HELP! I need some advice QUICK!

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I agree do not print the page get a officer on the phone or go into a police station ask to see a detective and go that way or get ahold of your internet service Provider If you print that page you will be swarmed with *advertiser censored* and nothing good will come of it it is the kind of site that sicks as dusgusting as Karr inhatit. THIS IS AS VILE AS IT GETS. Do what you got to do but somebody has to save this baby or we have no way of knowing what would happen to this poor little angel.. You need any support at all we are here for you Ames.

Thanks CK.
Isn't there some type of FBI-type website where you could report things like Ames saw? I haven't really heard of it in a few years, but I swear there was something out there for things like this.....

I am going to try that link that Holdontoyourhat gave me. There was another person talking about that sort of sick act too....I think that I will report him TOO while I am at it!! It's amazing what sort of sick stuff pops up just from typing in something as innocent as Soft Spots on Babies heads into the search engine!!!
Hers is almost like a dip though. It was alot worse, but I bought her a Bumbo seat... they are made for babies that can't sit alone yet, and that seems to help. I do have a Boppy has a little seat fastener...they all don't come with that, but she still slides off of it. The dr. did mention the helmet. We will have to get one for her, if it doesn't get better on its on. It's actually alot smaller than it was, when he first ordered the CT scan for her. So, maybe it will close all on its own.

My grandson had the BIGGEST bump on the side of his head from being born. It was as big as his head, and made his skull look platycephalic. It was terrifying to look it. They took him to a pediatric neurologist just to be sure that nothing was pressing on the brain. The doctor said it would go away by itself, but may take months. The bump was gone 2 weeks later- though his head was a bit misshapen for a few months. But eventually his skull developed to the shape that it was meant to be genetically. Perfectly round.
I am going to try that link that Holdontoyourhat gave me. There was another person talking about that sort of sick act too....I think that I will report him TOO while I am at it!! It's amazing what sort of sick stuff pops up just from typing in something as innocent as Soft Spots on Babies heads into the search engine!!!

I'm pretty sure that's the one I knew about. Thanks, holdontoyourhat!
I am going to try that link that Holdontoyourhat gave me. There was another person talking about that sort of sick act too....I think that I will report him TOO while I am at it!! It's amazing what sort of sick stuff pops up just from typing in something as innocent as Soft Spots on Babies heads into the search engine!!!

My baby grandaughter is just slightly older than your little one. I felt like someone kicked the stuffins out of me to even read that. My husband used to castrate baby pigs on the farm. Shoud the need for that expertise come up you know where to find me!!
My baby grandaughter is just slightly older than your little one. I felt like someone kicked the stuffins out of me to even read that. My husband used to castrate baby pigs on the farm. Shoud the need for that expertise come up you know where to find me!!

This really doesn't have a place here on the JBR board, but I need some advice from you guys. My daughter has a flat spot on the back of her head, that she needs a ct scan for...but, this is not what this is about. I was looking up info. on the internet about this. When the search page came up, I was reading all of them, trying to find one that fit the question that I had. ANYWAY...there...on the search page..was an advertisement from a man, offering his newborn baby daughter to anybody that wanted to...(he used the f word) his daughter's SOFT SPOT in her head?? :confused: Is this some new perverted thing out there in this sick world that we live in? Apparently it is, because there were other references to this type of thing, on the search page. I am scared for this baby girl. What should I the police, the FBI....who?? He even said that the offer wouldn't last long, because the soft spot would eventually close up....:eek: What is this world coming to. We all need to ban together and help this baby girl. If he is doing this to her, and letting other men do it to her...then only GOD knows what else he is doing to her. I keep hoping that this is something that I can check out on SNOPES.COM..and it will be some sort of sicko madeup internet story.


Go to

They have a web site that gives police information and you can contact them with the address of that advertisement re baby you saw. Please do this asap. Please.
This really doesn't have a place here on the JBR board, but I need some advice from you guys. My daughter has a flat spot on the back of her head, that she needs a ct scan for...but, this is not what this is about. I was looking up info. on the internet about this. When the search page came up, I was reading all of them, trying to find one that fit the question that I had. ANYWAY...there...on the search page..was an advertisement from a man, offering his newborn baby daughter to anybody that wanted to...(he used the f word) his daughter's SOFT SPOT in her head?? :confused: Is this some new perverted thing out there in this sick world that we live in? Apparently it is, because there were other references to this type of thing, on the search page. I am scared for this baby girl. What should I the police, the FBI....who?? He even said that the offer wouldn't last long, because the soft spot would eventually close up....:eek: What is this world coming to. We all need to ban together and help this baby girl. If he is doing this to her, and letting other men do it to her...then only GOD knows what else he is doing to her. I keep hoping that this is something that I can check out on SNOPES.COM..and it will be some sort of sicko madeup internet story.


Perverted Justice works with Chris Hanson and they have these shows on tv re pedofiles. They do a lot of good work, so if you go to their page, click on contact us and give them the info.:blowkiss:

Perverted Justice works with Chris Hanson and they have these shows on tv re pedofiles. They do a lot of good work, so if you go to their page, click on contact us and give them the info.:blowkiss:

Thanks Solace. My computer has been down, THANKS TO WINDOWS VISTA...that I totally screwed up two of our laptops. It took me days to straighted them both out, and the curser is still messed up on one of them. It jumps around all over the place.
I'm pretty sure I know what peej will say: report it to They are the law enforcement clearinghouse for the internet. They will know which agency to pass it on to. Peej does stings and busts, but they don't deal with things like that. Now, if you find a pedo website or pedo activists, you can mosey on over to their forums and start a thread in their Wikisposure section and do some research with them.

Might be a sick prank, but I will say this: you cannot put anything past these people. Better to report it now than for it to be something thta is real and ends up coming up on the news as some unbelievable type of murder.

I haven't been around a lot lately, sorry guys. Lots of stuff going on. I'm hoping to get a break soon, and I can come here and hang out and maybe help some.
THAT'S the link I was trying to think of, Stealthy!!! I thought it was the other, but that's the one-cybertipline. :doh:
Thanks for the link...I will report it to them too!
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