Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #31

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A ride to her mother's house when she was done jogging and probably was joggin/walking there when this person saw her. I think when she got in the car, he accelerated out of there.
The thing I can see happening in this scenario and how all the red dots are connected would be that the abductor would pretend to be going toward Mollie's mom's house, speed past the turn off, turn on route 6 and a struggle ensued at the 200th street turn onto 21.
2. MT could have used this large amount of private free time to do something on her own that might be out of character for her. Something she may have wanted to keep secret from her friends or family. This ultimately could have led to her disappearance.
In my opinion, both of these are more likely than a random abduction of opportunity.

I think I've posted this before, but it's really not unusual for a college student to have a casual relationship at school while maintaining a steady relationship with someone at home. And if this were the case, what better time for the college beau to visit than while the boyfriend and his roomies are out of town and she's got the house to herself? Even if it were a platonic friend it could be kind of awkward visiting with the boyfriend around.

There are a few things that make this scenario unlikely, such as the fact that she was apparently still in her running clothes and didn't have her money, glasses/contacts/etc. But she could have had a bag with a change of clothes ready to go and might have felt that she didn't need anything else if they were just going to be hanging out for a few hours.
If Mollie did damage to the car during a struggle, wouldn't there be evidence somewhere along a roadway? With the little info we have, it's possible they found broken glass/something from a car along one of the roadways that is one of the red dots. IDK.

Thanks for this, thecatmeows !

I agree with you that it is possible that the l.e. did find glass or something. Perhaps something that could be connected to Mollie. Was this the area where the perp smashed Mollie's phone and the last "ping" led them there? Was some broken glass there?

Maybe even across from that farm where they were searching.
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If someone drove a car into a cornfield there would be plenty of evidence left behind.
Drive a car into a cornfield?! You missed the point entirely. There was no car nearby when she was snatched.
She was assaulted and left in the cornfield. The perp, when it was safe,
went back to his car (wherever he had left it....probably in plain view somewhere) and ditched the fit bit and the phone down the road knowing hogguy would be a perfect suspect.

Which means, this guy is familiar with Molly, her habits and with the area.
In my speculation, only.
Just sitting here thinking - that electrical co op next to the house. Now that seems very obvious! Someone who works there or does maintenance sees her run nightly and has gotten a little obsessed. It's pretty rural there and not many witnesses. He waits for her in his car right at the end of the driveway of the Co op. She goes by, he pounces, throws her in, leaves as normal. Or he follows her in the house ...or waited in the house after she left?
I don't mean the tweet but the pinning of it. That is what makes it strange to me.
We had a lengthy discussion about this yesterday, with explanations, if you're interested and want to go back to the last thread. I think you will find it useful.
If you know anything and you are just reading along, please do the right thing now. It is not too late. You are smarter than that, right?
This is going to escalate. It will. Look at the massive media coverage.
I as a rule do not hate anyone, no matter what I hate that they may do.
This applies to whomever has MT or may have done something to or with her.
I don't hate you.
I want you to stand up and make a call, drop an anonymous note somewhere it can be found, send a clue. Somehow. Some way.
I know you can do this and I know personally what fear is.
Stop. Think. Act.
If the worst has happened, then Mollie's family needs to know where to find that answer also.
I am depending on the good that has to be in there. There is good in every soul. I have found some in every one, (in every town), that I have ever met.
Bless YOU Chi!
I am still stuck on the theory that someone familiar to her offered her a ride when it started to rain that evening. But what doesn't seem to work in that scenario, to me, is that how did he drive the wrong way without her becoming alarmed and kicking at a window.

What doesn't work in that scenario to me is that it didn't rain in Brooklyn that evening. It rained overnight, started about 1am.
I have been thinking about this for a few days. I believe perp may be someone who does shift work. The 5-10PM timeline is what got me thinking this. The three shifts in factories, etc are usually 7:30-3:30(1st); 3:30-11:30(2nd); 11:30-7:30(3rd). Seems to me it could be someone who works 1st shift most likely or possibly 3rd shift. MOO

But why is that more likely that someone who works 8-5 at the auto parts store or 10-6 at Casey's?
I haven't actually been on her twitter to see her personality, but to pin a tweet seems too "much" for just a silly encounter. To tweet about it sure, but to pin it and make it such a big part of her twitter? It must have unnerved her. When did she pin it? I assume not the night of her disappearance.
They really need to look into which LE member approached her that day. If LE is ruled out then she obviously has a stalker. I know it seems obvious that LE would pursue this but they have been known to inexplicably dismiss things like this for some reason. Like I keep saying; we will find out in the documentary. Lack of information sharing across agencies is a major problem. There could be key evidence that local LE has that FBI would never see and therefore not piece the puzzle together properly.
Something else that I always try to think about is: In many cases that take a while to solve, you find out that LE knew some very important info nearly from the beginning. I wonder what all LE knows that they aren’t willing to share? No reason to speculate, just a rhetorical? I’ve been thinking about.
How my thinking has evolved on this case:
1. Grabbed in front of house after jog by friend of a friend or someone working at/visiting the co-op
2. Friend of a friend or old acquaintance from high school from in front of the high school
3. Friend of a friend or old acquaintance or someone who knows of her and takes her during the jog
why would she accept a ride when the whole purpose of her being out was to go running?
That doesn't make any sense.
Why would someone even interrupt her run and ask her that?
Any number of reasons to stop running and get in a car with somebody, I don’t think figuring out specifically why matters.
What doesn't work in that scenario to me is that it didn't rain in Brooklyn that evening. It rained overnight, started about 1am.

Thanks Duster1979 !

I was thinking of the next morning because my initial theory (which was wrong as well) was that the abduction occurred early in the morning before she went to work.

I had thought at one time that she could have been walking to her Mom's to get the car the next morning when it was raining off and on.

Now it is clearer to me that the abduction took place the evening before and it wasn't raining.

For some reason I mixed up the rain times.

Thank you for catching that for me. :)
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