Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #79

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I am new to posting, but a long time lurker. This is my first trial I have been sucked in by... and what a doozy.

Yesterday with JM was GREAT! Best objection occured when JM said "Objection, Ms. Arias cannot answer because she says she doesn't remember...if she DOES remember then she should tell us".

Thank you to whomever posted the pictures of the suicide letters to Gma. IMO the little bit we can see looks NOTHING like a letter to someone, to me it looks just like a regular Jodi rant in her diary... Letters TO someone sound different than a journal entry...

Anyway, glad to be here...


I am new to posting, but a long time lurker. This is my first trial I have been sucked in by... and what a doozy.

Yesterday with JM was GREAT! Best objection occured when JM said "Objection, Ms. Arias cannot answer because she says she doesn't remember...if she DOES remember then she should tell us".

Thank you to whomever posted the pictures of the suicide letters to Gma. IMO the little bit we can see looks NOTHING like a letter to someone, to me it looks just like a regular Jodi rant in her diary... Letters TO someone sound different than a journal entry...

Anyway, glad to be here...


I am new to posting, but a long time lurker. This is my first trial I have been sucked in by... and what a doozy.

Yesterday with JM was GREAT! Best objection occured when JM said "Objection, Ms. Arias cannot answer because she says she doesn't remember...if she DOES remember then she should tell us".

Thank you to whomever posted the pictures of the suicide letters to Gma. IMO the little bit we can see looks NOTHING like a letter to someone, to me it looks just like a regular Jodi rant in her diary... Letters TO someone sound different than a journal entry...

Anyway, glad to be here...

OK so her Car had approx a 14 Gallon tank. 3 cans = 15 Gal (say 14) So the tank and cans = 2 fill ups. She could easily fill the tank again bordering AZ with cash, then scoot through AZ on a tank and 3 cans = tank.

Off goes the phone (which she did) so no pings in AZ.

Wow she thought she was so clever. NOT

Yep. in fact, she had enough gas when she filled up in Pasadena to get to Mesa and back to Mesquite, NV (where she filled up again according to her bank statement yesterday)

She couldn't risk a fill up anywhere east of I-15 (even with cash) for fear of being caught on surveillance. It would have crushed her alibi.

The 13.5 gallons in the car tank and 15 in the spare tanks give her just enough to pull off the above mentioned route....
You know....that's a good point! There's no way she parked the car in the driveway. I bet it was on the side of the street or around the block. Travis never helped her with her "bags".

During her cross Juan asked that question specifically and I found that odd.

Of course she said she remembered exactly where she parked (center spot of the driveway) cause that's where she always parked. Just like the strawberry frappucino bullcrap...

If this roommate was in fact there between 3-4 and Jodi was still in Travis' room, it shows evidence that she deviated from her usual behavior and didn't park in the driveway. The rental car would further her attempt to come in and out of town undetected and unrecognized.

She went to great lengths at one point (direct?) to describe where she parked the UHaul down the street. That's where I feel she parked the rental on June 4th.
What I remember is one of the roomates told the detective that he was there and spent the night at the house on June 3 and left on June 4 either for work or for something else, but came back around 3-4 and left again. He did not see HER that day, or knew that she was there...unless I missed something, anybody else recall?

That is why JM was pinning JA down on the 2:00 time she said that she put luggage in car, before roomate got home...Again where was her car??

BBM It could have been parked out front or across the street. She rented a car that he would never have associated with JA.
For those posters who asked about Travis' music video--the Travis "T-dogg" Alexander Memorial video is posted at the beginning of thread 78 (jury questions). I just assumed that some of the songs were sung by Travis, but I might be wrong on that. Does anyone know if he is credited for any of the songs?

Regardless, it is a lovely video dedication to him and worth watching.
the only thing we'll find out from the family is when they take the stand to plead for her life. which i'm sure in the case of her very ill father will be somewhat effective. when the family members testify, they won't say anything bad about her.

This is the first time I have thought of her family having to testify during the phase where the family speaks. That is going to be very interesting indeed.

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I was thinking the same thing - that she had used that piece of duct tape to hide the knife under the sink during one of her "housekeeping" visits.

Many liars have a grain of truth in what they say - I believe that's why she kept insisting that the knife had been in the bathroom. JMHO

I think she had to say it was in the bathroom, and give the lie about how it got there (travis measuring rope) because anything else would show premeditation (I got it from the kitchen, I brought it in my luggage, etc.) it is an elaborate lie.
Wouldn't it be something if one of the neighbors in the area had surveillance cameras on their home, and caught her on camera parking?
Somebody must have seen her leave, as it was after 5:30PM and before 6:00 PM when Enrique got home and it was still daylight. Lots of folks are getting off work around then and would be coming home. I have no idea how busy the street was on which Travis lived.
A GREAT amount of work to make that...the grammatical errors are distracting to me. Yes, I'm one of THOSE people. :) I know to others it's minor, but it would be more powerful and credible with those corrections. MOO

I agree - I'm one of THOSE people too ;).

I am new to posting, but a long time lurker. This is my first trial I have been sucked in by... and what a doozy.

Yesterday with JM was GREAT! Best objection occured when JM said "Objection, Ms. Arias cannot answer because she says she doesn't remember...if she DOES remember then she should tell us".

Thank you to whomever posted the pictures of the suicide letters to Gma. IMO the little bit we can see looks NOTHING like a letter to someone, to me it looks just like a regular Jodi rant in her diary... Letters TO someone sound different than a journal entry...

Anyway, glad to be here...

Hello and Welcome ! :wagon::wagon:
Can she be charged with perjury and be slapped with a defamation suit after all this is done just for good measure?
Yep. in fact, she had enough gas when she filled up in Pasadena to get to Mesa and back to Mesquite, NV (where she filled up again according to her bank statement yesterday)

She couldn't risk a fill up anywhere east of I-15 (even with cash) for fear of being caught on surveillance. It would have crushed her alibi.

The 13.5 gallons in the car tank and 15 in the spare tanks give her just enough to pull off the above mentioned route....

Wow. You guys are good.

And didn't she think she was just too smart eh?
Yep Yep I believe the only true punishment will need to be the DP, I believe she will be just fine with LWOP.

Guessing here that JA has been pretty busy these past couple of years in jail by acting as her own attorney, working with her attorneys once she admitted she was in over her head, and the hub bub that goes on pre-trial and then trial.

She has been on the stand almost a month and seems pretty ok with this..............but once she is found guilty and gets sentenced and all the carting back and forth to jail stops, all the cameras stop rolling and her celebrity diminishes JA will be extremely depressed.

:twocents:Not to mention how the other inmates will now react to her highness who has been dethroned.

She thrives on attention and LWOP will be devastating to JA. :twocents:
Mormon Attorney

Thanks for your insightful posting this afternoon!

I would like to hope I am somewhat responsible for it by posing my earlier question so I am back for another round.

Jodi seems to be the most hated person on the planet at least her on WS by countless posts of LIAR or I hate her.

At the risk of becoming the most hated poster here at WS let me state I have never hated here, not even close. People kill and murder people everyday, if I hated just a few of them I would be filled with hate. It seems that since Jodi is under the microscope, she is hated for every single thing she does, including the way she blinks her eyes. Her photography is horrible, her lying, her art, her appearance, down to how she holds her glass of water, all are just lower than the low.

So here comes my question, forget everything we know and lets change the circumstances.

Hypothetical, had Jodi been raped and murdered in a viscous manner where she was the victim and had never done anything wrong herself.....Do you feel that all (maybe not all) of her lies would somehow become truths. Would her photography be great and would she be described as having such a promising career whose life was cut short?

Thank you for your sentiment...I agree and support you. I think what is important to remember is that this is about the murder of Travis Alexander...and I DO believe her to be a pathological liar and guilty of 1st degree murder...but commenting on nonsense including the size and shape of her hands and the lower lip cold sore are unnecessary and irrelevant.

It is possible to dislike the defendant and have deep sympathy for the Alexander family, but keep comments and posts relevant to the case itself. Easy!
Baez feels the defense put her on the stand to huminaze her and so that the jury may get to know her, don't know about you all but the more I get to know her and hear her and see her the more and more I dislike her IMO hope jury feels the same

So true. I came in willing to listen to her explanation. She completely lost my trust by the second day of her testimony, and now I see she's completely sociopathic. Her slightly sophisticated mask of sanity slipped right off yesterday as she stared, lizard-like and petulantly, at the victim's family.
Can she be charged with perjury and be slapped with a defamation suit after all this is done just for good measure?

I don't think she can be sued for defamation because the person she is defaming cannot be damaged personally (as he is dead). She can be sued for wrongful death, but, why bother? She has no assets. As for perjury, who cares if a death row inmate perjured herself at trial.
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