Italy - Beau Solomon, 19, UW student, Rome, 30 June 2016 *Arrest*

A translated quote from this Italian article: "The investigation continues, taking as reference even video surveillance of the area became the scene of the death of Beau cameras and also see the participation of the FBI, intent on shedding light on the matter." - I know the translation is poor, but it seems the FBI has either been asked to help or has intervened in some way. I didn't think they were involved in overseas crimes, but I found this on their web site:

Their unusual involvement might put some pressure on the Police and Government officials....
Great theories, guys, and I'm just catching up. But I thought there was CCTV of Massimo pushing Beau into the river, have I imagined that?

EDIT just read the Daily Beast article and I gather there is CCTV of him falling in but not how it happened. But then Massimo's girlfriend said he pushed Beau in, so...

Several witnesses have said that Solomon was robbed on the picturesque Ponte Sisto Bridge near the bar where he and his new classmates were enjoying the vibrant Roman nightlife. He then apparently chased the predator or predators down to what anyone in Rome would consider the “wrong side” of the Tiber River, where a lively drug trade thrives among the homeless tents and cardboard box shelters. In broad daylight, ****s are known to throw sticks into the spokes of passing bicycles to mug the riders when they fall; at night any number of crimes take place in the unlit overgrown shrubs where dozens of homeless people have set up encampments.
It was there where Solomon reportedly stumbled onto the tent occupied by Massimo Galioto, a 41-year-old homeless man who was conveniently arrested for homicide shortly after Solomon’s swollen body was found a mile down the river four days after he disappeared.

EDIT again!! Is "t h u g" a bad word in America?!?!
Great theories, guys, and I'm just catching up. But I thought there was CCTV of Massimo pushing Beau into the river, have I imagined that?

EDIT just read the Daily Beast article and I gather there is CCTV of him falling in but not how it happened. But then Massimo's girlfriend said he pushed Beau in, so...

Several witnesses have said that Solomon was robbed on the picturesque Ponte Sisto Bridge near the bar where he and his new classmates were enjoying the vibrant Roman nightlife. He then apparently chased the predator or predators down to what anyone in Rome would consider the “wrong side” of the Tiber River, where a lively drug trade thrives among the homeless tents and cardboard box shelters. In broad daylight, ****s are known to throw sticks into the spokes of passing bicycles to mug the riders when they fall; at night any number of crimes take place in the unlit overgrown shrubs where dozens of homeless people have set up encampments.
It was there where Solomon reportedly stumbled onto the tent occupied by Massimo Galioto, a 41-year-old homeless man who was conveniently arrested for homicide shortly after Solomon’s swollen body was found a mile down the river four days after he disappeared.

EDIT again!! Is "t h u g" a bad word in America?!?!

For some reason, WS censors that word, lol.
Just realised I know exactly where this is having walked alongside the river there. We'd been doing the touristy thing - Colosseum, Circus Maximus (and those amazing trees!) and decided to walk back to our hotel near the Vatican by following the river. We stopped at the island for a sandwich and walked along the souvenir stalls on the river bank so would have passed under the bridge where Beau was robbed. I don't know whether the side we were on - the west - was the "bad side" or not, but it didn't feel threatening at all, it was beautiful and bustling, but then it was a sunny day and I was with my husband. I love Rome and it saddens me that there might be some kind of gang targeting tourists. It saddens me whenever someone goes abroad for an adventure and never goes home again. RIP Beau :(
I was in Spain recently and they have the same issues...most of Europe actually. It was one of the underlying reasons for the UKs recent vote to leave the EU.

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My formerly beautiful and bustling London has been ruined by this. What a mess.

I used to love visiting Europe's major cities - not anymore. Glad I traveled so much when I was younger, in the 70's and 80's. The last decade, especially, has really been awful to see, and I'm not sure if I'll be going back.

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My formerly beautiful and bustling London has been ruined by this. What a mess.

I used to love visiting Europe's major cities - not anymore. Glad I traveled so much when I was younger, in the 70's and 80's. The last decade, especially, has really been awful to see, and I'm not sure if I'll be going back.

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I feel the same! I traveled all over Europe when I was young - often alone as well. I don't like the current changes.
EDIT again!! Is "t h u g" a bad word in America?!?!

I was confused about that too so I Googled it once, and I think in the USA it can be a racist term. Whereas in the UK it isn't at all, it just means a violent lowlife of any race.
I just want to point out that Italy and south-east Europe has had an immigration problem for a very long time - it is not just the recent middle-east refugee waves. There are north Africans and Roma also, both groups of which are quite proficient at luring rich white "tourists" into seclusion to rob them, though typically it doesn't end in murder. I personally believe both he and the student last year were likely lured with a tale of needing help to save a dog or woman or baby, then robbed. It would seem he was hit on the head before he (was pushed IMO) into the river and there drowned. I believe the homeless couple - they have everything to gain from telling the truth and I am glad there was evidence to keep the Italian police from pinning it on a vagrant and being done with it, because that seems to be their attitude with crimes involving foreigners. JMO. I am currently located in this area and have been warned for years not to go anywhere with a stranger, especially not those of certain ethnicities (trying to tread lightly here, I know this could end up being a sensitive issue but it is not about the race of the perp, but more about the nationality of the victims)
I am scared to death any of this will happen to any of my kids
I went to Rome in September of last year and stayed in a flat in a nice area with windows overlooking the street. The weather was nice, so we left the windows open since we were on the third floor. Around 3:00am we heard a commotion and looked to see a man being chased and beaten horribly by two larger dark skinned men. We couldn't even call for help because we didn't know the emergency numbers. This went on seemingly forever, while this man was literally having his head smashed into a curb. Finally, the guy was able to get away after some people started walking down the street and distracted his attackers.
Never saw police during or after in the area.
i have always felt very safe in Rome, even out by myself, but it was enough to make me never want to be alone after dark there. I know it could happen anywhere, but I've never seen anything like it anywhere else.
I feel it is my responsibility as a citizen of the world to intervene when I see someone being harmed and have done so on many occasions. One can yell and knock on doors if one cannot use the phone. We should all know the number for the local police when we travel and have it programmed into our phones to make it easy to call. One never knows when we might be in danger or need to save someone's life, or our own. i suggest everyone make sure that they have the emergency number for the place that they're visiting in Europe programmed into their mobile phone or at least written down where you can access it quickly. Safety is key, especially when traveling alone. I hope parents will insure they're kids traveling alone abroad for the first time will tell them to do this as well.

I once stayed with an elderly man who had just fallen and cut his head in the Trastevere area of Rome. People stood around him but did nothing while blood oozed pit onto the sidewalk. I fetched paper towels from the car dealership there and had them bring me a bucket of warm water and a chair for the man so he could sit up. He had a very nasty gash. I instructed a passerby to call for an ambulance. When they finally took him away a crowd had gathered and people clapped for me. I'd never seen anything like it. It was so humbling. I didn't think twice. My wish was that people would do the same for my father if he was in need. Yes, Europe has changed and it's not as safe as it once was. That said, we can still enjoy these beautiful places and help those in need while being cautious of our surroundings and taking steps to insure we're safe. Read up about the place you're visiting and act accordingingly. And don't walk the streets alone late at night. MOO.
A friend of mine's kid brother was in Spain last year. He was drinking at a bar with American friends and they chatted with some locals. He is convinced he was drugged at the bar. He somehow ended up at the locals' apartment and they mugged him. He fought back and got away. He said what motivated him was that he had a gut instinct about protecting his passport. He was driven to keep his ID more than his money, though he also says he was drugged and not himself.

When I first heard this story from my friend, I was thinking it was a same-sex hook-up, though I have no idea if her brother is gay or not. It just seemed weird that a young, strong male in a group of Americans would be singled out and separated from friends. I assumed he was drugged at the bar and enticed away as a set up to be mugged. But, I've heard similar stories now a few times with enough similarities that it does seem like male tourists are targeted. (Of course, women tourists have been targeted forever too.)

Don't drink anything except in a bottle that you see being opened and that HOLD YOURSELF AT ALL TIMES.
I feel it is my responsibility as a citizen of the world to intervene when I see someone being harmed and have done so on many occasions. One can yell and knock on doors if one cannot use the phone. We should all know the number for the local police when we travel and have it programmed into our phones to make it easy to call. One never knows when we might be in danger or need to save someone's life, or our own. i suggest everyone make sure that they have the emergency number for the place that they're visiting in Europe programmed into their mobile phone or at least written down where you can access it quickly. Safety is key, especially when traveling alone. I hope parents will insure they're kids traveling alone abroad for the first time will tell them to do this as well.

I once stayed with an elderly man who had just fallen and cut his head in the Trastevere area of Rome. People stood around him but did nothing while blood oozed pit onto the sidewalk. I fetched paper towels from the car dealership there and had them bring me a bucket of warm water and a chair for the man so he could sit up. He had a very nasty gash. I instructed a passerby to call for an ambulance. When they finally took him away a crowd had gathered and people clapped for me. I'd never seen anything like it. It was so humbling. I didn't think twice. My wish was that people would do the same for my father if he was in need. Yes, Europe has changed and it's not as safe as it once was. That said, we can still enjoy these beautiful places and help those in need while being cautious of our surroundings and taking steps to insure we're safe. Read up about the place you're visiting and act accordingingly. And don't walk the streets alone late at night. MOO.
I never said we didn't yell. But, we weren't running down to fight he attackers ourselves. It was our first night there and we hadn't thought about emergency numbers. But to say I should have intervened because it is my responsibility as a citizen of the world is unfair. I am a nurse, and have given aid many times outside of work. In any part of the world, or at home, I cannot and will not try to break up a fight of multiple attackers who may or may not be armed. You mention knocking on doors, but there were no doors to knock on without codes to the private courtyards for each entrance. we would have had to go it into the street to get to another building. It's funny how everyone knows exactly what they would do, or what others should do when in a situation.
I never said we didn't yell. But, we weren't running down to fight he attackers ourselves. It was our first night there and we hadn't thought about emergency numbers. But to say I should have intervened because it is my responsibility as a citizen of the world is unfair. I am a nurse, and have given aid many times outside of work. In any part of the world, or at home, I cannot and will not try to break up a fight of multiple attackers who may or may not be armed. You mention knocking on doors, but there were no doors to knock on without codes to the private courtyards for each entrance. we would have had to go it into the street to get to another building. It's funny how everyone knows exactly what they would do, or what others should do when in a situation.

Unfortunately, having known Beau and the type of person he was....... it may very well have been his compassion and willingness to help others that got him killed. It's possible that he chased the 2 men who robbed him, but I find it highly unlikely that he chased them for nearly 1/2 a mile from the bar. They likely preyed on his generosity and took advantage of a naive kid. Of course you should always try to aid those in need, but I think it's okay to be skeptical of the safety of the environment before doing so.
A new article today points out some eeiry similarities to the death of John Durkin, another American student who went missing on study abroad in Italy and was found deceased.

Excellent article Hap.... I wonder if the toxicology reports were ever made public from the Andrew Mogni case...... or if his parents ever confirmed that GHB was present in his system... It would not surprise me to see GHB in Beau's toxicology reports... and I hope they immediately make the results public.

It's a stretch, but this guy went missing about 2 hours NE of Milan the night after Beau was killed. Likely found today.....

"Hale’s father said that he’d been told his son planned a 15-minute walk to another friend’s house, but did not take his cellphone, wallet or keys."

Another young American who just leaves his phone, wallet, and keys laying around while he walks off on his own into the night....

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