High School Track Star Disqualified over Muslim Uniform

I think the point is that they are coming up with all of these BS reasons.

1) They said she had to turn it inside out so no logos were showing...but she states there are no logos on it.

2) They say it has to be a single solid color, although from those photos you can see that no one else has been DQed for this violation. These look like official uniforms in some cases. I doubt the coach ordered uniforms that were in violation of the rules - the whole team would be DQed!

3) She has never been so much as warned about this before, although she's been wearing it for 3 years. Don't you think the timing is odd since this meet is so important for college scouting? And that she is currently ranked first?

4) When she complies by bringing the white tee shirt, they tell her not to bother. Her unitard is okay after all. Gee, that's interesting.

As I said, someone who is close to first is making a stink to win unfairly, IMHO. They need to train harder and get a life. Maybe if they spent more time training and less time focusing on other people they could win!

Good post angelmom, and I completely agree with it. I understand the point, that's why I said I think too much emphasis is being placed on it being because of a 'muslim uniform'. It has nothing to do with 'muslim', or 'buddha', or 'wicca' (*sigh* on that one). She's just too darn good apparently, and they're scared of her. I hate it when the religion part of something gets brought to the forefront and emphasised and exploited, while in reality it was only a little detail.
Good post angelmom, and I completely agree with it. I understand the point, that's why I said I think too much emphasis is being placed on it being because of a 'muslim uniform'. It has nothing to do with 'muslim', or 'buddha', or 'wicca' (*sigh* on that one). She's just too darn good apparently, and they're scared of her. I hate it when the religion part of something gets brought to the forefront and emphasised and exploited, while in reality it was only a little detail.

I know I need to use the ignore button. . . I always think I'll just skim past certain posts. . . it's the proverbial accident scene that you can't resist taking a peek at. . . . .


I think it had less to do with her skills and more to do with a little man with a whistle thinking he was a big shot for the day. Someone at his home office has smacked their hand to their head, saying to themselves, "Damn it ###, why the heck did you not just let the girl race?".
I know I need to use the ignore button. . . I always think I'll just skim past certain posts. . . it's the proverbial accident scene that you can't resist taking a peek at. . . . .


What do you mean FLMom? What did I say that makes you want to use the ignore button? :confused:
Ironically, by DQing this young woman they probably brought more attention to her by college recruiters ... besides opening the door to a lawsuit that could potentially pay her way through college without scholarships.
LOL JE, she was agreeing with you.

Ohhh lol I'm so dense sometimes. :crazy:

I love the ignore button, I don't believe everyone was meant to agree with everyone and it's quite okay to use it... I wouldn't be offended if anyone used it on me either... but I just honestly didn't get what I did, LOL!

That explains it though. Thanks golfmom. :D
*sigh* :blowkiss: JE

This poor girl didn't deserve to be singled out due to her running outfit that seemed to be OK in years' past. The only reason she should have been singled out was standing at the winner's podium, due to her phenomenal skills. It's a darn shame that her chance was taken away. I only hope that college recruiters take the time to go to her track at school and watch her there.
*sigh* :blowkiss: JE

This poor girl didn't deserve to be singled out due to her running outfit that seemed to be OK in years' past. The only reason she should have been singled out was standing at the winner's podium, due to her phenomenal skills. It's a darn shame that her chance was taken away. I only hope that college recruiters take the time to go to her track at school and watch her there.

Can I say amen to that? Amen!

Well, I can see from previous posts that I should probably stay out of this thread....but...

I think this is ridiculous!
If she wore a cross around her neck, would they have disqualified her then? Simply silly.
I believe there will be a lawsuit at most and a big stink at the least.
It is true shame when religion can have any say over a persons athletic talent. It's just wrong.
Wasn't one of the main foundings of America based on freedom of religion? Let the girl compete! Geesh! I highly doubt she is a terrorist.
Stereotyping breeds prejudice.

The above opinion is from a tree hugging, dirt worshipping, none goth, most misunderstood Wiccan. *sigh*
It is true shame when religion can have any say over a persons athletic talent. It's just wrong.
Wasn't one of the main foundings of America based on freedom of religion? Let the girl compete! Geesh! I highly doubt she is a terrorist.
Stereotyping breeds prejudice.

The above opinion is from a tree hugging, dirt worshipping, none goth, most misunderstood Wiccan. *sigh*

That's exactly why I said I hate it when the religion detail gets put in the forefront. It wasn't about religion. Her outfit was fine. This is not a case based on prejudice. Someone wanted this girl NOT competing and it wasn't because of her religion. But newspapers bring that little detail to the forefront and exploit it, and then good people like you get all upset and stressed for no reason. They tried to say it was about the hoodie (which is the only 'muslim' detail). When that didn't work they went for the logos... the color.... until they finally just said you're outta here. Because that's all they wanted, and they didn't care how they were going to make that happen.
This story just irritates me!

So, I went sleuthing ... the reasoning given was that this was a NFHS sanctioned event and they felt the need to enforce the dress code. So, here's the exact dress code for Track & Field from their site:

Jersey Length: FULL
Undergarments: SINGLE COLOR

From the photos of the event: http://www.backprint.com/view_event...VENTID=18826&PWD=&START=1&SHOW=35&CAT=0&SUB=0
There really doesn't appear to be any logical reason why she was DQ'd
That's exactly why I said I hate it when the religion detail gets put in the forefront. It wasn't about religion. Her outfit was fine. This is not a case based on prejudice. Someone wanted this girl NOT competing and it wasn't because of her religion. But newspapers bring that little detail to the forefront and exploit it, and then good people like you get all upset and stressed for no reason. They tried to say it was about the hoodie (which is the only 'muslim' detail). When that didn't work they went for the logos... the color.... until they finally just said you're outta here. Because that's all they wanted, and they didn't care how they were going to make that happen.

I'm not upset, JE. :blowkiss:
I just hate it when talent is persecuted by religion.
It just seems so dark ages.
But, if it's as you say, an excuse, then shame, shame, shame on them.
I'm not upset, JE. :blowkiss:
I just hate it when talent is persecuted by religion.
It just seems so dark ages.
But, if it's as you say, an excuse, then shame, shame, shame on them.

That's definitely my take on it ember... and if I'm wrong then I agree with what you said. lol

Good research golfmom! What you found, to me that proves all the more that they were just looking for an excuse to DQ her!
From the Washington Post article:
"The left arm of the uniform is blue, the right is orange and the hood is similarly split between those colors. That design, officials at the Montgomery Invitational said, violated a rule of the National Federation of State High School Associations, which sanctioned the event, by not being "a single-solid color and unadorned, except for a single school name or insignia no more than 2 1/4 inches."

My husband is an official (basketball, baseball) and the garments under the uniform (such as Under Armour, compression shorts or leggings) have to be the same color as the uniform, so one arm being blue and another orange would be a violation. I'm betting she had hers custom made to cover both school colors. Maybe the home uniform is blue and away is orange or something similar. But the fact that it went unchallenged for 3 years is another matter altogether. I do believe Muslim athletes' right to 'cover' has been tried in many courts which have held that as long as the uniform doesn't comprise safety, it's OK. Necklaces and other jewelry do compromise safety. I've not seen many school uniforms like what is bolded above.

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