Invoice for the Defense for Work Performed

I really cannot understand this???? Does it mean the Defense automatically gets the 120 hours that they went OVER what was approved ... and then they get ANOTHER 110 hours more???

We'll have to wait for confirmation of the written Order, yes, that's how I interpreted it too.,0,2290387.story

"Before being declared indigent in March and having the state pick up many costs associated with the defense, Anthony had private funding totaling about $275,000.
The $55,200 in billings in the recent accounting shows the costs of the defense increasing during a relatively short period. By late October, the defense had billed the state $38,672 and the JAC had paid out $18,405."


Private Funds $275,000.00
Public Funds 55,200.62 and still counting.

Since Judge Perry has approved more investigative hours what Baez has billed will be paid out (with the exception of admin/clerical work he billed as work done by the PI when it should have been done by a secretary or paralegal)
from the link above
The bulk of the payments and billings go toward investigative work, according to the itemized expenditures. An investigator for the Casey Anthony defense, for instance, has billed $24,873.13 and was paid $21,418.13. Another $8,600 for expert witnesses has been billed but not paid yet, according to the JAC numbers.

Earlier this week, Judge Perry allowed Anthony's defense team to bill the state additional hours for an investigator working, but he warned the defense to make sure it bills appropriately.

Perry said he had reviewed some of the billings submitted to the JAC and found that certain items submitted for investigative work might not be covered because "some of those things can be done by a paralegal or a secretary."

Defense attorney Jose Baez had originally asked for many hours for investigative work. On Tuesday he said the additional hours are needed because the prosecution continues to provide discovery information and documents. Baez told Perry the defense still needs to interview about 110 witnesses. That work falls to the investigator.

I thought His Honor said, no more drilling for oil! Why is this PI getting such a big payout?JMHO

Justice for Caylee
from the link above

I thought His Honor said, no more drilling for oil! Why is this PI getting such a big payout?JMHO

Justice for Caylee

I may be off base with this thought, but when I saw 80 hours worked in 5 days, my initial response was Baez has found a way to bilk the state. I mean, is there anyone to check up on these charges to see if the hours were actually worked? And now to hear HHJBP say a paralegal could have done the work, it just makes me wonder.
Thanks to charishtoo's recent post on the "Casey's Confinement" thread, I have been able to connect the person who called me to the PI firm for whom he is currently working (apparently owned by his daughter). The PI company's name that showed up on my phone appeared to be defunct ~ that's why I wasn't able to connect it to any payments from the state.

But Charishtoo found that this other firm he is connected to has been paid $2,050.,+LLC&M=Y

I don't know my way around the Transparency Florida site very well and don't know how to confirm that this entire amount is connected to the Anthony case. Does anyone know if or how we can do that?

. . . and now what happens to this payment that also appears to be over and above the court approved investigative hours?

Sept 30 filed motion requesting budget

11-03-10 Order Addressing Retainment and Payment of Experts, Investigators, Mitigation Specialist, and Other Costs (granting 5000.00 for a PI), Mitigation Specialist, and Other Costs.pdf
Sept 30 filed motion requesting budget

11-03-10 Order Addressing Retainment and Payment of Experts, Investigators, Mitigation Specialist, and Other Costs (granting 5000.00 for a PI), Mitigation Specialist, and Other Costs.pdf

Wow! Gives new meaning to "anticipated costs," huh?
Oopey. Reading further-"in addition to mitigation costs previously addressed in order dated May 12, 2010."
We're off to find this motion, this wonderful motion from May. We hear there is some mitigation, that someone forgot to pay..."
Sept 30 filed motion requesting budget

11-03-10 Order Addressing Retainment and Payment of Experts, Investigators, Mitigation Specialist, and Other Costs (granting 5000.00 for a PI), Mitigation Specialist, and Other Costs.pdf

Re your bolding: "The court reserves ruling on this request pending defense counsel's submission to the Court by November 5, 2010 of an itemized list of the investigative services needed in support of this request." (End of page 1 and top of page 2 in your link.)

Do we know if defense has complied and that this $5000 has since been approved?

Looks like this order approved a total of $7,000 for "penalty phase" expenditures; $2,500 for psych service ($2,500 of are available for pre-trial services ~ pmt for trial services to be addressed at a later date), $500 for copying costs, and an additional $4,000 for mitigation specialists (JB). The rest was denied or "reserved ruling."
I don't think there's any way to tell what case those payments were for, so they could have nothing to do with ICA.

I know; that's frustrating me! Are you familiar enough with that site to know if there is a way to break the expenses down by case?
IMO this PI has been connected to this case much longer than I can currently prove. Let me try to explain why I believe this. During the TES telethon I came across the digits that a searcher posted from their caller ID. So of course I googled the number and deja vu hit me like a ton of bricks. This was not the first time I had googled these digits! Since then I have been racking my brain but unfortunately CRS has set in. To make matters even worse, I remember that I posted something about this finding on another board and now I can't even find that post. So somewhere out there either on a document or contained in an attachment to a motion is either this PI's name or his digits.
Casey Anthony defense bills the state $55,000

By Anthony Colarossi, Orlando Sentinel

6:19 p.m. EST, December 16, 2010
Newly released records show the Casey Anthony defense team has billed the state more than $55,000 since she was declared indigent earlier this year.

The numbers released today by the Justice Administrative Commission come soon after Chief Circuit Judge Belvin Perry approved additional state funding for the defense this week.

The new JAC numbers show the defense has billed $55,200.62. The Commission has paid out $32,668.64. The unpaid billings amount to $22,531.98.

The bulk of the payments and billings go toward investigative work, according to the itemized expenditures. An investigator for the Casey Anthony defense, for instance, has billed $24,873.13 and was paid $21,418.13. Another $8,600 for expert witnesses has been billed but not paid yet, according to the JAC numbers.

Earlier this week, Judge Perry allowed Anthony's defense team to bill the state additional hours for an investigator working, but he warned the defense to make sure it bills appropriately.,0,2290387.story

I'm not sure if this was already posted but that a large amount of money for fishing expeditions...JMHO

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