General Discussion Thread #2

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I don't think they have these here?

But what do you think will be the final adjudication?

1. Guilty of #6 murder--25 years to life
2. Lesser homicide 4-15 years
3. extenuating circumstances or mental impairment, circa 1-2 Years
4. innocent of everything

Me? Somehow I think he'll get #3
Shane, I will go with 2. However, he may be sentenced say 5 years, doesn't mean he will go to prison for 5 years thou. But yep, I go with lesser homicide.
Shane, I will go with 2. However, he may be sentenced say 5 years, doesn't mean he will go to prison for 5 years thou. But yep, I go with lesser homicide.

Yeah, I think he'll get #3 and get a non custodial sentence or get a sentence in some plush wing that means he'll not mix with the gen pop. He'll get some kind of plush 'job' in there and all sorts of special treatment if he does go in. Oh and the intruder story will fly.
Just wondering what others thought about my shower theory I posted earlier today? Post #940 in case you missed it.

He heard noises in the bathroom, but as he states in his statement, as he walked into the bathroom, noticed window open, heard movement in the loo, opened fire. When he first heard the noises while still in the bedroom, at that stage he couldn't have known where exactly in the bathroom the noise was coming from.
Suspended sentence?

Which means he skates! Life is good.

No, I think he will get a prison sentence, but say what ever term he gets, divide by 4 and that's how long he will sit. 5 years, he will be out in 18 months..something like that. Also, our president is a very generous man ( ha ha ha ) , he doles out presidential pardons when the mood strikes him, sending hoards of violent criminals back onto the streets before they have completed their sentences.
Just a quick example
Enquirer claims to have exclusive on Reeva being pregnant:

Somehow this one I am sceptical of. (If he wanted to marry her, he would havebeen glad if she were pregnant--unless he thought or knew it wasn't his.)

Of course, the police have the results of the autopsy which I believe checks for pregnancy on a female.
Thanks for quoting.

And yes, so you should be sceptical..very sceptical in fact. " blockbuster world exclusive?" Shameful!!
Call whatever you like, but you have the prosecutor saying he didn't know, Botha saying he didn't know and the Police saying they didn't believe whatever you like (and you may be totally correct) but who will the court believe??? only someone who can come up with facts. and 3 credible witnesses all agree.
No one knew because the charges IMO, were only reinstated THAT day and not the 4th like they claimed. How can the NPA reinstate 7 attempted murder charges on a policeman and not tell anyone, not even his superior? I actually stated that evening on this forum, that it would not surprise me if he was packing groceries by the end of the week, and what do you know..the next morning I wake to the breaking news he is up for charges of attempted murder and will be removed off the case. I must actually check if he is still on active duty but something tells me he will be on paid leave until this all blows over and then the charges silently withdrawn again.
No, I think he will get a prison sentence, but say what ever term he gets, divide by 4 and that's how long he will sit. 5 years, he will be out in 18 months..something like that. Also, our president is a very generous man ( ha ha ha ) , he doles out presidential pardons when the mood strikes him, sending hoards of violent criminals back onto the streets before they have completed their sentences.
Just a quick example

Thank you.

I'm curious. How is the SA community taking this "memorial service"?

I must say, people here who really didn't care about this case have been repulsed. Kind of a mini-sea change.
No, I think he will get a prison sentence, but say what ever term he gets, divide by 4 and that's how long he will sit. 5 years, he will be out in 18 months..something like that. Also, our president is a very generous man ( ha ha ha ) , he doles out presidential pardons when the mood strikes him, sending hoards of violent criminals back onto the streets before they have completed their sentences.
Just a quick example

Generous .. for a price?

I'm seeing a lot of 'evidence' going 'missing' and conflicting witness reports coming .. memory lapses, confusion, a mess of a trial etc etc etc .. and zero justice for Reeva.

I hope at least after all this is over OP never has a gun licence or gun in his home again.

Just checked your link.

I can relate. Here in Los Angeles [like much of the US] prison density is mandated. In the last few months tens of thousands of criminals were released close to my [relatively] new home.

Instantly dozens of cars were stolen. My home was broken into in the month of December. Many more dozens of cars were broken into and robbed.

Here ... some years ago about 30 or more, it was decided to close the "insane asylums". Now, the truly mentally ill are the long term inhabitants of all prisons. The criminals are set free due to prison crowding.

It is a true problem.
Thank you.

I'm curious. How is the SA community taking this "memorial service"?

I must say, people here who really didn't care about this case have been repulsed. Kind of a mini-sea change.
Admittedly, not very well. Even I'm quite repulsed..very tacky and if his PR recommended it, they should be fired. Was a very bad move IMO. The family should have just kept it quiet if they wanted to portray sincerity.
I wish someone would do a poll and include: "Waiting to hear all the evidence before deciding guilt or innocence. (and by that, I mean premeditated murder)

The only thing I'm certain of so far, is that he shot and killed Reeva and her family is in mourning.

Well, he shot her, and in South Africa you can't just shoot people, intruder or not, there has to be a good reason, and clearly there wasn't if he didn't even know who he was shooting. They have strict gun laws there, they have to because there is a lot of crime and paranoia, if they didn't and had the lax standards the US has, the body count would rise very quickly.

That is murder is SA, so he will be convicted of that. But, it would be their equivalent of second degree murder (culpable homicide). First degree is premeditated, and there probably is not a whole lot of evidence for that, so I don't think he will be convicted of that charge.

He will do some jail time, but probably not more that a few years at most.
Max du Preez is a respected journalist in for thought.

Well he may have his own axe...

E.g., he indicates that Roux never advocated for (notorious) Gen Neethling. But many sources say Roux did. Here's The Guardian;

One fascinating thing is that I swear a week ago, on Roux' own site it had this acknowedlgement and now that is gone!!

So it gets curiouser and curiouser.
the National Enquirer write mostly trash, rarely do they get it right.

It's trash, but I disagree with you about its accuracy. Its hit rate is actually the same as the MSM's (frankly, that might not be saying much). They've got a high-powered law firm in DC making sure that that they are OK on the libel side of things. And, over and over, they've broken stories that the MSM is too scared of approaching.
BBM, and I respect every word of your post. I think he will get away with it, to be honest. Every fiber of my being prays that I am wrong. And I think the scenario behind her murder, her intentional murder, isnt sexy or complicated. Like any garden variety domestic batterer (jmvho), he killed her because he could. The ultimate form of control. And he believes that because he is acclaimed, it will be OK.

Great post
How is it that OP is making so many phone calls when his focus should be on reviving Reeva if she is not responsive or ascertaining where her wounds
are and putting compression on them. Ok, so he hospital old him to run her in himself, don't wait for first responders. Wouldn't he all he more be preoccupied with getting her to the car rather than phoning his friend, he estate manager--well, he did tell her to call medical help. Who called his dad and his lawyer or are these rumors?

I'd imagine as an athlete he has some knowledge of injuries and the discipline to address them rather than shout out the balcony, get a third party talking to he hospital for instructions, move the body, and blubber to his best friend. He does finally try some sort of rendition of CPR, but only in the presence of he doctor. By his own account, she is not yet dead when he gets to her.

And how has she now become his partner when she'd never before even spent the night in his apartment and they'd been dating a whole nine weeks?
Pls 4give the indelicate nature of my comment, but has it been discussed if OP and Reeva had sex that evening? I have a theory Im toying with.

I would like to know your theory, Writer! as I have several based on sex too. I am sure they would have done some forensics on that aspect but have not released it.
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