KY - Rowan County clerk Kim Davis Jailed for Contempt, 2015

The Liberty Counsel was also involved in the Justina Pelletier case (a teenager who was the subject of a custody dispute after a hospital thought her parents weren't taking adequate care of her medical and psychological needs).
Well, Jeri-curl and mother-of-pearl! Are these the "war on Christmas" people? Do they know American history or just care about the parts which support their ideas? SMH

After spending a few to many minutes browsing their website it is obvious that their mission is to change or stop laws to fit their beliefs, despite the fact that we live in a country that thrives on diversity.

From now on, I want to know more about every individual that I vote for. Once these extremists get voted into office they are on a mission to stop or change laws. They appoint others that share similar beliefs to help carry out this mission. It ties up our court system, wastes time and money and further divides us as a nation that cannot thrive unless we treat all citizens equally with dignity and respect and allow our citizens equal rights in the name of humanity.

There shouldn't be any segment of law abiding citizens in our community that should be singled out and ostracized based on their race, religion or sexual orientation. Nor should any segment of our population be it of race, religion or sexual orientation, be given the freedom to break our laws because they believe that they are superior over all others.

This is exactly what Kim Davis and others want to accomplish. IMO It is not about just her name on that piece of paper. She wants to stop all same sex marriages and she will go about it in anyway she can. She has referred to it as "her" office and she has instructed all of "her" employees to follow her beliefs and not the law.

State laws have yet to be reworded and this is a loophole that all of these individuals are going to try to use as a legal argument. This is going to result in a huge waste of money and time, not to mention the harm it will cause to others because their marriages and divorces are denied or delayed by individuals that took a oath into office to uphold the law.

"People that play stupid games, win stupid prizes". I hope they are all held in contempt and either resign (unlikely), or are impeached or fired.
Isn't criticizing the county clerk's attorney's religion getting pretty far afield from the topic?
I am officially sick of Kim Davis.

I felt compelled to follow the case because of a duty to support the rule of law of our land - a system that is strong enough to be flexible and evolve over time as it examines laws in terms of the Constitution. It's exciting times with the marriage equality ruling, and some challenges were bound to happen.

But....I just can't stand to read or hear another word from or about Kim Davis.

She's now gone from comparing herself to M.L.K. and Rosa Parks (Rose Parks (sic)), to comparing herself to Jews in Nazi Germany.:puke::puke::puke: She's got it backwards- I agree with those who've said she's the Nazi in Kentucky!
Besides litigating court cases, Liberty Counsel has fought against gay marriage in Africa, Europe and South America, and last year launched a Pastors and Patriots Initiative, in which ministers travel the country to hold church rallies and talk to other pastors.

A stalwart in the culture wars, the group in 2000 threatened legal action against a public library in Jacksonville, Fla., for giving a “Hogwarts’ Certificate of Accomplishment” to young students who had read “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” in its entirety.
I have a question. After the marriage ceremony, the marriage certificate is completed and signed and the returned to the clerks office where it is recorded. You can then get a certified, legal copy of your marriage certificate.

Sooo......does the statement made by this clerk that basically, the marriage certificates issued while she has been incarcerated have anything to do with the final process of recording them?
Hope she's enjoying her Labor Day Weekend in jail!:jail::jail::jail:

(CNN)Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who's refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses, on Monday asked the Kentucky governor to immediately free her from jail, according to court documents obtained by CNN.

"We would like them to release her from jail and provide reasonable, sensible accommodation so she can do her job," one of her lawyers, Horatio Mihet, said in a statement. "That would be taking her name off of marriage licenses in Rowan County and allowing her deputies to issue the licenses."

Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear's office said Monday he won't respond, noting that the conflict was a "matter between her and the courts."

But...but... but... I thought her deputies don't want to issue the godless licences either...?
I don't believe she should have to sign them if she is against it in according to her faith, However her Faith has nothing to do with the job. I would not take a job that made me have an issue with my faith. She should quit and get a new job or ask to be moved to a new position.
It is fine not to agree with it. It is fine to not want to put your name on it but but but.. It is not fine to break the law and not fulfill the duties for which you were hired.

It is not my job to tell others how to live their lives. It is my job to live my life in according to my faith. Not to force that on others. It certainly does not make people want part of your faith if you are obnoxious with it and use it as a sword.
I am sorry if I missed this or forgot that I read it, but the population in her county is less than 24,000 and she is making 80 grand a
year for a clerical position???? Either something stinks or those figures are wrong.

I live in a county of close to 400,000 and the clerk here doesn't make any where near that amount of money. A Mayor in a city that size most likely would not make anywhere near that in Kentucky.
Well....her head is probably swelling right now since a certain few have been calling her a martyr. I'm sure that her legal counsel and their affiliation with Liberty University will take good care of her financially and put her in a position where she is making as much if not more than she is now, IF she is impeached or resigns.

I don't think she will resign. I think she will stay in the position as long as possible to disrupt the courts. A good deal of her supporters think that any relationship between two people of the same sex is going to destroy us all. For whatever reason, they have chose to put more time, effort and money into two consenting adults having a relationship that harms no one and no time, effort or money into infidelity, incest, child molestation, etc... that harms so many physically and psychologically.
I am sorry if I missed this or forgot that I read it, but the population in her county is less than 24,000 and she is making 80 grand a
year for a clerical position???? Either something stinks or those figures are wrong.

I live in a county of close to 400,000 and the clerk here doesn't make any where near that amount of money. A Mayor in a city that size most likely would not make anywhere near that in Kentucky.

Well, no, it's not that kind of clerk. She's County Clerk. It's an elected position. Her office handles tax rolls, voter registraton, licenses & permits of all sorts, property records, motor vehicle registrations. Pretty much all the paperwork for all of the county's activities. As County Clerk, she's in charge of that office.
Well, no, it's not that kind of clerk. She's County Clerk. It's an elected position. Her office handles tax rolls, voter registraton, licenses & permits of all sorts, property records, motor vehicle registrations. Pretty much all the paperwork for all of the county's activities. As County Clerk, she's in charge of that office.

I don't understand what you are saying. The county according to what I have found on the internet only has approximately 24,000 residents. That doesn't warrant a clerical job of recording documents and getting paid 80 grand. What am I missing here???
According to what I could find on my glassdoor app and pay, $40,000 is a typical salary for a county clerk. So, half of what we're hearing is her salary. .??

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