John Travolta's son, autism and Scientology

I know as growing up in a christian family that we went to a school where my parents had to sign a paper saying we wouldnt go to dances and movies. Well we did frequently ;) I wouldnt say I belong to a religion though. I was raised non-denominational and I still am that way and so is my husband now by his choice. We do attend a church but its very laid back. They read out of the bible word for word and most people go in jeans. So honestly it being called a religion or a cult doesnt phase me since I believe in a personal relationship than one through a church and someone else's views.
I know as growing up in a christian family that we went to a school where my parents had to sign a paper saying we wouldnt go to dances and movies. Well we did frequently ;) I wouldnt say I belong to a religion though. I was raised non-denominational and I still am that way and so is my husband now by his choice. We do attend a church but its very laid back. They read out of the bible word for word and most people go in jeans. So honestly it being called a religion or a cult doesnt phase me since I believe in a personal relationship than one through a church and someone else's views.

Me too.
I'm all for natural remedies, but what else besides conventional medicine is there for asthma?
(I'd really like to know, my 2 year old has asthma)
I can't imagine not having my son's medicine, he would be in the ER every week like he used to be.

Remove triggers, wait until their bodies get stronger and more resistant to triggers. Since it's an incurable lung disease it's really hard to treat with alternative medications imho.

I think nearly all organized religions can be classified as a cult in the broader sense. Many groups think other groups can cause harm, including the group threatening them when they leave...maybe not with bodily harm but with afterlife harm, fear, oppression and guilt is a normal part of most religion, not because of what the g-dhead demands but because people are people and THEY do the guilt trips.

Heck, most religions were based on violence and a need to believe in believe in something other than human fate. An overwhelming sense of belonging to something that brings comfort and peace. My own included.

If the person practicing this gets a form of comfort from it and they go into with their eyes open, who am I to say it's wrong?

None of us are sitting in the other persons home. We have no clue what they do, nor should we, with their children's health. Unless it could kill them, but that's why we have laws right?

My son has autism and I don't give him medication for it. I love him and teach him just as I do my other children. He's held to the same level of responsibility and other than other health concerns, his being autistic isn't going to change with me taking him to a doctor and trying to medicate him out of it.

Sounds like the folks who brought this up...the neighbors, are sour grapes because of what he wouldn't do for them based on his belief rather than what he does with his kids.

I can promise you, if there is something out there I won't do because of what I believe, there are 45 more out there who will take offense that I didn't do it just because of what I believe.
Just wanted to shout out that my teenage daughter was diagnosed with Celiac 2 years ago this month; she was relatively asymptomatic, but it was found when her pedi endocrinologist did a pre-screening for it as part of her annual diabetes blood workups. It appears a higher % of Type I diabetics have Celiac than the normal population. When the doctor called with the results, I had to have him repeat the name and spell it out, as I had never heard of it before.

We're now 2 years into her eating a gluten-free diet...and it's amazing how much better she's feeling (even though she didn't have the classic CD signs and symptoms).

My daughter was diagnosed with celiac at age 14, she is now 19 and has been living gluten-free that past 5 years. She did have the signs-abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss-but she had recently had a ruptured appendix prior to her diagnosis and we kept attributing the symptoms to recovering from her surgery.

I also have friends who keep their kids on a gluten free/casein free diet for behavior issues. It really seems to work, although the diet is so restrictive I feel sorry for the kids.
My daughter was diagnosed with celiac at age 14, she is now 19 and has been living gluten-free that past 5 years. She did have the signs-abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss-but she had recently had a ruptured appendix prior to her diagnosis and we kept attributing the symptoms to recovering from her surgery.

I also have friends who keep their kids on a gluten free/casein free diet for behavior issues. It really seems to work, although the diet is so restrictive I feel sorry for the kids.

Thanks for sharing that.
Interesting about people who are doing the GF/CF diet for behavior issues. I know I was surprised, early on, to read that a GF diet could help with autistic children, etc. (see, we are still on topic,LOL.) What I haven't read is WHY that is?

I have to admit that with my daughter, her moods and therefore, behavior, improved once going GF. I'm not saying all the improvement was because of the GF diet, but I do believe some of it was due to that. And yet, it makes sense. Her body was so "sick" inside, you know she couldn't have felt good - and I know when I'm sick and not up to my normal energy level, etc. I'm not in the best moods :angel: . So, although she's a teenage girl ;) with normal trials and tribulations, it IS better now that she's GF.
My daughter was diagnosed with celiac at age 14, she is now 19 and has been living gluten-free that past 5 years. She did have the signs-abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss-but she had recently had a ruptured appendix prior to her diagnosis and we kept attributing the symptoms to recovering from her surgery.

I also have friends who keep their kids on a gluten free/casein free diet for behavior issues. It really seems to work, although the diet is so restrictive I feel sorry for the kids.[/quote]

I learned about this from a friend of mine. She has a son with a possible rare metabolic disease. He gets sick a lot, can't keep food down. The gluten/casein free diet has really helped. I've actually been thinking about talking to my son's therapists about this to see if it would help him. He is not autistic, but very behind. He'll be starting special preschool in the Fall.

Thanks for the info on asthma. He is on a daily preventative morning and night, Pulmicort, which he takes through a nebulizer. He has an inhaler as well as liquid Albuterol we can use in an emergency. It flairs up when he gets a cold (even a minor one) and when he runs around. It's impossible to stop a 2 year old from running around. After numerous trips to the ER, they finally diagnosed him and gave us the nebulizer to use at home.

On the topic...
If Jett is on steroids for asthma, it could very well be what is causing his weight gain. I also agree with a PP that if Jett is in fact autistic, it could be why there are no pictures of him. It probably makes him very uncomfortable being around crowds of people. One aspect of autism is the social issue.

I've learned a lot in this thread, things aren't always what they seem. I agree that the neighbors should mind their own business. Wasn't it JT's brother that made the Hollywood Interrupted thing? He has a child with autism himself.
My daughter was diagnosed with celiac at age 14, she is now 19 and has been living gluten-free that past 5 years. She did have the signs-abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss-but she had recently had a ruptured appendix prior to her diagnosis and we kept attributing the symptoms to recovering from her surgery.

I also have friends who keep their kids on a gluten free/casein free diet for behavior issues. It really seems to work, although the diet is so restrictive I feel sorry for the kids.

Our restrictive part is going out to eat and holidays. I make just about anything from scratch to try and give my 3 year old food options so she doesnt feel left out, I have been working on making hard pretzels since the price for glutino's pretzels are almost 8 dollars a bag here. We are fortunate to have outback, carraba's, cheeseburger in paradise and pf changs near us so we can feel normal once in a while. Im hoping zonulin will be an option so I can give it a few years to see if any problems pop up and we can use it if we want to feel normal and eat what we want once in a while.

Dena- Try the gluen casein free diet for a month and see if he improves. I know others through the CSA that just do it for adhd, autism and behavior problems. Its amazing how different you might feel.
Interesting thread. What does this: "Wasn't it JT's brother that made the Hollywood Interrupted thing? He has a child with autism himself." mean?

What is the "Hollywood Interrupted thing"? John Travolta's brother has a child with autism?
If the rumors of Travola's being gay are true, if the rumors about Jett's autism are true, if it is true that Scientologists will destroy those who try to leave - especially high-profile members (I would think), how sad this is for John. If he denies his true self and rejects effective therapy for his child because he fears being destroyed or extorted by this "religion," I think he is living in a sort of prison. It is so odd that both Travolta and Cruise, both Scientology big shots, are dogged by the "he is gay and in an arranged marriage" rumor. Why would Kelly and Katie go along with all this? The money and prestige? I don't think it would be enough for me, but who knows? Also, with all their money, couldn't they break free of this if they really wanted to? Are they really that afraid of exposure? I have to wonder - do they get some kind of financial reward for their Scientology affiliation? I have always liked Travolta but noticed the last time I saw him on Letterman he was acting very affected - I couldn't quite put my finger on it - NanandJim used the word effeminate - I have to agree. He also gushed about his daughter quite a lot and said nothing about his son (nor was he asked about his son, as he was his daughter - I noticed that). He had hired a limo to take his little daughter and her friends to the Academy Awards. All aside, he always seems like a sweetheart of a guy and I think he's a hell of an actor too. I think this is all kind of sad, really.

If the rumors of Travola's being gay are true, if the rumors about Jett's autism are true, if it is true that Scientologists will destroy those who try to leave - especially high-profile members (I would think), how sad this is for John. If he denies his true self and rejects effective therapy for his child because he fears being destroyed or extorted by this "religion," I think he is living in a sort of prison. It is so odd that both Travolta and Cruise, both Scientology big shots, are dogged by the "he is gay and in an arranged marriage" rumor. Why would Kelly and Katie go along with all this? The money and prestige? I don't think it would be enough for me, but who knows? Also, with all their money, couldn't they break free of this if they really wanted to? Are they really that afraid of exposure? I have to wonder - do they get some kind of financial reward for their Scientology affiliation? I have always liked Travolta but noticed the last time I saw him on Letterman he was acting very affected - I couldn't quite put my finger on it - NanandJim used the word effeminate - I have to agree. He also gushed about his daughter quite a lot and said nothing about his son (nor was he asked about his son, as he was his daughter - I noticed that). He had hired a limo to take his little daughter and her friends to the Academy Awards. All aside, he always seems like a sweetheart of a guy and I think he's a hell of an actor too. I think this is all kind of sad, really.


Eve - I totally agree with your post. It's funny that you mention Travolta gushing over his daughter. I believe that I had read a magazine article at some point in the past where John went on and on about his daughter. I think at that time I wasn't even aware that he had a son.

I don't understand why Tom Cruise and/or John Travolta would allow Scientology to rule their lives (if they are gay). They have enough money even if they never worked again. Who knows? Maybe, the organization has so much embarrassing info on them that they are afraid to leave or maybe the organization has done good for them. It's hard to say. The articles that I have read say the organization treats the rich and famous very well.

How much money does one person need? I would not marry someone solely for money and fame. However, I realize that many would.

Also, I think, years ago, I remember reading an article where Kelly Preston always had a fear that John would leave her. I believe that they went into counseling and was assured that he never would. At this time, I didn't realize that they were Scientologists. I'm sure that they had counseling through this organization.

In any case, I hope that John is doing what he can for his son if indeed his son has a treatable illness. By all outward appearances, John does seem like a really nice guy.
Answering one of my own questions, I went to the website and found this fascinating (and lenghty) article written by the website founder in 1996. He's a good writer and it is worth the read to learn what scientology is all about:

I cannot BELIEVE any intelligent person, be they a movie star or not, would fall for this crap!

Terrific link, AlwaysShocked. If you don't mind, I am going to post it on the Scientology thread in the Jury Room.
Answering one of my own questions, I went to the website and found this fascinating (and lenghty) article written by the website founder in 1996. He's a good writer and it is worth the read to learn what scientology is all about:

I cannot BELIEVE any intelligent person, be they a movie star or not, would fall for this crap!

I don't believe that most movie stars fall into the category of intelligent. Thanks for posting this link. It goes hand in hand with the article that I posted earlier.

Isn't it amazing how this organization persuades you to reveal your innermost secrets. Then, they threaten to use them against you if you leave or say anything bad about the organization. This is like the KGB and all other organizations.

In this day and age, who cares what they say?? As this author did, put it all out there and say who gives a what you know about me??
Interesting thread. What does this: "Wasn't it JT's brother that made the Hollywood Interrupted thing? He has a child with autism himself." mean?

What is the "Hollywood Interrupted thing"? John Travolta's brother has a child with autism?

Nevermind, I read something completely wrong. Hollywood Interrupted is a website.
I don't believe that most movie stars fall into the category of intelligent. Thanks for posting this link. It goes hand in hand with the article that I posted earlier.

Isn't it amazing how this organization persuades you to reveal your innermost secrets. Then, they threaten to use them against you if you leave or say anything bad about the organization.
This is like the KGB and all other organizations.

In this day and age, who cares what they say?? As this author did, put it all out there and say who gives a what you know about me??

Nan, this is what separate Scientology from other religions with which I am familiar, and professions, too, for that matter. There is the ethical obligation that priest, minister or doctor do not reveal information learned during confessions and private sessions. I think people with the money and clout of Cruise and Travolta must be getting more than just silence for their cooperation and endorsement. What are they getting out of this?

Nan, this is what separate Scientology from other religions with which I am familiar, and professions, too, for that matter. There is the ethical obligation that priest, minister or doctor do not reveal information learned during confessions and private sessions. I think people with the money and clout of Cruise and Travolta must be getting more than just silence for their cooperation and endorsement. What are they getting out of this?


From the little that I have read, celebrities are really pampered and treated like royalty. So, I'm assuming that is part of what they are getting out of the organization. I think, at first, they were like a lot of people. They were searching for happiness and hooked onto this group as a way to find it.

I have posted links in the Jury Room with even more information on Scientology and its founder. Hubbard's own son gave a sworn affidavit concerning his father, saying that he is a liar and a fraud and that Scientology is all about money and power.
I learned several new things about my brother (the Scientologist) today but am going to try to post each thing in the appropriate thread. I think this one may fit here because, although it isn't about John and his son, it is about possible Autism and Scientology. If this is the wrong thread, mods, please move it!

Anyway- My mom spoke with my brother today and in conversation, he mentioned to her that his son, my nephew, (who will be turning two next month) has never spoken a word, has never made a noise other than to cry. Now, I'm aware that this is not completely unheard of but it got me to thinking that what if this little boy ends up with something like Autism or a mental illness (mental illness is genetic and it sure runs in our family)-

His wife chose to die rather than go against the wishes of Sientology and get Chemo or radiation and my brother agreed with her.. would he let his son go untreated if he had a developmental or mental disorder... worse yet, would he let his child DIE because Scientology says he should?!
From the little that I have read, celebrities are really pampered and treated like royalty. So, I'm assuming that is part of what they are getting out of the organization. I think, at first, they were like a lot of people. They were searching for happiness and hooked onto this group as a way to find it.

I have posted links in the Jury Room with even more information on Scientology and its founder. Hubbard's own son gave a sworn affidavit concerning his father, saying that he is a liar and a fraud and that Scientology is all about money and power.

Than he necked himself- one of them did anyway- not quite sure how many kids he had
I learned several new things about my brother (the Scientologist) today but am going to try to post each thing in the appropriate thread. I think this one may fit here because, although it isn't about John and his son, it is about possible Autism and Scientology. If this is the wrong thread, mods, please move it!

Anyway- My mom spoke with my brother today and in conversation, he mentioned to her that his son, my nephew, (who will be turning two next month) has never spoken a word, has never made a noise other than to cry. Now, I'm aware that this is not completely unheard of but it got me to thinking that what if this little boy ends up with something like Autism or a mental illness (mental illness is genetic and it sure runs in our family)-

His wife chose to die rather than go against the wishes of Sientology and get Chemo or radiation and my brother agreed with her.. would he let his son go untreated if he had a developmental or mental disorder... worse yet, would he let his child DIE because Scientology says he should?!

He could do Lostgirl, god know Jehovahs Witnesses let their kids die, not letting them have a life saving blood transfusion :doh:
There is a difference between not giving your child medical attention that would be life-saving, not agreeing with therapy or disorder diagnosis, and being a spokesperson for a disorder or disease.

I don't get why the neighbors think that Travolta should be doing more for the "cause" even if his son is autistic.

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