KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

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Something I still wonder about and question. Why didn't JM introduce Travis's diaries into evidence somehow? Skye Hughes had them and had to show them to the court and to defense. I wonder if the defense wanted them introduced but JM fought it. They were never mentioned again. I think there are several things that were left out of this trial. The only real thing that it came down to for me is that Jodi slaughtered him and finally admitted it. She could have left him alone and separated from the situation altogether if he wasn't what she thought him to be. But she pursued him and planned the killing. That is all I really have to know. She will spend her life in prison and at least two years in solitary confinement.

I agree a lot was left out - it's going to be very enlightening - I predict even SHOCKING when the court records/hearings are unsealed. :scared:
Me too Dawn and ditto on alternate interview.

Don't know if you have seen where JUROR #6 will do interview with Chris Williams of channel 12 in Phoenix. I don't have a link but I think Polley(?) does, just in case here is Juror #6 WS's description...

Juror #6.Nancy-Lady in her 50's, lovely face, reminds me of Nancy Reagan with glasses, short sassy haircut.
I called her Spikey Hair. Anita's description is better. She was the only one I saw look at Jodi when the jury first walked in. She took a lot of notes

Thank you TXProfessional!!!! I was just wondering where to begin searching for a description of #6 juror - you are an angel!!! I am so thankful she agreed to be interviewed and will definitely be tuning in.
So true, the one person least familiar with the norms of texting and other electronic communication was Alyce LaViolette.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Some might be surprised with the thoughts and knowledge the older generation has. I was all for murder 1 but would have settled for LWOP as long as it was natural life. I dont ever want her on the streets again. The sex talk , understanding it etc. dont sell us short, weve been around the block a long time. I for one am 81years old. :floorlaugh::lol::cheer:
.I agree ALV lives in the 30's, wont say 20's because they were quite wild!! :seeya:
If I am not supposed to post these here, please let me know.

The following is a post from Christee in the sidebar thread, that I thought everybody might want to see. I LOVE IT, looks like Juan too!!!!

Chris Hughes ‏@cshughes7m
"The Juannihilator" #Bobblehead. Gave this 2 #JuanMartinez after #JodiArias was convicted for PM M1 #TravisAlexander pic.twitter.com/nfQl2fyF6S
This is a very inaccurate first draft, so be gentle with me.

I've started making a juror descriptions post so that it can be copied over to the "Jurors Speak Out" thread when it is opened. If you have anything else to add, please copy the post instead of quoting it so that we don't lose content.

I know I'm missing a lot, and other information is muddled.

I've taken the juror descriptions from Katiecoolady's post about the HLN producer's observations. I hope you don't mind, KCL.

Can someone please switch the information about the foreman around? Apparently #18 is not Barb, it is William Zervakos, the foreman. I'm not sure if the foreman is the person listed as #2, 4 or 9?

Was Barb (Carol Gosselink) #10?

Also, Tara Kelley identified herself as Juror #17 (an alternate). I can't remember who the other alternates are, but was 'headphones' one?

So far we have heard from Tara Kelley, Bill Zervakos, Carol Gosselink and Daniel Gibb. I think I'm missing someone. Meliha Omanovic said she would speak out after the trial finishes.

Please only take information that has been freely given by the jurors and is available on MSM. Please do not sleuth or google private information about the jurors.

Juror No. 1 - Church Lady

She is a white female in her 60s and sits closest to the witness stand. She doesn't look at Arias often during her testimony. People in the gallery observed her yawning once during an emotional part of Arias' testimony.

Juror No. 2 - Trump

He is a white male in his 50s. He takes few notes and usually has his head cupped in his hands as he listens to testimony.

Juror No. 3 - Housewife

She is a white female in her 40s. She takes a lot of notes and often watches prosecutor Juan Martinez as he moves around the courtroom. She has been seen submitting questions.

Juror No. 4 - Grandpa

He is a white male in his 60s, and he takes few notes.

Juror No. 5 - tri color
Dismissed. Identified herself as 38 year old Meliha Omanovic.

She is a married, white female in her 30s. She sits on the edge of her seat and is the most visible juror from the gallery because she has a “unique hair style.”

Juror No. 6 - Nancy Reagan

She is a white female in her 60s and is also seen taking many notes.

Juror No. 7 - Paul Rudd

He is a white male in his 30s, and he is married. He takes notes and often bites his nails.

Juror No. 8 - CEO
Dismissed. Identified himself as 52 year old Daniel Gibb.

He is a white male in his 50s and is married. He also takes notes and has been observed submitting questions.

Juror No. 9 - Willie Nelson

He is a white male in his 60s. He wears denim on most days and sits at the end of the jury box. He sits close to the first row of the gallery where Alexander's family sits.

Juror No. 10 - The Artist

He is a white male in his 70s and is married. He has a tattoo on his right arm. He rarely is seen taking notes. He sits the furthest away from the witness.

Juror No. 11 - Ponytail
Alternate Juror, identified herself as Tara Kelley

She is a married, white female in her 30s. She takes a lot of notes. She does not look at Arias during testimony. She tends to look straight ahead or down at her notes.

Juror No. 12 - Maureen

She is a white female in her 40s and also takes lots of notes. She swiveled her chair toward Arias during her testimony.

Juror No. 13 - headphones

He is a white male in his late 60s to early 70s. He wears an audio-enhancing headset provided by the court. He does takes notes.

Juror No. 14 - CPA

He is a white male in his early 60s who often swivels in his chair. He does not appear to be taking notes.

Juror No. 15 - Wrestler

He is a white male in his late 20s or early 30s. He appears to be the youngest member of the jury and takes very few notes. He smiled when Martinez asked Arias if she could predict the future.

Juror No. 16 - Neil

He is a white male in his 40s.

Juror No. 17 - Poquito Mas

He is a Hispanic male in his late 20s to early 30s. He dresses casually and sometimes slouches so far down in his chair that he is hardly visible to the gallery. He does not appear to be taking notes.

Juror No. 18 - Barb
Alternate Juror. Identified herself as Carol Gosselink

She is a white female in her 40s. She is an occasional note taker and she often looks at the gallery during sidebars.
Love the new blog KCL, as usual you brought insight, love and determination to overcome life's worst obstacles, I pray that God gives you the wisdom and strength to carry on to touch others as you have made this world a better place for all of us who have gotten to witness the multitude of good that you do all of the time, no matter what. Travis, I feel would have found you to be an inspiration.
Fruity (?), this is the list I copied from WS thread, Jurors as LISTED ON COURT OBSERVATIONS THREAD. I hope this helps :blushing:. ALSO it looks like the sleuthers who contributed to this list had #18 correct

1.Church Lady- Mid 50's, short hair, no make-up, glasses.
This lady looks absolutely disgusted the whole time. I never once saw her look in the direction of JA. Not ONCE. She either stares straight forward or looks at JM.

2.Trump-Guy in 40's, lots of hair, car salesman look.
I called this guy "Comb Over" he had his head resting on his hand almost the whole time. He also never looks at JA. He seemed to be paying attention, but also seemed bored.

3.Housewife-She is a big lady (tall and heavy set, not obese) with a very sweet face, no make-up.
Interesting different view today. I called her the "Angry Neighbor Lady" Lol. I wrote that she follows along, but has a constant "sour puss". I don't know if it's just "her look" or what, but she seemed to be frowning every time I looked at her.

4.Grandpa-Bald, sweet faced older man that looks like my grandpa.
I also named this man Grandpa. He does have a sweet face and seems the "calm" type.

5.excusedTricolor-Early 30's, short, stylish haircut with three colors, reminds me of one of my hairstylists.
This is the only one I remembered Anita's name for because her hair stood out, Lol. She reminded me of my best friend. She probably gave more facial expressions than any of the others. She is very engaged and took a fair amount of notes.

6.Nancy-Lady in her 50's, lovely face, reminds me of Nancy Reagan with glasses, short sassy haircut.
I called her Spikey Hair. Anita's description is better. She was the only one I saw look at Jodi when the jury first walked in. She took a lot of notes.

7.Paul Rudd-Younger guy, mid-late 20's with spiky hair, sweat jacket, looks like the actor Paul Rudd.
He does look like Paul Rudd, but with shorter hair. He's a good looking young man.

8.The CEO-Good looking man, mid 50's with goatee. Can see him being the jury foreman.
I called this guy "The Dad". He looks nothing like my dad, Lol, but for whatever reason... I got a fatherly feel from him.

9.Willy-Old hippy with long white ponytail, thin, small build.
This guy looked PIZZED the whole time. He seemed to be staring towards the media lady or just into the corner. I only saw him look at JM or JA maybe once.

10.Barb-Female, 40's ALTERNATE, has the "sexy librarian" look, wearing a form fitting sweater, slender build and voluptuous. If ANYONE on the jury is offended by disparaging comments regarding breast augmentation, my guess is it would be her. She is the only juror I couldn't see very clearly; just when she entered and exited the courtroom and when I stretched up out of my seat to gawk at her.
I called this lady "Plain Jane" She was very hard to see from where I was, but I could tell she was taking notes quite a bit.

11 Excused for duration of the trial due to illness.Poquito-Little Mexican guy (maybe 5'3) with long graduated pony tail, lots of facial hair and piercings.
I called him "Paco" He was hard to see too, but mostly because he was slouched down in his seat I thought he'd fall off Lol. At one point he was bent over instead of slouching, but still very hard to see.

12.Neil-Early 50's high forehead, glasses, looks very nervous and turns red easily. This is the guy that makes KCL nervous.
I called this guy "Jim" I wrote "very hard to read".

13.The Wrestler-Younger good looking guy, large build.
I called this guy "The Jock" He reminded me a little of Oz on American Pie (Chris Klein).

14.Old potsmoking CPA (I have no idea why I wrote this, i have ZERO recollection of this juror. He did not make any impression on me, other than when I was going down the rows naming them.)
I called this guy Sleepy. He swiveled in his chair a lot and fell asleep at least twice. He was also slouched down in his chair.

15.Elderly Man ALTERNATE-This man is definitely the oldest juror, he occasionally uses the headphones to listen to the proceedings that Jodie's Auntie uses.
I called him "Captain" He has a very intense gaze. It's hard to describe but he gives off a stubborn and no bs vibe. Maybe ex military or something?

16.Maureen-Red haired, glasses (the red might be too red to be a natural ginger) If I had to guess one Mormon on the jury, it would be her.
I called her The Secretary. She took a lot of notes and had a "polished" look to her. She had her whole body turned facing Jodi. I barely saw her look at JM. She was the only one that really made me feel nervous at all.

17.Pony Tail-Young girl, ALTERNATE pony tail, plain, pony tail and sweats.
I called her frumpy lady. Not in a rude way... it's just the word that came to mind. Very plain. She took a lot of notes.

18.The Artist-Bald, attractive, glasses, 50's-60's, large build, holds his notebook on a binder as if he's going to sketch. He looks around the gallery a lot. I thought we met eyes a couple of times, but who knows, that room is so huge!
This guy also had a very intense gaze. He took some notes. He rubbed his face and tapped his fingers to his lips a lot. He wasn't the only one doing stuff like that, but I'll get into that in my notes.
I saw that one too - I haven't got time at the moment but maybe the information from both can be merged.
This is a very inaccurate first draft, so be gentle with me.

I've started making a juror descriptions post so that it can be copied over to the "Jurors Speak Out" thread when it is opened. If you have anything else to add, please copy the post instead of quoting it so that we don't lose content.

I know I'm missing a lot, and other information is muddled.

I've taken the juror descriptions from Katiecoolady's post about the HLN producer's observations. I hope you don't mind, KCL.

Can someone please switch the information about the foreman around? Apparently #18 is not Barb, it is William Zervakos, the foreman. I'm not sure if the foreman is the person listed as #2, 4 or 9?

Was Barb (Carol Gosselink) #10?

Also, Tara Kelley identified herself as Juror #17 (an alternate). I can't remember who the other alternates are, but was 'headphones' one?

So far we have heard from Tara Kelley, Bill Zervakos, Carol Gosselink and Daniel Gibb. I think I'm missing someone. Meliha Omanovic said she would speak out after the trial finishes.

Please only take information that has been freely given by the jurors and is available on MSM. Please do not sleuth or google private information about the jurors.

Juror No. 1 - Church Lady

She is a white female in her 60s and sits closest to the witness stand. She doesn't look at Arias often during her testimony. People in the gallery observed her yawning once during an emotional part of Arias' testimony.

Juror No. 2 - Trump

He is a white male in his 50s. He takes few notes and usually has his head cupped in his hands as he listens to testimony.

Juror No. 3 - Housewife

She is a white female in her 40s. She takes a lot of notes and often watches prosecutor Juan Martinez as he moves around the courtroom. She has been seen submitting questions.

Juror No. 4 - Grandpa

He is a white male in his 60s, and he takes few notes.

Juror No. 5 - tri color
Dismissed. Identified herself as 38 year old Meliha Omanovic.

She is a married, white female in her 30s. She sits on the edge of her seat and is the most visible juror from the gallery because she has a “unique hair style.”

Juror No. 6 - Nancy Reagan

She is a white female in her 60s and is also seen taking many notes.

Juror No. 7 - Paul Rudd

He is a white male in his 30s, and he is married. He takes notes and often bites his nails.

Juror No. 8 - CEO
Dismissed. Identified himself as 52 year old Daniel Gibb.

He is a white male in his 50s and is married. He also takes notes and has been observed submitting questions.

Juror No. 9 - Willie Nelson

He is a white male in his 60s. He wears denim on most days and sits at the end of the jury box. He sits close to the first row of the gallery where Alexander's family sits.

Juror No. 10 - The Artist. Number 18

He is a white male in his 70s and is married. He has a tattoo on his right arm. He rarely is seen taking notes. He sits the furthest away from the witness.

Juror No. 11 - Ponytail number 17
Alternate Juror, identified herself as Tara Kelley

She is a married, white female in her 30s. She takes a lot of notes. She does not look at Arias during testimony. She tends to look straight ahead or down at her notes.

Juror No. 12 - Maureen 16

She is a white female in her 40s and also takes lots of notes. She swiveled her chair toward Arias during her testimony.

Juror No. 13 - headphones 15--he was the third alternate

He is a white male in his late 60s to early 70s. He wears an audio-enhancing headset provided by the court. He does takes notes.

Juror No. 14 - CPA

He is a white male in his early 60s who often swivels in his chair. He does not appear to be taking notes.

Juror No. 15 - Wrestler 13

He is a white male in his late 20s or early 30s. He appears to be the youngest member of the jury and takes very few notes. He smiled when Martinez asked Arias if she could predict the future.

Juror No. 16 - Neil 12

He is a white male in his 40s.

Juror No. 17 - Poquito Mas 11

He is a Hispanic male in his late 20s to early 30s. He dresses casually and sometimes slouches so far down in his chair that he is hardly visible to the gallery. He does not appear to be taking notes.

Juror No. 18 - Barb 10
Alternate Juror. Identified herself as Carol Gosselink

She is a white female in her 40s. She is an occasional note taker and she often looks at the gallery during sidebars.

Hi there fruity! HLN's list has the last 10 backwards. I put their correct numbers next to their names for you. HTH.

Me too Dawn and ditto on alternate interview.

Don't know if you have seen where JUROR #6 will do interview with Chris Williams of channel 12 in Phoenix. I don't have a link but I think Polley(?) does, just in case here is Juror #6 WS's description...

Juror #6.Nancy-Lady in her 50's, lovely face, reminds me of Nancy Reagan with glasses, short sassy haircut.
I called her Spikey Hair. Anita's description is better. She was the only one I saw look at Jodi when the jury first walked in. She took a lot of notes

Nancy is also the one that savored her Starbucks drink while JA was on the stand. KCL reported she was crying during the victim impact statements and she is rumored to be the one that apologized to the family after the mistrial.
Thanks guys!

Interesting Chris Williams is actually interviewing a clear STATE oriented juror. It's my understanding she's the one who mouthed the words "I'm so sorry" to the family as she exited the courtroom that day. I thought he'd find himself a less prosecution oriented witness but that's all I'll say about that. I'd love to hear from her.

Thanks for the love on the blog. I'm so grateful for the feedback and the help offered! I just threw it up there quickly without knowing all the details. I did find the "trash" button along with the "spam" button which I think accomplishes the same thing as "ignore". lol I have a little gnat who's found a home in the juicy fruit of my new little peach. But I think the spam situation handles that.

Nothing like that outweighs the outpouring of love and support I'm feeling right now...so thank you! xoxo :heart:

I heard from Beth Karas tonite..she leaves town tomorrow..wah. I'm sad to see her go as I really bonded with her during this trial. But she'll be back. She loves AZ. She's promised me to keep her new life updated so I can post it on the Bring Beth Back page..so stay tuned there too.

Hope everyone's having a good weekend. I just saw the incredible full moon out there and it just made me feel so full of life and hope.
Thanks guys!

Interesting Chris Williams is actually interviewing a clear STATE oriented juror. It's my understanding she's the one who mouthed the words "I'm so sorry" to the family as she exited the courtroom that day. I thought he'd find himself a less prosecution oriented witness but that's all I'll say about that. I'd love to hear from her.

Thanks for the love on the blog. I'm so grateful for the feedback and the help offered! I just threw it up there quickly without knowing all the details. I did find the "trash" button along with the "spam" button which I think accomplishes the same thing as "ignore". lol I have a little gnat who's found a home in the juicy fruit of my new little peach. But I think the spam situation handles that.

Nothing like that outweighs the outpouring of love and support I'm feeling right now...so thank you! xoxo :heart:

I heard from Beth Karas tonite..she leaves town tomorrow..wah. I'm sad to see her go as I really bonded with her during this trial. But she'll be back. She loves AZ. She's promised me to keep her new life updated so I can post it on the Bring Beth Back page..so stay tuned there too.

Hope everyone's having a good weekend. I just saw the incredible full moon out there and it just made me feel so full of life and hope.

KCL...how are the Alexanders holding up? Please let them know that so many of us here are keeping them all in our prayers.
Good luck with the blog.
KCL...how are the Alexanders holding up? Please let them know that so many of us here are keeping them all in our prayers.
Good luck with the blog.

I think understandably it's really mixed. I'm sure they will need some time to recover from all of this trauma and regroup for the next phase. I've heard from 3 of them and I just think I can safely say they are raw and with their hearts wide open. I've heard many sweet things from them as well and how much they appreciate all the support people are sending in and they feel it. xo
Making some changes to the list, be gentle with me. Thanks TXPro and My3Sons!!!

I've started making a juror descriptions post so that it can be copied over to the "Jurors Speak Out" thread when it is opened.

If you have anything else to add, please copy the post instead of quoting it so that we don't lose content.

I know I'm missing a lot, and other information is muddled.

So far we have heard from Tara Kelley, Bill Zervakos, Carol Gosselink and Daniel Gibb. I think I'm missing someone?? Meliha Omanovic said she would speak out after the trial finishes.

Please only take information that has been freely given by the jurors and is available on MSM. Please do not sleuth or google private information about the jurors.


Juror No. 1 - Church Lady

She is a white female in her 60s and sits closest to the witness stand. She doesn't look at Arias often during her testimony. People in the gallery observed her yawning once during an emotional part of Arias' testimony.

This lady looks absolutely disgusted the whole time. I never once saw her look in the direction of JA. Not ONCE. She either stares straight forward or looks at JM.

Juror No. 2 - Trump

He is a white male in his 50s. He takes few notes and usually has his head cupped in his hands as he listens to testimony.

I called this guy "Comb Over" he had his head resting on his hand almost the whole time. He also never looks at JA. He seemed to be paying attention, but also seemed bored.

Juror No. 3 - Housewife

She is a white female in her 40s. She takes a lot of notes and often watches prosecutor Juan Martinez as he moves around the courtroom. She has been seen submitting questions.

Interesting different view today. I called her the "Angry Neighbor Lady" Lol. I wrote that she follows along, but has a constant "sour puss". I don't know if it's just "her look" or what, but she seemed to be frowning every time I looked at her.

Juror No. 4 - Grandpa

He is a white male in his 60s, and he takes few notes.

I also named this man Grandpa. He does have a sweet face and seems the "calm" type.

Juror No. 5 - tri color
Dismissed. Identified herself as 38 year old Meliha Omanovic.

She is a married, white female in her 30s. She sits on the edge of her seat and is the most visible juror from the gallery because she has a “unique hair style.”

This is the only one I remembered Anita's name for because her hair stood out, Lol. She reminded me of my best friend. She probably gave more facial expressions than any of the others. She is very engaged and took a fair amount of notes.

Juror No. 6 - Nancy Reagan

She is a white female in her 60s and is also seen taking many notes.

I called her Spikey Hair. Anita's description is better. She was the only one I saw look at Jodi when the jury first walked in. She took a lot of notes

Juror No. 7 - Paul Rudd

He is a white male in his 30s, and he is married. He takes notes and often bites his nails.

He does look like Paul Rudd, but with shorter hair. He's a good looking young man.

Juror No. 8 - CEO
Dismissed. Identified himself as 52 year old Daniel Gibb.

He is a white male in his 50s and is married. He also takes notes and has been observed submitting questions.

I called this guy "The Dad". He looks nothing like my dad, Lol, but for whatever reason... I got a fatherly feel from him.

Juror No. 9 - Willie Nelson

He is a white male in his 60s. He wears denim on most days and sits at the end of the jury box. He sits close to the first row of the gallery where Alexander's family sits.

This guy looked PIZZED the whole time. He seemed to be staring towards the media lady or just into the corner. I only saw him look at JM or JA maybe once.

Juror No. 10 - Barb
Alternate Juror. Identified herself as Carol Gosselink

She is a white female in her 40s. She is an occasional note taker and she often looks at the gallery during sidebars.

I called this lady "Plain Jane" She was very hard to see from where I was, but I could tell she was taking notes quite a bit.

Juror No. 11 - Poquito Mas

He is a Hispanic male in his late 20s to early 30s. He dresses casually and sometimes slouches so far down in his chair that he is hardly visible to the gallery. He does not appear to be taking notes.

I called him "Paco" He was hard to see too, but mostly because he was slouched down in his seat I thought he'd fall off Lol. At one point he was bent over instead of slouching, but still very hard to see.

Juror No. 12 - Neil

He is a white male in his 40s.

I called this guy "Jim" I wrote "very hard to read".

Juror No. 13 - Wrestler

He is a white male in his late 20s or early 30s. He appears to be the youngest member of the jury and takes very few notes. He smiled when Martinez asked Arias if she could predict the future.

I called this guy "The Jock" He reminded me a little of Oz on American Pie (Chris Klein).

Juror No. 14 - CPA

He is a white male in his early 60s who often swivels in his chair. He does not appear to be taking notes.

I called this guy Sleepy. He swiveled in his chair a lot and fell asleep at least twice. He was also slouched down in his chair.

Juror No. 15 - headphones
Alternate Juror

He is a white male in his late 60s to early 70s. He wears an audio-enhancing headset provided by the court. He does takes notes.

I called him "Captain" He has a very intense gaze. It's hard to describe but he gives off a stubborn and no bs vibe. Maybe ex military or something?

Juror No. 16 - Maureen

She is a white female in her 40s and also takes lots of notes. She swiveled her chair toward Arias during her testimony.

I called her The Secretary. She took a lot of notes and had a "polished" look to her. She had her whole body turned facing Jodi. I barely saw her look at JM. She was the only one that really made me feel nervous at all.

Juror No. 17 - Ponytail
Alternate Juror, identified herself as Tara Kelley

She is a married, white female in her 30s. She takes a lot of notes. She does not look at Arias during testimony. She tends to look straight ahead or down at her notes.

I called her frumpy lady. Not in a rude way... it's just the word that came to mind. Very plain. She took a lot of notes.

Juror No. 18 - The Artist
Foreman. Has identified himself as 69 year old William (Bill) Zervakos

He is a white male in his 70s and is married. He has a tattoo on his right arm. He rarely is seen taking notes. He sits the furthest away from the witness.

This guy also had a very intense gaze. He took some notes. He rubbed his face and tapped his fingers to his lips a lot. He wasn't the only one doing stuff like that.
Some might be surprised with the thoughts and knowledge the older generation has. I was all for murder 1 but would have settled for LWOP as long as it was natural life. I dont ever want her on the streets again. The sex talk , understanding it etc. dont sell us short, weve been around the block a long time. I for one am 81years old. :floorlaugh::lol::cheer:
.I agree ALV lives in the 30's, wont say 20's because they were quite wild!! :seeya:

81. God bless you. :seeya:
Juror #6 -- smart, professional, grounded -- has Jodi pegged -- can't wait to hear the rest of the interview -- feel much better after hearing her --
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