KS - Caleb Schwab, 10, dies on 17-story Schlitterbahn waterpark slide, Aug 2016

If I had to guess, based on the little info we have and the (possible) blood in that video, I'd say that he flew out of the raft on that bump and then the raft kept going and he landed on the slide. So basically the mesh kept him from flying off the slide completely but it did little else for him if he was ejected from the raft.

All speculation, of course.

I am truly horrified by the whole thing. People assume rides are mostly safe in parks. And with no age restriction, I'm sure these parents thought the same. It's so sad. IF the ride ever reopens, I bet the age requirement will be 16 or maybe even 18.
Caleb was reportedly riding the slide with two adult women, with whom he was matched on the raft. The women are from north of Hays, Kan. One suffered a broken jaw, and the other a broken bone in her face and had to have stitches in her eye. The husband of one of the women says they are also suffering emotionally. He says the women do not know exactly what happened because it happened so fast. One of them had her eyes closed. One described it as the worst day of her life.
The Associated Press published the following first-person account of the ride on July 10, 2014, just before it opened to the public following several delays.

Before being allowed to climb the stairs to Verruckt, two or three riders at a time step onto a scale to make sure their combined weight isn't over 550 pounds. A park worker then reads a two-page list that's as much a warning as it is a disclaimer that Verruckt isn't for the faint of heart (or anyone who is overweight, has a history of back problems or is pregnant).

At 250 pounds and a frequent patron of the chiropractic arts, at least I'm not pregnant.

Among the warnings delivered to riders before they start their ascent is that one of the possible hazards of going down the waterslide is ... death.

Verruckt's designer, Jeff Henry, told me earlier in the day that he wore cowboy boots his first time down because if he was going to die, he wanted to go with his boots on.

There are attorneys trying to figure out how much it will cost to keep the potential civil suits from ever reaching a jury.

The history of engineering problems and the slide's "insane" PR and and dangerous rep will not play well in court.

I don't see how any insurer could ever risk covering this contraption again.
If I had to guess, based on the little info we have and the (possible) blood in that video, I'd say that he flew out of the raft on that bump and then the raft kept going and he landed on the slide. So basically the mesh kept him from flying off the slide completely but it did little else for him if he was ejected from the raft.

All speculation, of course.

I am truly horrified by the whole thing. People assume rides are mostly safe in parks. And with no age restriction, I'm sure these parents thought the same. It's so sad. IF the ride ever reopens, I bet the age requirement will be 16 or maybe even 18.

There are other pics on the web with different views of what appears to be blood in the water at the end of the slide, but I won't link them. It's just so heartbreaking and gruesome to even think about. Hard to "unsee" that.

If Caleb was airborne or partially ejected when the injury happened, which it seems almost certain he was, the other women's head and face injuries described in the article above were also very likely caused by the collision/ dragging against his entangled little body. Especially if he was the front rider, which is what a number of comments elsewhere have said he was seated.

There are also some witness comments that say the front velcro restraints weren't working properly earlier in the day, but that hasn't been confirmed by the park spokesperson.

Sounds to me like a combination of a borderline unsafe ride by it's angle, forces, and design (that was "altered and patched up into service" so it could open in 2014). that was even less safe for smaller and lighter riders, possibly combined with airborne head/ neck entanglement, due to ill fitted, or malfunctioning restraints.

Some comments elsewhere have questioned if the little boy was trying to stand up. I highly doubt this would even be possible, given the speed, angles, and forces at that part of the ride. The presumed area of entanglement is on a part of the slide where powerful water jets assist the forward momentum to push (and accelerate) the raft up and over the second hill, as I understand it.

Some comments elsewhere say he was ejected and "run over" or hit by another raft, but IMO, that's impossible for a number of reasons.

If he was ejected, or more likely, snagged out of the raft, and made contact with the other riders and the slide after the raft continued, the water jets could have pushed his body to the end of the slide, where the large pool of (presumed) blood is. (Hard to think about this.)

IMO, this ride will never be re-opened. I agree with others who think it will have to be taken out of service and dismantled.
I think the ride will re-open before the summer is over. That's capitalism.
I agree the ride will re open. I live not 5 minutes from Kings Island and people get hurt all the time. I'd have to look up the last death though. Not since I've been here for over 4 years.

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I agree the ride will re open. I live not 5 minutes from Kings Island and people get hurt all the time. I'd have to look up the last death though. Not since I've been here for over 4 years.

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Eta: so someone died on the now closed son of beast in 2006. The son of beast was closed in 2012. Eta: oh apparently the ride closed in 2009 but was made permanent in 2012. Apparently after 2006, they took the loop out.

Someone died in the early 90s from Flight Commander but they blame that on her being drunk and riding it alone.

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I think the ride will re-open before the summer is over. That's capitalism.

I agree it will probably reopen the park is going to argue x amount of people have been on this ride and this is the first incident. It will have cost several million to build and they won't write that off. They will probably need to make several safety changes regarding the harness and age of the riders. I do not know why the harness does not have two straps going over each shoulder and I question whether velcro is sufficient surely they could have a seat belt style harness that clips in. It should also be an adults only ride if it is to reopen. These changes will probably be necessary for insurance purposes. Watching the videos you can see the ride pushes riders necks back I'm really surprised there have been no whiplash incidents. Even if I was able bodied I would not ride this thing and I would not reopen it.

It is terrible and tragic that this young man died on what should have been a fun day at the water park.
The people who designed this thing must be morons. Velcro? Seriously? I mean...we all know how well that holds up over time. And after being in water. Freaking ridiculous.
I just hope this poor child was instantly unconscious when whatever happened, happened. I'd rather think of his last moments as him just being a kid, having fun. I hope he had no awareness of what happened. That's about the only comforting thing I can comprehend, at this point. So, so sad. So awful for his family.

I'm so sad those other 2 riders, the women, will have to live with these awful memories, too. They'll need a lot of love and support, and maybe counseling, to deal with what they experienced.

There was nothing to prevent this type of tragedy, nothing to constrain his arms and legs or prevent some movement on his part - and he was just a child. That he was allowed on this is unthinkable!

I wonder if the rules were bent a bit since is was Elected Officials Day (or something like that) and he was the son of an elected official. Just wondering....not fact.

I'm heartsick over this. I've got a 9 year old who is tall for his age and who just started to ride amusements on his own.

My thoughts are with Caleb's family.
This really bothers me because when I was young child I really enoyed a lot of the water rides. I was practically a "water slide" expert and loved riding water chutes and went to many different water parks. The ones I enjoyed were the twisting ones where you would ride down on a matt of some sort.

There was a couple times we almost got ourselves thrown over the side of the chute because we were barreling down so fast.

The only time I actually did get hurt was on one of the straight water slides that go straight down and at the bottom it threw you into a pool of water. I was holding my head up to be able to look down and when I hit the transition at the bottom I somehow pulled a neck muscle and it hurt me pretty bad but I slowly recovered after about 2 weeks or so. It wasn't the rides fault although I never expected to pull a neck muscle on the thing.

This is a real tragedy and that special I saw about this ride had me concerned ever since I saw it. The builders of this thing were interviewed a lot during the special and all they seemed worried about was getting the thing finished on time.

The special I saw was on the Travel Channel

August 8, 2016
6:26 PM ET

Like Many Others, Kansas Ride Where Caleb Schwab Died Is Minimally Regulated

Kansas boy Caleb Schwab on the world's tallest waterslide raised concerns again Monday about the loosely regulated amusement park business, which isn't overseen by any federal agency.

Caleb, the son of Kansas state Rep. Scott Schwab of Olathe, died Sunday on the Verrückt ride at the Schlitterbahn Water Park in Kansas City, Kan.

Few details about the incident remained available. Caleb's body was undergoing an autopsy Monday. Kansas City police said they were investigating the case as an accident.

Schlitterbahn, which also operates water parks in Texas, said Monday that it was "deeply saddened" and that the park would remain
closed until Wednesday at the earliest.

"In many respects, we are trusting that the host of a business — whether it's an amusement park or water park or a traveling facility — to provide rides that someone is looking out for our safety," said Hersman, a former chairwoman of the National Transportation Safety Board. "The challenge it that we don't always know what that is and what the oversight is. It varies from state to state and locality to locality."



It has been reported on Twitter that Caleb was decapitated and his brother was on the ride with him.

His mother was on another ride when this happened.

See above posts
I was reading on social media that they built this in Kansas because Kansas has no height restrictions on water slides and because there is a cap on payouts.
Not being from Kansas or even America I don't know if this is true, but it certainly seems like a bad situation waiting to happen if they deliberately built something they knew would not be allowed in other states?

I also read comments from other people who have ridden the slide, who say that the velcro straps come undone all the time.

On the youtube video of the person riding the slide there is apparently one point in the video where you can see there is a gap in the netting. If you happened to come loose at that point it would be possible to fly into the netting at such high speed that a "neck injury" to use the euphemism the media are using now would be very possible. The netting would be like a guillotine at such high speed, just like water is basically concrete if you fall into it from high enough/fast enough. Where the blood from Caleb is, apparently aligns with where the gap in the netting is - after the first descent and before the second.

at 1.11 https://youtu.be/2ZsK7zSCJ2w?t=1m11s

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