George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin Discussion Thread #10 Mon. July 8

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I am. I avoided all the pre-trial commentary because I wanted to watch the trial as it happened, with no pre-conceptions about it. I haven't even talked to my grown kid about it - he is in criminal law and has been a prosecutor and a public defender and we have always discussed cases and trials. But I didn't want his opinions on this one. I wanted to come into it like a juror would.

I was not impressed by the prosecution's case.

Me either and I wanted to be. After all the broohaha in the initial days and weeks after the event, I thought for sure they would be able to support M2. But I don't see it. I don't see a willful disregard for human life at all, I certainly don't see an act of ill will and avarice.

After looking at the evidence and using what the pros witnesses said, I find that Rachel puts TM at his dad's gf house and then he is 70 yards away again. And that shows an assertion on his part to me. He had something in mind.. Where I feel that GZ was really walking around in the dark where he was, near his car and waiting for Police when he was attacked.
It is the only way it works for me. I have tried it the other way.. GZ did not know where TM was going so if he was really following him he would have gotten him right there at the dad's gf's house. I think it proves that GZ was not following him closely at that point. He had lost sight of him as he said he did.

I want the prosecution to prove something else but they have not. They can not. So so far I could not vote guilty.

Don West.

Have you gotten to the knock knock joke? :drumroll:

Errr, yerrrp...just heard it. What a very strange thing to do/say. I would venture a guess that if you have to preface a statement (or joke in this case) with "don't hold it against my client, hold it against me"'s probably best not to say it at all.

Common Sense 101?
Exactly my point and if you know what the difference, on tape, sounds like, then you would know the next time you hear it on tape that it still sounds different but you would know that was how you sound on tape.

So, my point:
GZ, IMO, would know both how he sounds to his naked ear and how he sounds when recorded.

oh good ,lord, do you really suppose that your voice would necessarily be familiar to you if it was recorded when you were in danger of being seriously hurt and you were emotionally screaming?

emotion can radically change voice. is that impossible to understand?

thats not even my opinion. its a life observation. imo.
a case for self defense can be made when one party to a fight is injured, and there is photographic evidence, and eyeewitness evidence to support that assertion, as in this case.

despite the assertions by a weak state "expert" that the injuries aren't significant. cant wait for the defense medical expert to destory that "opinion".

Interesting. How significant could his injuries be if they required nothing more than a couple of bandaids? Not even a CT scan or MRI was done to make sure there was no brain injury... MOO

The eyewitnesses seemed to all say it was dark and hard to see, and their testimony doesn't add up to GZ's own versions of the fight. Like "ground and pound" does not = banging head into concrete. GZ says Trayvon had his hands on his nose and mouth, was banging his head, holding his hands down, and going for his gun. All in a few seconds? How many hands did Trayvon have?
Positively!! Plus the idea a Victim whose shooter is on trial for murder, has to be berated and accused , falsely or otherwise, is not reasonable...There is no doubt TM was shot dead by the that TM's hacked social accounts are totally he is not on trial. IMO

I don't see TM as the victim, because I believe the evidence proves he initiated the fight with GZ. I think all of his ridiculous past should be brought in, in light of where the evidence is leading. Imo.
Guys, WE need to make sure we are adding MOO, JMO, or IMO to our posts!
WE don't want to get locked down and we are almost to the end!

Please make sure we keep our cool and make it easy on the mods!!!

If you see any offending posts. DON'T REPLY!! Just report!!! That is what it is there for!!
This witness is now referring to GZ "Tutoring" as opposed to "mentoring." It is IMO that this is a strategy since when one volunteers for a reputable non-profit as a mentor, that person is meant to follow the non-profit's protocol for terminating with the client...when the program ends.

IMO, GZ broke standard social work protocol by continuing on his own with a previous client. In a social work environment that it a huge no-no and can prevent the volunteer from being hired in the future...for a similar voluntary position.

All based on my previous social work experience and all in my OPINION.

Good for him, it's a stupid "protocol" imo.
the voice expert said there was no way to scientifically prove whose voice it was. he did not say that someone who was familiar with a persons voice would be unable to identify that voice. in fact the lawyers made a point that a familarity with the voice would make it possible and both introduced witnesses to do so.

That's right. Seems that is the DT's only strategy at this point... call everyone GZ knows and ask if it's his voice? Let's get some useful witnesses!
Interesting. How significant could his injuries be if they required nothing more than a couple of bandaids? Not even a CT scan or MRI was done to make sure there was no brain injury...

The eyewitnesses seemed to all say it was dark and hard to see, and their testimony doesn't add up to GZ's own versions of the fight. Like "ground and pound" does not = banging head into concrete. GZ says Trayvon had his hands on his nose and mouth, was banging his head, holding his hands down, and going for his gun. All in a few seconds? How many hands did Trayvon have?

His injuries do not have to be life threatening, he (GZ) just needs to be in fear of sustaining life threatening injuries. The states own witness testified to this. We know he was in fear because so far all evidence points to GZ screaming for 40+ seconds.
Yes, it sounds like he is trying to convince him it's his voice and yet GZ should know if it was or not.

why "should " he?

are you positive you would know your own voice under extreme stress?

if so, I think you might possible be wrong.

have you NEVER not recognized your own voice? i think many people have not recognized their recorded voice. i know I have not, several times, and not under stress.

That's right. Seems that is the DT's only strategy at this point... call everyone GZ knows and ask if it's his voice? Let's get some useful witnesses!

IMO, these are character witnesses to make GZ likeable to the jury. But, I'm with you....let's move on, already. IMO
Walking around in a neighborhood in which he didn't live, in a hoodie, in the rain would be suspicious to anyone imo.

I totally disagree.I can't relate to that at all.I sometimes think the people with opposing opinions in this case live on different planets.The case is so clear to me and I have such a hard time understanding that the case is just as clear cut to the other side
Walking around in a neighborhood in which he didn't live, in a hoodie, in the rain would be suspicious to anyone imo.

AT 7 p.m.? an after dinner trip to the store, just barely dark? I cannot make the leap that is suspicious activity, especially talkin' with a friend. I have seen my own son rarely without a cell to his ear for the last 9 yrs. he stops, pauses, makes animated all kinds of weather, and yes, has been known to stand in the driveway of my own house in the rain with his hood over his head
That's right. Seems that is the DT's only strategy at this point... call everyone GZ knows and ask if it's his voice? Let's get some useful witnesses!

The state had the same opportunity to send up a laundry list of witnesses to say it was TM's voice. They chose not too.
Such a tedious and ineffective defense. I'm quite sure the Prosecution could bore the courtroom just as badly by calling dozens of witnesses who ID the voice pleading for help as that of TM.

The Defense is proving less than zero. IMO
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