Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom, stepfather found* #14

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There is a chance that LV has hidden TR & JJ in a bunker somewhere.

With or without an adult. TR probably has a better chance of looking after JJ than most adults.

A couple of sacks of rice and a way to cook it... literally any basement will do. If these are preppers they will have access to all manner of hidden lockable places. The owner might not even know kids are there. How often do you visit your emergency bunker.

Other option is TR could have been married to one of CD supporters. So many marriages. Could hers been missed. Could her husband then be hiding her and JJ.

There's so many strange things another crazy thing wouldn't even make a difference to the crazy level of this case.

Stay positive people and think outside the box. What would be crazier? Its just possible with this case. You might just think of the key and crack it.

I cannot for the life of me imagine any belief system that could convince a mother to leave her children and have no contact with them for weeks at a time. Since the mom and her new husband were found in Hawaii their phone calls would be monitored. They would be followed so if they bought a burner phone the police would know it and by contacting the retailer could find out enough to get the phone number. So no movement in finding the kids means she hasnt been in contact with anyone who may know where the kids are.
There is also that part of her personality that just can't.let.something.go. Case in point is literally a case: Tylee's custody disagreement lasted years, and involved an attempt on Joe's life, very ugly accusations, and at least two out-of-state moves away from her father.

THIS. And involved hundreds of thousands of dollars on the part of both Charles Vallow and Joe Ryan.
Well, never mind she was telling apparently more than one person that they should get their kids and go off the cliff. So those to you don't indicate beliefs that she could harm her kids?

That’s not what he’s saying, Please correct me if I’m wrong @caseface but he’s saying whilst it’s still possible, we shouldn’t discount the SHTF cult theories that could bring hope the kids are still alive. MOO

This is definitely concerning and one of the reasons i am 49% leaning the way you are. It's just hearsay at this point and still doesn't provide as much as a motive as the religious angle IMO only. You certainly have good reason to fear for the children's safety. I do also. I just feel like, with the information we have, that there is a good deal of reason to believe she may have hidden them somewhere, even against their will. My fear is that, in the end, you will be correct. I really hope not though.
Bottom line is: its not black or white. Its not "they are doing it because they are in a cult" or "they are doing it for money" or "they are doing it because they are mentally ill" or "they are doing it because of custody". Its a mixture, just like real life. Our psychology drives what we do as well as the larger belief systems we choose to follow. Much of our activity is unconscious. So, Lori could very well believe completely in the religious angle and still be motivated by an unconscious desire for money, fame, love, etc. The more trauma she faced as a child, the more likely she is to be out of touch with her unconscious motives; at this point, she is likely blind to whatever she is doing. Obviously, if she believes this is all okay, something is "off" here. But all of the reverse could be true. We just don't know but there's no need to choose one or the other. I think that it IS important, though, to be sure not to discount anything until we know different. We must look at all motives and angles, which means we cannot leave out the religious portion. Listen to the detective who was hired by BB. He followed many of these players and he seems to believe they really believe in this end of days stuff. It's all intertwined. Let's not discount any of it.
I agree fully, I’m probably about the same percentage wise as well. I will admit sometimes with different press releases my thoughts go one way or the other though. I believe it’s all intertwined as well. JMO

BBM 1 - if Charles was murdered at her behest then she is a murderer already.

BBM 2, 3 & 4 - you (and the PI) have made the assumption that she holds these beliefs, ignoring that she is a proven pathalogical liar and manipulator. All we can say is it suited her at the time to say she held these beliefs, while she infiltrated the life of her next husband.

There is no evidence she holds these beliefs. There is evidence that she had done something very bad and lawfully unjustifiable, because she lied to police, had an escape plan, fled her house and cut off contact with her son.

I believe she’s a murderer already JMO, a liar and a manipulator. It’s hard to dispute any of it. I wouldn’t want to give up hope that the children may be alive though because then the press will go and the pressure will ease off LE to keep searching for the kids. What if they are out there trapped in a compound? We’ve heard of kids reappearing after years because everyone gave up hope. The cults views/beliefs are very real to them. Every time I start reading about it doesn’t take me long to find someone talking about those beliefs.

I don’t know which way it will go but I hope very much the children are alive. MOO

What do you think LE mean when they say the missing children are in serious danger?
MOO but I take that to mean if something hasn’t already happened to them, it very well could in the near future.
Not necessarily. If the bank account is business money that is paying you a salary, then it is income. He may have upped his income from the business when Tammy died. MOO.

Okay, I'll buy that scenario as possible in Chad's case. 30K a month, not likely, but some income setup as salary from the business (at least as long as it lasts) sure. And if he wants to lie or mislead, assuming the publishing company is a corporation, I'm sure he controls it and could give himself a raise to 30K a month, even if the corp's bank account doesn't have enough there and coming in to keep up that pace for long.
I do too, I just have to for the sake of these families. Colby has reached out a couple of times via his YouTube and had one extensive interview with the media.

I truly appreciate Colby’s efforts to connect with his mother. That being said, social media, talking to a camera is part of his DNA as a member of the Gen Z culture. Media needs to convince older family members to reach out. Move out of their conservative comfort zones and come forward. Their silence is enabling. And for what? If the kids are okay and this is all a circumstantial case put together by a group of antigovernment religious visionaries and constitutionalists- we get it. End it. Show us the kids. If this is a case of nefarious psycho foul play - family members you will forever be associated with these crimes. You will be tainted. End it. Show us the kids.

Honestly, the world has enough going on - we don’t really care about your worldview. It’s fine to believe whatever you want. This is about two kids. We must agree that whatever your world view is, whatever your religious beliefs are, we must care for and protect the most vulnerable in our society- Tylee and JJ are such. We just want to know what happened to them. We aren’t interested in anything else. Help us. Help them if they need it.
If J.J.'s autism was severe enough to warrant a service dog, that is what makes me suspect that it would be immensely difficult to ship J.J. off anywhere, even with Tylee along.

As far as Lori's parental instincts, let's not forget one year ago, she was off god knows where doing god knows what because she didn't want to be a mom anymore. This included stealing Bailey's collar and refusing to give it back.
There is a chance that LV has hidden TR & JJ in a bunker somewhere.

With or without an adult. TR probably has a better chance of looking after JJ than most adults.

A couple of sacks of rice and a way to cook it... literally any basement will do. If these are preppers they will have access to all manner of hidden lockable places. The owner might not even know kids are there. How often do you visit your emergency bunker.

Other option is TR could have been married to one of CD supporters. So many marriages. Could hers been missed. Could her husband then be hiding her and JJ.

There's so many strange things another crazy thing wouldn't even make a difference to the crazy level of this case.

Stay positive people and think outside the box. What would be crazier? Its just possible with this case. You might just think of the key and crack it.

It really is think as crazy as possible, add a sprinkle of crazier and yes you may find them. I hope and pray the kids are still alive, it would be amazing if LE could find them. MOO
There is also that part of her personality that just can't.let.something.go. Case in point is literally a case: Tylee's custody disagreement lasted years, and involved an attempt on Joe's life, very ugly accusations, and at least two out-of-state moves away from her father.

THIS. And involved hundreds of thousands of dollars on the part of both
There is a chance that LV has hidden TR & JJ in a bunker somewhere.

With or without an adult. TR probably has a better chance of looking after JJ than most adults.

A couple of sacks of rice and a way to cook it... literally any basement will do. If these are preppers they will have access to all manner of hidden lockable places. The owner might not even know kids are there. How often do you visit your emergency bunker.

Other option is TR could have been married to one of CD supporters. So many marriages. Could hers been missed. Could her husband then be hiding her and JJ.

There's so many strange things another crazy thing wouldn't even make a difference to the crazy level of this case.

Stay positive people and think outside the box. What would be crazier? Its just possible with this case. You might just think of the key and crack it.

There is a chance that LV has hidden TR & JJ in a bunker somewhere.

With or without an adult. TR probably has a better chance of looking after JJ than most adults.

A couple of sacks of rice and a way to cook it... literally any basement will do. If these are preppers they will have access to all manner of hidden lockable places. The owner might not even know kids are there. How often do you visit your emergency bunker.

Other option is TR could have been married to one of CD supporters. So many marriages. Could hers been missed. Could her husband then be hiding her and JJ.

There's so many strange things another crazy thing wouldn't even make a difference to the crazy level of this case.

Stay positive people and think outside the box. What would be crazier? Its just possible with this case. You might just think of the key and crack it.


I wondered about the TR marriage thing myself.
If J.J.'s autism was severe enough to warrant a service dog, that is what makes me suspect that it would be immensely difficult to ship J.J. off anywhere, even with Tylee along.

As far as Lori's parental instincts, let's not forget one year ago, she was off god knows where doing god knows what because she didn't want to be a mom anymore. This included stealing Bailey's collar and refusing to give it back.

I'm replying to your post because I've been wondering about this for awhile. And then I forget to ask lol.

What was so special about Bailey's collar? Jmo
I cannot for the life of me imagine any belief system that could convince a mother to leave her children and have no contact with them for weeks at a time. Since the mom and her new husband were found in Hawaii their phone calls would be monitored. They would be followed so if they bought a burner phone the police would know it and by contacting the retailer could find out enough to get the phone number. So no movement in finding the kids means she hasnt been in contact with anyone who may know where the kids are.
I have a kid living here that from 15 has only heard from his parent twice a year. He’s 21 now. The next call will come the week before December to demand his presence Xmas day, it will be followed by a call in March to make sure he’s coming round to bring a gift for mother’s day. She didn’t even care when he moved out at 15 until she realised she’d loose some benefits four weeks later. We can’t imagine it because family is important to us. Some have kids because it’s expected and don’t seem to enjoy parenthood. JMO
Lori's family where dad is reportedly pretty anti-government, assuming dad's beliefs trickled down to the kids to some degree, it's easy to paint that picture. Chad's kids, not so easy to see it. The only theory I've got is cognitive dissonance.

They grew up thinking dad was always right and possibly even that dad had some special qualities that few others had. Then they lose their mom and, if they're to believe everything the "outside world" is telling them, then they've got to believe that dad isn't just not special, but is evil and killed mom and is has done all kinds of other things. Meanwhile dad tells them the kids are fine, the police don't know what they're talking about. Presumably he's talking to them some from Hawaii. Believing even a little of the bad will send their whole belief system (at least as it pertains to Chad/Dad) crashing to the ground, so their mind won't let it happen.
But previously he had said Lori had no minor kids, then he says the non existent kids are ok, which story do you believe? I have met people who tell you what they think you want to hear and wonder if Chad is like that.
There is also that part of her personality that just can't.let.something.go. Case in point is literally a case: Tylee's custody disagreement lasted years, and involved an attempt on Joe's life, very ugly accusations, and at least two out-of-state moves away from her father.

Yep lasted YEARS and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for both Charles Vallow and Joseph Ryan. Joe ended up getting custody, even then, during her visitation time with TR, LV took TR and moved to Hawaii. Fast forward to April 2018, and Joseph Ryan lands up dead.
IMO, a cult is a cult is a cult.... "give me freedom or give me death" gets twisted to absolute obedience to the purpose... hiding the children, defying any law enforcement, waiting for the "end days". That is why I still am so 50/50 on whether they are alive or dead. The need and role of children in these "doomsday" scenarios is critical IMO. If alive, I am certain the two are totally damaged and not loved, but they will be coveted for the cause. Tis why I really think MB tried to steal her kids back too.

ITA. It seems to me that cult leaders don't believe their own BS. It is all about controlling and using people. Usually for sex and money. Cult members are a tough shell to crack. I just hope the revelations of lies told by Lori and Chad is a wake up call for some.
I'm replying to your post because I've been wondering about this for awhile. And then I forget to ask lol.

What was so special about Bailey's collar? Jmo
I have read that the collar can be like a bib type of thing and have the child's medications in it. Perhaps it can have medical details, emergency contact, etc also. It would also allow the dog to be taken in restaurants and places where dogs usually cannot go, I guess. A bit like the harness that guide dogs for the blind wear maybe? MOO.
I have a kid living here that from 15 has only heard from his parent twice a year. He’s 21 now. The next call will come the week before December to demand his presence Xmas day, it will be followed by a call in March to make sure he’s coming round to bring a gift for mother’s day. She didn’t even care when he moved out at 15 until she realised she’d loose some benefits four weeks later. We can’t imagine it because family is important to us. Some have kids because it’s expected and don’t seem to enjoy parenthood. JMO
That is awful. I hope he has good people around him and I can definitely see him eventually telling her no, but it sounds as if the young man wants to give his Mom a chance to change
Agreed. I've heard it from evangelical/fundamentalist friends and acquaintances, but not among mainline Protestants (Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodist) nor among Catholics (I grew up and was schooled as one).

“He will come again to judge...”
Just that there will be an end of the world. No date.
New questions for ‘doomsday’ parents of missing Idaho kids
Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell were seen going to church but refused to answer questions about their kids who haven’t been seen since September as new text messages have surfaced.

New questions for parents of missing kids

Not sure if it was this past Sunday they attended or not?
I don't think Melani has the kids, but I also don't think she's thinking rationally. She may be still under Lori's and Chad's influence. She left her family to join their cult.
This update information on MB is very helpful... I have been "lost" as to her whereabouts. So, we know for a fact, she is living in Iceburg Idaho??? I guess her husband works...but this continues to be one of my biggest questions of all...Where is the money coming from to allow all these people to live so easily.. CR has no job. I assume MB has no job. BB is in hiding. I assume CD and LV are making no money in Hawaii. Does anyone know anything about IP?
ITA. It seems to me that cult leaders don't believe their own BS. It is all about controlling and using people. Usually for sex and money. Cult members are a tough shell to crack. I just hope the revelations of lies told by Lori and Chad is a wake up call for some.
Im not so sure there actually was a cult. A cult would have a leader and followers and the leader would not trust others to add to their doctrine. These 2 dont strike me as followers and also dont seem to be the actual leaders of the group they associated with.
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