GUILTY on all 3 Counts!!! Post-Verdict Thread

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Truly, I liken capital punishment to putting down a rabid dog. These individuals are never going to be "OK". I think many of them are tortured by their own minds as well as torturing others. I think it is more humane to just put them down. MOO
Darn it I have an appt at 9:30 Then an hour drive back to work :( that loser better keep his mouth shut today
Francis D'Souza ‏ @cityfrancis
14th floor is packed outside courtroom as a lot of public wait to hear #Rafferty trial victim impact statements
lzilkeglobal ‏ @lzilkeglobal
#Tori's father says he'll speak to media again after giving statement... Says he'll read directly to #Rafferty @globalnewsto
Francis D'Souza is from CityTV. He's pretty good with tweets!/cityfrancis

The problem with Canada is criminals in general have way too many rights . I am sorry you are a child killer you should get nothing but a cell with a hard uncomfortable bed an a can to pee in . I am sick and tired of the rights these people have.
Mike Knoll: With victim impact statements and the sentencing of Michael Rafferty, today marks the final chapter in the three year saga of Tori Stafford.

Please feel free to share any thoughts on how Tori's story may have impacted you and I will add them to this feed for all to read.

Please watch this video put together by LFP mutli-media editor Morris Lamont -- he has taken the footage we have gathered over the last three years and produced a 9 minute video essay called "Tori's Story" --’s-story/1638725409001
The problem with Canada is criminals in general have way too many rights . I am sorry you are a child killer you should get nothing but a cell with a hard uncomfortable bed an a can to pee in . I am sick and tired of the rights these people have.

I agree 100%!!!!!
It's good to see so many there in support of Tori's family.
Francis D'Souza ‏ @cityfrancis
Day expected to be very emotional. Extra tissue boxes brought into #Rafferty courtroom


I'm already teary.
Day expected to be very emotional. Extra tissue boxes brought into #Rafferty courtroom

Court officer just walked in to courtroom with 5 boxes of tissue. Will be in high demand today #sl #Rafferty

bumping for TORI
wonders if he will roll his eyes and mouth I am innocent.:panic: Is his next stop after this Millhaven???? I remember the news reports that they had to take him out of Elgin due to threats. Then after his verdict; back to Elgin he went. MOO

He will go to Millhaven to get processed and then he will be transferred to a federal pen, which could be anywhere in Canada.

He was removed from Elgin when the Bandidos were going to trial, because one of them threatened him. The Bandidos are now spread out at different pens in Canada, so there is no longer a threat for MR to be housed there temporarily while he was awaiting his trial and now his sentence.
Mike Knoll: - proceedings are scheduled to begin at 10am. John Miner will be tweeting from the courthouse today.

I am extremely proud of Rodney Stafford and his continuous fight for Tori and keeping the media remebering her. I hope the London free press will every so often keep us all reminded of this precious girl and the love that everyone has for her.

Everyone at LFP has done a great job covering such a sad story. I'm not sure how a little girl I've never met has touched my heart, but she has. I hope the family finds strength and peace.

Thank you LFP for your thoughtful reporting of these heinous events. Your compassion and quest for the truth never faltered even though I’m certain your own opinions made it difficult. Tori can finally Rest In Peace.

My thoughts are with Victoria's family today. The video made me cry. I never knew this little girl but she has made an impression on my life and I will never forget her. Because of her I will hold my three little ones just a little bit closer. Tori's story is heartbreaking but now there is justice and she may rest in peace, knowing that the two people responsible for hurting her will never have the chance to do this to anyone else.
Francis D'Souza ‏ @cityfrancis
#Woodstock cops also in line outside #Rafferty trial courtroom.
6 people to give impact statements at #Rafferty sentencing... #tori's Mother, Father, Grandparents - one written by brother.

I was extremely emotional when Rodney and the family came out of the court room, when the verdict was anounced I was a bit nervous of the out come , but JUSTICE HAS BEEN SERVED
lzilkeglobal ‏ @lzilkeglobal
6 people to give impact statements at #Rafferty sentencing... #tori's Mother, Father, Grandparents - one written by brother.
The worst part is, nothing that the judge hands down today could ever be enough :(.
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