Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Developments #2

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I want info on Plant #2. They said to evacuate to 10M there but did not elaborate at all about any of the reactors there. Why not?

Its obvious that all 4 reactors at Plant #1 are going to go (if not already). But why did they now include Plant #2 in the beginning but haven't said another word about it.
gaaah they are double talking and speaking in circles again./. I give up
Just said a milisievert is equal to 1000 times a microsievert.

Soooooooooooooooooo. 100 milisieverts would equal to 100,000 microsieverts.

Oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The problem is - how long is this going to go on? How many reactors are there total? So how long are these people going to have to 'stay where they are?'

That is exactly what I'm wondering also. Not only will they need some fresh air, but what about those who have no food or water, or will run out?
we don't think residents are staying near the reactors if they are must be evacuated.......

and going on about staying indoors again

Somebody is going to hurt themselves or thier children if they start dosing themselves on their own.

It makes me think of that one family that sealed their home in plastic for some reason (I forgot why they did that I think it was because of anthrax?) and they all died.

JMHO on that.

The CO of the Ronald Reagan and the troops serving under him/her (I dont' know if that commander/admiral what ever the rank of that particular commander I'm sorry) can not make a public statement to the media about any of his troops or their mission or any action they have taken in the last week or so without permission from the CinC (Obama). If he/she makes any statement without permission first they risk reprimand and/or possible loss of assignment up to the worst which would be loss of career. So don't count on hearing anything from him/her unless Obama gives them permission. Not JMHO that's pretty much factual.

Bless those in Japan. How horrific for the survivors. :(
I don't know what else they can really say; would it help anyone if they said "panic, run, get out of here" when no one really has a choice right now...
I think people are just trying to stay alive for the moment and probably not so much thinking long-term right now.
But I am sure the people in the outer areas of Japan not so affected by the quakes and water are listening and are terrified.
Issue is about #4 fire
operaters wearing protective gear
firefighters are tepco company people
possible radiactove material emitted...
Keep radioactive material form coming in house

If you wer eoutside your clothes could have radio active material stuck to it..

If you go indoors dust off anything on coat, hat, hair shake anything you're worn outside

after enter room close doors do not use anything that causes air exchange
they keep repeating the same things..... over and over..

dust off shoes before coming in house.....
I can't wrap my mind around the fact that we are actually sitting here typing stuff that seems like it's out of a movie.
the laundry thing that if it's been hanging out do NOT bring it in makes me think.. things have all ready been radiated... :(
I don't know what else they can really say; would it help anyone if they said "panic, run, get out of here" when no one really has a choice right now...
I think people are just trying to stay alive for the moment and probably not so much thinking long-term right now.
But I am sure the people in the outer areas of Japan not so affected by the quakes and water are listening and are terrified.

I see your point,but if it were me,I would rather the officials just be direct and not beat around the bush. The unknown is sometimes worse than what you do know.
I want to go to bed and cover my head, but I'm afraid I'll sleep through the end of civilization as we know it.
I don't know what else they can really say; would it help anyone if they said "panic, run, get out of here" when no one really has a choice right now...
I think people are just trying to stay alive for the moment and probably not so much thinking long-term right now.
But I am sure the people in the outer areas of Japan not so affected by the quakes and water are listening and are terrified.

I agree, telling people otherwise would create a mass panic. All they can do now is just live one moment at a time. I know I would just want to be at home, no matter what happens. :cry:
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