George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin Real Time Trial Thread *NO DISCUSSION* Friday July 12

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Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
O'Mara: "Self-defense is a defense against everything."

Bill S. defense does not know what state will say in rebuttal so this is a common tactic for OM to challenge them to answer his questions to get them off message.

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 12m
The defense points out that the state did not call Martin's father or a use of force expert though that's their argument. #Zimmermanon9

WFTV Eyewitness News ‏@WFTV 10m
O'Mara brought out a big piece of cement to demonstrate to the jury that #TrayvonMartin was "not an unarmed teenager." #Zimmermanon9
Retweeted by Kathi Belich, WFTV

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 4m
The defense told the jury not to letnthe state's screaching and yelling and innuendo drive the verdict. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 8m
The defense showed the jury concrete and said the state's claims it's not a weapon and all he had was skittles is disgusting. #Zimmermanon9
Stewart Moore ‏@StewartMoore 2m
Guy:if that defendant had done only what he was supposed to do, see and call. None of us would be here. That's not where he was in his heart
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Jurors sitting upright, eyes focused on Guy who is standing close to jury box. #zimmerman #TrayvonMartin

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Guy asks jury to think about what was in #Zimmerman heart when he followed #TrayvonMartin

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Guy: "Isn't that every child's worst nightmare? Being followed home in the dark by a stranger?"

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 4m
Guy on defense mocking his repeated use of #zimmerman profanity: "It's not my voice that matters. It's yours. "

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 7m
Jury seated. Guy begins.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 9m
Court is back in session.
Guy: That child had every right to do what he was doing that night. He had every right to defend himself from some strange guy following him. GZ could have defended himself without pulling the gun...He shot him because he wanted to.

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 2m
John Guy appears very slick and polished and is speaking in very hushed tones to make his point. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 3m
The state is now saying #Zimmermanon9 should have driven to the back gate to wait for police.

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 4m
The state again is focusing on #Zimmermanon9 's statement rather than evidence of what happened.

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 5m
John Guy is very dramatic and is telling the jury #Zimmermanon9 lied about things that really matter.

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 7m
The state says being followed by a stranger at night is a child's worst nightmare and it was Martin's last nightmare. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 9m
The jury is paying close attention. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 10m
John Guy addressed the defense remarks about his yelling and cursing and said their voice is the only one that matters. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 11m
John Guy is trying to play on sympathy by talking about how the heart drives us.. and is telling them to think about #Zimmermanon9 's.
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 4m
Guy says defense gave great demonstration about what was going on during 4 min be asks "what was that defendant doing in 2 min" folo Martin

Jeff Weiner ‏@JeffWeinerOS 1m
Guy: #GeorgeZimmerman didn't shoot #TrayvonMartin because he had to, "he shot him because he wanted to. That's the bottom line."
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Guy: "That child had every right to do what he was doing -- walking home."

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 5m
He said 4 minutes was not the time Martin had to run away but the time he had left to live. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 3m
The state said the only way #Zimmermanon9 could have gotten to his gun is if Martin backed off if Martin was on top of him.

Guy: Use your common sense...if GZ was so scared why did he get out of the car...if GZs self defense claim is true, why does he have to lie?

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Guy says that common sense says that if #zimmerman was really scared of #TrayvonMartin he wouldn't have left his car.

Guy: If GZs head had really hit that concrete all the times he said, it would be over. Were his injuries bad? not close...

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 50s
Guy: "Didn't #TrayvonMartin have a right to defend himself, too?"

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Guy points to defense concrete slab and says its implausible #Zimmerman head was hit against it as much as he claims.

Stephanie Wash ‏@WashNews 5m
Guy notes if Trayvon was putting on such a blow, why didn't his flimsy kid's watch not come off.
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Yamiche Alcindor ‏@Yamiche 2m
Guy: Was Zimmerman injured? Yes. Was be seriously injured? "Not close."
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Guy: "Let me suggest to you that in the end this case is not about standing your ground, it's about leaving your car."

Jeff Weiner ‏@JeffWeinerOS 5m
Guy: It was dark out, #GeorgeZimmerman's gun small & concealed, "#TrayvonMartin couldn't have seen it." #ZimmermanTrial

Guy: Who is responsible for putting that bullet in TM? He did not kill himself. Who is it that can put his hand on GZs shoulder? Ah, how I would love to do that for TM...

The defense said this is not TV and that's a good comment because it's not. The state had to give you all the good, the bad and the ugly. Because this defendant is entitled to a fair trial. Who chose the weather, the time, what happened? It was not me or the state, it was the defendant, he chose it all.

From Guy: With GZs friend who is a security/gun expert (Osterman?), he demonstrated how TM was suppose to be straddling GZ and asked how TM could get the gun out from under him? Response...somehow...but TM couldn't have gotten it out.

Guy: The living deserve our respect; the dead deserve the truth...
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Guy tells jury their verdict won't bring #TrayvonMartin back "but it will define him." #ZimmermanTrial

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Guy pointing at #zimmerman: "It was the defendant. He chose everything. That's why we're here."

Guy: A grown man who was angry and frustrated got out of his car and followed a child...he was in the NW yet broke every rule...don't follow, don't get out of the car, don't carry a gun, don't confront...

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 5m
Guy: "There are no Rachel Jeantels on real life we give you everything."

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Juror B29 just appeared to be wiping away a tear.

Guy: The defense says GZ didn't push the gun into TMs chest...really? the gun went through his shirt and shredded his heart, and was not a contact wound?

He starts talking about reasonable doubt and OM interrupts and says he is past his time. Judge lets him continue.

Reasonable doubt...if things were reversed and it was GZ who was walking home in the rain and it was TM who shot him, what would you think. This is not about race, that's how you know. TM was 16 years old and he was a son, a brother and is now dead. The self serving statements and the physical evidence that contradicts it, is the truth.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 4m
Guy goes on.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 4m
Sidebar over. Judge tells jury she will be informing the jury on law regarding this case.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 5m
O'Mara asks to approach the bench. Attys at sidebar.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 5m
Guy says that reasonable doubt needs to go to an element of the crime.

Judge dismisses jury for lunch and will give them instructions when they come back.
12:05 PM EDT

Please be seated.

Mr Guy, you may proceed.

The Human Heart. It guides us.
If we really want to know what happened out there, behind those homes that dark rainy night should we not look into the heart of that child and that grown man?

Was George just casually referencing strangers when he said "those effing a-holes"

Defense left out a couple of key times on their ten foot long timeline.

Isn't it every child's worst fear to be followed by a stranger? That was Trayvon's last emotion.

"What are you following me for?" Trayvon's last words.

(You can hear a pin drop in the courtroom)

George was not going back to the car, or the clubhouse, or the mailboxes to meet the Police. (what he told the dispatcher)

George told lies over and over and over again. Why did he have to lie if he had done nothing wrong?

If he had done only what he was supposed to do, 'See, and Call' we wouldn't be here. But that was not what was in George's Heart that night.

Trayvon may not have the defendant's blood on his hands, but George will forever have Trayvon's blood on his hands, forever.

Trayvon Benjamin Martin is entitled to the truth.

Showing a graphic of the phone calls / timeline.

The Defense talked about the 4 minutes.

Well, what was George doing in those 2 minutes? Watch the 'walk through' again. In those 2 minutes he wasn't going back to his car.

I don't have any of the (gimmicks) the Defense used. Let me suggest to you that you start at the beginning, at the 7-11. That child had every right to be there. He had every right to be walking home unafraid. Did Trayvon not also have the right to defend himself against a strange man.

I don't have all the fireworks and the animation but come back to me about that night, with using your common sense.

Reminding the jury of the dummy and how it was a physical impossibility for George to grab his gun. Urges them to try it themselves in the jury room.

George didn't shoot Trayvon because he had to, he did it because he wanted to.

Running off the other street to get an address? Did he have to do that? No, of course not, its self serving.

Listen to when the screaming stops, it is immediately after the gunshot. If it was George, why would it stop at that instant?

This is not a complicated case, its a Common Sense case.

Common sense: If George was the Neighborhood Watch Coordinator, he would know the names of the streets in his neighborhood.

The watch on Trayvon's wrist did not come off? The earbuds still in his ears when the attack came?

Why did George lie so much?
Knoffkey told him to get address. NO,
About where he said he would meet police. NO

Said Trayvon had covered, squeezed his nose. (Shows no G blood on fingernail sticks)
The concrete gave him those non serious injuries? Lindsay Fulgate: No headache, no vomtiing,

Said Trayvon had seen his gun. How could he have?

About Spreading Trayvon's arms out. (Trayvon's arms were clutching the bullet wound on his chest)

Listen to the walkthrough and the NEN tape again, side by side

Didn't want Police to know he knew about Stand Your Ground. This isn't really about that, its about 'staying in your car'.

Changed about where he first saw Trayvon. Told Singleton it was here, told the walk-thru it was here (Taffy's house). [I have been wondering about why the discrepency]

Talking about the guidance George got from the Neighborhood Watch thingie.

What did George do after the shot was fired? Did he yell call an ambulance? Did he roll Trayvon onto his back so he could breathe? He just stood there.

Bottom line, who is responsible for Trayvon being dead?

Trayvon is not, was not and will never be a piece of cardboard.

When the attorneys asked you if you understand, its not like TV? They were right, its not like that in real life. In real life we give you everything. When the defendant is entitled to a trial, we give you ALL of it.

When you get back there and you find you don't like things, remember the evidence is what it is, George gave it to us.
Use your common sense.

Your verdict is not going to bring Trayvon back to life, it is not going to change anything, but it will define it.

So, what is that when a grown man gets out of a car and shoots a perfect stranger?

Describing "Justifiable Use of Force". They put up pictures of all the people who testified.

I want to remind you to ask yourself, "Who lost the fight?"

When he shot him, he knew Trayvon could not have gotten his gun.

"Reasonable Doubt"

Why didn't Trayvon go home? Use your common sense, did Trayvon really want to lead this guy to the home where another younger person was?
Remember, George did not want to give out his own home address to the dispatcher in fear that Trayvon would overhear it and know where he (George) lived.

By the time he got to Sean Hannity, "It was God's plan".

Reasonable doubt is something you can attach a reason to. Such as 'maybe this happened', that is NOT a reasonable doubt. It needs to be reasonable and it needs to go to an element of the crime.

OMARA interrupts. JUDGE approach the bench.

Judge tells Jury that she will give them their instructions after lunch.

Mr Guy: One more thing before I close. It was brought up the Defense. RACE.
This case is not about Race it is about Right and Wrong.

A person who had hate in their mouth, in their actions, in their heart.

To the dead we owe the truth. What do we owe Trayvon Martin? He was a son, a brother, etc and the last thing he did on this earth was try to get home.

Judge: Jury do you want Jury Instructions read to you now before lunch, or after lunch?

Jury: After.

RECESS until 2 PM EDT.

Edit Note: I missed some stuff, some of it important, so take what you can and combine it with other notes, tweets, etc.
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Attys in sidebar.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Guy concludes rebuttal. Jury says they want to hear jury instructions after lunch. Judge sending them out now.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 5m
Guy: "This case is not about race. It's about right and wrong. It's that simple." Asks jury to reverse the roles.

Recess until 2pm....

Bill S. very good job by Guy, saying I don't have all the gizmos but I have the truth and ask you to use your common sense.

Very effective of Guy to say "should we not look into the heart of this man and the heart of this child. And the defense makes fun of me because I say it. References picture of GZ with words said about punks and ***holes. Is this normal language? Is this what was in his heart?

Also from Guy: TM may not have blood on his hands but GZ will forever have TMs blood on his hands.
Bill S. talking about what will happen if GZ is found guilty today? He may have just spent his last free moments with his parents and wife. He will be taken to a holding cell and then transferred to the Seminole Co. Jail.

To me, GZ looks very anxious.

Judge now getting ready to read jury instructions and says while she is doing this nobody can come in or out of the courtroom.

Waiting for jury to come in, now here; judge now reading...

Stephanie Wash ‏@WashNews 3m
We're now listening to the first of 27 pages of jury instructions. #TrayvonMartin #ZimmermanTrial
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Link to instructions:

Evan Benn ‏@EvanBenn 2m
Security is beefed up here at Seminole Co. Courthouse. Judge says no one is to leave, enter courtrm during her charge to jury. @MiamiHerald
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Judge is about to read jury the instructions.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Court is back in session.
Judge: first thing is to select a jury foreperson who is responsible an that orderly deliberation is held and that all jurors are allowed an opportunity to speak. The foreperson also signs and dates the verdict form and delivers it back to the courtroom and judge.

Sidebar with judge to ask the attorneys if they have any objections, according to Bill S....none apparently. She asks about the gun, will send it back but no bullets.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Court is in recess.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Sidebar over. Judge says alternates have been separated from 6-man main jury and will soon be discharged.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Attorneys are in sidebar.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
The jury has been sent out to deliberate. 2:29 pm. Start the clock.
We have started a Poll Thread.

Please feel free to participate but remember:








Here is the link to the poll.

[ame=""]Poll: Guilty, Not Guilty, Hung Jury - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Thank you,

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Jurors are not in the room for this.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 4m
Court is back in session. Jury request.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 13m
One more shot of some demonstrators outside Seminole County Courthouse. #ZimmermanTrial #TrayvonMartin

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 15m
Also a very slight uptick in demonstrators outside courthouse. #ZimmermanTrial

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 18m
Photo of just part if the media compound awaiting the verdict in #ZimmermanTrial

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 31m
Jurors start deliberating George #Zimmerman case (from @AP) #trayvonmartin …

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Just barely a handful of people in room for this as well. Mostly #Zimmerman family and attorneys/staff on both sides.

According to Bill S. and Warmoth the jury has requested a list of all exhibits and what they are.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 36s
We are in a recess while the clerk populates an evidence list that can go back to the jury as requested.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Jury in Zimmerman murder trial has a question for judge; they want an index of all evidence (from @AP) …

Sidebar with judge while lawyers look at the list, both agree it's OK and judge has 6 copies made for the deputy to take to the jurors. Court in recess...
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 21m
The jurors asked and the judge to adjourn deliberations for the day. Court is in recess until 9 am Sat when they will begin again.
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