Kyron Horman Discussion Thread 2020 - 2022 - #2

That has been linked repeatedly. Desiree has said it in numerous interviews. It's not new information. They've based searches on that information. It's well-known.
I've followed this case from the beginning and read all of the threads. I can't find anything online. I'd like to know more so please explain and provide a link.

The only technology I've heard of was in the beginning (phone pings). It gave them the false lead to the island because there weren't enough cell phone towers to trianglate.
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Perhaps the detectives and law enforcement do not want the technology and technologic advancements known to the general public.

Kyron's mom knows what is going on. Families are asked to hold-back information, theories, investigation procedures. There are reasons for that.

My advice is to follow what knowledge and wisdom Kyron's mom and step-dad express.
They are spot-on.

Try watching accused killer Terri's interviews with the volume down. There is no technology there, but one can see the fake sincerity and poor acting going on.

The D.A.'s should prosecute. Feds take over.
The public and Justice-4-Kyron will have to wait, for a new District Attorney. That's sad. And wrong. Murderers walking free.


Perhaps the detectives and law enforcement do not want the technology and technologic advancements known to the general public.

Kyron's mom knows what is going on. Families are asked to hold-back information, theories, investigation procedures. There are reasons for that.

My advice is to follow what knowledge and wisdom Kyron's mom and step-dad express.
They are spot-on.

Try watching accused killer Terri's interviews with the volume down. There is no technology there, but one can see the fake sincerity and poor acting going on.

The D.A.'s should prosecute. Feds take over.
The public and Justice-4-Kyron will have to wait, for a new District Attorney. That's sad. And wrong. Murderers walking free.

Sadly, I have seen cases like this before: nothing gets done until a new DA who has the guts to take a risk, charges and arrests someone and takes the case to trial.
Sadly, I have seen cases like this before: nothing gets done until a new DA who has the guts to take a risk, charges and arrests someone and takes the case to trial.
There have been three different DA's since Kyron's disappearance - Schrunk, Underhill & Schmidt.

Ironically, this year Schmidt is running against a Senior Deputy DA whose last name is VASQUEZ :)

If Vasquez wins the election, maybe he'll be the one who finally has enough cahones to prosecute Terri.

Remember in 2014 when she filed to change her name to "Claire Stella Sullivan" - then four months later in a different county, she tried again, "Claire Kisiel" - both were denied.
There have been three different DA's since Kyron's disappearance - Schrunk, Underhill & Schmidt.

Ironically, this year Schmidt is running against a Senior Deputy DA whose last name is VASQUEZ :)

If Vasquez wins the election, maybe he'll be the one who finally has enough cahones to prosecute Terri.

Remember in 2014 when she filed to change her name to "Claire Stella Sullivan" - then four months later in a different county, she tried again, "Claire Kisiel" - both were denied.
She married this latest guy as a way to get her desired name change.

Perhaps the detectives and law enforcement do not want the technology and technologic advancements known to the general public.

It's not really a secret what the technology here is - metadata. Desiree thinks the metadata for the picture says it was taken at 8:45. This is counter to essentially all other info we have. So it's more likely that she misunderstood or misremembered the info she got. She isn't LE, after all.

Try watching accused killer Terri's interviews with the volume down. There is no technology there, but one can see the fake sincerity and poor acting going on.

I prefer facts and evidence.

The D.A.'s should prosecute. Feds take over.

Feds should absolutely take over. They seemed to have a better idea of who did it than the MCSO.

There have been three different DA's since Kyron's disappearance - Schrunk, Underhill & Schmidt.

Ironically, this year Schmidt is running against a Senior Deputy DA whose last name is VASQUEZ :)

If Vasquez wins the election, maybe he'll be the one who finally has enough cahones to prosecute Terri.

It really isn't a matter of the DAs not having the courage to prosecute, it's that they don't have the evidence to do so. Schrunk took the case to a Grand Jury in 2010. There certainly wasn't any lack of ambition to prosecute. But if you can't get a Grand Jury to indict in fourteen years, your case is weak, possibly non-existent.

I would hope Desiree isn't hoping for Vasquez to do anything different, because he most likely won't. In a way, I almost hope he does. Without a GJ True Bill, he would need to take it to a Preliminary Hearing, where (unlike a GJ) Terri would be able to attend with her lawyer. When that crashes and burns, hopefully wiser heads will prevail and they can start actually solving the case.
The case is solved. It just isn't prosecuted.
We all prefer truth and facts @mcducky, and we are gifted with common sense.

Terri is going to need those lawyers.

The case is solved. It just isn't prosecuted.

I don't think there's a definition of solved that this case falls under. The DA's office has always maintained they wanted to prosecute it, and the MCSO has never contradicted that. But if you can't get an indictment from a Grand Jury, then you've fallen straight out of the gate.

We all prefer truth and facts @mcducky, and we are gifted with common sense.

Absolutely, and common sense tells me the woman who had an alibi for the span of time during which Luton went missing didn't take him.

Terri is going to need those lawyers.

People have been saying that since July 2010. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me repeatedly for fourteen years...
Time does not mean Terri is untethered from law and facts.
Arrests will come. Watch and see.

Here's my prediction. Vasquez will take office at the start of next year. One year after that and Terri will not have been arrested. Two years after that, the same. Five years, the same.

My optimistic side, however, believes there may well be charges - if the MCSO hands the case over to the FBI. Won't be Terri, though.
has there ever been a case where an unidentified predator took a grammar school child in broad daylight from inside the school, in front of everyone in the school. ..completely unnoticed ? with no protestations from the. child, not a clue, not an unknown vehicle, nothing. ? I don't think so, it's like something in a way...there was no stranger abduction. mOO
has there ever been a case where an unidentified predator took a grammar school child in broad daylight from inside the school, in front of everyone in the school. ..completely unnoticed ? with no protestations from the. child, not a clue, not an unknown vehicle, nothing. ? I don't think so, it's like something in a way...there was no stranger abduction. mOO
"The search for second-grader Kyron Horman, missing from Portlands Skyline School, reminds Gresham residents of a similar long nights search on brushy Gresham Butte 32 years ago for Stacie Wilmoth, a second-grader who vanished from West Gresham School on April 26, 1978.
In Stacies case, she was lured to a car by a stranger who met her in the hall at West Gresham as she was headed to the restroom. The man, tall and brown-haired, told her he had some things in his car and that the school principal said she could help."

(from here)
has there ever been a case where an unidentified predator took a grammar school child in broad daylight from inside the school, in front of everyone in the school. ..completely unnoticed ? with no protestations from the. child, not a clue, not an unknown vehicle, nothing. ? I don't think so, it's like something in a way...there was no stranger abduction. mOO
Jan. 15, 2013; -- A 5-year-old girl has been found after allegedly being abducted by a stranger from her classroom at a Philadelphia elementary school, where officials didn't learn of her disappearance until six hours later.
WASHINGTON (DC News Now) — A mother in Southeast D.C. said her two children were kidnapped from a DC public school after staff failed to properly check the identification of a woman who claimed to be a parent to the kids.
And then tried to hire-hit her husband and step-child's father... really, common sense, facts, truth and logic here. What makes it really sickening is the level of planning that took place in her mind. To kill a child. Beyond disturbing.

A wise woman once told us of predatory evil people,
" the devil will be waiting."

jmo omo moo
We dislike a killer step-witch walking free. We dislike the inadequate prosecution in several cases in Oregon. We dislike the absurd idea that witness testimony can be disregarded. We dislike that a little boy, who cried at having to live with Terri, disappeared on her watch.

This case needs to be prosecuted by the new District Attorney and Oregon needs to up-its-game, on educating these esquire's on how to do so.

Justice4SweetKyron is long overdue. Snap. Put the shine bracelets on her.

jmo moo omo
We dislike the absurd idea that witness testimony can be disregarded.

Absolutely. Like TP who saw and talked to Kyron after Terri left the school, and told this on the record to the media. And TK who saw Kyron in the gym, without Terri but with other friends. Or the unnamed student who saw Kyron by the south entrance at 9, when Terri was at Fred Meyer, far away.

This case needs to be prosecuted by the new District Attorney and Oregon needs to up-its-game, on educating these esquire's on how to do so.

The new DA better get some evidence then, and see about getting a court order for a new Grand Jury. Either is unlikely.

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