jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 14TH DAY #68*may contain graphic and adult content*

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Then why question the compassion of the survivors that have spoken out on the premise they disbelieve a proven liar?

Emotions should never outweigh logic when one is seeking the truth.


A person who has been abused must let go of anger towards themselves and others or they cannot heal properly.

She did lie. She admits it. She killed him. She admits it.

It IS emotions that are ruling the majority of posters here. Look at the terrible attacks that are being spoken? Logic would never allow that to happen.
She scares me. Once I saw the photos and especially the one of him, deceased, in the shower, when he was found, I became afraid. And I don't scare easily. If she ever gets out, I want her microchipped and tracked on a website "Where In The World Is JA?". No joke. If she's within 500 miles of me, I want to know.
I agree with you Shelby, I think she's pretty bright. Articulate and quick thinking. She committed her crime stupidly but that doesn't mean she's a stupid person.

There are different degrees of stupidity. And she stupidly thought she could kill him and get away with it. That's my opinion. Her big words and her ability to quickly make up details do not impress me at all.
So you are not in favor of allowing posters to state their honest feelings?

What message did you send?

Dr Glass is a body language expert with a blog. I believe she removed her blog entry based on negative feedback she received as someone who has never had the opportunity to read TA's body language.

Just speculating,I don't go near her blog.
how can anyone say WHEN these pages were written? she was still writing phony s**t in her journal after travis was dead. can an expert say specifically whether these are the same age as the posts before and after them?

They said the page 30 did not match her hand writing. As far as when...obviously no.
Good time for a non-Jodi photo...


What, like watching baby animals being cute?
This is me all day today:
She admitted Thursday that everything she says has been memorized... She may sound very bright but she uses most of the big words wrong.

She is a con artist. That's the way cons act and mirror what works for other people. That's what she does. She mirrors everyone around her and although she appears bright to the outside world. I've seen it many times and she is far from bright. She's just a regular old slithering snake in the grass.
Ha!! Dr Glass took down the post where she called Travis disgusting ... Guess she got the message.

I didn't get to see it in time but I saw this post someone left her.

Dr. Glass, What is Travis's facial expression saying?
A person who has been abused must let go of anger towards themselves and others or they cannot heal properly.

She did lie. She admits it. She killed him. She admits it.

It IS emotions that are ruling the majority of posters here. Look at the terrible attacks that are being spoken? Logic would never allow that to happen.

No it's a deep knowledge of the facts that are ruling members here.
So, let me see....because I disagree with some of your thoughts about the case, I am now being welcomed to leave and go elsewhere?

I'm welcoming you with open arms!



I'm interested... You could be that one juror we are all worried about.

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OK, sorry....maybe that is so.

I have been used before so I can relate in part...and I hated myself for allowing it and for participating in it. For that, I have compassion.

People here are mercilessly cruel. To say, "Die *****!" is horrible for anyone to say to another human being...especially here at Websleuths. It shouldn't be allowed and I'm horrified. That makes us, in some regard, as no better than those who do these heinous things we see here day in and day out.

I hurt for both families. Its terrible that Travis died as he did. No doubt he used Arias. She let it happen and didn't stop it. Did she kill him out of jealousy? Perhaps. It seems logical. But they had been broken up and she was moving why would she be so jealous at this point? Its very sad all around.

No outcome will fix anything. Alexander cannot come back and Arias will pay with her life...whether alive or dead. I do not think Arias will receive the death penalty....but what do I know...
Its very discouraging to see humanity in this state. I'm more disappointed in the bashing I see here than anything else. After hundreds of posts and countless cases over several years, I have rarely seen such.

If the jury convicts her and sentences the b!@+ch to death, is that bashing?
OOOh, The Doctrine of Completeness....

Expand on this attorneys. Juan will get another pop at her.
How do you know its a lie?

I agree this was a crime of passion...and I suppose it could have been self-defense. It is very difficult to prove and if Jodi had said that from day one, we wouldn't be here.

I am surprised that many of the women who have been hurt by men do not have more compassion for Arias. Not compassion for the murder but for more understanding about abuse and how it works.

I do not see the fear that I expected. That could be for any number of reasons. First, that she has not fear because she is lying...and that makes sense because she has lied a lot. could be because she is on medication. Or it could be because the threat is gone. I don't know...and I don't presume to have the answers.

I will step away now....carry on.

27 slashes, almost decapitation, and a shot to the head is NOT defense. You must meet force with force. I highly doubt a guy in the shower would have had that much force to her.

And no...why should i have compassion for her? She wasn't abused. Plain and simple. She wasn't even CLOSE to abused and she gives all people, male and female, who have gone through abuse a bad name. If the victim was a female, would this discussion even be happening? Oh because the perp was a female and was supposedly abused that means she is right and its ok because the victim was a male. Because women only kill when they are abused. Right.
I think they had consensual kinky sex in a 'friends with benefits' arrangement. I disagree that Travis used her. JMO

Even Travis' friends admit that he knew she wanted more than he did out of th relationship yet he continued to see her for sex. They've described it as stringing her along and using her. They admit it was wrong and really stupid on his part.

Jodi was in love, completely obsessed and acting crazy. To continue having sex with a person like that is a really poor choice. He sent that email to her calling her a sociopath and describing her ruining his life, and a week later, right before she kills him, he has sex with her again?

None of this justifies what she did. I just don't feel the need to worship Travis and call him a saint.
They said the page 30 did not match her hand writing. As far as when...obviously no.

wow. i really didn't know a judge would allow something like this to be admitted. it seems just like the letters to me. there's no way to authenticate WHEN these pages were written. how is this admissible?
I have been searching everywhere trying to find officer friedman's testimony on youtubem to see what he testified about regarding the burglary of Jodi's grandparent's house. I can't find it anywhere and finally decided to register on ws just so I could ask all of you. Can anyone direct me to a link?

There are different degrees of stupidity. And she stupidly thought she could kill him and get away with it. That's my opinion. Her big words and her ability to quickly make up details do not impress me at all.

Actually I don't think her vocabulary is unusually large, and, strangely, I'm impressed with the precision with which she selects her words. But I am clearly in the minority on that point!
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