jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #50 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I'm not faulting the parents for JA's murderous act, I am just saying that dishonesty often has deep roots that go back into can damage to compassion and empathy. There's a whole lotta crazy in the world that doesn't necessarily have a criminal record....

that is so true. :moo:
Hi there,

New person here but throwing myself in at the deep end.

Have been following the trial and decided today to watch the last part of day 21 where JM is talking to JA about Matthew McCartney.

I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but he makes her reiterate 3 times where MM lived. "Oregon".
I thought this was very very clever. He sort of digressed after getting her to talk about the face off with Bianca over Matthew and started talking about how many restaurants her parents owned and how idyllic her childhood was up to the age of 10. Then suddenly he veers straight into asking again about where Matthew lived. Then asked her to repeat it again.

Martinez is a hero! :)

Loved that! Confused the heck out of me and am sure it did the same to her!
sorry...I didn't think I was doing anything wrong since the link had been posted......crawling back in my hole

Well, quiet a few have been yucking it up about Gus, so don't feel bed.
Crawl right outa that hole, and join us again.
Yes she is. And when you watch her testify, she cannot hide the evil. It pours out of her.

She really is frightening to watch. And I just want to slap the smug off her face. She thinks she is above reproach. jmo
He should take over DrDrews show! Let Drew sit in the corner adjusting his hinky meter.

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Dr. Drew can appear live from the back of the turnip truck. Once he climbs back on.
Do you think Jodi's thrown the woman that was at Travis's that night under the bus? The one she saw stand up and snap her bra?

I do have a question though about the night Deanna came over when Jodi was house sitting Napoleon and making cookies. Was Jodi supposed to be there? Did the room mate know? Could he of called Travis when he went outside to make a call? And Deanna going up to Travis's bedroom and calling Travis too, and Travis might of told her to go his office and take/hide something? That was such a strange tale. Jodi baking cookies and playing house.

I've never heard this story! What happened?
My daughter's think I'm obsessed over this trial. When they call..I'm like I am watching the trial! When they come home I have Live stream on the computer and In session on the TV. So Thurs. night they came in with a big box for me, and said UPS just delivered this. I opened it up and It was orange scrubbs, (my daughter's a vet tech) and a pair of spiderman underware!! and the letter said :

Arizona State Pen
Dear Debbie,
Thank you for for watching me today, yesterday, and every minute, every second, and every hour of everyday. I sent you a pair of my jailhouse jumpsuits, and the famous spiderman underware.
Didn't I look pretty today?
See you Monday!!!

Love Jodi

PS Take a pic in them & send it to me

Your daughter is awesome.

Didn't I look pretty today?
See you Monday!!!

:lol: :floorlaugh: :lol:
I LOVE Eiglarsh..but he let me down the other night. lol

He was very critical of Juan's cross and he kept saying that he was too aggressive and was going on meaningless tangents. :what:

He also said that ALL JM had to do was just play all of her previous lies bit by bit and be done with it. I don't think he watched the Casey Anthony verdict. Because that jury forgave ALL of her lies because she was a 'victim' of abuse.

Jodi's previous lies are not going to convict her, imo. Juan is going after her CURRENT lies. That is the key to Death Row, imo.

To be fair, I'm sure he didn't watch the entire thing. Just cherry picked pieces from hinky meter Drews producer.

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Didn't like either of them.

Years ago who was the long haired cowboy attorney that always wore fringe? He was a character, but I liked him.

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Yes, I really liked him also, but can't remember his name. He had a beautiful wife and a drinking problem. I have one of his books, but can't find it now.
Well, quiet a few have been yucking it up about Gus, so don't feel bed.
Crawl right outa that hole, and join us again.

Yes, no no no, absolutely NO hole crawling tonite.

I have a Sat night with no obligations, a laptop and I know how to use it.

Let's party! :great:
i made and posted this image a few days ago... all based in her statements during direct

That is an excellent diagram for those of us who haven't been able to keep up...thank you!!

How many minutes/seconds was it between the ceiling picture and the dragging picture?
Didn't like either of them.

Years ago who was the long haired cowboy attorney that always wore fringe? He was a character, but I liked him.

Note to self: You know you've been reading too many British journals when someone describes a cowboy with fringe and you picture a cowboy with ladies bangs! :giggle:
Good one, TexMex -- I noticed it -- I so wanted her to just start ripping along with more of her lies, but she caught it....

She's so much smarter than Mr. Martinez, isn't she?!
Yep, she's got it all over him. She'll show him who's the smartest one in the room. Grrrrrrr.

She is having such a good time up there. I wonder when she'll realize that she has scrood herself with her yip-yapping and trying to hide her smiles and smirks up there in front of the courtroom and a bunch of folks in TV-land. Where will the smirk be then?

Thanks for reminding me!! I want to ask Katie or Anita or any other trial watcher that was there - How easily can the jurors see Arias' face? If she doesn't turn to them, are they only able to see the side of her?
Did any of the jurors react when she laughed? TIA
OT, but kind of fits. I have been watching Joan and Melissa. Joan Rivers show. It is hilarious. I have never liked her, but tonight she was so funny. I mean really funny. A nice break from all the seriousness of our threads. jmo
Can anyone weigh in on JVM, NG, and Dr. Drew, and why they are not liked? I don't watch them much, just clips here or there.

IMO, from the little that I have watched, JVM is loud and a sensationalist. NG is as well, her eyes and eyebrows scare me, and she won't let anyone finish a sentence. Dr. Drew seems ok, but his cohost is weird. Jinkasaurus is not capable of being objective, yet Beth Karas seems to be, although she needs a tonsillectomy or something.

Can someone fill in the blanks so I have more insight on who to watch for good, solid, educated, and objective insights? TIA.
Long time lurker first time poster here. I signed up just to post on this issue:

I've seen a lot of people curious about whether or not the DT had access to the magazines. I'm a criminal attorney but not in AZ. In my jurisdiction if you don't use a piece of evidence in your case in chief you don't have to disclose it and can hold it back for impeachment use. You have to wait for a certain witness to testify and wait for them to tell the lie and then lay it on them with the "extrinsic" (outside/extra evidence) to show they are lying. Doing this early in cross is also called "paper training the witness" to condition them to believe that every time they lie and know there may be other evidence out there that they are lying (like other written evidence) they assume you've got it when you ask the ? and then start picking up papers like you've got something and give up trying to lie. I thought that Miss Smirky Pants JA looked a great deal more humble when this came out and her DT looked very shocked. I would bet big $$ that when the mags didn't show up in discovery she didn't think JM had them and definitely didn't tell her DT. I've had clients like her and had this happen.

Just my 2 cents. I was really impressed with JM at that moment. He set her up for that one very nicely and I suspect there could be more to come.

Great first post! Welcome to Websleuths!
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