Larry Gattis

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I have a feeling that what really happened is something that Concernedperson touched upon in her post after yours. LE could have easily lied, as part of routine questioning, and he actually may not have failed any of the questions. In all this time, I have never read or heard LE verify that he failed the lie detector test. The only reason why it became a public point of discussion is that Larry and Anita Gattis were upset enough about it to bring to Greta Van Susteren's attention.

So, I could be totally wrong, but I really think the reason why Larry Gattis's story to GVS about the polygraph sounds like it's missing a detail is because there are no other details. I think it was just an le lie, trick, whatever you want to call it, thinking he may talk. They probably had no idea that it would get to the level of him publically calling out the way they treated him in the polygraph room. I suppose, by now, they may have let him know whether he really failed the question or not.

I'm not sure that a guy having an affair and lying about it makes him a murderer. A lot of husbands out there would lie about that.

I do have a question about the release of the polygraph results. He may have failed more than one question. So he had to come up with a question that sounded reasonable to his wife since they told him he failed.

I can't think of any other question that sounds believable enough that LE would still be interested in him. I think it was the least of the evils. :confused:
I have a feeling that what really happened is something that Concernedperson touched upon in her post after yours. LE could have easily lied, as part of routine questioning, and he actually may not have failed any of the questions. In all this time, I have never read or heard LE verify that he failed the lie detector test. The only reason why it became a public point of discussion is that Larry and Anita Gattis were upset enough about it to bring to Greta Van Susteren's attention.

So, I could be totally wrong, but I really think the reason why Larry Gattis's story to GVS about the polygraph sounds like it's missing a detail is because there are no other details. I think it was just an le lie, trick, whatever you want to call it, thinking he may talk. They probably had no idea that it would get to the level of him publically calling out the way they treated him in the polygraph room. I suppose, by now, they may have let him know whether he really failed the question or not.

I think that is certainly possible, but until recently, I think that LE has been very, very consistent regarding NOT commenting on most of what it out there, and further I do not believe that the GBI would release the results of a lie detector test since it is an investigative tool...jmo.

I am just curious as to why this LDT test and result as confessed by Larry Gattis is not being considered for what it is on the surface-that one of the POI's has shown himself as having something to hide.

I am intrigued as to why the Gattis's chose to share the result with the media when it was very likely that GBI would not be releasing the results to the media....unless they believed that Larry was about to be picked up and they thought they would do some damage control by "dropping the bomb" themselves. And they could put their own spin on it.
I think that is certainly possible, but until recently, I think that LE has been very, very consistent regarding NOT commenting on most of what it out there, and further I do not believe that the GBI would release the results of a lie detector test since it is an investigative tool...jmo.

I am just curious as to why this LDT test and result as confessed by Larry Gattis is not being considered for what it is on the surface-that one of the POI's has shown himself as having something to hide.

I am intrigued as to why the Gattis's chose to share the result with the media when it was very likely that GBI would not be releasing the results to the media....unless they believed that Larry was about to be picked up and they thought they would do some damage control by "dropping the bomb" themselves. And they could put their own spin on it.

I think it was a preemptive strike in case LE released a statement saying he failed his LDT. He wanted to explain the question he failed in case LE only said he failed the LDT without telling the specific question he failed.
I think it was a preemptive strike in case LE released a statement saying he failed his LDT. He wanted to explain the question he failed in case LE only said he failed the LDT without telling the specific question he failed.

I understand what you are saying, but IIRC, I do not recall there being much in the way of information being passed along by the GBI in those days. In many ways, this is the reason I have felt that this case is tough to sleuth because GBI has held their cards pretty close up until this point. Granted, now we are seeing some information on third party DNA etc...

Prior to the 48 hours media blitz in 2008, I recall seeing a few stories printed with people on the ground discussing GBI searches and the like, but nothing really coming from them. Maybe I have missed it all? :waitasec:
Thanks for your response, believe. I see what you're saying and I'm not saying that Larry can be ruled out entirely. I realize that the GBI has been tight-lipped about most things here. But I seem to remember someone discussing the results of MH's poly, as far as pass or fail, and wanting everyone to know that he passed. It may not have been the GBI who released that, maybe it was MH's personal attorney. I can't remember.

Regardless, I'm just saying I think they had every right to anticipate that someone in that town would leak something. I live 3,000 miles away and had already read the rumors started by locals online, including all the negative things people had to say about her sister and brother in law. That was long before this lie detector test. So, my impression of their reaction on GVS is that this situation where essentially a rumor got tagged on to an official list of polygraph questions may have been the last straw.

I don't know. They just seemed upset and as if they had nowhere locally to turn. So, they turned to one of the two other media outlets who had been there for them--GVS (the other being NG). And like I said, I could totally see how that could be the case when even people like me who live far away sensed that Tara's family did not have very much support within Ocilla.

I think that is certainly possible, but until recently, I think that LE has been very, very consistent regarding NOT commenting on most of what it out there, and further I do not believe that the GBI would release the results of a lie detector test since it is an investigative tool...jmo.

I am just curious as to why this LDT test and result as confessed by Larry Gattis is not being considered for what it is on the surface-that one of the POI's has shown himself as having something to hide.

I am intrigued as to why the Gattis's chose to share the result with the media when it was very likely that GBI would not be releasing the results to the media....unless they believed that Larry was about to be picked up and they thought they would do some damage control by "dropping the bomb" themselves. And they could put their own spin on it.
Thanks for your response, believe. I see what you're saying and I'm not saying that Larry can be ruled out entirely. I realize that the GBI has been tight-lipped about most things here. But I seem to remember someone discussing the results of MH's poly, as far as pass or fail, and wanting everyone to know that he passed. It may not have been the GBI who released that, maybe it was MH's personal attorney. I can't remember.

Regardless, I'm just saying I think they had every right to anticipate that someone in that town would leak something. I live 3,000 miles away and had already read the rumors started by locals online, including all the negative things people had to say about her sister and brother in law. That was long before this lie detector test. So, my impression of their reaction on GVS is that this situation where essentially a rumor got tagged on to an official list of polygraph questions may have been the last straw.

I don't know. They just seemed upset and as if they had nowhere locally to turn. So, they turned to one of the two other media outlets who had been there for them--GVS (the other being NG). And like I said, I could totally see how that could be the case when even people like me who live far away sensed that Tara's family did not have very much support within Ocilla.

You are right on. Plus, they trusted the wrong people in the beginning. I ran into some of them myself and, boy, what an experience. One I never want to go through again. Some of those people are remarkable as far as mountains out of molehills and conversely minimalizing other issues when they want to protect. Truly scary and stalking isn't out of the realm for that group. I have said enough but you get the picture.
You are right on. Plus, they trusted the wrong people in the beginning. I ran into some of them myself and, boy, what an experience. One I never want to go through again. Some of those people are remarkable as far as mountains out of molehills and conversely minimalizing other issues when they want to protect. Truly scary and stalking isn't out of the realm for that group. I have said enough but you get the picture.

Yep, I can totally understand how they'd end up feeling like the only person (with influence) that they could talk to was someone like GVS.
You are right on. Plus, they trusted the wrong people in the beginning. I ran into some of them myself and, boy, what an experience. One I never want to go through again. Some of those people are remarkable as far as mountains out of molehills and conversely minimalizing other issues when they want to protect. Truly scary and stalking isn't out of the realm for that group. I have said enough but you get the picture.

Yep, I can totally understand how they'd end up feeling like the only person (with influence) that they could talk to was someone like GVS.

Are you guys talking about locals or GBI? (In terms of being victimized by..)

I guess the way I am reading this is that there were locals who had an agenda regarding Dr. Gattis and his wife. Let's say, for the sake of argument that this is true and that this caused the locals to focus on Dr. Gattis and not on any other POI's. Further, let's say that this caused the locals to minimize evidence that might point away from Dr. Gattis. It seems doubtful, on the surface, that this would cause GBI to be swayed in one direction or another unless there was something definitive that pointed in a particular direction.

I do not mean to belabor the point-I just think that it was extraordinary of Dr. Gattis to get on a national talk show and implicate himself-I mean, in a layperson's world failing a LDT is significant. Even if the question he did not pass (so to speak) did not specifically deal with the abduction itself.

I keep falling back on my original opinion that they leaked it in relationship to damage control.

May I ask why the locals are not fond of Dr. Gattis and Anita?
believe, I'm talking mainly about the locals, which would include the local le. I'm sure that the GBI does as best they can to remain objective. But, surely, some of these local rumors were passed on to them from local le and "tips" they may have heard. I don't think that locals only focused on Larry Gattis as a POI. I'm just talking about him here because that's what we're focusing on in this thread.

Overall, it has come across as though the locals pretty much do not support anyone who is not a local. They don't like LG or AG. They don't like HD. Or, even the computer salesman or who ever he was who visited Tara from some other place. But, start talking about MH or AV or pretty much any other Ocilla native and there are all kinds of reasons why it could not possibly be them.

You don't think this negative vibe that was aimed at some of these people carried over at all to the police when they were questioning people? Again, I do think the GBI tries to walk into these situations as objectively as possible. But, this question about LG possibly having an affair came from a rumor. So, obviously they are drawing upon some of the local opinion to form their questions, etc.
believe, I'm talking mainly about the locals, which would include the local le. I'm sure that the GBI does as best they can to remain objective. But, surely, some of these local rumors were passed on to them from local le and "tips" they may have heard. I don't think that locals only focused on Larry Gattis as a POI. I'm just talking about him here because that's what we're focusing on in this thread.

Overall, it has come across as though the locals pretty much do not support anyone who is not a local. They don't like LG or AG. They don't like HD. Or, even the computer salesman or who ever he was who visited Tara from some other place. But, start talking about MH or AV or pretty much any other Ocilla native and there are all kinds of reasons why it could not possibly be them.

You don't think this negative vibe that was aimed at some of these people carried over at all to the police when they were questioning people? Again, I do think the GBI tries to walk into these situations as objectively as possible. But, this question about LG possibly having an affair came from a rumor. So, obviously they are drawing upon some of the local opinion to form their questions, etc.

My bold and italics. It might have stemmed from a rumor, but to me it is also a common sense question. A young woman had disappeared; you draw your circles nearest to her and work outward, right? That would be MH, HD and LG, imo. And if the Gattis' accurately reported the results of his LDT, then GBI hit paydirt with the question.

What stands out to me is his perception that he showed deception with that question. While I get the fact that the locals defend MH and anyone else who might have been from Ocilla, if it had been HD or JH or MH who had showed deception regarding a relevant question on a LDT, I think most of us would have had them strung up by now-especially MH. I find it curious that something on the surface that is so significant to me, and something that the POI confessed himself, is being dismissed. I am not taking it personally, mind you. I just think that Dr. Gattis is being given slack that others may have not received if it were them. JMO.

Does anyone know if Dr. Gattis was a hunter or a fisherman?
Dr.LG was an avid hiker I believe and musician - his website has been posted here before IIRC.

There is a song featured on his website "Little Sisters" which is an original song written by Larry Gattis and inspired by two graves that he came across while backpacking in the Great Smokey Mountains near Nichols Cove which I feel is eerily connected to Tara. The song names one sister as "Colleen" - could this be a cryptic reference to another Irish girls name - "Tara"?
My bold and italics. It might have stemmed from a rumor, but to me it is also a common sense question. A young woman had disappeared; you draw your circles nearest to her and work outward, right? That would be MH, HD and LG, imo. And if the Gattis' accurately reported the results of his LDT, then GBI hit paydirt with the question.

What stands out to me is his perception that he showed deception with that question. While I get the fact that the locals defend MH and anyone else who might have been from Ocilla, if it had been HD or JH or MH who had showed deception regarding a relevant question on a LDT, I think most of us would have had them strung up by now-especially MH. I find it curious that something on the surface that is so significant to me, and something that the POI confessed himself, is being dismissed. I am not taking it personally, mind you. I just think that Dr. Gattis is being given slack that others may have not received if it were them. JMO.

Does anyone know if Dr. Gattis was a hunter or a fisherman?

First of all we don't know that there was deception only that he was told there was. LDT's are subjective and are tools in the investigative process. I think he had to be ruled out and this was a GBI LDT not a private LDT as given to MH.

Anytime someone hides behind their lawyer in a case and is given private LDT's is more significant IMO. LE will lie to get results all within the confines of the law and Dr. Gattis did not have benefit of a lawyer as he was willing to take a GBI LDT. MH was not.

FWIW, I don't believe Dr. Gattis was a hunter or fisherman. I do know that MH was as well as his friends including his second night alibi Joe Hilton. Hilton was a DNR officer and may still be one. Haven't kept up that much lately.
Every time I try to get pass some prejudices "Deliverance" creeps in. It just seems that some locals are fully equipped with this phenomena. Doesn't seem they recognize anything other than their own noses. Their willingness to accept anomaly is inbred and the will to fling it outside of their own boundaries is/should be expected.Anyone that would talk is silenced at this point for fear of job loss or recrimination. I seriously doubt this crime will ever be solved.
First of all we don't know that there was deception only that he was told there was. LDT's are subjective and are tools in the investigative process. I think he had to be ruled out and this was a GBI LDT not a private LDT as given to MH.

Anytime someone hides behind their lawyer in a case and is given private LDT's is more significant IMO. LE will lie to get results all within the confines of the law and Dr. Gattis did not have benefit of a lawyer as he was willing to take a GBI LDT. MH was not.

FWIW, I don't believe Dr. Gattis was a hunter or fisherman. I do know that MH was as well as his friends including his second night alibi Joe Hilton. Hilton was a DNR officer and may still be one. Haven't kept up that much lately.

My bold and italics-Thanks CP...I think I posted that it was his "perception" that he showed deception. I posted it in deference to your previous points regarding the possibility that he was intentionally deceived by GBI.

Private LDT VS LE LDT's-agreed that a private LDT is certainly somewhat suspicious. Why would someone believe that they could not trust an LE LDT unless they knew that LE has the latitude to tell the POI that they had failed a question or all of it whether or not it was true? MH would certainly be aware of that, I would think. I am curious however as to if the results of MH's private LDT were made available to LE and if LE had thoughts/opinions regarding the person who administered the test?
My bold and italics-Thanks CP...I think I posted that it was his "perception" that he showed deception. I posted it in deference to your previous points regarding the possibility that he was intentionally deceived by GBI.

Private LDT VS LE LDT's-agreed that a private LDT is certainly somewhat suspicious. Why would someone believe that they could not trust an LE LDT unless they knew that LE has the latitude to tell the POI that they had failed a question or all of it whether or not it was true? MH would certainly be aware of that, I would think. I am curious however as to if the results of MH's private LDT were made available to LE and if LE had thoughts/opinions regarding the person who administered the test?

Yes, you did post about his perception vs. the actual test results. Basically, I am agreeing with that point.

We won't know about MH's private LDT until and unless this case goes to trial. Even then it isn't admissible evidence. So, guesses and curiosity is all we have.
You're saying he had a knee jerk reaction, which may indicate that they hit a nerve with that question. I understand that. To me, though, it seemed like they had been pushed to their breaking point. From what I remember on GVS, they just seemed tired of dealing with the general negativity and rumors that seemed to be aimed at them. There is also the whole factor, as we've discussed, about whether he even really failed that question in the first place.

I know why, of course, they were focusing on her immediate circle of family and friends and working their way out. My thing is that there were other people, as you know, within this circle who would not even agree to a GBI LDT. If LG really had something to hide, why didn't he lawyer up and only agree to a private LDT like some other people did? Honestly, I'm not giving LG a pass or anything. I'm just saying he and Tara's entire side of the family have apparently been more cooperative than others and even more honest with the public about what they've dealt with during interrogations. At this point, we don't even know what type of questions were on MH's LDT. It could have been really generic questions.

My bold and italics. It might have stemmed from a rumor, but to me it is also a common sense question. A young woman had disappeared; you draw your circles nearest to her and work outward, right? That would be MH, HD and LG, imo. And if the Gattis' accurately reported the results of his LDT, then GBI hit paydirt with the question.

What stands out to me is his perception that he showed deception with that question. While I get the fact that the locals defend MH and anyone else who might have been from Ocilla, if it had been HD or JH or MH who had showed deception regarding a relevant question on a LDT, I think most of us would have had them strung up by now-especially MH. I find it curious that something on the surface that is so significant to me, and something that the POI confessed himself, is being dismissed. I am not taking it personally, mind you. I just think that Dr. Gattis is being given slack that others may have not received if it were them. JMO.

Does anyone know if Dr. Gattis was a hunter or a fisherman?
Forgive me for jumping in and posting this - I'm usually over on the Caylee thread and was on the index going down to the PL when I saw this thread and it made me remember a NG show about this case way, way back, and an email I sent to NG after watching it. This has probably been discussed here already, but I thought, you know, just in case, I'm going to add it. Please disregard if it's already been checked out....

I was unfamilar with the case at the time of that NG broadcast, but one thing really stood out to me during that particular NG show, and made me send that email to NG. It was something about the BIL going through Tara's computer and deleting items. There was also something about little white pieces of paper in the trashcan - he took them, threw them away, something weird that I can't remember now? Ugh, I wish I had a copy of what I had asked NG to revisit, but I sent it through the CNN website question section, so it was gone after I hit send. Maybe someone has an archive of old NG shows on Tara and could look at that again?

It was just so weird to me (though NG never picked up on it by questioning him on the show "You did what? Why?", all the questions I was yelling at the TV!) that I had to speak up right after, but I don't know if anything was ever done. Thanks for looking at this - it eases my mind, anyway. :)
... It was something about the BIL going through Tara's computer and deleting items. There was also something about little white pieces of paper in the trashcan - he took them, threw them away, something weird that I can't remember now ...:)

The GBI took Tara's desk top and laptop computers on the first day. To my knowledge the GBI still has the computers. LG was not allowed into the house until after the GBI searched it.
At some time after the GBI searched Tara's house, LG went through Tara's desk and trash looking for any leads that the GBI could have missed.
...this case is still the mind set there, that until something comes up.......they are operating she could have left everything behind and started a new life?.......Tara was not slow witted, if she felt she was being stocked or perceived possible threats from someone, she w0ould have told someone, i also believe she did have a diary, journal etc, that she kept, but that had became missing during the investigation, though i don't know if that was released or not...........

its always been my speculation, that on the night she became missing she was abducted, but not in the house, but she was walking and thinking.......perhaps they went back inside for a time, but unsure..........she was not taking far i assumed....far as meaning hundreds of miles or another state.........but somewhere close, preplanned in advance.......all just speculation on my part........
...this case is still the mind set there, that until something comes up.......they are operating she could have left everything behind and started a new life?.......Tara was not slow witted, if she felt she was being stocked or perceived possible threats from someone, she w0ould have told someone, i also believe she did have a diary, journal etc, that she kept, but that had became missing during the investigation, though i don't know if that was released or not...........

its always been my speculation, that on the night she became missing she was abducted, but not in the house, but she was walking and thinking.......perhaps they went back inside for a time, but unsure..........she was not taking far i assumed....far as meaning hundreds of miles or another state.........but somewhere close, preplanned in advance.......all just speculation on my part........

...for anyone whom lives in the area......if you stand in front of taras house.........looking at the front of the left, isnt there a road that goes down and a little hill futher down with woods in the area.........and on the left side of this road are paths that a car or other vehicle can take to go into the would not be a road, path on a map you could see........but it would be a road that one would have to know about, since it is not traveled on that much............i posted on this case, where i could on couple other boards i used to belong to...........i could try and find those posts and post here, since there my posts i assume that would be ok as far as the rules and regulations are concerned............but in a nutshell........if i was there searching for tara, i would go left from front of the house, and down a road there, over a little hill perhaps, and look for a stretch of road on the left side that is not traveled that much..........that leads up and into the woods, if may come to a dead end as you travel on it.................i always felt she still within the area of her house, and not taken far away............thanks in advacne for answereing my questions about the road........i always have had a spot in my heart for tara, especily after hearing her voice, and all the love persons have for her this day............i wish i could come there and search my self, as i do on most cases i post on........but for now, i cannot and it hurts at times...........

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