Japan - Miyazawa family of 4 murdered, Setagaya, Tokyo, 30 Dec 2000

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So, another reason to need the knife.

Or at least the 1st reason. Maybe he wasn't planning on murdering anyone, after all, didn't the knife he brought with him snap after one of the attacks?

He should've brought something more robust.

I wonder if he didn't plan on killing them, but something went wrong and the situation escalated fast, and he felt he had no choice but to kill the family.

Perhaps they recognised him?

Just my random thoughts....

Appreciate your thoughts, Annpats -- no matter how random!

Yes, that's a good point-he would need a knife if there's a mosquito screen. That said, I'm not sure how robust the screen was, it might have been easily to tear barehanded (which might, in turn, explain why he had gloves on him but never wore them at any stage).

And yes, it's very possible he didn't immediately plan on killing them. (Though he did buy the knife the day before and I wonder why he'd need a brand new sashimi knife if he only planned on using it for cutting a screen, threatening a family. Either way, it's a poor choice of weapon).

I struggle with the idea of murder NOT being his goal, however, for two reasons. Firstly, because if you remove the deaths of the family, what you're left with is a man who breaks into a house to steal $500 but leaves behind $2,000 plus other valuables. Secondly, because we know his first action inside the house is to immediately strangle a sleeping child to death. So, if his intention wasn't murder originally, it certainly became his intention the moment he entered the house.

All that said, how well thought-out his 'plan' was, I'm not sure. It's very possible he didn't have all of his mental faculties.
What about possible membership in a... gosh, I dont know the term.... Japanese biker type gangs that starts with a "B"?

Here in the US, most gang members are not that fastidious about personal appearance. But.... there are noticeable exceptions.

This includes some inner city street gangs with clean, ironed and matching sports team clothing. Or they wear a neatly ironed handkerchiefs (of the appropriate color) whether folded or worn.

When I lived in a rougher part of LA area, one area gang has stark white T-shirts with sharply ironed kakhi pants and polished dress shoes.

Though US outlaw bikers usually hype grungy appearances, the dominate group in my state was founded by former U.S. Marines. I have seen their members up close sporting very clean, matching and uniform like clothing, ironed new jeans and "this 'n that patches" on vests carefully aligned. The neatness could well extend to handkerchiefs as well.

So.... what about Japanese biker type gangs? Are some into anally neat appearances and perhaps use black as their symbolic color?

I think it's possible Bōsōzoku gangs were discussed at the start of the investigation, yes. As for a link to his neatness, that's an angle I hadn't considered! Thank you.

The fact that he left his clothes folded, as I understand it, along with the handkerchiefs (which were ironed) has always stood out to me. 'Fastidious' to borrow your word!
I think the perpetrator may have admired Yakuza and Bōsōzoku gangs and culture, but I don't think he was a member or directly involved with them.
I think he was a loner, partly by choice, but partly because he didn't fit into society due to his socialpathic and psychopathic traits. His social mixed ethnic origins in a Japanese society added to his isolation. That, and a continually moving military service family, didn't help him settle or form any friendships from a young age.
Regarding the window used for entry, the earlier picture showing that area of the house also shows what looks to be an electrical/phone box to the left, and a roof type landing to the right (with downspout attached). Since the photo is taken from an angle it is difficult to accurately judge their distances from the window, but given the narrowness of the house and the closeness of the house next door it appears that one/either might have provided easier access to the window than the top fence railing alone. I'm saying that not knowing the weight-bearing potential of either.
I think the perpetrator may have admired Yakuza and Bōsōzoku gangs and culture, but I don't think he was a member or directly involved with them.
I think he was a loner, partly by choice, but partly because he didn't fit into society due to his socialpathic and psychopathic traits. His social mixed ethnic origins in a Japanese society added to his isolation. That, and a continually moving military service family, didn't help him settle or form any friendships from a young age.

That's a fascinating description, Annpats. I see it in a very similar way, though I'm open-minded. I'm almost certain he will have admired violence / those able to exert violence. And it would not shock me at all to find out he had an isolated / disconnected upbringing.
Regarding the window used for entry, the earlier picture showing that area of the house also shows what looks to be an electrical/phone box to the left, and a roof type landing to the right (with downspout attached). Since the photo is taken from an angle it is difficult to accurately judge their distances from the window, but given the narrowness of the house and the closeness of the house next door it appears that one/either might have provided easier access to the window than the top fence railing alone. I'm saying that not knowing the weight-bearing potential of either.

Ah, so the phone access might be the box by the window? That's a great point, I'd always assumed it was somewhere else. I'm almost sure the phone line was cut so if it was by the window, that would make sense that he could do that before he even entered the home.
That, and a continually moving military service family, didn't help him settle or form any friendships from a young age.

Though clearly possible, I just don't think he is connected a US military family.

This is not because because there is no crime associated with US military bases in Japan. Rather, crime, both real and exaggerated, associated with the bases is a sensitive topic in US Japanese relations.
How a Single Violent Crime Tells the Story of U.S.-Japan Relations in Okinawa
Thousands protest at US bases on Okinawa after Japanese woman's murder

Then factor in that US military bases are "closed worlds". Military authorities know exactly which servicemen and which of their dependents resided on the base during certain times, which private contractors and family members were connected to the base and which foreign nationals held jobs there. Likewise, dual national children born abroad are given a detailed parentage/ identity / citizenship confirmation process by the US government.

In the end and getting to the point.....

I suspect that the US authorities were very cooperative regarding possible Japanese concerns about a connection to US bases in general and one in particular. My guess is that screening for, and identifying possible suspects would have been done quickly and thoroughly.

Though I imagine that relationships between Japanese and Americans associated with the bases are not unheard of, there would still be a very finite number of mixed ethnicity males of a certain age range and blood type associated with a given base at any given time.
Ah, so the phone access might be the box by the window? That's a great point, I'd always assumed it was somewhere else. I'm almost sure the phone line was cut so if it was by the window, that would make sense that he could do that before he even entered the home.

One additional thought about the window itself. From the photo, looking from outside, it appears that the outermost window pane is on the right side. I'm guessing that this is the one that would slide open, with the left pane being fixed. So the roof type landing on the next door house might have been more helpful in providing a foothold to gain access.
Do you know if Japanese aviation authorities notified of all passengers, both military and civilian, into Yokota AB?
A very significant majority of military personnel and pretty much all the civilians associated with Yokota would not enter Japan through Yokota. Rather, they would enter through a civilian airport and pass-through Japanese customs / visa checks.

People entering through Yokota directly could include military transport flight crews and perhaps units entering Japan to participate in short joint training exercises with Japanese armed forces. I don’t know if Japanese authorities would be given manifests of these people.
Do you know if, say, a 15-year-old would have some kind of limit or curfew on time spent off-base in the same way an active serviceman or woman would?
I don’t know. Curfews can vary by the base and each base can go through cycles of increased and relaxed regulations.

In my experience, US commanders are adamant about not allowing bases to become home bases (get it, get it) for "bored 'n loitering” or “bored ‘n cruising" type youth activity. So, if there were even hints of problems at Yokota, I would not be surprised if stricter youth curfews exist.
Whether or not the gate control knew of the killer's possible egress/ingress on base
In my experience entries and exits of individuals authorized to be on the bases are not tracked. Rather, the gate control just determines if the person is authorized to enter and is in compliance with any "add on" curfews etc.

What is systematically tracked is who is authorized to be on the base. Drift ins of any sort- say, long term "guests" of a serviceman, civilians who no longer have a need to be on the base, people whose residency has been terminated etc. get identified and booted fast.
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I spent three hours last night going through all the Slazenger shoes from 2000 and couldn’t find any match whatsoever
I really wonder if you need to contact a franchise in the Far East as it may be specific to that area hence why we can’t see it in Europe
Slazenger - Wikipedia
Also see head office and phone number for U.K.
I raised 68 questions when reading through last night but reading between the lines, most were answered as I read your further updates
My thoughts are potentially a skateboarder youth who may be the son of a military person or even high ranking officer or even Ambassador due to diplomatic protection.
Or military himself.
Having read recently about the Japanese boys who kept a kidnapped girl hostage in their family home and parents knew , for 41 days before letting her be raped daily by numerous men and torturing her ( I think she was 12/13) and they were under 16, then nothing would surprise me.
I had questions over CCTV , Blood splatter analysis, ingress and egress , cell phone data tower dump, if airline manifests were checked out, was the offender known to the family and let him in even , particularly if Yasuko taught him, roads into the estate - would he have arrived on foot by car or bicycle, were the IP addresses checked of what he searched for or who he may have been in contact with via computer, what was the issue with vehicle parked too close? , has DNA/Fingerprints been run through CODIS and NAFIS across the world? , any trace on calls to landline, was there mass DNA screen, Re defecation that can be anxiety at the scene- was it checked for Mitochondrial DNA ( mother only from poop ), were any casts made of the footprints?, was sand traced to nearby both airbases, were airbases given descriptions ?

Attached Files:
To throw my two (or three) cents in, first of all in 2000 even in a minor city in Japan its likely that the family would have had cable internet that cutting the phone line wouldn't have interrupted.

Forgive me if I overlooked it but how is law enforcement so positive that it was the killer who briefly browsed the internet? Blood on the keyboard or something I suppose? It just jumped out at me as an odd thing to be a hard fact in the investigation.

From visualizing it as I read the posts the "disgruntled student" or "skater" hypothesis strikes me as by far the most likely. This seems like a crime committed by a very impulsive person. I initially was thinking "random psycho" until I saw the clothes but teenagers can behave similarly to psychopaths at times.

This brings my thoughts to the incongruous sand thing which they bounce hard off of. I would dive deep into the exact science of how it was determined that sand was from near Edward's AFB and assuming that science is indeed sound I would start researching any kind of US manufactured products of the time that might have contained sand. Like, I remember there used to be thick rubber balls full of sand that could be squeezed or punched or slammed and would flatten out or hold their dents. A teen with anger issues might have had such a "stress ball" that could have ruptured and left traces of sand in the bag. Skater/surfer types also often have little glass bottles of sand as trinkets/jewelry.

My final thought is on why so much time could have passed without anyone incriminating themselves or any DNA matching to have been made. I think there's a good possibility the perpetrator killed himself somewhat soon after the crime. He may have even been trying to work up the will to do it right there in the house with the bodies but he was startled by the grandma.
One additional thought about the window itself. From the photo, looking from outside, it appears that the outermost window pane is on the right side. I'm guessing that this is the one that would slide open, with the left pane being fixed. So the roof type landing on the next door house might have been more helpful in providing a foothold to gain access.

That's a very interesting thought! I'd never considered that. Here's another angle on the window:


From this angle it looks as if he could've used either side? I'm also not sure how sturdy the white unit to the left is--he must have tested its load-bearing before putting his weight on it significantly. But when you look at other images, the TMPD seem to be focusing on the left side of the window based on the fact that the left pane seems to be the one sliding open:


A very significant majority of military personnel and pretty much all the civilians associated with Yokota would not enter Japan through Yokota. Rather, they would enter through a civilian airport and pass-through Japanese customs / visa checks.

People entering through Yokota directly could include military transport flight crews and perhaps units entering Japan to participate in short joint training exercises with Japanese armed forces. I don’t know if Japanese authorities would be given manifests of these people.

I don’t know. Curfews can vary by the base and each base can go through cycles of increased and relaxed regulations.

In my experience, US commanders are adamant about not allowing bases to become home bases (get it, get it) for "bored 'n loitering” or “bored ‘n cruising" type youth activity. So, if there were even hints of problems at Yokota, I would not be surprised if stricter youth curfews exist.

In my experience entries and exits of individuals authorized to be on the bases are not tracked. Rather, the gate control just determines if the person is authorized to enter and is in compliance with any "add on" curfews etc.

What is systematically tracked is who is authorized to be on the base. Drift ins of any sort- say, long term "guests" of a serviceman, civilians who no longer have a need to be on the base, people whose residency has been terminated etc. get identified and booted fast.

Super interesting points, thank you, Cryptic. It's especially useful for me not to become too attached to my own pet theory. I also find what you said about curfews thought-provoking, how those could be maybe fluid depending on the situation.

Regarding your point here:

A very significant majority of military personnel and pretty much all the civilians associated with Yokota would not enter Japan through Yokota. Rather, they would enter through a civilian airport and pass-through Japanese customs / visa checks.

That was bugging me because I could've sworn I'd seen various things pointing to the contrary / things that people who'd lived on Yokota had mentioned to me in interviews.

"Hundreds of dependents travel through Yokota's passenger terminal every week."

Do you think they would also be subject to Japanese customs/visa checks? This video makes it seem as if the checks are entirely handed by the American authorities.
To throw my two (or three) cents in, first of all in 2000 even in a minor city in Japan its likely that the family would have had cable internet that cutting the phone line wouldn't have interrupted.

Forgive me if I overlooked it but how is law enforcement so positive that it was the killer who briefly browsed the internet? Blood on the keyboard or something I suppose? It just jumped out at me as an odd thing to be a hard fact in the investigation.

From visualizing it as I read the posts the "disgruntled student" or "skater" hypothesis strikes me as by far the most likely. This seems like a crime committed by a very impulsive person. I initially was thinking "random psycho" until I saw the clothes but teenagers can behave similarly to psychopaths at times.

This brings my thoughts to the incongruous sand thing which they bounce hard off of. I would dive deep into the exact science of how it was determined that sand was from near Edward's AFB and assuming that science is indeed sound I would start researching any kind of US manufactured products of the time that might have contained sand. Like, I remember there used to be thick rubber balls full of sand that could be squeezed or punched or slammed and would flatten out or hold their dents. A teen with anger issues might have had such a "stress ball" that could have ruptured and left traces of sand in the bag. Skater/surfer types also often have little glass bottles of sand as trinkets/jewelry.

My final thought is on why so much time could have passed without anyone incriminating themselves or any DNA matching to have been made. I think there's a good possibility the perpetrator killed himself somewhat soon after the crime. He may have even been trying to work up the will to do it right there in the house with the bodies but he was startled by the grandma.

Thanks so much, Evilwise! If the Miyazawa's didn't have dial-up internet, that would definitely explain how the killer was able to get online (if that's indeed what he did) despite the phone line being cut.

As for how the TMPD are so sure of *what* he did on the computer, my Japanese translator gave me that information based on news media. So, there wasn't a great deal of digging to get that info. Which makes me think they'd have to be pretty certain to release that to the press?

Some say he was on the computer for 5 minutes and simply logged in and created a new folder. Which seems like a long time to do so little. Other sources say he did the same but with the added action of click on the bookmarks tab and going to a theatre website which Mikio have favourited. (We know theatre and puppetry were hobbies of Mikio).

As for the sand, unfortunately I can't go into too much detail but I can tell you that sand / soil analysis can be very, very accurate. I've seen some of the testing and it's honestly pretty incredible. However, whether the TMPD had access to this at the time of the murders, I don't know. Unfortunately, it's not too clear at what point they know about the sand. To further complicate matters, the TMPD themselves never mention Edwards AB, only ever major newspapers (but it seems HIGHLY unlikely that they would run this detail with insider information from the police).

But what we do know for sure is that the sand was found in the hip bag of the killer. And the bag was manufactured in Osaka one or two years before the murders.

I have been to Edwards AFB (or as far in as you can get without clearance) and I have been to the surrounding towns. Nothing much of anything is manufactured there, so far as I could see -- not that me eyeballing the area on several occasions is conclusive of anything, of course.

And as for the killer taking his own life--yes, that's very possible. Certainly, few better hiding places than being dead. Especially in a country where cremation is the norm. That's an interesting point about working up the will, too. That might explain why he would stay so long in the house--I'd never considered it that way.
But when you look at other images, the TMPD seem to be focusing on the left side of the window based on the fact that the left pane seems to be the one sliding open:

Thanks for the additional info and photos, they made it much more clear. The white junction box is much closer to the window than it appeared from the angled photo. And the window opening from the left fits as well. The important takeaway for me is understanding why LE felt the perpetrator possessed significant upper body strength. Also seems to make it much more likely that it was someone young and very agile.
Thanks for the additional info and photos, they made it much more clear. The white junction box is much closer to the window than it appeared from the angled photo. And the window opening from the left fits as well. The important takeaway for me is understanding why LE felt the perpetrator possessed significant upper body strength. Also seems to make it much more likely that it was someone young and very agile.

Yes, totally agree. Also, the window seems small to the point where getting in wouldn't have been easy without maybe clattering in or making noise? This could be why Mikio was coming up the stairs.

But then again, the police say his first victim was Rei who was sleeping in the children's bedroom and that must have taken more than just the time for Mikio to walk up a flight of stairs...?!
Thanks so much, Evilwise! If the Miyazawa's didn't have dial-up internet, that would definitely explain how the killer was able to get online (if that's indeed what he did) despite the phone line being cut.

As for how the TMPD are so sure of *what* he did on the computer, my Japanese translator gave me that information based on news media. So, there wasn't a great deal of digging to get that info. Which makes me think they'd have to be pretty certain to release that to the press?

Some say he was on the computer for 5 minutes and simply logged in and created a new folder. Which seems like a long time to do so little. Other sources say he did the same but with the added action of click on the bookmarks tab and going to a theatre website which Mikio have favourited. (We know theatre and puppetry were hobbies of Mikio).

As for the sand, unfortunately I can't go into too much detail but I can tell you that sand / soil analysis can be very, very accurate. I've seen some of the testing and it's honestly pretty incredible. However, whether the TMPD had access to this at the time of the murders, I don't know. Unfortunately, it's not too clear at what point they know about the sand. To further complicate matters, the TMPD themselves never mention Edwards AB, only ever major newspapers (but it seems HIGHLY unlikely that they would run this detail with insider information from the police).

But what we do know for sure is that the sand was found in the hip bag of the killer. And the bag was manufactured in Osaka one or two years before the murders.

I have been to Edwards AFB (or as far in as you can get without clearance) and I have been to the surrounding towns. Nothing much of anything is manufactured there, so far as I could see -- not that me eyeballing the area on several occasions is conclusive of anything, of course.

And as for the killer taking his own life--yes, that's very possible. Certainly, few better hiding places than being dead. Especially in a country where cremation is the norm. That's an interesting point about working up the will, too. That might explain why he would stay so long in the house--I'd never considered it that way.
I racked my brain (and Google) a bit to recall the specific blue sand-filled stress ball that I remember being quite popular with teens at that time. It was "Isoflex" brand manufactured by Gayla Industries in Houston, TX. It might be worth reaching out to them to see if they could tell you where the sand in the balls twenty-two years ago might have come from.

I can so clearly imagine some young guy with murderous rage squeezing and squeezing one of those balls until he wore a hole in it that leaked sand in his bag and he threw it away.
Yes, totally agree. Also, the window seems small to the point where getting in wouldn't have been easy without maybe clattering in or making noise? This could be why Mikio was coming up the stairs.

But then again, the police say his first victim was Rei who was sleeping in the children's bedroom and that must have taken more than just the time for Mikio to walk up a flight of stairs...?!
I have to assume the reason he strangled the one was because he could do it silently. Is she the one who supposedly made some kind of accusation against a tutor she had? I tend to assume that the tutor's identity would have been known and they would have been considered as a suspect and DNA tested but maybe only the family knew who it was - except for maybe some canceled checks or something of that nature that might have been the reason the paperwork in the house was gone through.
That was bugging me because I could've sworn I'd seen various things pointing to the contrary / things that people who'd lived on Yokota had mentioned to me in interviews.

"Hundreds of dependents travel through Yokota's passenger terminal every week."

Do you think they would also be subject to Japanese customs/visa checks? This video makes it seem as if the checks are entirely handed by the American authorities.

Wow, I spoke too soon.

I grew in a US military family and have relatives in the military whom I visit on bases. I have never heard of such an arrangement and when growing up, never entered foreign countries under those arrangements. Thus..... I thought they would not exist.

This source directly states that the customs checks for 'SOFA' personnel and their families are not handled by Japanese authorities at Yokota.
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I have to assume the reason he strangled the one was because he could do it silently. Is she the one who supposedly made some kind of accusation against a tutor she had? I tend to assume that the tutor's identity would have been known and they would have been considered as a suspect and DNA tested but maybe only the family knew who it was - except for maybe some canceled checks or something of that nature that might have been the reason the paperwork in the house was gone through.

Thanks, Evilwise.

Rei was the 6-year-old boy. He was the first victim who was asleep in the kids' bedroom (which is next to the bathroom -- the likely intrusion point). I just always found it strange that he would start there unless he simply didn't know the layout of the house and opened the first door he saw.

And Yasuko, the mother, was a cram teacher. Basically an after-school teacher. One of the theories is that the killer, being 15-20 years of age according to the Tokyo PD, was maybe one of her students.
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