Josh Powell's House in WA blows up

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I am so sick to death to hear about this. I feel so bad for the Cox family. What a horrific thing to have to experience not only once but twice. Josh Powell is the ultimate coward.
I think it's pretty clear he didn't want her to try and interfere with his plans.
He likely didn't start the fire until the children got inside. And it looks like he had time to send some emails during that time as well.
Pierce Co. saying emails are being rec'd by others from Josh supposedly per live link.
My Jaw is still on the floor. I hope the Susan's parents sue and bankrupt the state!
Live news = Emails are now being recieved (not said to whom) other than the attorney. This was on

The attorney may not have been the only one to receive an e-mail.

No link: just heard on fox 13 live. Did anyone else?



Link to live (it's on the right side of the screen):
I'm torn on why he locked her out. Part of me thinks he would have pulled her in as revenge toward the system, while part of me says his evil soul locked her out to tell his story. any thoughts?

I think he locked her out so there was no interference with his plans.

Was the time line a matter of seconds? 5 minutes? Sounds like a few minutes passed if the SW was able to knock several times and then return to her car to call her supervisor.

I don't even want to know what those moments looked like in the house. :(
I'm surprised Josh was so willing to lose custody to Susan, eternally!

Way to think it out, :curses: !

Boys, rest in peace-- you are loved, mightily. My deepest condolences to the Cox family, know that your love and advocacy for your child and grandchildren is well acknowledged and will remembered, always. :rose:
This is just .....I do not have the words. Many of us have asked how these supervised visits were set up (as in where and with whom) I guess now we have that answer. I am just sick....I literally became physically ill when I heard this. I can't stop crying. The courts have to stop giving these SOBs...Oh never mind! I will just focus on praying for the Cox family. !@#$ %^!!!

This is an example of how things work-

It isn't going to be the popular thing to say but it is the truth- he was under investigation for Susans disappearance but not charged with anything violent. And Josh's father wasn't in the home- he was the primary reason for loss of custody.

My knee jerk reaction upon hearing the news was what the hell where they thinking- but there just wasn't any legal ground to do things differently.
I didn't even know he had visitation at all- but did the Cox's express safety concerns for the visitations? does anyone know? (if they did the court should have addressed it and it changes everything)
Live news = Emails are now being recieved (not said to whom) other than the attorney. This was on

The attorney may not have been the only one to receive an e-mail.

No link: just heard on fox 13 live. Did anyone else?



Link to live (it's on the right side of the screen):

Yes, I heard it too.
I'm not even sure if the psych eval was as much a motivator as the poly that was ordered for next week. NO parent should be allowed visitation with pending evaluations such as these, let alone in a neutral setting with sufficient supervision.

What a .
I thought about that too. I think he was afraid she might keep him from starting the fire, so that's why he didn't let her in. I do not believe he gave a rat's patooty about her at all.

I think with the smell of gas the worker smelled in the house. All he had to do is light a match or lighter. Instant blast.

I think he was planning something at the custody trial. No one suspected of suicide should be allowed to see their children in their own home, ever.,0,3480335.photogallery
Live news = Emails are now being recieved (not said to whom) other than the attorney. This was on

The attorney may not have been the only one to receive an e-mail.

No link: just heard on fox 13 live. Did anyone else?



Link to live (it's on the right side of the screen):

I heard this, too. Do you think they mean "read" & not "received?"
Did they just say it wasn't Steven Powell's house but the one Josh just moved into? Because I thought I read he had his own place last week in court.
I think with the smell of gas the worker smelled in the house. All he had to do is light a match or lighter. Instant blast.

I somehow doubt he sat there with house full of gas before children showed up. It could have blown up before. I presume he waited until he got them into the house to let the gas out and then to blow up the house.
I am so sick to death to hear about this. I feel so bad for the Cox family. What a horrific thing to have to experience not only once but twice. Josh Powell is the ultimate coward.

I just don't know if or how they'll be able to go on after this. How much can a person take?
I heard this, too. Do you think they mean "read" & not "received?"

I'm just praying there is an e-mail out there that tells where Susan is. I know he's prolly too evil to give us the satisfaction, but I can hope.


And, we need that piccie of the killer on this page? It makes me want to throw up.
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