Has Your Opinions of Ron's Involvement Changed?***POLL ADDED***

Has your opinion of Ron's involvement changed? August 2010

  • Yes, I think he is involved and I didn't before

    Votes: 13 5.0%
  • Yes, I no longer think he is involved like I thought before

    Votes: 2 0.8%
  • Yes, I am on the fence now and gave up my old opinion

    Votes: 14 5.4%
  • No, I've always thought he was involved

    Votes: 167 64.2%
  • No, I've always thought he wasn't involved

    Votes: 56 21.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 3.1%

  • Total voters
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GGMS changed the time she was there thrice IIRC...So I don't believe she is a reliable witness, and I don't believe she saw an alive Haleigh either..

GGSykes added to her story over time. First she just dropped off clothes to Misty and waved to the kiddies eating dinner on the porch (on a cold night!). Eventually it got to be a much longer story where she stopped by, Misty and she carried in the clothes, she changed the kiddies' shirts, and they were eating on the porch. It took her over a year to expand, expand, and expand some more. The last version we heard was this past April when she and Grandma Flo appeared on TV.

I don't believe any version of her story. If she had given one version in the beginning and stuck to it, maybe. But we've heard at least three versions, or more, from her and that's just not credible.
GGSykes added to her story over time. First she just dropped off clothes to Misty and waved to the kiddies eating dinner on the porch (on a cold night!). Eventually it got to be a much longer story where she stopped by, Misty and she carried in the clothes, she changed the kiddies' shirts, and they were eating on the porch. It took her over a year to expand, expand, and expand some more. The last version we heard was this past April when she and Grandma Flo appeared on TV.

I don't believe any version of her story. If she had given one version in the beginning and stuck to it, maybe. But we've heard at least three versions, or more, from her and that's just not credible.

Like I stated.. Thrice changed.. I see three... again...
Had he not bedded a child HC would not have been conceived in the first place. CS was a teenager, and I might add using drugs. And continued to use drugs and lost her children because of it. And was on drugs when HC went missing. And has gone on to have another illigitimate child. I don't blame CS in anyway for this but I also don't believe RC should just be blamed alone for his life style. I do believe that RC is not a model father but I also believe that these people are models only for dysfunction. jmo

I wasn't referring to Crystal. I was referring to MC. His propensity for young girls, bringing MC in making her his live in caretaker for him and his children was one huge mistake. She was not a willing participant if she told the neighbor how tired she was caring for the children. She was not ready for a ready made family to take over for.
As for blaming RC alone, it's due to him having custody of those children. I do believe CS when she said he maniupulated the system to gain that custody. Sending the paperwork deliberately to the wrong address, the judge seeing him as the better parent due to his being employed...another mistake.

I do agree that no one in that family seemed like the best role model to have around. Then I think this is how they were all raised and didn't know any better but look who paid the ultimate price???

Where is HaLeigh??
I was listening to Simon Barrett's blog talk radio show today and Cobra said that he believes that whatever happened to HaLeigh happened prior to Mr Cummings going to work. They also brought it up on the show how it was GGM Hollar that stated that Joe was the one who did it and Tommy just agreed. Tommy never said Joe did it. Cobra seems to think that Joe is Misty's and Tommy's fall guy and Misty is the Cummings' fall girl. Cobra felt that the SA should grant Misty complete immunity for all the drug traffickking charges and any charges where HaLeigh is concerned in exchange for her coming totally clean and giving up those who are responsible for what happened to HaLeigh. He felt she was young and might actually turn her life around, but if not LE will have her back in the slammer before it was all over with anyway if she didn't straighten up. I do agree with Cobra on this one. I say if she can make this case for the state, give up those responsible and give us HaLeigh, then I say put her in the witness protection program, help her get her education and a job. I think the state would be far better off doing this than spending anymore manhours and court costs and not getting anywhere. Its time to bring HaLeigh home.
Well, it looks like Cobra's opinion about Ron's involvement has changed. He should come vote in the poll. When was the last time we heard Cobra comment on the case? Interesting that Kim Picazio has made a comeback, too.
OK here's what I think:

I will be the first to admit that I believed without a reasonable doubt that Ron had done something to Haleigh and then she magically "disappeared". IMO, you could not explain away Ron's actions and those of his family without suspecting that they knew all along what happened to Haleigh. No one really wants to think that a father could hurt his child let alone cover up what actually happened to her. I do not believe that Misty led Ron to believe whatever happened to Haleigh was his fault. IMO, the Cummings knew exactly what happened....the fact that I believe that Misty was their "fall girl", in the beginning, the Cummings tried to keep Misty happy by any means. They controlled everything Misty said. IMO, the Cummings job was to paint Misty as the perfect girlfriend in the public's eyes but IMO, they wanted her to also appear as a liar, so if and when she decided to tell the truth no one would believe her. It worked out rather well for them. IMO, the Cummings were thinking that, if they kept Misty happy and spoke highly of her, then Misty would continue to be on their side and go along with the script. Misty did just that although she didn't have all her details together. As long as they rallied around Misty, their secret was safe. LE said early on in this case that Misty was the "key" and said that Misty was not being truthful with them....That did not seem to bother the Cummings then, so why are they concerned now?

Since the drug bust, now we have Teresa and Annette changing faces and talking real bad about Misty. Like I said, I really didn't notice Teresa/Annette flip flop on Misty until after she got locked up. I asked myself "what changed"? IMHO, I think that the Cummings felt that their secret was not safe anymore. They could not control the situation with Misty behind bars, and I think that worried them. I will never forget Teresa-"you think she's gonna talk" statement. Never will. IMO, Teresa was very much worried about Misty talking. So, because they couldn't control Misty any longer, and their secret was not safe any longer, what do they do? They started to bad mouth her, treating her as their enemy. And with that being said, Misty still wanted GMF to call and tell them about the search of the St.JOhns River...where Teresa and Annette spent hours searching after that phone call. IMO, that was Misty's way of showing the Cummings "see I'm still on your side". I believe that was because bits and pieces of the truth were starting to come out.

It seemed pretty clear, to me at least, that Ron and Misty were targeted in that drug bust. And that fact, at one point, confirmed to me that Ron and Misty had something to do with what happened to Haleigh. It's hard to separate the two cases because in my mind, we would not have seen one (drug bust) if it wasn't for the other (Haleigh case). But when I heard that Ron would testisfy on behalf of the STATE if there ever is a trial concerning Haleigh, that made me think that Ron had crucial information for the STATE in regards to Haleigh. The SAO accepted the deal. I just don't know how that would be, if they thought he was directly involved in whatever happened to Haleigh.:waitasec: That's the part that gets me and now have me sitting on the fence as to whether Ron had a hand in what happened to his daughter. I will admit though that I do not know how those plea deals work.
So if LE is not considering Ron a suspect, then clearly they think that he knows something, because once again, the SA accepted the deal. IMO, LE knew from the get go that Ron had information, but he was not willing to give it up. When Ron stop cooperating with LE, IMO, it wasn't because Ron was being truthful with them. I think they were on to Ron early in this case and because of that, Ron got him a criminal defense lawyer and didn't want to speak with them anymore. So he didn't. For months...
So if LE thought Ron had crucial information early on and they considered Misty "the key", clearly they both were protecting someone, but who?
IMO, if they were not protecting Ron, they were protecting someone very close to him....like his mother, Teresa. Some don't think that Misty would cover for Teresa...but I think she would if Ron told her too.

JMO of course

coffee anyone?
Suspicious, if Misty is covering for TN, would TN provoke Misty by calling for her to be hanged?

Thanks for the coffee, by the way. ;)
suspicious, I noticed Teresa/Annette flip flopping on Misty a year ago when TN contacted Mark Nejame and Tim Miller..
IIRC..It was right after Ron C and the Croslins had their BIG fight at GGMS's house and Ron C was arrested.. It was also right after Ron and Misty put the headless rat in the Croslin's mailbox...IMHO.. Thats when TN and GGMS started revving up that bus to take down Misty and anyone else they could think of in order to save Ronald... JMO
suspicious, I noticed Teresa/Annette flip flopping on Misty a year ago when TN contacted Mark Nejame and Tim Miller..
IIRC..It was right after Ron C and the Croslins had their BIG fight at GGMS's house and Ron C was arrested.. It was also right after Ron and Misty put the headless rat in the Croslin's mailbox...IMHO.. Thats when TN and GGMS started revving up that bus to take down Misty and anyone else they could think of in order to save Ronald... JMO

IMO, when Teresa called in Tim Miller and Nejame, they were further trying to destroy Misty's credibility before they let her go. I agree that they were revving up that bus to take down Misty, but IMO, that bus had been gased up and ready to go at any moment, from the start of this case. Why did it take them so long when LE was clearly stating in the beginning that Misty was the "key" to this investigation? The Cummings weren't demanding Misty take those tests in the beginning. I think that when Misty started to rebel against them, they had no other choice but to try to destroy any credibility that Misty had left because I get the feeling that Misty was trying to slip away from them. IMO, they knew Misty would fail that test just like she failed the others. IMHO, that divorce was a joke. IMO, Teresa had influenced the wedding just like she influenced the divorce. But I don't think Ron and Teresa shared the same feelings because even after the divorce, Ron could not leave Misty alone. I think after Misty's credibility was shot to he77, the plan was for the Cummings to drop her like a bad habit...but Ron couldn't do that and did not. So, Teresa had to come with a reason for Ron not going along with the plan and the only thing she could come up with was that Ron was "undercover" trying to find out what happened to his daughter. WTH? Teresa seems to have an excuse for everything. JMO though
Suspicious, if Misty is covering for TN, would TN provoke Misty by calling for her to be hanged?

Thanks for the coffee, by the way. ;)

Yep. I think so, especially if Teresa felt that Misty was already talking...IMO, if Teresa thought that Misty was still sticking to the script, we wouldn't hear any bad talk about her. I think Teresa knows different and what she fears may be coming true. JMO of course.
I was listening to Simon Barrett's blog talk radio show today and Cobra said that he believes that whatever happened to HaLeigh happened prior to Mr Cummings going to work. They also brought it up on the show how it was GGM Hollar that stated that Joe was the one who did it and Tommy just agreed. Tommy never said Joe did it. Cobra seems to think that Joe is Misty's and Tommy's fall guy and Misty is the Cummings' fall girl. Cobra felt that the SA should grant Misty complete immunity for all the drug traffickking charges and any charges where HaLeigh is concerned in exchange for her coming totally clean and giving up those who are responsible for what happened to HaLeigh. He felt she was young and might actually turn her life around, but if not LE will have her back in the slammer before it was all over with anyway if she didn't straighten up. I do agree with Cobra on this one. I say if she can make this case for the state, give up those responsible and give us HaLeigh, then I say put her in the witness protection program, help her get her education and a job. I think the state would be far better off doing this than spending anymore manhours and court costs and not getting anywhere. Its time to bring HaLeigh home.

BBM.. I totally agree..

Have to think about the rest of Cobra's thoughts on the subject...IMHO..She has caused a hellovalot of damage to alot of people by witholding the truth...JMHO
those are some very interesting comments coming from a guy who spent some quality time with Ron. I don't remember him singing this tune before...I wonder what brought about the change of heart.

Don't know just what exactly you are referring to Dodie, but I know for a fact Cobra has never thought Ron C was innocent...JMHO
Misty told her father TN and AS sent HaLeigh over to her house to coerce her into coming back and she went back to babysit the children. Despite what TN says, Ron and Misty were not reunited Monday night and we know Ron utters death threats when he is angry, and since no one was there to stop him, I think he started planning his daughter's murder over the weekend.
IF Ron and Misty fought over the telephone at 8:30 pm, they were arguing over HaLeigh and Ronnie Jr., not Misty's relatives children.

After a wife/mother mysteriously disappears, family members usually say the mother would never leave their children because she fears if she leaves, the father will turn on the children, so she stays to protect them. Misty asked TN if it was okay with Ron if she babysat Monday and since Ron was angry with Misty and feels he own his children, I fear he snatched HaLeigh away from Misty and only he knows where HaLeigh is; otherwise he would have looked for her. Dr. Archer said Ron was obsessed Monday night and I think Ron's actions prove he was mentally insane. TN fooled Misty into believing Ron wasn't mad with her and didn't take the situation seriously enough, so she contributed to HaLeigh's demise and I'm sure her guilt is killing her. TN should have immediately snatched the kids away from Ron when Ron started abusing Misty. TN knows her son better than anyone and she how he thinks but she is afraid to stand up to him and because she didn't, look what she is responsible for allowing Ron to get away with. TN was a trustee of Ron's children and she failed to fulfill her obligations to her grandchildren and rather than admit her guilt, she is tranferring it on Misty.

And Haleigh was staring to become a liability with him, if she was late for school one more time, he was going to be in trouble. I agree with your theory 100 percent. I have always thought in the back of my head this was planned.
The poll results are interesting....

Thanks Kimster, for adding the poll. I just wanted to see how people felt about Ron now as oppose to how they felt about him when this story first broke. I noticed that some people have had a change of heart either way. I would love to hear from those who chose "other". Alot of people are still adamant about Ron being involved and some people are still adamant about Ron not being involved. I have to admit that I am now on the fence about Ron, I'm not ready to rule him completely out though. I still feel, if not Ron, then it's another Cummings family member behind this madness.

Regardless of where everyone stands on the topic....I enjoy reading everyone's thoughts and opinions. You guys are amazing! :woohoo:
Further to why women stay with or return to their abusers, In many cultures, societies and religions, divorcing your husband is not allowed and these norms strongly oppress women and children and keep them locked in fear. You need emotional and financial support to leave an abusive relationship and often after a woman obtains a restraining order for protection, their partners violate it. Also the social agencies designed to stop and prevent domestic violence and child abuse, aren’t reliable and change is very slow. Abusive men can be very manipulative and they strike when you don't expect them to. Remember the abused woman who went out to the mailbox in the morning while she was staying with her parents and her husband grabbed her and killed her. You always have to stay alert and guard yourself even after you have left your partner if he has assaulted you and threatened to kill you in the past. Some men promise to change and the woman gives in and welcomes him back. Women are trained to be nurturers who put others needs ahead of their own. It is hard to know how to handle every situation we are presented with in life until we mature and develop discretion. There is a woman who is currently missing whose partner of the same sex is considered by the missing woman's friends to be a person of interest so we have to be willing to examine and change our conventional ways of thinking. Men who abuse women belittle them and make them feel worthless, robbing them of their self-esteem.
Have from day one and still believe Ron had no direct involvement with Haleigh's demise and what happened did indeed happen while he was at work. I do not think he has any direct knowledge about what took place but I think he has damn good suspicions. I have also believed from day one that Ron's lifestyle was a contributing factor in setting the scene for what happened that night.

If it turns out that Misty and Tommy are telling the truth (FINALLY) about events that night then here's what went down.

Ron, braggart, suffering from LMS (little man syndrome) has let it get around that he has an AK47 or SKS (the reported "machine gun"). Joe wants it, goes over there to fetch it. That'll show Ron for messing with him. Only the gun either never existed (delusions of a braggart) or had already been moved. Upon not finding it Joe goes into a rage and takes Haleigh, perhaps just to put a scare into little big man. I don't think there was an initial intention to kill her and I don't think she was molested. Things get out of control and while trying to keep Haleigh silent/cooperative, she is killed. Probably by strangulation or sufocation. Her body is disposed of. Something, phone conversation, text, something tips Ron (at work) off that all is not well or normal at home. Misty stops answering Ron's calls and he calls REPEATEDLY trying to get some response.

all MOO
BBM.. I totally agree..

Have to think about the rest of Cobra's thoughts on the subject...IMHO..She has caused a hellovalot of damage to alot of people by witholding the truth...JMHO

She was married to RC after Haleigh disappeared so whatever she knows/knew, he knows/knew. He's just as responsible if not more by witholding the truth.

I think they've got the both of them right where they want them. In exchange for a deal to Ron, he must testify truthfully at any trial that may come about regarding the disappearance of his daughter and what may have happened to her.

Misty is about to be sentenced but they may offer her a deal to spill the beans, truthfully (I don't know how you guage that - 6 LDT's??) Don't know but if they do offer to drop the drug charges in exchange for the truth of what happened to Haleigh, it's just possible RC could be testifying at his own trial. JMO
suspicious, I noticed Teresa/Annette flip flopping on Misty a year ago when TN contacted Mark Nejame and Tim Miller..
IIRC..It was right after Ron C and the Croslins had their BIG fight at GGMS's house and Ron C was arrested.. It was also right after Ron and Misty put the headless rat in the Croslin's mailbox...IMHO.. Thats when TN and GGMS started revving up that bus to take down Misty and anyone else they could think of in order to save Ronald... JMO
yes, THIS.

Misty.... for whom the bus revs; It revs for thee..

(OK I'll shutty now)
Right after Haleigh went missing and I saw RC crying, dropping to the ground, I thought he couldnt possible have anything to do with it. Since then I have come to believe 100% he knew want happened at that time. Now I am back and forth over the fence whether or not he was responsible for her death, or just for the clean-up. I do believe he is responsible for either/both. Thus explains my vote of "other".
Right after Haleigh went missing and I saw RC crying, dropping to the ground, I thought he couldnt possible have anything to do with it. Since then I have come to believe 100% he knew want happened at that time. Now I am back and forth over the fence whether or not he was responsible for her death, or just for the clean-up. I do believe he is responsible for either/both. Thus explains my vote of "other".


I feel your angst, Nonni Brenda.

For me, whether he did it, as in directly -- or he did it, as in a coverup - he is involved... period.. in my eyes.

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