John Walsh about punishment for child murderers and his opinion of Casey Anthony

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That is priceless! Whoever made that has real talent! So funny!
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
Might there be a part 2 to this you tube video...the other one says part 1, so I am in anticipation of a sequel....PLEASE !
John Walsh did so much to raise public awareness about pedophiles (and other criminals) over the years, such great work. I loved him and watched his show for years, until they finally did an episode once about a case of an animal rights activist, they literally made him sound like some kind of serial killer, (he hadn't killed anyone, he had vandalized a fur farm. A serious crime obviously, but they literally were profiling this guy on the program as if he were a mass murderer)-- and the show even called vegans something like "extremists"! (Vegans! I was like, what? ) I'm not a vegan but I actually wrote a letter to the show and received a completely rude response!!! I was so disappointed I quit watching the show. Then, I was so surprised in recent years during the Madeleine McCann case when he came out insisting the McCanns were innocent, he visited with them, they became friends, etc.... :waitasec: is he now coming out pre-trial pronouncing Casey A guilty? Okay.... :waitasec: When I saw him doing all the positive PR for the McCanns I thought, well, he's a human being after all with his own baggage obviously, I can't expect him to be perfect all the time.....but I'm surprised he would then come out against Casey A though, when there was even more to cause suspicion of the McCs.
Didn't George tell the Detectives, in one of his interviews, that he was going to be speaking with John Walsh ? I remember thinking, at the time, what hog wash.
Chloroform, the new Benedryl.

True story, I am of a family of limited means. Had occassion to do some hobnobbing with some very well heeled members of my community. At one point, a woman (I shall call her Mrs. Moneybags to protect the guilty) turns to me, and asks "Don't you ever give your kids a couple of really good doses of Benedryl before bed?"

I was gobsmacked. My jaw dropped open as I tried to replay her question in my head to makes sure I hadn't misunderstood her. I hadn't. My response was

"Why would I do that?" Hers to me, "I guess I am just not one of those maternal sorts. My kids annoy the f*ck out of me, so whatever helps me knock em out and keep em that way is what I'm going with."

I actually had my GP tell me to do this or Graval when my two year old wasn't sleeping through the night. Aacckk! Oh yes, and to lock her bedroom door so she wouldn't night wander. Umm - NO!
While I think CA is probably guilty, I do think she is entitled to a trial, just like lots of other criminals who have committed particularly henious crimes have had. I personally do not see how anyone in a high profile case can get an impartial jury in Florida, with the Sunshine Law putting everything out there for everyone to read and discuss. I do not think the public needs to know everything before a trial. But as always, just my opinion and I know it is not a popular one to think that she too deserves a trial before pronounced guilty by anyone, including John Walsh.
That said, I think Cindy and Lee are going to go to their graves blaming themselves for leaving poor little caylee in the care of their sociopathic daughter.

I think they knew she was not mother material, and yet were constantly ping ponging between wanting to swoop in, bail Caysee out of whatever jam she was in from week to week, take care of the baby and treat Caysee as if she were a child (classic enabling behavior) punctuated with bouts of leaving her to care for the child on her own so that Caysee would learn her lesson and grow up. Tragic tragic consequences.

Yes, and emphasis on telling her to grow up. I did that with a twenty something daughter (who did not have a child) until one day I told her- no more. We had some testing and I didn't budge. Lo and behold - I was lucky. She did grow up - now supporting a hubby through university - I sometimes wonder if I went overboard.....
Well, now he's done it! John Walsh won't be invited to any of the A gatherings! He will be on that list for "disseminating hate towards the family"! :dance:

It's okay, he'll still be on the McCanns' Christmas card list. ;) And he can always pop round their place for tea if he's over there playing polo. ;)
Might there be a part 2 to this you tube video...the other one says part 1, so I am in anticipation of a sequel....PLEASE !

..this thread is not the appropriate place to post those, you can find many similar clips on youtube.

..i wasn't thinking too well, when i posted the 1st one here in the john walsh section. thankfully it's been removed.

..i have the utmost respect for mr. walsh, thank god for him and the wonderful work that he does.
That said, I think Cindy and Lee are going to go to their graves blaming themselves for leaving poor little caylee in the care of their sociopathic daughter.

I think they knew she was not mother material, and yet were constantly ping ponging between wanting to swoop in, bail Caysee out of whatever jam she was in from week to week, take care of the baby and treat Caysee as if she were a child (classic enabling behavior) punctuated with bouts of leaving her to care for the child on her own so that Caysee would learn her lesson and grow up. Tragic tragic consequences.

nah, Cindy will never blame herself for anything imo. But she will and does blame everybody/anybody else...Judging by what we have seen and heard from her, it's quite easy to see where KC learned much of her behavior.

I totally believe that KC can and will get a fair trial and IMO she will be convicted. Of course when that happens a few will yell that the jury was biased, but, 99.9999% of us know that she will be convicted because she is guilty of murdering her daughter.

God Bless John Walsh for everything that he has done! No matter what anyone thinks of this man, I don't believe that anyone can say that he doesn't 'walk the walk' so to speak. I can't think of a single soul that has done as much to bring attention to child predators as John Walsh has..and I can't thank him enough for that!
That said, I think Cindy and Lee are going to go to their graves blaming themselves for leaving poor little caylee in the care of their sociopathic daughter.

I think they knew she was not mother material, and yet were constantly ping ponging between wanting to swoop in, bail Caysee out of whatever jam she was in from week to week, take care of the baby and treat Caysee as if she were a child (classic enabling behavior) punctuated with bouts of leaving her to care for the child on her own so that Caysee would learn her lesson and grow up. Tragic tragic consequences.

Lee or George? I don`t think Lee has a paternal bone in his body either. The only picture we`ve seen of him holding Caylee she looks terrified and has her arms outstretched to the photographer.
Chloroform, the new Benedryl.

True story, I am of a family of limited means. Had occassion to do some hobnobbing with some very well heeled members of my community. At one point, a woman (I shall call her Mrs. Moneybags to protect the guilty) turns to me, and asks "Don't you ever give your kids a couple of really good doses of Benedryl before bed?"

I was gobsmacked. My jaw dropped open as I tried to replay her question in my head to makes sure I hadn't misunderstood her. I hadn't. My response was

"Why would I do that?" Hers to me, "I guess I am just not one of those maternal sorts. My kids annoy the f*ck out of me, so whatever helps me knock em out and keep em that way is what I'm going with."

Do the kids a favor and turn this "mother" in.
via baznme - Do the kids a favor and turn this "mother" in.

I actually did make the appropriate phone call to the appropriate agency. Unfortunately, they don't tell reporters what happens after the call or the outcome of any investigation in to tips.
John Walsh has seen too many cases and worked with police enough to know when something is not right. I feel that if he wants to make a short statement against Casey and say that he believes she is guilty that he is well within his rights. What he has done is nothing that others have done before him. We all have an opinion on this case and if Casey is guilty or innocent. Mr. Walsh simply made his statement for the public to see. We have also had plenty of others that have said they believe Casey is guilty, are they also wrong for doing this? I don't think they are. We have Casey's family (well some of them anyway) claiming that Casey is innocent, are they wrong for doing this? Again, I don't think they are. Do I think they are blinded and cannot see the truth? Yes, but they do have that right to claim she is innocent. The absolute best way for Casey to have not been in this position was to not break the law and if her child had REALLY been kidnapped then to report it immediately. Casey took a gamble and it hasn't paid off. For me she has no one but herself to blame and I applaud those that refuse to let this case fade away. This is one of those cases that we should NOT forget. If the family won't remember Caylee then someone else has to and has to make sure that justice is served for this adorable innocent child whose life was taken at such a young age.
John Walsh has seen too many cases and worked with police enough to know when something is not right. I feel that if he wants to make a short statement against Casey and say that he believes she is guilty that he is well within his rights. What he has done is nothing that others have done before him. We all have an opinion on this case and if Casey is guilty or innocent. Mr. Walsh simply made his statement for the public to see. We have also had plenty of others that have said they believe Casey is guilty, are they also wrong for doing this? I don't think they are. We have Casey's family (well some of them anyway) claiming that Casey is innocent, are they wrong for doing this? Again, I don't think they are. Do I think they are blinded and cannot see the truth? Yes, but they do have that right to claim she is innocent. The absolute best way for Casey to have not been in this position was to not break the law and if her child had REALLY been kidnapped then to report it immediately. Casey took a gamble and it hasn't paid off. For me she has no one but herself to blame and I applaud those that refuse to let this case fade away. This is one of those cases that we should NOT forget. If the family won't remember Caylee then someone else has to and has to make sure that justice is served for this adorable innocent child whose life was taken at such a young age.

Agree. I consider him much more an expert that some of the pundits who call themselves that on TV after all his years of dealing with people like Casey.
John Walsh is a real American hero in this ongoing battle against crime. No way did I see that courage from any of the A's, I'm sad to say.
Chloroform, the new Benedryl.

True story, I am of a family of limited means. Had occassion to do some hobnobbing with some very well heeled members of my community. At one point, a woman (I shall call her Mrs. Moneybags to protect the guilty) turns to me, and asks "Don't you ever give your kids a couple of really good doses of Benedryl before bed?"

I was gobsmacked. My jaw dropped open as I tried to replay her question in my head to makes sure I hadn't misunderstood her. I hadn't. My response was

"Why would I do that?" Hers to me, "I guess I am just not one of those maternal sorts. My kids annoy the f*ck out of me, so whatever helps me knock em out and keep em that way is what I'm going with."
Your post made me sad. Those poor kids will be on all kinds of prescription 'medicines' in awhile, & then move on to the illegal stuff. & when they OD or committ a crime? that mom will be looking for somebody to blame.
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