ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 24

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This may be SG's own observation. Did he or did he not view both K & M's bodies?
I'm interested in knowing that, too. I cannot imagine in what world I would have allowed another parent to view my deceased 21 year old daughter's nude (or not) body. I assume this was at the ME office or funeral home. It just gives me the heebie jeebies to even think about that. JMO
Somebody mentioned earlier that there were 174 viewers on the live stream. It seems like tracking down each one of those folks who was logged in when the girls were in view would be important.

They had already ordered and were waiting for their food at the other end of the truck.
It's bonkers to me that anyone would watch the live video stream of a food truck, let alone 174 viewers! But alas my 7-year-old daughter loves watching YT videos of people shopping for and unwrapping toys, so I digress...

While we're on the topic of the Twitch video, can anyone confirm that the video clip we've all seen was brought to the media by K's sister? Is that fact? The reason I ask is because it's a pretty good piece of evidence when trying to piece together K and M's whereabouts and timeline on the night of the murders. MOO is that LE would have found the video on their own (possibly already did?), and not released it to the public or mentioned it as part of their investigation. What I'm getting at is that it's possible and even likely that LE have other videos and media from various sources from that night and other occasions that are just as much, and maybe even more likely to contain relevant info to solving the case. MOO is that it's not skilled sleuthing to use the one single video we're privy to as a police line-up to pick out a perpetrator of this crime. It's also MOO that because it was K's sister (I think?) who quickly found the Twitch video, it might not be savvy to criticize certain LE on the investigation team for being young and inexperienced. K's sister is both young and inexperienced with murder investigation and found an important piece of relevant media very quickly. I certainly understand anyone under emotional duress being critical though under these circumstances. My heart goes out 100%
Does anyone know any data on how often a mass murder perp returns to the scene of the crime?
Does anyone know any data on how often a mass murder perp returns to the scene of the crime?
in a small college town with 4 popular girls murdered in a sorority house i do imagine there are a lot of onlookers and snoopers around.
Both could be true. Back door left open as killer sneaks out AND front door possibly left open by someone who had spent the night but never went upstairs. Anyway didn't the first reporter say front door for sure? Or am I dreaming it. 8:30 sounds pretty late for killer to be leaving and risk running out in daylight. I know it could have been open for hours, but anyone using that bathroom downstairs would have seen the door open, imo.

Risky to leave that prominent door open, to advertize the murders before they had to be advertized.

I've heard it 100 times... Sliding door left open. Do we know if that means unlocked, or visibly "open"?

It was cold that day. How do the 1st floor roommates not feel that cold air coming in through the bottom of the doors?
Another possibility…. Did the students routinely lock their cars? Someone could have been waiting & watching in one of the vehicles parked outside.

Very unlikely that someone waited in their car. Very risky. And cold. And not much visibility - they couldn't see the windows. How would they know when the coast was clear?
Both could be true. Back door left open as killer sneaks out AND front door possibly left open by someone who had spent the night but never went upstairs. Anyway didn't the first reporter say front door for sure? Or am I dreaming it. 8:30 sounds pretty late for killer to be leaving and risk running out in daylight. I know it could have been open for hours, but anyone using that bathroom downstairs would have seen the door open, imo.

Risky to leave that prominent door open, to advertize the murders before they had to be advertized.

I've heard it 100 times... Sliding door left open. Do we know if that means unlocked, or visibly "open"?
maybe he went downstairs and both the BR doors were locked so he left. As he leaving he doesn't slam the door and leaves it ajar. Hours later the wind opens in
He would have to view them naked to be able to see the extent of the wounds and I don't believe anyone in the medical examiner office or the funeral parlour would allow that to happen.
BBM. I agree with you there. Just want to add: especially not M's naked body because she was not even his daughter.
Somebody mentioned earlier that there were 174 viewers on the live stream. It seems like tracking down each one of those folks who was logged in when the girls were in view would be important.

They had already ordered and were waiting for their food at the other end of the truck.
Who watches livestreams of food trucks in a small town? I don't get it
Those houses are all pretty close together. I'm amazed a neighbor didn't hear anything. I would think there was screaming or something like that. It may be commonplace for the roommates to hear commotion and I've heard it described as sort of a "party house" (no judgment implied) so maybe they were sleeping really soundly but you'd think there would be neighbors that might be awakened.
There are psychiatric disorders where a person believes themselves to be in a closer relationship with someone than they really are.

Sometimes they are stalkers, but sometimes not. They may see themselves as the "next boyfriend" or the "true boyfriend" (or girlfriend) of someone who barely knows they exist or is simply trying to be socially polite with them. Usually, this does not result in tragedies like this one, but if someone who had been hanging out at the house/attending parties had the view that one of the girls was "his" (or about to be "his") and that girl was rebuffing him and the roommates were all talking about banning him from the house or did ban him, it's possible this perceived slight was a trigger.

... Just as if he were a real boyfriend, because in his mind, he is the right person to be the boyfriend or is almost the boyfriend. The people who knew about this fraught relationship were the girl and her closest friends (perhaps just 3 other people). If he knew that her roommates were talking smack about him (as he might put it), that could cause exceeding rage in the right (deranged) person.

Does anyone know any data on how often a mass murder perp returns to the scene of the crime?
I don't think there's any large statistical analysis or even a recent literature review on this topic, so if someone finds something, please post. We just know that it does happen.

In the scenario I suggest above, I would predict the perp would return. I just read a case last night where the murderer was so deeply trusted by the family of the deceased that he was a pall bearer (and arrested just a few days after the funeral of his victim - and eventually convicted). This person could be quite close to this circle of friends, to the point that it would be weird if they didn't offer emotional support/visit the remaining roommates, etc.
I agree with a lot of this except that the perp was there observing several nights and only saw the back of the house. Wouldn’t he want to know where the front door was? Wouldn’t he wonder where the cars were? If I’m going to be illegally entering a house I’d want to know the layout, especially where all the exits were.

I think the one thing that would help me the most right now would be knowing if the 1st floor doors were locked that night.

Decent article but also a good foto from the side of the house that I hadn’t yet seen. If I saw that side view without being familiar w the inside, I’d probably just think it was a garage/storage.
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