IN - Aliahna Maroney Lemmon, 9, Fort Wayne, 23 Dec 2011 - #4

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I am not arguing the point, but how did the officer's search the apartments when Jorelys was missing. I understood they just knocked on the door and asked the tenants if they could search. The same with Baby Lisa. Just wondering what the difference would be especially since this was the trailer she went missing from. tia

I guess it just depends on whether or not it was a wellness check or warrant. Keep in mind, that the warrant may not have specified closed in places not in plain site. This was huge in the 60's because of drugs. And later because of sodomy laws. Plain site is all officers can go after. Opening up the freezer doesn't fit within most search warrants. Almost all SW issued after (even a person is believed to be deceased) don't cover areas not in plain site.

Think of it like this. Say you are a cop. I am weaving all over the road. You pull me over. I am drunk. You arrest me. If I say you don't have my permission to search the locked trunk of my car or glove compartment. You can't. I could have dead bodies in my trunk. It doesn't matter. If you were to search, without a warrant, and find dead bodies in my trunk, that cannot be used against me at trial, because you had no right to search my locked trunk. Sucks doesn't it?
I totally agree with you and that is why I asked the questions several posts back. It makes no sense to me. How in the world did he cover up what he had done? There would of had to be some visual evidense that they should have seen or if there were dogs that the dogs would have picked up on. I would think. jmo

From everything I've read here ... LE brought in TRACKING/TRAILING dogs to find an alive little girl somewhere in FW. At some point in time (unknown by me) the jig was up and MP confessed to what he did. LE had no authority to search his freezer for parts of a little girl. :(

I really don't believe that he hit her with a brick in front on his mobile home. Something else happened. JMO. We'll see as time goes by.
I have been reading about this little child what a horrible shame. I want to add my DH was raised in the same kind of enviroment, his dad left his mom when he was 3 moved to another state. When he was 8 his beloved grandfather passed and the stability was gone. He has told me stories that made me cry with sadness for him. His grandma after grandpa died took up with a alcholic loser and his mother had a string of alcholics in and out of her bed. He said he would here them come home from the bar she would take them to her bed and it scared him he thought they were hurting her. She had one that would get DH out of the bed in the middle of the night to beat him. His brother 18 mos older than him was given to the state when he was 13 and she told DH if he said anything to anyone he would be next. His supper came from the 7-11 and sometimes he had to steal it because he had no money and her and her flavor of the week was at the bar. He had very few clothes or shoes and what he did have had cat urine on them from her many cats. Kids at school made fun of him, she never went to any school functions nor took any interest in his grades. An older couple offered to adopt him but she would't do that she would have lost the check she got for him from the state that went to booze and drugs and her men. He has said so many times how he wished she would have let them adopt him and what a better life he would have had. They always lived in roach invested apts, horribly neglected lonesome little boy. Today, he is a good hearted fairly well rounded man but has no trust of anyone took him yrs to trust me. She passed away in June and there was a small memorial service for her and he didn't attend, when she was dying in the hospital he didn't go see her, if it had been up to him he would have donated her body to science so "they could examine her pea brain" He did say one time he was glad he wasen't a little girl not that boys don't get sexually abused they do but he feels that more girls than boys do. I don't think he was sexually abused he has never said that he was but he was certaintly physically emotionally abused and neglected.Sorry for the long post but some of these things I see are so very similar...
-) Lubs my Cubby:- Tell you what.... I will sit on your hands, and you can sit on mine. Now, who can we get to put hands over our mouths? Any volunteers?

If you were sitting on my hands, and I was sitting on your hands someone might get the wrong idea, lol. :floorlaugh:

Thanks for the laugh, I needed it. No disrespect to the victim, if we didn't toss in some humor here, I'm afraid none of us would remain sane following these cases.

I guess it just depends on whether or not it was a wellness check or warrant. Keep in mind, that the warrant may not have specified closed in places not in plain site. This was huge in the 60's because of drugs. And later because of sodomy laws. Plain site is all officers can go after. Opening up the freezer doesn't fit within most search warrants. Almost all SW issued after (even a person is believed to be deceased) don't cover areas not in plain site.

Think of it like this. Say you are a cop. I am weaving all over the road. You pull me over. I am drunk. You arrest me. If I say you don't have my permission to search the locked trunk of my car or glove compartment. You can't. I could have dead bodies in my trunk. It doesn't matter. If you were to search, without a warrant, and find dead bodies in my trunk, that cannot be used against me at trial, because you had no right to search my locked trunk. Sucks doesn't it?

Yes, I understand all this, I was married to a criminal attorney for way too long. But, I am thinking of the obvious that I would think would be there. Wasn't he supposed to have killed her with a brick on the front porch? I would think that would be very hard to do without leaving blood spatter, etc. And I would think it would be pretty hard to clean up.

It really doesn't matter. They have him and they have him in jail and hopefully he will never get out at least alive. I watched a very interesting CSI tonight. Seems a whole house was a torture chamber and a place of horrors. Investigating another crime they found blood spatter in every room. This led them to dig up the back yard where they found many graves. Made me think of them moving the MH in this case. I just wonder what kind of things they are going to find inside that place. A very gruesome crime and as some have speculated may just be the tip of the iceberg. So so sad. jmo
I am not arguing the point, but how did the officer's search the apartments when Jorelys was missing. I understood they just knocked on the door and asked the tenants if they could search. The same with Baby Lisa. Just wondering what the difference would be especially since this was the trailer she went missing from. tia

The apt. where evidence was found about Jorely (not body found but evidence was found there) was vacant and thus under the permission of the Manager for entrance to look. Knocking on doors of residents and letting LE in IS giving them permission for a VISUAL search = in plain sight. Other than that, they need a warrant to keep everything acceptable within our laws.

Let's just say that LE has a warrant to search my house. They search and find nothing, but a smart LEO notices I have a detached garage located 20 feet from my house. Do they search there or not by the original warrant? An ADA (assistant District Attorney or whatever you call it in your state) should be with LE to tell them ... lets go back and make sure and get another warrant to search the outbuilding(s). Better safe than sorry.

I want every single piece of evidence to pass the BEST test of our laws. IMO
I understand not knowing who's who, lots of kids and freaks in this one!! I have a couple things...
Kennedy has a pic from MS posted of DM holding Kennedy's sister's new born baby at the hospital after birth.
I think LE helped get DM to Indiana for in person questioning!! JMO

The sheriff donated to a fund that was being collected through the newspaper...he did not pay for the full trip, simply gave money towards the fund for it. The community also donated.

Kennedy is DM's brother in law - the child he is holding is his own with his wife at the time, Kennedys sister.
Yes, I understand all this, I was married to a criminal attorney for way too long. But, I am thinking of the obvious that I would think would be there. Wasn't he supposed to have killed her with a brick on the front porch? I would think that would be very hard to do without leaving blood spatter, etc. And I would think it would be pretty hard to clean up.

It really doesn't matter. They have him and they have him in jail and hopefully he will never get out at least alive. I watched a very interesting CSI tonight. Seems a whole house was a torture chamber and a place of horrors. Investigating another crime they found blood spatter in every room. This led them to dig up the back yard where they found many graves. Made me think of them moving the MH in this case. I just wonder what kind of things they are going to find inside that place. A very gruesome crime and as some have speculated may just be the tip of the iceberg. So so sad. jmo

ITA. Since he froze her whole before he dismembered her...there would have been very little visible to the naked eye. I wonder about the brick though. Was MP lying? Or do police have the brick? If there was a brick there would be blood on it? If there was head trauma there would be spatter? If there was spatter there would be blood on the clothes of the assailant, MP? It is also very likely, that he strangled her. An intimate act. Most molesters who kill/rapists who kill/serial killers who do rape won't discuss the actual rape...only the methodical killing. I wonder why that is.

The ******* who murdered my friend, stabbed her over 70 times and either raped her after she was dead or while she was dying. He never confessed. He is on death row.

I just find it odd that the ones who will won't talk about the sex acts/ rape. Just the killing. You see that a lot. Weird...We don't know if Ali was raped. We can only guess that she was. And likely she was dismembered such that LE may never find out. I have no idea. I just wonder why someone can talk so methodically about killing someone and leave out the why? It is odd to me.
Yes, I understand all this, I was married to a criminal attorney for way too long. But, I am thinking of the obvious that I would think would be there. Wasn't he supposed to have killed her with a brick on the front porch? I would think that would be very hard to do without leaving blood spatter, etc. And I would think it would be pretty hard to clean up.

It really doesn't matter. They have him and they have him in jail and hopefully he will never get out at least alive. I watched a very interesting CSI tonight. Seems a whole house was a torture chamber and a place of horrors. Investigating another crime they found blood spatter in every room. This led them to dig up the back yard where they found many graves. Made me think of them moving the MH in this case. I just wonder what kind of things they are going to find inside that place. A very gruesome crime and as some have speculated may just be the tip of the iceberg. So so sad. jmo

BBM: Do you really believe that? The only "story" we were told about that was by the perp. I'm skeptical. JMO
what an awful story Hippy Chick.....I think quite alot of us know people who were bought up similar....probably not as bad though. You know I had a wonderful childhood. My father however was a cop in country queensland and so because of that we did see and learnt a hell of a lot, especially that alot of people werent as lucky to have such a wonderful family as we have.

I am now 46, my brother (now a cop) is 44 and my sister 42. We have said so many times that the best asset we all have had was a wonderful childhood with loving parents. We have also told our parents this often. My goal is to give my children the same type of childhood I had.

I have found that either kids who have horrible childhoods go one of two ways: they are either very determined to give their kids the best and the childhood that they did not have OR the cycle does not get broken.

In this case it is quite obvious the cycle was not broken.

I wish we could go back (family wise anyhow) to a time when families were more stable and nuclear.
oh good lord I have just caught up again and first of all you guys are good......working out all the connections etc.

I cant beleive that
this mum had this poor little girl babysat before and she was abused
and still had a male babysit her again.....and not by just any guy, but by a friend of her pedo father in a pedo park.

BBM = I totally agree there is no excuse for mom putting her children in harms way voluntarily, but to be fair, the 19 year old male babysitter was the brother of bio dads wife, so it could have taken place while she was with them and not mom. HOWEVER, that being said, mom DID know that it took place and still...
I guess it just depends on whether or not it was a wellness check or warrant. Keep in mind, that the warrant may not have specified closed in places not in plain site. This was huge in the 60's because of drugs. And later because of sodomy laws. Plain site is all officers can go after. Opening up the freezer doesn't fit within most search warrants. Almost all SW issued after (even a person is believed to be deceased) don't cover areas not in plain site.

Think of it like this. Say you are a cop. I am weaving all over the road. You pull me over. I am drunk. You arrest me. If I say you don't have my permission to search the locked trunk of my car or glove compartment. You can't. I could have dead bodies in my trunk. It doesn't matter. If you were to search, without a warrant, and find dead bodies in my trunk, that cannot be used against me at trial, because you had no right to search my locked trunk. Sucks doesn't it?

K that goes by each state law. MOST states give the authority to search by conduct of the driver/speed trap/license check, etc.. Search/seizure laws are so different with a vehicle. There is a lower expectation of privacy in a vehicle vs a home in the US.
what an awful story Hippy Chick.....I think quite alot of us know people who were bought up similar....probably not as bad though. You know I had a wonderful childhood. My father however was a cop in country queensland and so because of that we did see and learnt a hell of a lot, especially that alot of people werent as lucky to have such a wonderful family as we have.

I am now 46, my brother (now a cop) is 44 and my sister 42. We have said so many times that the best asset we all have had was a wonderful childhood with loving parents. We have also told our parents this often. My goal is to give my children the same type of childhood I had.

I have found that either kids who have horrible childhoods go one of two ways: they are either very determined to give their kids the best and the childhood that they did not have OR the cycle does not get broken.

In this case it is quite obvious the cycle was not broken.

I wish we could go back (family wise anyhow) to a time when families were more stable and nuclear.

I just got back from NZ. I can spot an Aussie/Kiwi by the use of the word "learnt" instead of learned. I love it. Makes me smile. Just like my UK friends who abuse the letter "U". lol. Color/colour; humor; humour, etc.
according to the pics, he considers himself a Juggalo and he listens to ICP so much that he has their name tattooed on his arm. that explains a lot.

ICP and the juggalo community come up a lot in these tragic cases. In the Hailey Dunn case, which is still unsolved, there were several suspects who were diehard juggalos.

Billie Dunn and her boyfriend even had an argument over a t-shirt from an ICP concert.
What the he-llo!

Sitting on my I want to send a little note to Dawayne and ask him why he's friends with a monster who was convicted and is now in prison for molesting Ali. What is going on in that family? Do we have a child *advertiser censored* ring (just speculating of course).


UNBELIEVABLE. And not only that, Mr. Kennedy posted MS pics of being at the hospital, in HD's room right when bio Dad's second daughter B****** was born. Really? Wow.
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