This case is particularly frustrating to me. It seems there were so many leads and so many of them don't seem as to be pursued far enough.
Tara's case was on over the weekend again, I watched glued to the TV....You are correct in saying the leads are not being pursued far enough......When I called OPD, it was more like I was bothering them, they didn't seem interested at all in taking all my information.....I just feel if they would follow through with my links and knowings the case might be solved and also I know one other person has a totally different lead of a possible sighting but so far NOTHING that I know of has been followed through with
There was a black truck in her yard that evening....I know that 100%...not by reading or etc....I put this case on for some friends to see what their ideas are and showed them what I had found and etc....One lady in that particular group wrote to me...She has a rental house right out from Tara's and was renting the home to a dear friend of hers....Her friend had started to her house on the night Tara went missing and she was backing out of the driveway and a black truck almost ran her over, she had to stop because it scared her so bad, she stated she got out and looked at where that truck came from and she told my friend it came right from Ms. Grindstead's house and it was about 1:00 a.m.....................and also on a forum they talked much about a man that lived near Tara being out walking around that evening and he came close to Tara's house and this man was in the truck, got very angry at this man, (I think the man in the truck was waiting on Tara, and he knew this man had saw him and it scared him) he started threatening him, so bad that this man feared for his life and only until much later did this man choose to come forth and tell LE what had that would be the 2nd person to know that a black truck was parked in the grass area of Tara's the very night she went missing...........but as far as I know right now, they have never tried to find out who the truck belonged to or anything close...The answer of who her abductor might be may be answered in the owner of that truck since the DNA on the glove did not match any known men that Tara knew
and also at the end of this show the FBI agent that was investigating this case from the start stated that no clues were found when they did the 2nd search...NOT TRUE.....when Tim Miller did the search with his crew...3 or 4 Cadaver Dogs alerted to a body of water close to where that old farmhouse was burnt by Arson...and also they alerted to what would have been the middle part of that farmhouse...I call that Significant...but he talked like they just dismissed that info...I do know that some water areas have been drained and nothing showed up.....but if as many as 2 cadaver dogs alerted to a certain spot....I would have them digging, draining, digging again until I found out what made them alert too (if it was my family missing)
I will take my last breath on this earth believing one Israel Keyes was the person in that truck, and when he abducted and then killed Bill and Lorraine Currier, he took them to an abandoned farmhouse in Essex Vermont, he raped Lorraine, and then killed them both, he told APD he planned on going back and later burning the old farmhouse, but it was torn down in April of that year, so far they have not found the bodies, but they found DNA in what was known as the basement area of human was enough to get him charged with their murder....He was known as a serial killer and I know some will think I'm off my rocker here, but I will stick to that knowing as long as I live....too many similarities
He told FBI agents that he picked victims at random
He liked pick people that he knew would get a lot of media coverage, because he got as high watching and reading on a computer about the cases he done and knowing the cops had not caught him and he laughed when they run out of leads and etc...
He told them he always traveled RURAL AREAS...Ocilla is rural
He loved Small Towns to pick some victims
He never left any fingerprints or dna when he killed someone..usually known to wear gloves!!!!....(could easily be the white glove found in her yard)
He ALWAYS drove the victim's car.......Tara's car seat was much further back than she could have ever drove it
He took the curriers from their bed, forced them into their own vehicle, then 2 days later their car was found at an apartment complex very close to their home
He never took things like jewelry or anything that would get him caught
He usually got known victims ATM cards, but in Tara's was late at atm's close I feel
THE UN-EXPLAINED ENVELOPE with cash in it left in her stated that just was not Tara, that she always put money away in her purse
Israel Keyes also told FBI he robbed banks to support his many travels all over the US..2 has been 100% proven that IK was the bank robber
My BIG QUESTION is has any official in Ocilla checked to see if there was a bank robbery in surrounding towns??? could be one of the larger towns...he drove sometimes hundreds and even thousands of miles to mislead cops in his known cases
I feel this money belonged to Keyes....and maybe he got in such a hurry he forgot it....In his known victims, if they had no atm card, he would take a purse and etc
This farm house was burnt by Arson.....I feel 199.9% this was all the work of Keyes.....He told FBI he had burnt quiet a few places in the past 14 years and as recently as 2011, he traveled to Texas for a family wedding, broke into an elderly couples home (they were not home at the time) took several things like tools, gold coins and then burnt the house totally down and he said he went into a wooded area to watch it burn
He also stated he planned on taking his future victims to old churches???? He was very clear he was an Atheists so no-one will ever know what the purpose of taking victims to old churches was, but he was a very sick, demented person
He also confessed to FBI that he would travel to a small town, stay 2 or 3 days and scout out the people, the feel of the town, and then decide what kind of victim he wanted to kill there and if the town felt right, he would bury a murder kit in a place there that could easily be found by him when he returned to that town to do his kidnap and killings
Sweet Potatoe Festival was going on in Ocilla, he knew that the people would be busy enjoying things to do at the festival, that gave him an opportunity to just blend in as he often did and I feel it gave him a perfect opportunity to scout out a person to kidnap and kill, he knew most of the families would be tired and etc....most would remain in their homes....Perfect for him to take Tara
I have many many more things such as certain links and etc...
but it just seems they are dismissing this case and definitely not taking any new leads