jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 9TH DAY #48 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Is anyone watching Dr Drew. There is a woman on there. I believe her name is Shana and is writing a book. She claims to have known about the coded magazines and it is going to have something to do with the forged letters. I did not catch it all.

She said Jodi tried to get this message to MM. MM introduced letters that showed Travis was a pedophile and the letters were proven to be forged.
Apologies in advance--my modem kaputted 2 days ago, so haven't been able to keep up here til now, am many threads behind, and most likely am being redundant about today's testimony in particular.

Thumbs down to the chattering talking heads who are spouting that Juan Martinez "lost" today, or that Jodi "won." Disgusting. This trial isn't a sporting match or a reality show. A cold blooded murderer and pathological liar is on the stand. That she could so completely enjoy battling with the prosecutor who is seeking her death sent chills up my spine.

How anyone could consider her performance today as a win is beyond me. What I saw today was a genuine sociopath on display. I've read about sociopaths but have never met one or watched on on trial. Watching her I kept thinking... wow, this is what one looks like.

Easy to see why so many women who met her found her creepy within short order, and easier still to see how easy it would have been to manipulate Travis Alexander. She obviously sized up his weaknesses early on and used them against him. His need of compliments; his normal enough jealousy over having other men paw at her; his generosity; his sexual curiosity. Glimpses of her willingness to walk all over him, to invade his privacy, to disregard all notion of boundaries peep out of what text msgs we've seen, and it is TRAVIS, not the sociopath on the stand who at the time says such thing as "you hurt me" and"you are hateful" towards me.

As for Juan Martinez. He isn't always going to be able to pin down this snake. Who would expect him to, given that he is dealing with a sociopath? Who could expect he'd make her feel fearful of him or his cross? Ain't going to happen.

What I saw, especially in the last hour or two of the day, was an masterful laying of groundwork to impeach her on multiple counts in one fell (and hopefully knockout) blow come Monday. He wasn't dithering around or losing focus. He's binding together her attempt to have Matt lie for her (magazines)with her lies about her relationship with Matt, AND lies about her confrontation with Bianca (wow- he must have a 1st hand witness) while tossing in her stalker/obsession/tendency to get threatening and confrontational if she feels slighted.

He isn't going to give road signs to the defendant as to where he's taking her next, and I'm sure he knows that taking that kind of control away from her is the single best psychological weapon he has to use against her. She won't be tormented this weekend trying to figure out what he'll ask her next, but I think she'll be too busy thinking to smirk much this weekend. That's a start.

PS- The best part of the day for me was seeing a genuine smile on the face of one of Travis Alexander's sisters, thanks to Juan Martinez.
That's another thing.....who in the he** does she think she is to speak to an officer of the court like that and should she not have received some kind of admonishment from the judge for that???? I mean, really!

Sometimes I wonder if she's paying attention to this trial or busy with other stuff on the bench. After days on end of the direct she's got to wake up here!
Yikes, now Jenine Driver, Body Language expert, feels Juan came out of the gate too strong. She thinks a softer approach at first works. Well, from my arm chair as a pretend juror, I had my wooden spoon raised, so I think Juan needs to whack her on the head to get an answer as to why and how she killed Travis.

Maybe they all need to see those horrible pics again of Travis dead at Jodi's hands. We listened to eight days of "uncomfortable maybe I didn't like it sex", FGS! She has made a mockery of the courtroom!

The talking heads are idiots.

The caller that just called in said that Juan should have been even harder on Jodi. Callers like that are more like jurors than talking heads who never seem to call it right.

In the end, today, it was evident Jodi did not act like an abused woman, beaten emotionally and physically into submission by men over the years and to top it off, a life and death struggle with Travis where she nearly lost her life, had to run and the grabbed a gun and shot him and woke up in the desert driving.

If that was true, she would have burst into tears just before he finished his first sentence as she is an innocent woman in jail for years and she has done nothing.

Instead she sat up, stared him down, challenged him on trivial details and contradicted each and every thing he said

Juan: "you were off in the afternoon?"
Jodi: "late afternoon"

Juan: "The last text from Travis was 7:39pm?"
Jodi: "or thereabouts"

She never came across as a frail person, a traumatized person that had been abused. And if anyone says "we all react differently to trauma"

SHOW me one woman that has been abused since she was a child, eventually nearly cut someones head off and is defiant and combative, arrogant. With not a shred of vulnerability? none?

Because she doesn't exist
I just remembered another lie from today!

She claims she recalls Starbucks drink back in 08 because she always orders the same thing.

I recall ice coffee and strawberry fraps!

Ok goodnight

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Her lawyer got that excuse from HLN .. Sure of it.
Just wanna make sure I get this:

JA attempted to pass the two magazines to Ann Campbell, who is the girlfriend of "Donovan" , who has been identified in the past as a friend of the Arias family. Ann Campbell was, at some point, in jail with Jodi. The magazines had this code inside of sentences in the margins and the Star Magazine contained the "key" to the code, to put the sentences in the other (PhotoPro) magazine in order.

The theory is that Ann was supposed to receive these magazines and take them to Matt McCarthy, who had evidently testified in some way that was contrary to Jodi's wishes, but she is letting him know that it can still be fixed and he needs to come see her to plan how to fix it.

Donovan has been seen in court, and so has Ann Campbell. However, when the magazines popped out of Juan's envelope today, Donovan, who was in court, hastily left the courtroom. Could it be assumed that since these magazines which had coded messages in it, and Miss Ann was handling the transfer of said magazines, that another crime has been committed and Miss Donovan has hurried to make a phone call that will alert her friend to the fact that trouble may be on the way......especially since one or both of these ladies may still be on some sort of probation, as I understand there is some sort of history of arson with one lady or both????
Guys, thanks for the prayers from all who gave them. My own little trial was touch and go today. Btw, I finished a cross exam and tried to channel JM a bit! Lol! But, I won and I am very relieved because I feared for the life oft client and her baby. I didn't get the restraining order for more than two years though which was a bit of a bummer. ( the judge could have issued it up to five years in duration).

Anyhow, as I sat the waiting for the judge to come out and render his decision I couldn't help but wonder how it was going with cross! I'm home and about to review but tell me how ya all thought if went today. Did Juan nail it?

IMO Juan nailed it. He began to be a little stern but Jodi said something like I can't remember when you and Travis yell at me. ( not verbatim) He immediately changed his strategy, and wella came across like a real pro.
Per Jenine Driver - No pronoun when Jodi said the rope eventually ended up in a dumpster. She didn't include an "I threw the rope...". Did she give it to someone else with the gun to dispose of it? We should not assume she answered the question of what she did with the rope. She did not use a pronoun and is not taking responsibility for a rope. (and some will say there was no rope)
Yeah, trying to figure out how to deal with the magazine messages. :floorlaugh:

Yeah... maybe they should give him Highlight Magazines next time to practice figuring out word puzzles? :waitasec:
Apologies in advance--my modem kaputted 2 days ago, so haven't been able to keep up here til now, am many threads behind, and most likely am being redundant about today's testimony in particular.

Thumbs down to the chattering talking heads who are spouting that Juan Martinez "lost" today, or that Jodi "won." Disgusting. This trial isn't a sporting match or a reality show. A cold blooded murderer and pathological liar is on the stand. That she could so completely enjoy battling with the prosecutor who is seeking her death sent chills up my spine.

How anyone could consider her performance today as a win is beyond me. What I saw today was a genuine sociopath on display. I've read about sociopaths but have never met one or watched on on trial. Watching her I kept thinking... wow, this is what one looks like.

Easy to see why so many women who met her found her creepy within short order, and easier still to see how easy it would have been to manipulate Travis Alexander. She obviously sized up his weaknesses early on and used them against him. His need of compliments; his normal enough jealousy over having other men paw at her; his generosity; his sexual curiosity. Glimpses of her willingness to walk all over him, to invade his privacy, to disregard all notion of boundaries peep out of what text msgs we've seen, and it is TRAVIS, not the sociopath on the stand who at the time says such thing as "you hurt me" and"you are hateful" towards me.

As for Juan Martinez. He isn't always going to be able to pin down this snake. Who would expect him to, given that he is dealing with a sociopath? Who could expect he'd make her feel fearful of him or his cross? Ain't going to happen.

What I saw, especially in the last hour or two of the day, was an masterful laying of groundwork to impeach her on multiple counts in one fell (and hopefully knockout) blow come Monday. He wasn't dithering around or losing focus. He's binding together her attempt to have Matt lie for her (magazines)with her lies about her relationship with Matt, AND lies about her confrontation with Bianca (wow- he must have a 1st hand witness) while tossing in her stalker/obsession/tendency to get threatening and confrontational if she feels slighted.

He isn't going to give road signs to the defendant as to where he's taking her next, and I'm sure he knows that taking that kind of control away from her is the single best psychological weapon he has to use against her. She won't be tormented this weekend trying to figure out what he'll ask her next, but I think she'll be too busy thinking to smirk much this weekend. That's a start.
One thing I saw him do today that was great, was constantly giving her visual reminders of data, so that she couldn't pull the "I can't remember" bit. How convienient!:banghead::banghead::banghead: I wanted to slap the smirks off her face.
Also he showed that she enjoyed the sex, or was at least being passive-aggressive about it and that she had double-standards about who could see whom in a relationship and when it was over. No boundaries.
Mark is on DrD saying Prosecution was too confusing. Mark would've done it like slicing a fillet mignon. He would have asked her simple questions all in a row. I don't think he has a full grasp on what a shift shaper Juan is dealing with when it comes to Jodi. Juan will reveal much deeper viciousness in her senseless premeditation to kill Travis.

hahaha... did he watch the Defense direct her? (now THAT was confusing)
Ok.. This is what I got from it..

The msgs were written in pencil in margin of mags to be delivered to the ex BF that he effed up testimony come see me ...

The Ex BF came forward with letters that were to "prove" that TA was a pedofile but in a previous hearing the letters were examined and deemed to be forgeries.

So this was the proof that JA was manufacturing a defense by using "friends & exes" to help here get out!

Now wonder where this plays out in the timeline of all the media interviews with the I'll never be convicted statements

Thank you for explaining this. So, it is Matt who delivered the letters to the defense? Can Matt or Jodi get in more trouble for this?
Just wanna make sure I get this:

JA attempted to pass the two magazines to Ann Campbell, who is the girlfriend of "Donovan" , who has been identified in the past as a friend of the Arias family. Ann Campbell was, at some point, in jail with Jodi. The magazines had this code inside of sentences in the margins and the Star Magazine contained the "key" to the code, to put the sentences in the other (PhotoPro) magazine in order.

The theory is that Ann was supposed to receive these magazines and take them to Matt McCarthy, who had evidently testified in some way that was contrary to Jodi's wishes, but she is letting him know that it can still be fixed and he needs to come see her to plan how to fix it.

Donovan has been seen in court, and so has Ann Campbell. However, when the magazines popped out of Juan's envelope today, Donovan, who was in court, hastily left the courtroom. Could it be assumed that since these magazines which had coded messages in it, and Miss Ann was handling the transfer of said magazines, that another crime has been committed and Miss Donovan has hurried to make a phone call that will alert her friend to the fact that trouble may be on the way......especially since one or both of these ladies may still be on some sort of probation, as I understand there is some sort of history of arson with one lady or both????
by jove i think you've got it:)

and they may never have known if the jail confiscated the materials before giving them to ann campbell since they had been tampered with....

the plot thickens:seeya:
She said " I have memories of putting the knife in the dishwasher but um I put a knife in the dishwasher before so um I don't know if it was the same knife um...I have memories....blah....blab...." (not verbatim ....but close enough....)

And don't forget she remembers the sound of the knife clanging when it hit the tile floor but she doesn't remember stabbing him!
Where in the world did JA get all the money to make all her moves, all her road trips, her clothes, her food, her car insurance, her gas, her contact lenses, her cell phone and cell phone payments....she was a part-time waitress jumping from place to place. Where did the money come from?
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