Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #19

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I think this is a solid idea but I'm not sure there is much consensus around any particular timeline. It seems like todays 'witness' just made it harder to figure out the timeline IMO. Having a timeline is fairly basic and we don't seem to be anywere even on that piece of the puzzle.

Two posters last night made simple but brilliant points:
Mollie disappeared between 7:30pm and 7:30 am. Last text to her mother was at 7:30pm, last sighting was at 7:30pm; at 7:30 am JT texted her and she didn't respond and a friend stated that Mollie didn't put up her thought of the day. That's solid. No doubt about it.

It's simple but brilliant in that we have a timeline, solid one. Now all we have to do is fill in those missing hours. If this latest witness is credible and she was sighted between 8-8:30pm that night, then that's another bit to add to the timeline. I'm hoping we'll get more tomorrow.
Regarding the Snap Chat - I'm not going to put much there just because I take pictures sometimes and I save them and will later send it to my husband. My reason is I will be taking selfies and I may like one enough to save and then send at a later date such as when hubby is not at work, or I'm out of town for work or I look like crap but I have a saved picture from early that I do like so I send that.
Hope that makes sense.
I’ll head that way after lunch and see if the FBI is searching any of those areas again today. I don’t live all that far away and drive by that general area often on I 80
Thank you...and want to add - please be sure to have your video camera recording, jump out and interview people and bring back a full report - you know, like a "Man on the Street" news report we have here in California. :)
I think it’s coming down to FBI taking pictures inside WC house and the snap chat photos background. Red shirt might be ruled out but reports said it is the same shirt worn by the workers at daycare. Maybe planted maybe not. Pigs destroy evidence fast. From him laughing twice in his interview makes my stomach churn. Iowa courts online have like 20 court charges and records on him. Police might already know the body is gone and things ended there. They just don’t have enough to arrest and a warrant. The polygraph might be the item that slams this case.

In the PC, they wouldn't confirm anything about the red shirt. Also, there are no pigs at the pig farm.
Even though I would never take a polygraph myself, and would never trust the results of someone else taking one, it is interesting that he agreed to take one.<modsnipped>. If the digital devices did lead to his area, and they must have for LE to continue searching and questioning this guy,<modsnipped>I hope he passed because if he didn't and is in fact innocent it isn't good news for him especially because they will be relentless in pursuing him whether guilty or not.

Mollie Tibbetts search: Farmer who has repeatedly been questioned admits to taking polygraph test

<modsnipped accusing WC of being guilty>
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He should be nervous he’s a convicted stalker. He has a pattern even if a wife, girlfriends, ex girlfriends or someone he’s attracted to it’s a pattern it didn’t just happen one time he has multiple stalking convictions. I don’t understand why people here are just lightly treading over this. I think this is a big deal that and this is where Fitbit data (in the cloud) shows Mollies last location. Last night on CNN was reported he’s now been interviewed 5x. An LE officer guest on HLN show yesterday said WC getting more suspicious as time goes on.
I hadn't heard about this interview. Is there a link for it?
If she was taken, why did she not attempt to dial 911? It would of taken only a second to dial while running away...

Unless it was someone she knew and trusted, I find a hit and run scenario more likely...

The suspect probably panicked after the hit and run and hide the body somewhere.

Also the fact that noone has "snitched" for the reward money leads me to believe there's only 1 suspect involved. I fear this may stay a cold case unless the suspect confesses from guilt.
Interesting news, seems he really wants to clear his name. As would anyone.
What happens when people just surrender to group pressure and go ahead and do something, and in this case it was him taking the polygraph?
she could be aiming to do her last mile in 5 minutes.
so this witness 9/10 of a mile from her start/end point likely saw her within 5-10 minutes of the beginning/end of her run. if he saw her running home at 8pm, she could have been in her driveway as early as 8:05pm.
of course, that doesn't include any cool-down period, which could be when the other witness reported seeing her walking and using her phone. if you run properly, you'd do your half hour workout, then walk/jog for maybe 10 or 15 minutes to cool down before going inside.

This is a solid approach to looking at possible locations and distances traveled. We had some information on her speed from someplace (think it was the video where she was talking about religion that was posted the other day and I remember her talking about her running times). I don't think she was anywhere near a 5 min mile and actually was closer to 8 min timeframe. I will go back and see if I can find the info and I will post it here. She was also described by friends that knew her as a passionate runner but not necessarily the strongest/fastest runner. This could be due to respiratory issues. One of the friend interviews said that she wasn't a strong enough runner to compete at the college level but that even though she wasn't up to college competition level that she loved to run and maintained a consistent running practice.
this has not been confirmed as far as ik. if LE or MSM has distinguished the type of photo sent (from the camera roll or not) and which mollie has sent, please let me know bc that does make a difference. but the only wording i see is similar to the article below - such as sent a snapchat which reads as simply using the app, not the type of photo.

What Snapchat can and can't do to help find Mollie Tibbetts

I think it basically has been confirmed. If it were in chat, her boyfriend would have looked at it again on the 19th
You could be right. If you really think about it if a car hit her from behind and she were thrown off the road into a cornfield, it would be near impossible to see her from the road. We had an incident here where a bicyclist was hit and thrown from the side of the road into a thicket. They found him in the following spring, not far from the road, during roadside maintenance.
OR, person who accidentally hit her panicked and put her in their vehicle and disposed of her elsewhere. Just a possibility.
OR, person who accidentally hit her panicked and put her in their vehicle and disposed of her elsewhere. Just a possibility.
Possibly. As to her being along the road near a cornfield, you can be every inch near the road has been searched. I have also read that every building has been searched.
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