ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 69

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Everything that isn't eyewitness (or "direct") testimony is circumstantial evidence. Yes, that includes fingerprints. As we should expect, in this modern era circumstantial evidence usually outweighs direct evidence.

It is a lazy convention of screenwriters and novelists to use "circumstantial" as a synonym for "weak evidence". In the case of DNA, there's nothing weak about it.
You are absolutely right about this. My parents had 40-year careers as litigators, and in every case they tried the judge would instruct the jury that there was no difference between circumstantial and direct evidence.

My father's favorite way of reminding the jury that a circumstantial case can be quite compelling went something like this:

"Suppose that you come home in the evening and observe that the ground is dry. You go to sleep and when you wake, you observe that there is snow on the ground. There is no direct evidence that snow fell between the time of your first observation and your second, but you are very confident that it did. You can reasonably infer it from the circumstances."
The cell phone evidence is disputable if we decide to fly the jury to some silo that also acted as a vacuum that was on a planet 40000000 light years away from earth. And presented it to them there. And that’s all they got to hear.

But unfortunately for BK and his team, we are on planet earth, and video evidence gives the so-so cell evidence context. A white Elantra just like his. Found in the exact places the cell phone evidence expects it to be. At multiple points. Headed towards and away from the crime scene.

Bolstering any doubts about its reliability.

The probabilities of this happening on that day, at that time, their cell phone, headed in that direction, car looks exactly like theirs, appearing on video where the phone expects it to be, to be turned off during that crime, and headed back to his home is…..what? Better chance of winning the Powerball?

Then your DNA is found on the sheath that held the murder weapon. How many Powerball winning tickets probability are we at now?

<modsnip - rude> IMO.
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The cell phone evidence is disputable if we decide to fly the jury to some silo that also acted as a vacuum that was on a planet 40000000 light years away from earth. And presented it to them there. And that’s all they got to hear.

But unfortunately for BK and his team, we are on planet earth, and video evidence gives the so-so cell evidence context. A white Elantra just like his. Found in the exact places the cell phone evidence expects it to be. At multiple points. Headed towards and away from the crime scene.

Bolstering any doubts about its reliability.

The probabilities of this happening on that day, at that time, their cell phone, headed in that direction, car looks exactly like theirs, appearing on video where the phone expects it to be, to be turned off during that crime, and headed back to his home is…..what? Better chance of winning the Powerball?

Then your DNA is found on the sheath that held the murder weapon. How many Powerball winning tickets probability are we at now?

Anyone attacking cell phone evidence without also addressing the video, as the jury will hear it and consider it. Is being disingenuous IMO.
You're absolutely right. I think the prosecution must do a masterful job presenting this complicated material.
Just reviewing the notification of rights in this case. It says, inital items which you fully understand and leave blank items which you do not understand.

One question left blank.

Has anyone made you promises or coerced you to act in this matter?

edit: changed three questions to one question and removed two, thanks for the correction CityKid
You're welcome. But the question he left blank is the strangest of the three. I can't tell if he missed it on purpose and is making a statement by this omission, or if he simply forgot to fill it in.
Ms Taylor represented two different parents BBM:

Read more at:

Since 2000, the county public defender’s office has represented the homicide victim’s parent off and on in several cases, court records showed. Since Taylor took over, her office has defended the parent in four cases, including a misdemeanor from August 2017, for which Taylor took over as the attorney of record in September 2022.

Taylor’s office also has represented another parent of a Moscow homicides victim in four criminal cases since she became chief public defender. In two cases, online court records name Taylor as an “inactive” attorney.

WS requires links to information stated as fact. What you "heard somewhere" or "read somewhere" or "think I heard" etc. is NOT an approved source. Don't say you'll find a link later, don't say you can't link because it's not approved here but this is what it says, don't say it was posted yesterday or in the previous thread or in another case thread or it's written on a Post-it note that's stuck on the far side of Pluto.

If you can't link it, you can't talk about it. Period.

The only exception to the above is if you are discussing a commonly known fact that has been linked/discussed multiple times. For example, if you mention investigators found a knife sheath at the crime scene, obviously you would not need to link the PCA. If the information has already been linked/discussed at length but is quite specific (e.g., times/dates) or technical (i.e., pings, legal rules) then links are appreciated, especially by folks who are new to the thread/case.

The cell phone evidence is disputable if we decide to fly the jury to some silo that also acted as a vacuum that was on a planet 40000000 light years away from earth. And presented it to them there. And that’s all they got to hear.

But unfortunately for BK and his team, we are on planet earth, and video evidence gives the so-so cell evidence context. A white Elantra just like his. Found in the exact places the cell phone evidence expects it to be. At multiple points. Headed towards and away from the crime scene.

Bolstering any doubts about its reliability.

The probabilities of this happening on that day, at that time, their cell phone, headed in that direction, car looks exactly like theirs, appearing on video where the phone expects it to be, to be turned off during that crime, and headed back to his home is…..what? Better chance of winning the Powerball?

Then your DNA is found on the sheath that held the murder weapon. How many Powerball winning tickets probability are we at now?

Anyone attacking cell phone evidence without also addressing the video, as the jury will hear it and consider it. Is being disingenuous IMO.
Alot of the discussion I have been involved in on this thread at least, has been around what the pre crime 12 pings (see PCA) infer re prior stalking. RE the evidence per PCA for the night of the crime, I agree it is very strong

ETA for all refs to Pings/12Pings
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You're welcome. But the question he left blank is the strangest of the three. I can't tell if he missed it on purpose and is making a statement by this omission, or if he simply forgot to fill it in.
Maybe he skipped it and forgot to go back, I do that sometimes. Always multile choice in this case! JMO
The Perp was a PhD candidate. He better be able to justify his position on grades and point out errors to students who are there to learn, not teach. Where is it said that he was humiliated? Maybe he defended his position very well and thinks the students are idiots (which is possible).
He strikes me as someone who (as a student, at least) always felt he was right and doing things the correct way. I'm sure that attitude came across loud and clear to the undergrads when he graded.
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In the wake of her murder, the Goncalves family reached out to popular true crime vlogger Olivia Vitale and reminisced about the aspiring elementary school teacher’s passion for true crime.

“I started looking at the case that [Kaylee] was following with you, and then I said, ‘I’m going to reach out because maybe she can help resolve Kaylee’s story,'” devastated father Steve Goncalves told Vitale in an exclusive interview that aired this month.
Likely this has been discussed, but this stood out to me (from this recent article):

"Famularo talked about a time last semester, around late October 2022, when the class and even the professor felt Kohberger had graded them too harshly on an exam.

'[The professor] brought Bryan before the class and let us tell him we were disappointed and ask him questions about it,' they said. 'That was probably the most interaction any of us had with him.'"

I know that in previous threads many of us have wondered if BK had been reprimanded publicly for this severe grading as a TA. It sounds like he was, and IMO, the above quote sounds like a very humiliating experience. I'm curious when it happened.
There is also this article, specifically
"In fact, Stinchfield said his professor allowed the students to argue for better grades at one point in the semester to get a "courtroom experience."
"He brought in Bryan, and he was like, 'alright, go at him,'" Stinchfield said. "And he had Bryan stand up. And a few people were on his side because they wanted to keep their high grades... but for the most part, it was like half of a 150-person class just asking these real critical questions."
"It wasn't like yelling or anything, but it was certainly conflict," Stinchfield added."

Bryan Kohberger's former student describes abrupt behavior change after Idaho college murders
<modsnip - quoted post removed>
Which 'other' private law firms would or could have have taken BK's case for the state (he is currently represented through Idaho PDO by a registered public defender)? BK is being defended by Public defender IMO. On initial arrest his family and BK himself did not engage private counsel IIRC (affordability issue IMO). Would the state PDO hire a private firm to represent him, with no cost to client? I'm no expert on Idaho State law and hadn't realised that might be an option.
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I'm guessing with the nature of the Public Defender role, there are rules in the event of conflicting cases. This can't be unusual.

Here's the Idaho Public Defense Commission:

I would dig around on it, but work calls. Just linking in case anyone wants the reference.

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