My opinions only, no facts here:
If men addicted to drugs are imprisoned and not given appropriate medical treatment to counteract their withdrawals, they will likely become more belligerent. This serves the purposes of those who never cast the first stone, but decreases the chances for a truthful outcome.
I saw the earlier fun and spirited discussions about physical vs. circumstantial evidence. Let me apply "reductio ad absurdum" (reduce the argument to absurdity). A man is arrested for walking down Times Square at high-noon in NYC with the severed head of a recent murder victim under his arm. THAT is physical evidence. Or in real-life, a man in front of the entire nation, on live camera, attempts to kill the U.S. President. That is John Hinckley, Jr. and Ronald Reagan. And remember, John Hinckley, Jr. was found NOT GUILTY by reason of insanity, confined to a mental institution, and is reportedly now allowed outside the mental institution 17 days a month as a free man.
A meter-reader reports a body near-to a POI's home during an active and mature investigation, in an area searched several times previously. Based upon this latest tip, an officer conducts a search at this same site and finds NOTHING. Four months later, other officers search the same site and remarkably- now find the victim's remains. This is circumstantial evidence. This is the Casey Anthony situation.
To me, all criminal investigations are much the same. "Jack" did it, but you have to find him. If what you have are suppositions (many cases), long after-the-fact witness claims or 'magic evidence' (many cases), talking-dogs (Casey Anthony), jail-house confessions (endless cases), or indefinitely-imprisoned and pressured suspects (Casey Anthony did almost three years in solitary confinement)- you ain't got "Jack"!! If you cannot find Jack: YOU AIN'T GOT JACK!! And you may not find "Jack" by the time of trial!
Remember, in the Holly Bobo case, "Jack" is reported by the FBI to be 6 feet or less in height and 200 pounds in weight- a shorter and stocky individual. This does not resemble the two currently-jailed suspects. I am still looking for "Jack" so that fellow sleuthers cannot claim that I don't know "Jack"!
Sleuth On!