JBR Wiki

Been reading since yu posted this link. You are right great resource.

I particularily liked the profiler on the Ramsey did it theories - he made a very
convincing argument that Patsy and Patsy alone did this with John assisting in
the cover up and staging.
Evidence Against Prior Sexual Abuse
"Autopsy findings could be explained by toileting practices"

JB's hymen was mostly gone. No 'toileting practices' could explain this. Totally ridiculous.
<<JB's hymen was mostly gone. No 'toileting practices' could explain this. Totally ridiculous>>

I've heard Ramsey supporters put it down to less than 'toilet practices'.
I've heard her riding her bike could have done that or her dancing moves!

If that little girl hadn't ended up like she did, I could maybe believe she sustained those injuries to her hymen somewhere else other than her being a victim of sexual abuse.
narlacat said:
<<JB's hymen was mostly gone. No 'toileting practices' could explain this. Totally ridiculous>>

I've heard Ramsey supporters put it down to less than 'toilet practices'.
I've heard her riding her bike could have done that or her dancing moves!

If that little girl hadn't ended up like she did, I could maybe believe she sustained those injuries to her hymen somewhere else other than her being a victim of sexual abuse.

I'm one hundred per cent convinced that the paintbrush shoved up JB's vagina was used to cover signs of prior sexual abuse.
I personally think that JB was abused, however, I do believe that the hymen can be broken by everyday activities such as bike riding, vigorous exercise, etc.

I saw this on a 20/20, Primetime, etc. news type show a few years ago. They were talking about how Pakistani/Middle Eastern women were undergoing hymen repair surgeries to make sure they had an intact hymen at their wedding so that they weren't beaten or murdered if they didn't bleed upon having sex for the first time. Apparently, it is custom for the men in this culture to display the bedsheet with a blood spot on it as proof of whether the woman was a virgin or not. This show's featured doctors also said that most American girls broke their hymen at much younger ages due to the difference in culture where they participate in sports such as soccer, gymnastics, etc. and that it didn't have anything to do with virginity. I also believe the Dr. 90210 show touched on this subject once. I don't watch that show, however, so I don't know if it said anything about young girls or just the one having the surgery. Just saw something about a hymen repair on the preview clips.

Sorry, I don't have a link. I saw this show a long time before I started lurking at this site.
It has also been proven that the abused become abusers. If pr was sexually abused and that is a possibility then its not such a stretch to believe she was abusing that little girl. The pagents imo are a form of abuse no six year old should be taught to act like a 20 year old vamp , the argument over her dressing like her, and JB lack of enthrallment with the my twin doll.
The coroner suspected digital prior abuse which suggests either a female
or a sexually immature male . JMO and one of the profilers. I think he is spot on ....... There is no denying that PR has issues .
sharpar said:
It has also been proven that the abused become abusers. If pr was sexually abused and that is a possibility then its not such a stretch to believe she was abusing that little girl. The pagents imo are a form of abuse no six year old should be taught to act like a 20 year old vamp , the argument over her dressing like her, and JB lack of enthrallment with the my twin doll.
The coroner suspected digital prior abuse which suggests either a female
or a sexually immature male . JMO and one of the profilers. I think he is spot on ....... There is no denying that PR has issues .
Where does it say the coroner suspected digital prior abuse? That's not in the autopsy. Is there an interview somewhere?
most American girls broke their hymen at much younger ages due to the difference in culture where they participate in sports such as soccer, gymnastics, etc. and that it didn't have anything to do with virginity.

But JBR was only 6...she should have had a hymen IMO. I'm with Wecht on this issue.
The term "erosion" was used to descibe her condition.......doesn't that mean that over time, time and time again, a layer was stripped off? :(
RiverRat said:
The term "erosion" was used to descibe her condition.......doesn't that mean that over time, time and time again, a layer was stripped off? :(
I don't think so. I think it just means inflamed. When I was pregnant with my first child, my doctor dignosed an "eroded cervix" and he said it was common in pregnancy.
Originally Posted by RiverRat
The term "erosion" was used to descibe her condition.......doesn't that mean that over time, time and time again, a layer was stripped off?
Jayelles said:
I don't think so. I think it just means inflamed. When I was pregnant with my first child, my doctor dignosed an "eroded cervix" and he said it was common in pregnancy.
RiverRat's definition is correct. Erosion does not mean inflammation, but the gradual stripping off layers of tissue over a prolonged period of time.
Thus if if the doctors spoke of 'erosion' re JB's hymen, it means that a large part of the hymenal tissue was not there anymore.
Medical definition of "erosion":

"Superficial destruction of a surface by friction, pressure, ulceration, or trauma"
tipper said:
Where does it say the coroner suspected digital prior abuse? That's not in the autopsy. Is there an interview somewhere?


I may have mispoke - yes there is a interview/quote and a lenghty explaination though now I cant tell you for sure who said that. Cryil W perhaps ? I remember it though because of the simliarity between a digit and a paintbrush. If you were an adult male sexual abuser I dont think you woud stop penetration at a digit so I am concluding the abuse was from someone either female or young male .
<<If you were an adult male sexual abuser I dont think you woud stop penetration at a digit so I am concluding the abuse was from someone either female or young male .>>

We're talking about child abuse, not adult stranger rape. A chronic abuser will build up trust, groom, fondle, and not proceed to intercourse right away.
twinkiesmom said:
<<If you were an adult male sexual abuser I dont think you woud stop penetration at a digit so I am concluding the abuse was from someone either female or young male .>>

We're talking about child abuse, not adult stranger rape. A chronic abuser will build up trust, groom, fondle, and not proceed to intercourse right away.
Twinkiesmom - ( like your hat BTW ) you are right on the escalation of behavior, I am concluding that the abuse had been on going for awhile since evidence of prior abuse was stated according to some of the experts giving an opinion. I also believe the abuser was well known to JonBenet and trust had been well established long before any incidents occurred. Therefore, I stand by my opinion that the abuser was either a female or a very young male. I believe an adult male abuser who was capable of murder wouldnt stop at a digit.
It is my opinion and you may choose to disagree. That's fine wth me.
Just because part of the genital area was involved doesn't mean sex was involved. I hear all the time that rape is more about power and control than sex.

Also, there were many strange things done to the body. By comparison, the amount of time and energy spent on the vaginal area was small. I don't think sex had much to do with this case.

And Patsy dolled JonBenet up to look well past her six years and coached sexuallized gestures into JonBenet for the pageants. Still that doesn't mean sex was part of her motive for doing those things. I think it is more likely that Patsy didn't have the moral awareness to distinguish between "sexy" and "attractiveness". She went overboard with the displaying of "that child".

"Overboard" is her signature.

I never said the case was about sex, but there was sexual abuse and with a 6 year old as the victim I believe it IS a huge thing. Granted rape is about control and power. This wasn't a rape, it was punishment and humilitation IMO and a show of power and control. I dont believe the murder was accidental at all, not necessarily pre mediated but a very deliberate act by a very messed up, violent person. Not crazy, just psychologically unhealthy.

Patsy had many issues and while she was an indulgent mother I dont think she was a good one. Everything is always about her, its all about status, image and an overblown arrogance that is out of proportion. She claimed christianity but seems to ignore all of its tenets.
I see little evidence that JonBenet was a person in her own right, who was allowed to simply be a normal child and alot that she was merely a reflection of The divine P ................

"Vaginal Mucosa: All of the sections contain vascular congestion and focal interstitial chronic inflammation. the smallest piece of tissue, from the 7:00 position of the vaginal wall/hymen, contain epithelial erosion with underlying capillary congestion. A small number of red blood cells is present on the eroded surface, as is birefringent foreign material. Acute inflammatory infiltrate is not seen."

Congestion, chronic, inflamation, erosion, eroded.......all in six short years.

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