jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 10TH DAY #54 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I could watch this all day ...

1 Robert Deniro
2 Diane Keaton – Godfather
3 Jack Nicholson – Something’s Gotta Give
4 Helen Hunt – As Good as it Gets
5 Tom Hanks – Castaway
6 Kevin Bacon – Apollo 13
7 Me - I waited on him 20+ years ago. Nice guy. Kyra Sedgewick (sp?) too. Kid threw peas everywhere, and they cleaned them all up when they left (rare - even for non-celebs!) :)
Warning: This comment is not for the faint of heart...

Watching Nancy Grace talk about JA washing blood off her hands gave me a chilling thought. It made me think again about the plastic cup in the shower, what she might have used it for.

I previously thought she just used the cup to rinse her DNA off his privates extra well. But now I'm nauseous, thinking she may have used the cup to drink some of TA's blood.<respectfully snipped>

Read the first few sentences...........and I must say.....just to the idea you propose......... pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft. This trial is Oscams Razor!!!!!!!!!
We are holding you in contempt of WebSleuths for not submitting your report in a timely fashion. We were just preparing a warrant.


I didn't get to court today. I just went for the post game. It was super packed today and there were extra family members there so I didn't even try to get in.

But the sun will come out tomorrow...and I will try again...!

I got so many updates from so many people who were in there. I'd say there were at least 12 of us chat chat chatting with several conversations going on at once. I met so many lovely people. I'm beat...just watching that volleying at home on my TV wore me out.

Stay tuned for other update posts on the other thread..there will be many!
It's good you have a 9-5, because paying attention to this trial can lead to some unhealthy habits. Stalking this board for updates being one.

I really resist getting sucked in, but with Scott Peterson, Casey Anthony, and now Miss's just impossible for me not to multi-task at work while tuning in. I'm a sleuther through and through :::: shrugs with pride:::: I lurk more than I actively post, but I am always so impressed with the diigence of the members here. There was a horrible time during a missing child case a year or two ago when everyone was all over the Mom and it was the neighbor. So I hang back sometimes, because I don't aways agree, but when I totally in!
I highly doubt JM is frustrated or at a loss for words or that jodi's evasiveness and stubborn refusal to concede a point is a technique of Nurmi's used to rattle JM.

He is not rattled in the least.

Juan Martinez is a professional. He is very experienced and very professional. he is using a dramatic approach at times to underscore, for the jury, jodi's manipulativeness and inability to tell the truth. And, IMHO, it is working.

This guy is great to watch work. He is inspiring. So, so good.

IMO, it's totally plausible for Nurmi and JA to have a communication strategy in play.

There seems to be wide agreement that Jodi's court apparel and hair styles seem to be carefully choreographed. Nancy Grace and others on HLN even talked about how the defense keeps Jodi's chair "screwed down," making her seem more diminutive, shorter, little-ladyish. So why wouldn't the defendant and her attorney talk about what works and what doesn't in how she answers.

I think most would agree she's taken the edge off quite a bit since last week. If her attorney is doing his job, of course he's telling JA when she's coming off poorly -- and ways to improve the effect, etc.

Yes, JM is professional. But IMO that has nothing to do with him possibly growing impatient or frustrated with an arrogant little murderess. Most professionals I know are irritated when they think people who're "under" them are acting insubordinate, contemptuous or whatever.

He's firing her up, to be sure. But she's giving quite the performance going down. That would get on anybody's nerves.
Friday, Dateline NBC covers the trial of Jodi Arias.

*This picture must have been taken before her boob job*

We are holding you in contempt of WebSleuths for not submitting your report in a timely fashion. We were just preparing a warrant.

Katie's punishment is having to listen to Arias tell her about the history of her acne problem as a nauseum..LOL

I think maybe this trial is getting to everybody. I don't think any of these posts are meant to be malicious or malintended. We have been so absorbed in this case, seeking justice for Travis and his family, and subjected to JA overload, that nerves are frayed. What JA did was so heinous, it is difficult to wrap our heads around it all. Hopefully soon we can take a deep breath when she is done talking and gets the DP, and just be us. Respectfully, IMO

What is sad though, is there is a difference in this case IMHO from the one I first followed here, which was for Caylee Anthony. It's been years since Caylee was murdered, and I went to her site which she was thrown by FCA on the anniversary in December....with baloons, message....all with input from bunches of WS'ers on the threads following the videos that ANJ helped upload. Long story short..........but Caylee will last for many of us longer and I wish that there would be some type of memorial for Travis that was public just merely to keep his memory alive as we do for Caylee. WE DO NOT forget on that thread.....and see many folks on this one, so y'all know what I'm referring to.
7 Me - I waited on him 20+ years ago. Nice guy. Kyra Sedgewick (sp?) too. Kid threw peas everywhere, and they cleaned them all up when they left (rare - even for non-celebs!) :)

Ha ha. Me too. I waited on them several times (before kids I think). Upper west side, NYC, 85th and Amsterdam. "Popover" restaurant.
Thanks for your imput. It's interesting to hear how this "testimony" sounds to a court reporter. Have you ever heard anyone evade questions, nitpick words or spar so much during testimony?

Oh, yes.

What is your name?
Who me?
Yes, you.
What is your address?
Who me?
Yes, you.
What is your date of birth?
Who me?
Yes you.

And it went on and on.
It gets really frustrating when you can't jump and say "Answer the very simplest of questions, because it will get harder than what is your name."

But after every question it was "Who me?"

Jodi may irritate you more, but I doubt she irritates Nurmi more. I think Nurmi is increasingly annoyed with Juan in a less than respectful way. jmo
I doubt Juan cares whether or not he's irritating Nurmi. He's there to do a job and that job is to get the conviction of a murderer.

How can people complain about Juan's style when Jodi is prepped to not cooperate with yes and no answers? This is obviously a game to her sparring like she's a intelligent, moral person. Give me a break.

I sat through defense's 8 or 9 days of ridiculous, and often downright filthy, sex talk which I felt was a blatant mockery in the courtroom. Anal was said over 12,000 times! I have absolutely no complains in how the State is chiseling through Jodi's lies especially to clear Travis's name.

I am guessing that Juan is really trying to disprove her outrageous allegations about Travis for his family. To them, it is just as important as proving she killed him. I think Juan is making an effort to disprove her allegations and also prove she killed him. Both are important to the family.
I didn't say it isn't out there. Of course it is. And it's reviled at WS daily -- except in this thread, where it's just an innocent joke.:waitasec:

So are you saying that you think there is something to it? You believe that Chad and/or Travis were actually trolling for lil boys for Christmas, and so Chad decided to advertise it on TA's MySpace, for everyone to see? :waitasec:
I really resist getting sucked in, but with Scott Peterson, Casey Anthony, and now Miss's just impossible for me not to multi-task at work while tuning in. I'm a sleuther through and through :::: shrugs with pride:::: I lurk more than I actively post, but I am always so impressed with the diigence of the members here. There was a horrible time during a missing child case a year or two ago when everyone was all over the Mom and it was the neighbor. So I hang back sometimes, because I don't aways agree, but when I totally in!

It's interesting to hear why people develop an interest here. This case grabbed me because of all the extraordinary details. Could not follow the CA case because my kids are still relatively young and I can't take the kid cases.

But I've gotten so much out of tracking the language everyone uses in this case. People telegraph so much information about themselves by how they communicate. For instance, right now JA is communicating "I will withhold the truth, and any information that will lead you to the truth for as long as I have to".
WOW :clap: good observations and points from All on this subject!

ITA when JA talks too much she is making up the story.. believe there was No Water either, let alone a case in trunk.. story to support she ran out of the house and forgot everything yada yada

Noticed also JA hasn't mentioned the 'fog' again yet when ample opportunity to do so today, instead, she says she wasn't 'all there' and Juan jumped on that one pronto! Gotta luv him!!

Aw, thanks :)
There could have been water (pretty foolish to drive that far in the desert without supplies, especially water) but there wasn't any blood all over her hands - suddenly noticed when coming out of a daze (that didn't happen) or otherwise.

I believe she was clean. She took great lengths to avoid detection and notice. She would do the same when leaving the house... be as unnoticeable and unmemorable as possible. Just someone walking to a car - if seen by a neighbor getting their mail, etc. Would be forgotten within seconds.

Even if she was only a little bloody - would she take the chance that someone (one of those people that leave ads hanging on the doorknob or in little bags with pebbles on the drive/front walk) might randomly run into her and be alarmed by blood - any amount of blood? No - she wouldn't have done that. imv. :)
Strange, looks like some kind of sign language. Maybe someone should alert the judge.

I wholeheartedly believe this. We all think he is picking his nose, but he is pulling something else out of his nose. And has probably been mentioned, but too many pages to read...he was laughing at her testimony behind his big fat hand. Very inappropriate. But he is definitely doing some sort of sign language with her.
I doubt Juan cares whether or not he's irritating Nurmi. He's there to do a job and that job is to get the conviction of a murderer.


Snap! I also doubt Juan cares whether or not he's irritating anyone who works in that courthouse.

He's got a job and he's knocking it outta the ballpark. I don't think he notices any of the gnats flying around his head, internet or in person.
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