ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 33

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Nothing that Chris M says is allowed on this forum unless it is backed up by law enforcement.

Chris has personally lied to me. He accused an innocent man of being Brian Laundry. He lied about being removed from the Crow lawsuit. He was removed but then put back in the lawsuit and lost. Chris told me he was removed from the lawsuit and was not sued. He never told me he was added back into the lawsuit and lost. Chris was sued for getting a false confession in the murder of Stephanie Crow.
I could go on but suffice it to say anything he says is not allowed. Even if it is in mainstream media.

Again only if what he said is backed up by an actual law enforcement source.

Here is the documentation on the Crow lawsuit
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Ruling from 2010 which overrules Dougie's decision from 2004.

Retired judge slams Crowe case

"A federal trial judge in San Diego dismissed the bulk of the civil rights suit in 2004. But six years later, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals revived the lawsuit, finding that Escondido police violated the civil rights of Crowe and his friends during “hours of grueling, psychologically abusive interrogations.”

The above links come from a great YouTube creator called Scientific Skeptic. If you go to this video there are more links describing the interrogation tools used by Chris and others in the Crow case,

Because Chris mistakenly named the wrong man on my YouTube channel and never told me to take down the false information I made this apology video when I discovered what happened,
Here is the apology video I had to make because of what Chris said on my Livestream.

The glove that Chris found was not there on the day of the Moscow Idaho murders

The MOB Crew has a great video showing the ground the day of the killing where the glove was found later in the month. On that day the glove was not there. Go to @2:35 of this video

I am not suggesting Chris did not legitimately find the glove. Just showing you it has nothing to do with the case. I will be shocked if Chris updates the story about the glove.

For those of you who know me this is an extremely unusual step for me to take. This is how strongly I feel. I was lied to but more importantly, because of Chris' actions, people's lives were threatened in the Summer Wells case.

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The following is not allowed:

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WS Administrator

This post lands at random.

The Report feature is for members to alert us to violations of Websleuths Terms of Service, not to have us fact-checking all the minute details of every single case. WS has hundreds of alerts that our very few volunteer staff have to stick-handle every single day. We can not possibly know all the minute details of every case, and we do not have time to correct misinformation that may crop up in the various threads.

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Man, it’s been a long time ago, 20 years maybe, but I had a ticket mailed to me for a slow roll thru a yellow light when I was lost late one night while visiting LA, looking for a friend’s house in a Culver City neighborhood, in a rental car. There were no other cars anywhere.
They sent me a $500 ticket to Atlanta with photos of me approaching the intersection line with the yellow light and another with me in the intersection under the red light, showing the front and rear tag, and a shot with a very clear close up of my face behind the wheel, looking noticeably frustrated and lost.
The driver must have avoided traffic cams because, dang, they are precise.
It takes specialized equipment to capture images of license plates from moving cars. Red light and other cameras are controversial and even outlawed in some places. Many communities that used to have red light cameras have since removed them. [Wikipedia: Red Light camera decrease since 2012 in the USA]

Someone will be along any second to let us know whether Idaho allows them, and whether Moscow in particular has any.
There may be 22,000 white 2011-2013 hyundai elantras in the united states. But logically, LE can rule out approximately 80 to 90% of those right off the bat. How many are registered within Moscow? How many in the county? How many within a 180 mile radius? How many reported stolen within a 300 mile radius? That’s pretty much it. Again, it’s an Idaho plate or it’s not. And LE probably knows whether it’s in or out of state.
According to the daily Mail article ‘cops said the killer entered through the sliding door’. This makes me shudder just thinking about this.
It sounds like the lock on the slider patio door was either damaged, or easy to jimmy. Police said there are no signs of a break in, nor signs of sexual assault.

Police indicate that the slider could be the point of entry, but there was no break in. The other door/ lock on the house is the keypad door on the parking level; front of house. No signs of a break there, but how many people had the code?

Or, did someone enter through the second floor slider and look around to see who else was in the house on the second floor, maybe asleep on the sofa or in an adjoining room, before going to the third floor?

There may be 22,000 white 2011-2013 hyundai elantras in the united states. But logically, LE can rule out approximately 80 to 90% of those right off the bat. How many are registered within Moscow? How many in the county? How many within a 180 mile radius? How many reported stolen within a 300 mile radius? That’s pretty much it. Again, it’s an Idaho plate or it’s not. And LE probably knows whether it’s in or out of state.
The 22,000 are just for the state of Idaho within the date range of 2011 - 2013. There are literally more than 100,000 sold per year in the USA and in some years more than 200,000 are sold. Hyundai Elantra US car sales figures. LE has NOT been able to find a likely vehicle in this case. Maybe it is from another state and it could have been stolen as far back as 2011.
Is it possible that the Elantra driver has no clue that police are looking for that car which was being driven around Moscow between 3 and 4 am on that morning? Seems if the driver knew they would come forward. I mean, seriously, how many white 2011-2013 Elantras are running around Moscow, Idaho at 3-4 am? You would know they are looking for your car.
It takes specialized equipment to capture images of license plates from moving cars. Red light and other cameras are controversial and even outlawed in some places. Many communities that used to have red light cameras have since removed them.

Someone will be along any second to let us know whether Idaho allows them, and whether Moscow in particular has any.
OT the constitutionality has been questioned but it’s really about revenue. Jmo. Culver City made millions while LA didn’t get back their investment.

Here’s the cams in Moscow, only on 95 (Jackson St and S Washington in town) and 8 (turns into 270 at WA line) the white car probably didn’t use those roads.
Traffic Cams Moscow ID

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Here begins the fallout from the new video and the girls comments:

I wouldn't call it fall out.
He has simply clarified the facts and he did it coherently and he did it well.
My heart goes out to all the parents and loved ones.
There doesn't appear to be an end in sight.
There may be 22,000 white 2011-2013 hyundai elantras in the united states. But logically, LE can rule out approximately 80 to 90% of those right off the bat. How many are registered within Moscow? How many in the county? How many within a 180 mile radius? How many reported stolen within a 300 mile radius? That’s pretty much it. Again, it’s an Idaho plate or it’s not. And LE probably knows whether it’s in or out of state.
In my pet theory right now, the perp driving the car could live out of state. I think he was visiting someone who lives near the house. Visits often, has watched the girls living there--that sort of stalker.

But the friend, date, or relative he visits should tell police about the car he drives. You would hope!
Is it possible that the Elantra driver has no clue that police are looking for that car which was being driven around Moscow between 3 and 4 am on that morning? Seems if the driver knew they would come forward. I mean, seriously, how many white 2011-2013 Elantras are running around Moscow, Idaho at 3-4 am? You would know they are looking for your car.
Which heightens the interest in the vehicle that was seen heading West on Talyor avenue between 2:45 and 3:15 AM, and was seen heading in the opposite direction, East on White - the same road as Styner and Taylor.

West on Taylor into a cul de sac at 2:45, going East on the same road at 3:45?

What happened? Did he get messed up by killing four people and blank out as he took backroads, only to find himself Westbound on White Ave 30 minutes or so after the murders?

Google Map
OT the constitutionality has been questioned but it’s really about revenue. Jmo. Culver City made millions while LA didn’t get back their investment.

Here’s the cams in Moscow, only on 95 (Jackson St and S Washington in town) and 8 (turns into 270 at WA line) the white car probably didn’t use those roads.
Traffic Cams Moscow ID

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Those are typical traffic cams though - there's no chance of reading a license plate off a moving car*. Red light cameras are designed for the explicit purpose of capturing a license plate in motion. They also make horrible traffic cams. :)

*unless things have drastically improved recently
I made the mistake this afternoon of reading content from "unapproved sources". It gave me a new appreciation for the moderators on Websleuths who do not allow rumors and speculation to be discussed on this forum. I also understand why they don't allow people to be named by name on here since they are not actually suspects identified by police. There are people whose names will be forever linked to this case on the internet when it may turn out that they had no involvement whatsoever.
That the driver of the vehicle, in the vicinity of the mass murder during the murders, has not come forward implies that the driver has something to hide about that evening, such as what he was doing during the murders. If he has nothing to hide, he would have come forward to clear himself by now. That's what we've seen in other multiple murders such as cousins Lyric and Lizzie in Evansdale. A van was near the specific location where two girls disappeared. The vehicle owner came forward, the driver was cleared ... ruled out.

That hasn't happened with the white car near this mass murder, which increases the likelihood that the driver is involved in the murders ... although police have said this is a witness vehicle.
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