Haleigh's General Discussion Thread for 2012-13

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IDK, Sometimes LE cannot make their moves right away because their investigations have discovered more crimes entwined with one another, maybe HC is not the only victim of this perp and LE is still gathering facts. JMO. Maybe the drug arrests are intertwined with POI that may be responsible for abducting/harming HC. Who knows, maybe LE has the same questions many of us do also.

LE has requested public information/assistance on several occasions:

“It could be an abduction. We’re looking at it from all angles,” Donaway said. Leads have been minimal, he said, and investigators are asking for the public’s help. Anyone with information about the girl is urged to contact the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office at (386) 329-0800 or 911.

Authorities are using today's one-year anniversary of the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings to ask the public for any information about the case - particularly information involving Misty Croslin

Investigators ask that anyone with direct knowledge of Misty’s activities during that evening of February 9, 2009, or into the early morning of February 10, 2009, is encouraged to report that information to the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office. Information may be submitted by calling Northeast Crime Stoppers at (888) 277-TIPS (8477), or e-mailing the information to haleigh@putnamsheriff.org.
PCSO News Release 2-9-10 "Haleigh Cummings Disappearance Passes One Year Mark" by: Lt. Johnny Greenwood

Willing to give money/reward: Crime Stoppers $1,000 for tips - Family has offered a reward; last I knew it was $25,000

MO: I always thought the DS Sex case was delayed due to his involvement with HaLeigh's case, and I still do believe this. We learned, at the final days when DS went to court, there was another victim, an additional charge added, and I believe other witnesses also added. I am glad LE took their time to ensure the case against DS is rock solid, and sentence issued that we can all live with! Sometimes things take time ... 5 years for prosecution here! I was losing my patience with LE and so afraid he was going to get away with this crime ... what did I know! Sometimes, things are not as they seem.
Wow, it's really quiet here. I see SKB posted a new blog on Haleigh at handcuffedtotheocean.com Jane's reaction in this clip seems genuine to me:

Jane: Seen them all out there. I was there that night it happened. That’s why I was so shocked when it happened, I was like, I was just over there. That’s why Misty, um, Nay Nay was like talk to him because you was there, you know.
About Jane ... how would she NOT notice any vehicles at the house? There HAD to be one or two vehicles there. Her comments about the knife struck me as odd ... I know that the "cousin did it theory" has played out a lot; but the photo of him & Misty hanging flyers speaks volumes to me.
If Misty was afraid of him, she wouldn't be hanging out with him the next day, especially if he harmed HaLeigh only a few hours prior - Misty loved that child. Also, if he did something to her, it is really doubtful he would be out there hanging posters, I just don't see it - JMO
"Steve: OK. OK. Now, did you see J (my edit) with a knife, like a knife on his belt or anything like that? A pocket knife?

Jane: That night, um, he always carries a knife on his pocket.

Steve: So you’ve met J (my edit) before?

Jane: Yeah, like I’ve seen him before. But yeah, he is always using it to clean his nails out and stuff like that, but yes he always has a knife on him. That is also in the Affidavit."

(What affidavit? Has she already spoken to LE before this conversation with SKB? Was "J" hanging out with them during the "wild" weekend of partying? Nothing was mentioned to the Cobra in all those conversations? I wonder if she is adding this info because it was told to her by MC ... how would she know about J leaving? For someone that was just along for the ride, she seems to know too much. IDK)
I have no idea what happend that evening but my goodness its all very complicated,.

Remember little Shania Davis i can still see that pic of her and that man carrying her into that motel. Well her mom sold her for a drug debt.

Could Misty have done this proped the door open and left letting whomever come and take littke Haleigh!

She could truthfully say she dosent know who took her or what happend
but could fail on did u have anything to do with her disappearance!

So many things cold be in play here but i do not trust not one person in that clan!

I think this is probably the best scenario. Either Misty or Ron or both sold Hailey to (a man wearing black, with squeaky shoes) someone they owed a debt to OR Misty was NOT at home and the perp knew it ( maybe in cahoots with Tommy-for money) and went in knowing Misty was gone or perhaps knowing she was passed out. Either way would allow for the activity of "the bouncing couch" to occur.
"Steve: OK. OK. Now, did you see J (my edit) with a knife, like a knife on his belt or anything like that? A pocket knife?

Jane: That night, um, he always carries a knife on his pocket.

Steve: So you’ve met J (my edit) before?

Jane: Yeah, like I’ve seen him before. But yeah, he is always using it to clean his nails out and stuff like that, but yes he always has a knife on him. That is also in the Affidavit."

(What affidavit? Has she already spoken to LE before this conversation with SKB? Was "J" hanging out with them during the "wild" weekend of partying? Nothing was mentioned to the Cobra in all those conversations? I wonder if she is adding this info because it was told to her by MC ... how would she know about J leaving? For someone that was just along for the ride, she seems to know too much. IDK)

Oh yeah! I would need for her to take a S.P. asap!! She "speaks the same speak", as they all do, however, don't know if I would trust her anymore then I trust the rest!!
4Jacy: I was thinking the same thing! She almost sounds like MC talking ...
As far as I'm concerned there is not any outside verified accounting of this precious girl after she steps off the bus. It's part of the timeline. As well as the direction they went. Where they landed. And what happened to Haleigh.imo

except for junior..... He says Haleigh was there until she was taken out. He never told his mom that Haleigh never came home from school or that she left shortly after. He says she was there when he was sleeping....,and he's the only one I believe in this case.
I agree Nonnie Brenda, I don't think GGMS or TN woud ever submit to a LDT. The fact that GGMS brought a nurse with her to the trailer home has always bothered me.


This was proven not to be true. The person named who was riding with GGS (if correctly identified) does not have a license in nursing.
There isn't a person involved in this case who ever speaks the truth. They are renowned liars and that goes for WBG too. I have no doubt he hooked up with Misty after the weekend. He was smitten or he would never had called her...same goes for her. He had more and better drugs than RC.
I know what you mean 4Jacy. I think some people, when they are at, or near the bottom, think they can fool God, or make a deal with God. Like God won't know they are really trying to con Him when they ask for a Bible. I'm not saying that is what is happening to these people, I don't really know. Can't help but wonder what these folks are thinking.:dunno:

When I worked inside, the inmates wanted Bibles alright. They liked the special paper and would tear out pages to wrap their cigarettes.
I still think it was gang/drug related. A hit for a hit and no one is willing to fess up and start a finger pointing session which would bring further murder charges. I think they were all involved in whatever brought Haleigh's ultimate demise.. Ronald at the forefront...and they aren't saying what or who.. and an unspoken truce has been reached with the retaliating parties. They are calling it even and keeping tight lipped.
They all know what happened and no one is going to talk....unless Misty or the other wives finally speaks up eventually, but it's unlikely..
I totally believe some gang members came and took Haleigh as a payback to a hit Ronald and the idiots did for drugs and/or money. And I do believe the hit was a murder.
When I worked inside, the inmates wanted Bibles alright. They liked the special paper and would tear out pages to wrap their cigarettes.

You've seen way too much in your life Whisp! Sorry for all you had to endure at your job. You must have been very strong, and I admire you for that, I know I couldn't have done it, I'm a wuss I guess.
4Jacy: I was thinking the same thing! She almost sounds like MC talking ...

Her stories reminds me of all of CC's stories. Maybe she's trying to get her 15 min. of fame. Wish LE would ask her to take a poly, if they haven't already. Now's a good time, while she is willing to talk.:waitasec:
I went looking for what I thought I read, many, many years ago, that GGS went to RC's motor home, if not with a nurse, someone in the nursing field. Whisper says no, but I would love to get some documentation who she took with her.

Well, I have read the very same thing myself. At this very moment I can come up with this info. Misty, in her rambling "hypnosis" names Aunt Elise as the person who came with Grandma Sykes. I believe that she was very coached and rehearsed in that little tale. However, per the obituary of Hope Sykes mother, we do know that she was a Certifed Nurse Assistant.


Since I do believe that Hope was at the mobile home that night and that Hope is in prison serving time with the rest of the gang and that her mother is now deceased at a very young age, I have no problem putting Katrina Belcher as the one who showed up with GGMS. JMO of course.l
I would be interested to know what WBG was wearing that day (that "Jane" speaks of). Wonder if he was wearing black and I wonder if he infact did hook up with Misty later on that night....and if he was wearing squeaky shoes.

If I'm in TOS violation mods, I apologize, and please remove.
Dang, I just wrote a very detailed post and lost it when my computer went down due to storm blip. Banging head here.
I went looking for what I thought I read, many, many years ago, that GGS went to RC's motor home, if not with a nurse, someone in the nursing field. Whisper says no, but I would love to get some documentation who she took with her.

Just because I like you, LOL, it is mobile home, not motor home. There have been many scenarios. Misty stated Aunt Elise. Hope's mother is a Certified Nursing Assistant.
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