Human Predators Stalk Haiti's Vulnerable Kids

I don't think Chernobyl has anything to do with anything, but the Daryl that the Requas refer to can be found here:

Its a cached version.
editing to say^based on your link, I may have been completely off base. Perhaps he was talking about the name of a facility and not the town?
Are you saying that there is actually NO hospital in Chernobyl which this couple could be taking gifts to?

No functional hospital. It has been empty for nearly 24 years. The city is empty and nobody lives there so there's no need. You can visit the area on guided tours, but they have to check your radioactivity levels on entering and leaving. Food and water must be brought in from outside. Buildings have started collapsing. There may be a hospital somewhere in Ukraine that they visited, but not Chernobyl.
Oh, oh, oh! Now, this is interesting. This is the New York Times article on the release of the eight desperados:

Judge Releases Eight Americans Jailed in Haiti

" While Judge Saint-Vil’s ruling allows eight of the American to leave Haiti on the condition that they return to the country to answer further questions in the case, it requires that Laura Silsby, the Idaho businesswoman who led the group, and her live-in nanny, Charisa Coulter, 24, remain in jail to answer questions about traveling to Haiti before the Jan. 12 earthquake."

"“We are disappointed that all in the group are not being released,” said Terry Michaelson, a lawyer for Central Valley Baptist Church in Meridian, Idaho, where five of the detainees, including Ms. Silsby and Ms. Coulter attended church.

The church mission’s lawyer had put forward about $7,000 to help pay for the first month’s rent for the orphanage that Ms. Silsby had established in the Dominican Republic.

“Laura had this dream to help, and when the earthquake occurred she recruited some fellow church folks,” Mr. Michaelson said. “The church had absolutely no reason to believe that her activities were anything other than purely altruistic, and we just hope her and Charisa come home soon.”"


"The two women visited Haiti and the Dominican Republic last summer to finalize their plans, and Ms. Coulter kept a photo album online of her August 2009 trip to an area in the Dominican Republic near the Haiti border."
8 released Americans being taken to airport for flight out of Haiti tonight

By Bethann Stewart -
Published: 02/17/10

"U.S. Embassy officials are moving the eight Americans to the airport in Port-au-Prince for the next available MilAir evacuation flight out tonight, Sen. Jim Risch's office said Wednesday.

Once they get back to the United States — likely a military base in South Carolina or Florida — the detainees are responsible for their own flights to their home states, said Brad Hoaglun, spokesman for Risch.

For the Idaho residents, that means Thursday is likely the soonest they could be back.

Under normal circumstances, the Americans would be responsible for their own flights after being released from the Haitian jail, Hoaglun said. But since the earthquake in Haiti, military planes are bringing supplies to survivors and evacuating U.S. residents from the island.

Caleb Stegall, attorney for Drew Culberth, Steve McMullin, and Paul and Silas Thompson, said he didn't know whether the group would be returning to the United States late Wednesday or Thursday.

"We are working very hard on their evacuation," he said. "Hopefully soon."

He said he couldn't comment on whether the charges against them would ultimately be dropped."

It should be noted that Caleb Stegall is in this because he wants to be a U.S. Senator sometime soon. Every time he is quoted, he never seems to know what is going on.
Well, if that didn't make me want to crawl right out of my skin and back out the door. Sometimes, I need a good shake to remind myself that there are GOOD people in this world who help kids. I've become so jaded after my children were raped. I just can't imagine a profile that set off more clanging bells for me. And when I googled Daryl, I found that he's active here:

Probably making lovely and uplifting films for Christians. I'm not being sarcastic, truly. I'm ashamed that I suddenly jump to conclusions. If Daryl reads this, I am not judging you. I just seem to have child sex ring/pedophilia on the brain. Forgive me.

Daryl's newsletter is interesting. They are available on i.b.nora's cached link:

November 2009
"Things here have been moving along. I have been out at Chernobyl Hospital almost everyday helping with the remodeling project. Thursday I helped move all the bookcases and desk back into the library. The walls have been painted and the ceiling fixed but the floor still looked horrible....."

The page has links to earlier newsletters but those pages won't open. Hmmmm.

So, tai, can you speak to the comment Daryl makes about the Chernobyl Hospital, please. bunnies!! They should be slinking home with their tails between their legs. JMO
Has anyone seen reliable information concerning whether or not there was any attempt made to return the children to their parents or orphanages where they lived? I cannot get those traumatized kids off my mind.

Whatever agony they were going through with their families, that was where they felt loved and where they belonged.
editing to say^based on your link, I may have been completely off base. Perhaps he was talking about the name of a facility and not the town?

No functional hospital. It has been empty for nearly 24 years. The city is empty and nobody lives there so there's no need. You can visit the area on guided tours, but they have to check your radioactivity levels on entering and leaving. Food and water must be brought in from outside. Buildings have started collapsing. There may be a hospital somewhere in Ukraine that they visited, but not Chernobyl.

There are at least a couple of hospitals in the former Soviet Union that have special wings for Chernobyl-affected patients. Probably one of those is what they're referring to.
They should be landing in Miami in the next little bit. They will have to go through customs. I hope they aren't carrying anything illegal.
In re-watching the video of their arrest (posted earlier in the thread) and initial questioning a couple things stuck out to me.

First there were more infants and toddlers than I first thought there were, which to me equals fewer children who could speak up and say that they had living parents or who they were. How convenient is that?!?! Also at one point that preacher (from Georgia, sorry can't think of his name), who supposedly helped her, claimed that they had written consent from the parents in that one village they visited in which the parents admitted to giving them some of their children willingly. I sure would be interested in knowing exactly what those supposed consent forms said since I would be willing to bet that if they existed that they were in English just like her little orphanage card advertisement was. Did the parents have any idea what they were signing, if they even signed anything at all. If they existed, then what did they really say and why did the preacher supposedly have them instead of Silsby since the children were with her?

Second in the interview when Silsby is asked if she had any legal paperwork, she took a long pause and then deliberately evaded the question by putting on her fake dumb act. "We were just trying to help and didn't know the rules." (Yes, we now know that she was told by more than one person prior to that, that what she had planned was illegal but the border police were in the dark about that little detail at the time even if Silsby wasn't). Seems to me if she had the DR document, which she surely would have had with her for the trip, then she would have at least produced it and then fringed innocence saying she thought that was all she needed.

Why didn't she produce the DR document to show them? Is it because that document, that Puello later told the press he had in his possession, (that i.b.nora kindly posted for us) did not actually exist at the time of their arrest? Which begs another question entirely of just how he came into possession of it in the first place if he had no prior contact with her? Or perhaps she knew the document was a fake and was afraid to show it to them. It did seem strange to me that a supposedly legal document like that had NO date on it nor anything to show the position/authorization of the person who signed it (like Minister of such and such that would make it appear more official.) IMO.

Also I remember just after it came out that the group was arrested that the news reported that she made a couple of calls while at the border and at least one of them was to someone in the DR. Who was she calling and why did she think they would be able to help her?

Sorry but after watching that video it leaves no doubt in my mind that Silsby absolutely knew that what she was attempting to do was illegal and that she obviously had someone on the DR side that was supposed to be helping smooth the way.

Was that person Puello? It makes me think that it must have been otherwise why would he have injected himself into the situation and risk needlessly exposing himself for people he supposedly had never even met knowing that there were warrants out for his arrest. It makes no sense!!. IMO he had to have had something BIG at risk, that he wanted to protect to have taken such a risk because nothing else makes sense to me at least. JMO :waitasec:
I thought we'd determined that Silsby and Coulter went to Haiti and/or the DR last summer.
They went in August of 2009, as the photos indicate, and they went again in December of 2009 (possibly into January of 2010). The earthquake occurred shortly after they had returned home.
Missionaries freed in Haiti, return to US

MIAMI — "Eight American missionaries were back in the U.S. on Thursday but still face possible child kidnapping charges in Haiti for trying to take 33 children out of the earthquake ravaged country.

Two others, group leader Laura Silsby and Charisa Coulter, remained in jail in Haiti. Both arrived at a Port-au-Prince courthouse on Thursday to be questioned by the judge about their plans to set up an orphanage in the Dominican Republic. But the judge rescheduled the appearance for Friday."


"The group denies the child trafficking charges, arguing the trip was a do-it-youself "rescue mission" to take child quake victims to a hastily prepared orphanage in the Dominican Republic."

"A welcome home rally was planned for Allen later Thursday at the Amarillo Civic Center. He is scheduled to appear Friday on "The Oprah Winfrey Show."

Four of the detainees were headed to Kansas City International Airport. They included Drew Culberth, a 35-year-old Topeka firefighter and father of four; Culberth's brother-in-law, Paul Thompson; Thompson's son Silas Thompson, 19; and Steve McMullin.

"All of the family members will be there at the airport," said Caleb Stegall, an attorney for the four. "We will be returning to a private location in Topeka."

Stegall said the Thompsons and McMullin, all from Twin Falls, Idaho, are expected to join Culberth in Topeka for an indefinite stay.

Stegall, who also serves as Jefferson County's prosecutor, planned to make a statement on behalf of the missionaries during the news conference. The missionaries didn't plan to address reporters"


"News of Culberth's release cheered the spirits of members of his church, but they worried about what awaits him. Culberth has been the youth pastor at Bethel Baptist in north Topeka since 2004.

"Is this really over once he's home?" said Veronica Culberson, a church member and mother of four who works in the church's youth program. "That's what I think the apprehension is. We'll just be happy to have him home.""
Does anyone know where I can buy the "Mission of Mercy" Commemorative Edition of Newsweek? I'm sure it's coming out....isn't it?
On their arrival at the judge's chambers, Silsby told CNN that it was "not true" that she had misled the other missionaries in her group. When asked the reason for her visit to a Haitian orphanage in December, Silsby said, "We brought food and clothes and toys to the children."
Full coverage of Haiti earthquake
On her way out of the proceedings and back to her cell, Silsby said the session, which lasted about an hour, "went very well."
"We're trusting God for all truth to be revealed and believing that God will reveal the truth through the Haitian justice system," she said. "They are seeking the truth."

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