family to alert them w/o alerting anyone else. :( (Getting help on a plan from someone who has had military training--especially E&E--helps greatly.)
Thank you Pandora for caring enough to respond...

In light of the mass murders at Virginia Tech, I wonder today if our local school administrators and local law enforcement and 911 dispatch, who so royally screwed things up are even remotely aware of how extremely lucky they are for this bomb threat to have been a hoax....

I wonder if they feel the first bit of guilt for covering-up their inaction in our local newspaper Sunday and for the chaos that resulted the day of the bomb threat from them not following through with their promise to the concerned citizens, parents and teachers who presented them with a rough draft of a safety plan to use as a starting point for our county to develop a through plan which would coordinate emergency procedures to be followed by LE, School Administrators, Board of Education Administrators and Transportation Directors.

I guess not, since the man in charge of our school system was suppose to be on the golf course this week playing golf with the director of the independent insurance provider for our system...........

I sure hope when I hit my golf ball this afternoon and see them in front of me leisurely still playing, without a care in the world, that I can bring myself to remember to SCREAM "Fore".... :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:
It's getting to the point where I am afraid to send my kids to school. Next year I will have 2 in middle school, and they brought up at the open house that they would be doing drills to help the kids know what to do in situations like that.
It's getting to the point where I am afraid to send my kids to school. Next year I will have 2 in middle school, and they brought up at the open house that they would be doing drills to help the kids know what to do in situations like that.

Do yourself a favor and arrange a "code phrase" in case there is ever a situation at the school that requires them to call for help surreptitiously.
Pappy B. is sick = Turn on the TV and call 911; there's a problem at the school, but I'm okay.
Pappy B. is dead = Turn on the TV, call 911, I'm hurt/in BIG trouble.

Pappy has been dead since 1984, but we needed something that would "stick with" my dad--he's a little ditzy sometimes. :)

Also, talk, talk, talk with your kids. If someone has a gun/explosive device or talks about bringing one, it does not constitute being a "rat" or a tattle-tale to tell an adult. When it comes to life-endangering threats, all bets are off.
When they're older, discuss dropping to the ground when they hear gunshots. Figure out where the sound is coming from and carefully move away.
I could go on and on, but you can probably tell I'm more than a little paranoid for the safety of my students. :) I'm also a Navy brat whose father served three tours of VietNam, so I had ALOT of help formatting escape and evade plans for my students/classrooms.
Also, I told my children who had cell phones to keep them on vibrate when in school and if I called to ask to go to the bathroom and call me back. I would tell the of the emergency if I heard about it before them and then for them to go straight to the 'clinic' and tell the nurse that they were very sick and needed to call home and that they had had a stomach virus all night the night before...and it had started up again ;) and that I would come and get them.

Once in High School, I advised my children if EMERGENCY dangerous situations occurred within the school and they were NOT UNDER LOCK DOWN to immediately leave the school and go to a designated location, which happen to be a best friend's house less than a block from the school and I would pick them up there...

Sometimes we must do what we, as PARENTS must do to KEEP our OWN CHILDREN SAFE when the SYSTEM does not do their job.....

Police: Device In School Bomb Threat Was Real Bomb

POSTED: 2:55 pm EDT May 15, 2007
UPDATED: 4:23 pm EDT May 15, 2007

JEFFERSON, Ga. -- A student's device that led to a bomb scare last month at a northeast Georgia high school turned out to be a real bomb with enough power to kill or severely injure everyone in the school's main administrative office, an official said Tuesday.
"It was an actual bomb; it was good to go," Jefferson Police Chief Joseph Wirthman said. "It could have created a pretty good explosion."

(Much More at Link.)

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