LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #41

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Does anyone know if there is a way to go to your last read post on tapatalk? That would really be awesome

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Around here I don't think Mickey's name will be forgotten for a long, long time, if ever :) She's had such an impact on our community.

I agree, Cajunnurse... It's a new day & a Bad moon rising... The same technology that is effective in identifying predators by LE is also the technology that insures that the memory of the victims are kept alive..

Meredith Hope Emerson; tragic victim of SK Gary Hilton (GA-01/2008) memory has been kept alive due to her kindred spirit & courageous fight, analogous to Mickey Schunicks, imo.

Even after four years, due to the determination, hard work, creativity, and perseverance of friends, family, and even strangers her memory is kept alive.

"I am confident that Mickey Schunick will also be remembered by folks from Lafayette & beyond"..

[ame=""]Creedence Clearwater Revival: Bad Moon Rising - YouTube[/ame]
Does anyone know if there is a way to go to your last read post on tapatalk? That would really be awesome

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I agree that this would be awesome! Because every time I use the app, I have to go back and try to figure out where I was!

Anyone know?
I hope that when the time is appropriate (maybe after the trial) the the powers that be in Lafayette will build a nice memorial to these two ladies and all other victims. By doing so they will honor all women, men, girls and boys everywhere that have ever endured any type of sex crime.

A place to pray, reflect, or lay memorials.

Please God, bring Mickey home!
Where is Mickey!?

wondering that myself, Isabelle. Unless BSL disposed of her body in a location where the elements would have removed her discovery. Seems onstar would have provided her location. Unless of course he had associates or enablers that lent him a vehicle, and or assisted in the relocation of her remains..

Imo, BSL had associates..
IMO, BL only wants to be famous as a wrongly accused victim of the system. I do not believe he wants to be known as a killer, nor will he ever admit to being one.
wondering that myself, Isabelle. Unless BSL disposed of her body in a location where the elements would have removed her discovery. Seems onstar would have provided her location. Unless of course he had associates or enablers that lent him a vehicle, and or assisted in the relocation of her remains..

Imo, BSL had associates..

Hope LE is tracking the suspected, " associates or enablers " pings as well. Moo
IMO, BL only wants to be famous as a wrongly accused victim of the system. I do not believe he wants to be known as a killer, nor will he ever admit to being one.

Time will tell, cluciano63.. Imo, BSL wasn't ready for notoriety. Mickey Schunick, prematurely brought his trail of terror to an abrupt end..

An interesting read:

How not to cover a story about mass murderers
Posted on July 22, 2012

The Guardian gets it right.

The recent shooting at a theater in Colorado has left me wondering if media coverage needs to be done carefully in case other copy cat murders would follow suit, hoping to gain headlines, notoriety and fame.

In an interview for an online NBC article Mass murderers often not mentally ill, but seeking revenge, experts say, James Alan Fox, a criminal justice professor at Northeastern University in Boston makes a chilling statement. It is a statement that all journalists and editors need to hear:

“The attack may encourage copycat actions but not necessarily, Fox said. “What bothers me in situations like this is to see lists of the worst mass shootings,” he said. “It encourages people to try to break records.”

The more attention, detail and description journalists add to incidences of mass murder, the more information for copy cats killers and increased need to break the previous record.

BS Lavergne's ultimate goal is gaining notoriety. He does not want to be portrayed as the coward or monster that he is.. Imo his motives were many. BSL, had never accomplished much in his 33 years, although his life was looking up to those who saw him through his false mask of normalcy. BSL's other self was hidden from his family, friends, companions, as well as his future victims. This chameleon like appearance is common among predators.

Notoriety, Not Trauma, Drives a Serial Killer
I have spoken to five serial killers, including Richard Ramirez, the ''night stalker'' who terrorized southern California in 1985, and about whom I have written a book. Mr. Ramirez told me that serial killers have ''no remorse, no scruples, and no ethics,''

BBM...JMO, but I think not only did he not accomplish much in his 33 years, but I dont think he accomplished his main goal, if it was, as you say, to gain notoriety. I am sure he will be remembered around Lafayette, and maybe the immediate area, but his name will not be remembered much anywhere else, other than by people like us who have a particular interest in such. I live in North Carolina, and I would wager I could ask the first 100 people I see on the street who Brandon Lavergne is, and I would be surprised if more than one or two would have any idea. He certainly will never be spoken of in the same breath as the BTK Killer or Zodiac, or the many others in history that most of us are at least somewhat familiar with. I dont think notoriety was his goal. I believe his main, and only goal was to satisfy his sick needs. JMO
eileenhawkeye, apples & oranges...There are not many victims who have a father or mother like Reve & John Walsh; AMW, to compare. Adam Walsh's abduction changed America...Otis Toole and his lover Henry Lucas, were responsible for hundreds of other nameless victims.

Adam Walsh Case Closed - YouTube

Ted Bundy's 20 year execution anniversary was covered by every MSM news outlet. Ted Bundy is a household name. Yet if you ask, most folks can't name one of his victims.

With social media, hopefully this trend is changing. Familys now have a platform for keeping their loved ones memories alive. There will be many positives that come from the Mickey Schunick tragedy, once the grieving process takes its course and justice is served, imo..

But the difference between Adam Walsh and Ted Bundy's victims is that Adam Walsh was a very well-known victim, so when his killer was caught, it wasn't going to cause Adam's name to be forgotten. With Ted Bundy's victims, I doubt that they were ever well-known to the public. It was the 1970's, and this was before missing persons got attention. So since Mickey is a household name in Lafayette, for months before anyone knew about BSL, I don't think it's far-fetched to think that the community will always remember her name.
BBM...JMO, but I think not only did he not accomplish much in his 33 years, but I dont think he accomplished his main goal, if it was, as you say, to gain notoriety. I am sure he will be remembered around Lafayette, and maybe the immediate area, but his name will not be remembered much anywhere else, other than by people like us who have a particular interest in such. I live in North Carolina, and I would wager I could ask the first 100 people I see on the street who Brandon Lavergne is, and I would be surprised if more than one or two would have any idea. He certainly will never be spoken of in the same breath as the BTK Killer or Zodiac, or the many others in history that most of us are at least somewhat familiar with. I dont think notoriety was his goal. I believe his main, and only goal was to satisfy his sick needs. JMO

Agreed. There are some serial killers who are household names, even decades later, but there are so many who aren't. Juan Vallejo Corona, Ronald Dominique, Earle Nelson, William Bonin, Patrick Kearney, Paul John Knowles, Joel Rifkin, Randy Steven Kraft, Robert Lee Yates, Charles Ray Hatcher, Robert Hansen, Angel Maturino Resendiz all killed over 15 people each, yet their names probably wouldn't ring a bell for people outside of the community or state where their murders were committed.
BBM...JMO, but I think not only did he not accomplish much in his 33 years, but I dont think he accomplished his main goal, if it was, as you say, to gain notoriety. I am sure he will be remembered around Lafayette, and maybe the immediate area, but his name will not be remembered much anywhere else, other than by people like us who have a particular interest in such. I live in North Carolina, and I would wager I could ask the first 100 people I see on the street who Brandon Lavergne is, and I would be surprised if more than one or two would have any idea. He certainly will never be spoken of in the same breath as the BTK Killer or Zodiac, or the many others in history that most of us are at least somewhat familiar with. I dont think notoriety was his goal. I believe his main, and only goal was to satisfy his sick needs. JMO

I understand your logic and honor your opinion, SteveP.. Problem is, we don't know his total victim count at this time. Thankfully BSL was incarcerated for 25% of his life, but we don't know when he began activity, if he had furloughs while in prison, or his frequency of hunting his prey. Nor at what age BSL began killing. We do know that BSL began killing before his 2000 incarceration, indicated by theabduction/rape/ murder or Lisa Pate in 1999.

The investigation into BSL's past evil deeds is only in its infancy, imo..
SteveP, BSL has the traits of a prolific serial killer that began his deviant behavior during childhood, imo. He escalated at a very rapid rate and was no stranger to the game when apprehended..

Imo, BSL was a thinker and an emulator, which means his MOs & patterns would have been virtually impossible for LE to identify or attribute to a specific predator. The rare MO of the bump & grab of a bicyclist is only one indicator of this..
Does anyone know if there is a way to go to your last read post on tapatalk? That would really be awesome

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2

I use Tapatalk on an iPhone. Under Settings is an option called "Loading Behavior". I can set the program so when I click on a thread to read, it will open to either the latest post, oldest post, or first unread in the thread. But that's not quite what you're looking for, is it?
IMO, BL only wants to be famous as a wrongly accused victim of the system. I do not believe he wants to be known as a killer, nor will he ever admit to being one.

Only in his mind, cluciano63.. If not for his unusual voice and semen on the washcloth. BSL, would not have been identified or convicted in the 1999 rape, imo.

Imo, Judges sense evil in defendents and consider this when sentencing convicted sexual predators.. They realize that the plaintiff was not the first victim, or will they be the last, imo..

I am in 100% agreement with this. Frankly, I've wondered if he's the offspring of one Lavergne in particular whom I've known a very long time (15-20 years) -- a known hellraiser, to be sure.

Well, all i can add is that maybe the biological sister who lives in Spring, Texas would be kind enough to let us know who the biological dad actually is. My instinct tells me that she knows and that is probably why bio mom did not want to meet BSL.....and that is from decades of working with adoptees and their issues.

I have googled the name lavergne so many times and have looked at so many photos of other lavergnes that I have concluded on my own that it was an adoption by a relative which happens frequently. The other fact about adoption in families is that when it is kept secret it is generally because the bio father is a man that was not married to the mother at the time of conception OR the bio father was a relative of the bio mother as in incest. I positively was not there (or even close I hope) to that magical moment, but I have dealt with those issues with other adoptees and in cases where I was searching for bio parents and was thrown off track several times by lies and made up stories which DNA later proved to be invalid.

I think asking the bio sister would be the key to uncorking this mystery. But do we really want to know? ugh. As the worm squirms.
Respectfully, I am righteously angry over some terminology used by the media, that I think further degrades and diminishes the victims.

1. "the perp's victims" - Possessive form. Really?

2. When LE or investigators use the term "gentleman" to describe a criminal. Really?

Does anyone understand???

I'm not saying it has happened in this case.
I use Tapatalk on an iPhone. Under Settings is an option called "Loading Behavior". I can set the program so when I click on a thread to read, it will open to either the latest post, oldest post, or first unread in the thread. But that's not quite what you're looking for, is it?

Thanks! This is AWESOME. Learning so much from you guys today!

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2
Well, all i can add is that maybe the biological sister who lives in Spring, Texas would be kind enough to let us know who the biological dad actually is. My instinct tells me that she knows and that is probably why bio mom did not want to meet BSL.....and that is from decades of working with adoptees and their issues.

I have googled the name lavergne so many times and have looked at so many photos of other lavergnes that I have concluded on my own that it was an adoption by a relative which happens frequently. The other fact about adoption in families is that when it is kept secret it is generally because the bio father is a man that was not married to the mother at the time of conception OR the bio father was a relative of the bio mother as in incest. I positively was not there (or even close I hope) to that magical moment, but I have dealt with those issues with other adoptees and in cases where I was searching for bio parents and was thrown off track several times by lies and made up stories which DNA later proved to be invalid.

I think asking the bio sister would be the key to uncorking this mystery. But do we really want to know? ugh. As the worm squirms.

'The Kenneth McDuff offspring defense strategy'?
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