Jason Young to get new trial #3

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Umm, I doubt I have posted anything 100 times, so maybe that is an exaggeration on your part. Crime scene photos are supposed to be photographed to preserve the crime scene and evidence exactly as it is found, not to move things around...and, if they could move one thing, then they could have also moved another, like MY's purse.

They photograph crime scenes they way they find them. THEN if something needs to be moved they move it and photograph it after said item has been moved. For example, say they are looking for a shell casing. They can maybe see the tip of it because something is on top of it. They snap a photo, then move the item and take a picture of shell casing. Plus, LE hasn't released all the crime scene pictures so the ones on WRAL are not in the exact order as they were when taken. For example, the laundry basket, they took a photo of it say something red and picked up shirt to photogragh it. Of course the clocks are going to show different times. They had to photograph the entire crime scene how it was found then hours later they photographed crime scene when they were looking for evidence. AND if they moved michelle's purse wouldn't that have been mentioned? All LE isn't corrupt.
No safety gates. This is what's so puzzling about the dog, remember? Because he was loose in the house and MF said the master BR door was open so why weren't there any bloody paw prints found anywhere. This is one thing that will always bother me.

If you go back and read the appeal it says that when MF entered the house she could hear Mr.G whimpering but couldn't see him. Was he shut up somewhere?? I would love for MF to answer this so certain posters can STOP blaming her for the crime!
They photograph crime scenes they way they find them. THEN if something needs to be moved they move it and photograph it after said item has been moved. For example, say they are looking for a shell casing. They can maybe see the tip of it because something is on top of it. They snap a photo, then move the item and take a picture of shell casing. Plus, LE hasn't released all the crime scene pictures so the ones on WRAL are not in the exact order as they were when taken. For example, the laundry basket, they took a photo of it say something red and picked up shirt to photogragh it. Of course the clocks are going to show different times. They had to photograph the entire crime scene how it was found then hours later they photographed crime scene when they were looking for evidence. AND if they moved michelle's purse wouldn't that have been mentioned? All LE isn't corrupt.

The purse was photographed in the same location as the photographer moved from the garage stairwell, through the kitchen, to the hallway. That suggests to me that the purse was on the floor, in a traffic corridor, when Meredith arrived. I have to agree with the comments upthread that the purse would have been in the way as Michelle and her friend prepared their meal and watched Grey's Anatomy, making it more likely that it the perp did something with the purse. Was there cash in Michelle's purse when it was collected?
If you go back and read the appeal it says that when MF entered the house she could hear Mr.G whimpering but couldn't see him. Was he shut up somewhere?? I would love for MF to answer this so certain posters can STOP blaming her for the crime!

Absolutely not. She did testify that there were NO baby gates and the master BR door was open so the absent paw prints is a HUGE mystery with no explanation.
If you go back and read the appeal it says that when MF entered the house she could hear Mr.G whimpering but couldn't see him. Was he shut up somewhere?? I would love for MF to answer this so certain posters can STOP blaming her for the crime!

The dog was obviously scared. If the dog was on the main floor, there aren't too many places for him to be closed-in other than a cupboard, or the small bathroom. Other than that, the entire main floor looks to be an open plan. Since nothing was said about Mr Garrison, the dog, being in a cupboard or bathroom, he was probably simply hiding in fear.
The dog was obviously scared. If the dog was on the main floor, there aren't too many places for him to be closed-in other than a cupboard, or the small bathroom. Other than that, the entire main floor looks to be an open plan. Since nothing was said about Mr Garrison, the dog, being in a cupboard or bathroom, he was probably simply hiding in fear.

For 10 + hours? That doesn't sound logical to me. Certainly he would have gone upstairs to look for MY and CY.

There is another explanation for the lack of paw prints though.
Absolutely not. She did testify that there were NO baby gates and the master BR door was open so the absent paw prints is a HUGE mystery with no explanation.

The missing paw prints are a very big deal and not a single reporter picked up on it.
The dog was obviously scared. If the dog was on the main floor, there aren't too many places for him to be closed-in other than a cupboard, or the small bathroom. Other than that, the entire main floor looks to be an open plan. Since nothing was said about Mr Garrison, the dog, being in a cupboard or bathroom, he was probably simply hiding in fear.

there wasn't anything keeping the dog just on the main floor just as there was nothing to keep CY on the top floor. Since he lived in the house, I doubt he was hiding anywhere.
THE Roger Smith?!

No wonder his case was all bungled...I would not let him represent me! :giggle:


Roger Smith did not represent JY at either trial. He had public defenders, Bryan Collins, who is now a judge and Mike Klinkosum who was involved somewhat with the Innocence Project which overturned Greg Taylor's case in NC.

Klinkosum's actions also helped bring the corruption of the NC criminal justice system to light (well, brought it to light to those who weren't paying attention).
Here is a gotcha moment for the defense!!

The pdf says that if Jason killed Michelle leaving CY behind, he would not want anyone else finding CY risking having her say she saw him..........Page 48

Brillant and this is why they got paid the big bucks. Never thought of this.

Which, IMO, is why the State did not interview her right away, and in fact did not interview her at all. They knew the more time passed, the more her memories would fade.
He didn't? Have you seen those tiny prints in the bathroom?

Yes. Please find the person who belongs to the hair clutched in the cold dead hand of MY and you will find the person who created the bloodbath.
But if he did this, don't you think he would have counted on CY being asleep?
IF he did it, possibly she was but the inability to quietly strangle MY which lead to the beating may have woken her.
Just a possibility....

Which is exactly the risk they were talking about.
Please show me a photo of her purse before she went to bed.

I don't know how anyone could conclude the purse was "undisturbed" when a photo shows it is partially across the doorway and under a canvas bag with one of CY's shoes on top of the bag. There was no evidence at trial that it was there at the time of Shelly's visit.

For 10 + hours? That doesn't sound logical to me. Certainly he would have gone upstairs to look for MY and CY.

There is another explanation for the lack of paw prints though.

The dog would smell the blood, which could be enough to prevent the dog from going upstairs.
there wasn't anything keeping the dog just on the main floor just as there was nothing to keep CY on the top floor. Since he lived in the house, I doubt he was hiding anywhere.

The dog may have been trained to remain on the main floor. That's not uncommon.
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