Italy - Beau Solomon, 19, UW student, Rome, 30 June 2016 *Arrest*

I was just in Paris and all was fine. Yes, there is an ongoing problem with the influx of displaced people from North Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. One is blind not to see that when traveling in Western Europe. That said, many of us still travel to Italy, France, etc., without running into any problems. The key is to be mindful of your surroundings and act mindfully. Drinking after a long flight and then walking alone in an unfamiliar place is unsafe at any age. Sadly, it's not uncommon for young people who are abroad for the first time. I know I've seen it. There are clearly unwelcome guests in places like Rome that target those who are vulnerable and on their own, and these groups of men seem to be targeting university areas like the Trastevere area of Rome.
Jul 6 2016, 11:15 am ET

Beau Solomon Death: Pope Meets Parents of U.S. Student Found in Rome River

by F. Brinley Bruton and Claudio Lavanga

ROME — Pope Francis met Wednesday with the grieving parents of Beau Solomon, the American college student found dead in a Rome river.

A picture of the encounter shows the pope standing close to the 19-year-old's clearly distraught parents, who have been named in the media as Jodi and Nick Solomon...

That is really nice of Pope Francis. I hope the meeting has helped the hurting parents a bit.

Also glad to see that apparently Beau has three brothers? (There is a picture of the whole family in the article.) I was worried he was an only child, which would have been even more devastating for the parents.
I'm not so sure that is the case now, at least in countries which have seen massive immigration recently from Africa, the Middle East and south Asia. There's an epidemic of street crime, and especially of sexual assault against women and children. I'd say parts of Europe are now clearly unsafe.

Only a few places. Most of Europe is just fine. Catastrophizing is unhelpful. I have friends and family all over Europe. Everyone is fine and enjoying travel this Summer.
How is it that a shirt ends up "blood-stained" while submerged in water? If indeed he sustained a large head wound after a fall into the river, it seems highly unlikely his shirt would be full of blood. This whole thing reeks of similarities the Andrew Mogni case....... and even the Durkin case before that. All 3 young men were star athletes, finance or economics majors, and their actions on their last night alive were totally out of character according to family and friends......
Thank you for the posts and links. I just can't believe this young man survived a rare form of childhood cancer to have his life taken by street criminals. Prayers for his family and friends.
My heart breaks for Beau's family and friends.

R.I.P. Beau [emoji257]
How is it that a shirt ends up "blood-stained" while submerged in water? If indeed he sustained a large head wound after a fall into the river, it seems highly unlikely his shirt would be full of blood. This whole thing reeks of similarities the Andrew Mogni case....... and even the Durkin case before that. All 3 young men were star athletes, finance or economics majors, and their actions on their last night alive were totally out of character according to family and friends......
How is it that a shirt ends up "blood-stained" while submerged in water? If indeed he sustained a large head wound after a fall into the river, it seems highly unlikely his shirt would be full of blood. This whole thing reeks of similarities the Andrew Mogni case....... and even the Durkin case before that. All 3 young men were star athletes, finance or economics majors, and their actions on their last night alive were totally out of character according to family and friends......

Welcome! Great first post. Funny you should say this...

The murder of a Wisconsin college student in Rome stunned the world, and now a suburban Chicago family wonders whether the death of their son could be connected.

The similarities in the two cases are raising questions about whether American students are being targeted
I think that there is a good chance students are being targeted. I hope they're investigating the bar staff and those associated with this program in Rome. Someone might be supplying information to a criminal group of men that tells them when and where to find their mark. The bartender has stated that Beau paid his bill before he left. Was it with a credit card? Had he been drugged? Was this group of thieves alerted that the new Summer class had arrived so they knew to be at the bar that night? Were they watching for someone to pay with a credit card and leave alone? Fresh off a flight from the US means that there might not have been time to get cash. The first day in a new city is often paid with a credit card, especially if you're not fully comfortable with the new currency and aren't a seasoned traveler. MOO.
I know that France has a "Good Samaritan" law which requires others to stop and provide what assistance they reasonably can. I believe it's a criminal offence not to do so. However, no idea about other countries.

My husband and I have had to help a few drunk young Americans(strangers) in Belgium and Amsterdam because they drink to much of a high alcohol content beer. We spend alot of time because of his work and after awhile it is a constant everyday thing you see and can not be responsible for every stranger we see making bad choices. I have seen young people just arrive and can not make it out of the train station cafe. There comes a time you have to grow up and take some personal responsibility.

Edit- I just realized you were referring to people helping the victim being pushed in the water,not just intoxicated.
I'm very happy to have found this forum. Hopefully I can contribute in some small way going forward! That being said, this particular case is somewhat personal to me as I had gotten to know this young man over the past months. Here are a few observations:

1.) According to his closest friends, he was not a drinker...... they claim that the only time they can recall him drinking was with his family during holidays or special occasions..... Of course, that doesn't mean he didn't drink anything the night he arrived in Rome, but it surely seems odd considering the "witness accounts" of him being "stumbling drunk" or on a "pub crawl".

2.) Beau struck me as the last person I would ever expect to "pick a fight" with anyone regardless of circumstances. I don't think I could find a person who didn't like him....

3.) He's a big guy. 5'11 and 225lbs...... How is this skinny homeless guy pushing him around?

Many of the news agencies in Italy... and even the US to some degree.... like to end the articles with examples of other "reckless Americans" who have "drunken accidents". That wasn't the case here..... This kid was targeted in some way......maybe drugged....maybe just fooled into leaving alone.... but it sounds like he wasn't the first victim of whatever is going on around this University. I hope the private investigators working on this case can shed some light on the truth in the coming days. I'm not holding out much hope for the Italian police doing much though.
I'm very happy to have found this forum. Hopefully I can contribute in some small way going forward! That being said, this particular case is somewhat personal to me as I had gotten to know this young man over the past months. Here are a few observations:

1.) According to his closest friends, he was not a drinker...... they claim that the only time they can recall him drinking was with his family during holidays or special occasions..... Of course, that doesn't mean he didn't drink anything the night he arrived in Rome, but it surely seems odd considering the "witness accounts" of him being "stumbling drunk" or on a "pub crawl".

2.) Beau struck me as the last person I would ever expect to "pick a fight" with anyone regardless of circumstances. I don't think I could find a person who didn't like him....

3.) He's a big guy. 5'11 and 225lbs...... How is this skinny homeless guy pushing him around?

Many of the news agencies in Italy... and even the US to some degree.... like to end the articles with examples of other "reckless Americans" who have "drunken accidents". That wasn't the case here..... This kid was targeted in some way......maybe drugged....maybe just fooled into leaving alone.... but it sounds like he wasn't the first victim of whatever is going on around this University. I hope the private investigators working on this case can shed some light on the truth in the coming days. I'm not holding out much hope for the Italian police doing much though.

Thank you for sharing your very personal insights and observations. It's wonderful to have someone here who knew Beau. He was clearly a remarkable young man. I am thinking along the same lines as you are and believe he was targeted. This investigation needs to be broad and thorough.

Again, welcome.
I'm very happy to have found this forum. Hopefully I can contribute in some small way going forward! That being said, this particular case is somewhat personal to me as I had gotten to know this young man over the past months.

Welcome, oasis. I'm sorry you've found your way to WS in such circumstances, though your knowledge of Beau does help us know something about him. It's shocking, I know, losing someone you know under circumstances like these: a woman who was somewhere between a friend and an acquaintance of mine was murdered in her last year at the same university I was attending.

1.) According to his closest friends, he was not a drinker...... they claim that the only time they can recall him drinking was with his family during holidays or special occasions..... Of course, that doesn't mean he didn't drink anything the night he arrived in Rome, but it surely seems odd considering the "witness accounts" of him being "stumbling drunk" or on a "pub crawl".

Unfortunately if someone isn't used to drinking it doesn't take much to knock them off balance. I came from a family which didn't drink either, but almost as soon as I got to university I went out drinking with a small group. After 2 half pints of lager (half a litre in total) I walked into a lamp post on the way back to the hall of residence. I do think that even 4 drinks over a couple of hours would be enough to make a non-drinker pretty squiffy. And don't forget, Beau would have been jet-lagged - presumably something else which he hadn't experience before. Taken together these factors may have had a significant effect on him and his behaviour.

2.) Beau struck me as the last person I would ever expect to "pick a fight" with anyone regardless of circumstances.

That may well be true, but a few drinks, excitement and jet-lag could make a difference.

3.) He's a big guy. 5'11 and 225lbs...... How is this skinny homeless guy pushing him around?

The skinny guy might be very "wiry" - no fat, all muscle and much stronger than might be expected. Homeless people on the street survive by having and displaying strengths that those who don't don't possess. He might be very well used to protecting what little he has against other street people or to taking theirs from them. He might also be very used to roughing up tourists who are in the wrong place and seem vulnerable.
Jul 7 2016, 7:51 am ET

Beau Solomon Case: Suspect Denies Pushing Teen to His Death, Lawyer Says

by Claudio Lavanga and F. Brinley Bruton

The lawyer for the homeless man charged with murdering American student Beau Solomon said his client denies pushing the teen into a Rome river.

Solomon vanished less than 24 hours after arriving in Italy on June 30 for summer classes. His body was found in the Tiber River on Monday and police charged Massimo Galioto, 40, with his murder a day later...
1.) According to his closest friends, he was not a drinker...... they claim that the only time they can recall him drinking was with his family during holidays or special occasions..... Of course, that doesn't mean he didn't drink anything the night he arrived in Rome, but it surely seems odd considering the "witness accounts" of him being "stumbling drunk" or on a "pub crawl".

Then factor in the odds of a light social drinker getting extremely intoxicated while going to bars alone on his first night in a strange country. I think this is extremely unlikely.

The bartender has stated that Beau paid his bill before he left. Was it with a credit card? Had he been drugged?
Good observation. This possibility seems to be increasing as Beau was not a heavy drinker, nor a reckless "partier". Rather, was he given a "date rape" drug? I wonder how easy these drugs can be purchased as personal "sleeping aids" at sleazy pharmacies in Rome's red light district.
3.) He's a big guy. 5'11 and 225lbs...... How is this skinny homeless guy pushing him around?
I am thinking the two north African muggers were part of the attack, but were not caught on film. Speaking of them, where are they? Do the police have them in custody?

This possibility is awful, but.....

How fast and cold does the Tiber flow in July? Was the river running high from rains? On the photos in a link, the Tiber looks calm, slow moving, with alot of low embankements.

The victim was an atheletic individual from a state surrounded by water with alot of lakes and rivers. My bet is that he knew how to swim. His sport was football, so he had been knocked around in the past and is not likely to go into mental shock after being punched and pushed. Why could he not have been able to swim a little down stream, then crawl out? This is espescially so wearing light clothing and with warm water. In short, did this criminal gang follow him, then attack him again and deliberatly drown him?

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