Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, and Liberty (Libby) German, 14/The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #86

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My initial thought is he ran out of time. The sound of the first shot was a risk - someone surely heard it and he didn't know how long he had before LE arrived. So, it's my guess he completed his crime (gross) quickly and got outta there.

Yes, I know pulling the trigger a second and third time wouldn't have taken long, but I think he was, at that point, ready to leave and blend back into society. I do think one of his favorite parts of the crime is the "blending." He had to leave quickly to get out of the store, into his car, and blend.

But, I'm not sold on my scenario. He could've left them alive for some bizarre reason that pleased him...maybe to convince himself he's not really a killer because he shows mercy. Who knows?!?

We don't know who called 911 in the STL case, do we?

Possibly another thing in common with the Delphi murders?
Possibly another thing in common with the Delphi murders?
I think so. I suspect he drove away from Delphi, heading home that afternoon, with a smirk knowing he was driving away from a shocking circumstance he he drove along like a regular ol' Joe out for a drive. I really do think that is part of the thrill to him - to walk away from a tragedy he created.

Speculation only.

I think so. I suspect he drove away from Delphi, heading home that afternoon, with a smirk knowing he was driving away from a shocking circumstance he he drove along like a regular ol' Joe out for a drive. I really do think that is part of the thrill to him - to walk away from a tragedy he created.

Speculation only.

Yes, went home, washed his clothes and no one is the wiser.
Did one of the girls have a duffel bag that hasn't been found?
I had assumed that Abby would be going straight home from the trail that day (school was in session the following day so it would have been a school night IMO) & since she stayed over Libby’s the night before, that perhaps she had an overnight (duffle) bag with extra clothing, etc. inside & maybe she had it with her at the trail that day. JMO
I had assumed that Abby would be going straight home from the trail that day (school was in session the following day so it would have been a school night IMO) & since she stayed over Libby’s the night before, that perhaps she had an overnight (duffle) bag with extra clothing, etc. inside & maybe she had it with her at the trail that day. JMO
Good point. That seems reasonable. So....did BG take it with him?

It is possible that he had to pawn his phone/computer with the bankruptcy and simply didn't have a phone or computer to be active. Was that the same timeframe?
I believe the bankruptcy was in mid January, so that could be the reason. I had wondered if that might have been a trigger with the girls - valentine's day and no money or credit cards left to take his wife to dinner or get her a gift - but then I realized that he's probably not much of a romantic. MOO
I had assumed that Abby would be going straight home from the trail that day (school was in session the following day so it would have been a school night IMO) & since she stayed over Libby’s the night before, that perhaps she had an overnight (duffle) bag with extra clothing, etc. inside & maybe she had it with her at the trail that day. JMO

Hi Sleuther,

IIRC, from one of Grey’s videos, the girls were supposed to be picked up and taken back to Libby’s house, so Abby wouldn’t have been packed to go home. I haven’t seen/heard/read about either girl having a bag or a backpack. If I’m remembering incorrectly and anyone has a link supporting one or both having a bag/backpack, please share. If not, we shouldn’t be stating that either or both did so as not to feed the rumor mill.


I truly wonder what things were found beneath the trailer. obviously he has moved around ALOT, but, there could be items, we just don't know.

if they found a kill kit, or even better, a kill kit with items that match items found or used in other cases..that would be so excellent.

i really think he got spooked and ran out of there...I feel certain he would have murdered them all and regrets this fact now.

funny how he was flirting with the ladies at the bar and leaving his card, putting back a couple of beers, and yet by the time he is captured he is fully psychotic. ( is this right? or was this from his road rage incident) ?

I am waiting for his high school friends, military comrades, family members to talk.

maybe first victims of sexual cruelty etc... I really want this man exposed and humiliated .

EXPOSED , the thing a narcissist like him fears the most, exposed and ruined forever. IMO
Where was he living at that time? only about 1 year ago he moved to where he is living now.
So what is the driving distance to Delphi from where he was living? Could he drive it in a day there and back, his wife never suspecting anything?
I'm talking about BG not TB.
I cannot shake the feeling all day today that if TB is BG, and given his social media presence we can assume he knows how to Internet, he would have found his way here after the crime at some point and at least read some of our posts if not posted himself. It's been bothering me so much today that I even went back earlier this evening and popped around in a few of the beginning threads to see if anything would stand out but I quickly realized how futile that was lol. It's kind of icky to think about though. JMO
Has anyone on this forum found a recording of TB's voice? Should I call the insurance agency he worked for in the past and tell them there is a recording of BGs voice that they could listen see if they recognize it as TB?
I called them a few days ago to let them know TB's bio was still on their website. The man who answered said it would be removed within seconds of my call...and told me he was unaware the TB bio was still there.
I would LOVE to hear TB's voice.
(Obviously Missouri LE has heard TB in person and Libby's recording of BG.)
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