If you could ask Arias one question what would it be?

Did Travis know you we're taking the pictures in the shower or did he think you had left?
I can't believe you guys are asking questions as though you'll get an honest answer out of her. You guys are too nice and too naïve!
Do you understand that when this is over: You will never be thought of again and Travis will never be forgotten? You never happened & Travis will be celebrated?
Can you comprehend the idea that you will no longer exist in the mind of any human being except for your mother? (Whether your remaining next of kin has anything to do with you is uncertain..)
Gosh, thanks for this! I feel better!
My question is simple, I would love to know this, were she to give a truthful answer only:

How do you live with yourself, after heinously killing Travis Alexander?

But I'd also like additional answers too: How can you live with yourself after seeing what you have done to Travis's family, by putting his personal details, lies and mistruths in the courtroom on a daily basis and attempting to slander his good name?

How on eath could you have sent flowers to Travis's grandmother, when you brutally killed her grandson? That action alone, is just a another whole level of evil.
Do you know how much fun stuff you are missing out on?
What place was next to visit on your list of places to go before you die? I'd like to go there.

How do you feel about your reputation now?
I can't believe you guys are asking questions as though you'll get an honest answer out of her. You guys are too nice and too naïve!

This is a hypothetical where you have to assume she will answer truthfully. Come along and play with us. :seeya:
At what age did you realize you could not answer a question with a simple yes or no?
One of the big mysteries left for me is when she actually first saw Travis. She likely did arrive in Mesa around 4 a.m., but with the room-mates rental car in the driveway that she wouldn't recognize, it should have spooked her.

Did she go inside immediately?
Did they really sleep? (or was she hiding in the closet or something until roommate left?)
Do you think that Mathew would throw You under the bus if he was called as a witness for the state?:truce:
Is the Arizona State Prison on the list of 1000 places to see before you die? If it is, your gonna be able to check that one off your list..
Do you yourself sincerely believe the stuff you say or are you just as aware that you are lying as we are?
Do you miss your make up? Do you regret the bangs?
Is there any part of you, even if it's deep down, that feels a sense of remorse for murdering him?
DO you actually believe in a higher power and if so do you fear it in light of what you've done?
Has anyone explained the definition of the word edify to you yet?

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