Lawrence Smith Replies - If you can say that

I don't remember if t was here or FFJ were I was asked if I remembered where the pics of the log grabber were found. I found it- it was on Ruthie's site, as I thought. You have to scroll to "Jameson factor" and click in that- the photo is in that section. It shows the wineceller with the floor safe and the large piece of sheet metal and the paint cans. The log grabber is clearly seen on the floor and marked with an arrow. If I can post the link I will.

Actually, you can get there easily from
Just go to "Other People's Pages" and click on "Ruthee's Murder Library" site. Then you'll see all the boxes with different pages. Click on "Jameson Factor" and this photo with the log grabber is the first one that pops up.

DeeDee, you need to post this info. over on FFJ too, because it was there that a poster asked you if you knew where to find the photo. She said that she THOUGHT that she remembered reading that the photo was was a fake. But she wasn't sure. She said that if you posted the picture, it may jog her memory. Sorry, but I can't remember who the poster was.
Thanks for the link, yes they are mostly abrasions, the ones on her back and shoulder could be explained away as occuring when her body was moved, but the one on the right side of her face is so specific and without accompanying marks or contusions makes it difficult to explain as resulting from being dragged.

It appears that somone has pulled JonBenet lets say off some object or out of some object, this asumes those abrasions are not from a stun-gun, or as a result of a physical assault. Patsy or John would not need to drag JonBenet they could easily lift her, not unless the dragging is deliberate to avoid forensic deposits?

on Ruthie's site,she thinks that the marks came from the potholder loom that was on JB's bedroom floor.
I don't remember if t was here or FFJ were I was asked if I remembered where the pics of the log grabber were found. I found it- it was on Ruthie's site, as I thought. You have to scroll to "Jameson factor" and click in that- the photo is in that section. It shows the wineceller with the floor safe and the large piece of sheet metal and the paint cans. The log grabber is clearly seen on the floor and marked with an arrow. If I can post the link I will.

Actually, you can get there easily from
Just go to "Other People's Pages" and click on "Ruthee's Murder Library" site. Then you'll see all the boxes with different pages. Click on "Jameson Factor" and this photo with the log grabber is the first one that pops up.

in your opinion,could the log grabber have caused the head injury,ie-does it fit the pattern for it?
in your opinion,could the log grabber have caused the head injury,ie-does it fit the pattern for it?

Sure, I think it's possible. Though I think the flashlight, bat or golf club are more likely. The golf clubs were right there in the basement; BR's bat may have been there, too- and the flashlight was also used to walk around the darkened kitchen and basement. While a log grabber could be just laying around a basement, it'd be interesting to see wether the Rs fireplace tool set was missing a log grabber. (because I am SURE no one ever thought to check).
Sure, I think it's possible. Though I think the flashlight, bat or golf club are more likely. The golf clubs were right there in the basement; BR's bat may have been there, too- and the flashlight was also used to walk around the darkened kitchen and basement. While a log grabber could be just laying around a basement, it'd be interesting to see wether the Rs fireplace tool set was missing a log grabber. (because I am SURE no one ever thought to check).

indeed it would.
that punched out portion of JB's skull makes me believe she was hit with an object,rather than thrown into something me,the flashlight seems the most likely weapon.
..of course some ppl will think that means a parent couldn't have done it,if she was hit intentionally w. that amount of force.but that's a rather naive way of looking at it,IMO.
on Ruthie's site,she thinks that the marks came from the potholder loom that was on JB's bedroom floor.


I guess this is possible, its difficult to decide if they are intentional e.g. staging, or form part of an initial physical assault that culminates in a manual strangulation, or are a consequence of JonBenet's body simply being man-handled or dragged after the assault phase?

That the abrasions are intentional staging seems the weaker of all the possibilities?

I tend to think the abrasion on the right side of her face occurred around the same time as she was manually strangled, maybe even as an attempt to slap JonBenet concious? The ones on her back and shoulder could arise from her lying and being moved, e.g. turned over, while on top of some projecting surface?

The log-grabber looks like a candidate for the weapon that inflicted the head injury, but my money is on the flashlight, if it had not been wiped clean, then any suitable object could be put in the frame. My default position is to view the wine-cellar as a staged crime-scene, like the ransom note its intended to confuse us. So for me JonBenet was manually strangled and/or physically assaulted e.g. the abrasions, cleaned up and redressed, then moved down to the basement where she was whacked on the head then garroted, thus killing her. Finally she was wrapped in the blankets, not out of maternal or paternal concern. Gee, they had just whacked and garroted her! She was wrapped in the blanket to hide any potential blood stains that may seep through to her longjohns.

It might be that the original staging never included the garrote, but after severely whacking JonBenet on the head, and not producing the likely obvious cause of death, so recourse was to the garrote to ensure there was a visible cause of death?

The vaginal trauma as the BPD like to describe it may have been intentional staging, without Steve Thomas explicitly telling us that it was a splinter, and not just any piece of cellulose, we could not assume this.

Whether it was staging, which left the missing piece of the paintbrush inside JonBenet, or the splinter arriving as the result of a digital penetration, we cannot be certain. But viewed as staging, the anomaly is why it was then hidden from view? After effecting a fake sexual assault, why should it matter if JonBenet was naked from the waist down, if fact it could be argued this would have been, from a RST POV, more indicative of an intruder?

The questions raised are, assuming her death arose from an unintentional accident, why would you deny your daughter medical assistance, why stage a homicide crime-scene over a toileting incident *advertiser censored* accident, there is no death penalty for the latter, and why fake a sexual assault then cover it all up, by wiping her with a cloth, as per Coroner Meyer's remarks, then placing her longjohns back on her and wrapping her in the blanket?

My speculative answer would be, the stager recognized this latter inconsistency, and was preparing to redress JonBenet in the Barbie-Gown, left lying next to her body?
There are so many inconsistencies in this case that we'll never know what really happened, but I do have a problem understanding why they'd wrap her in a blanket to hide any possible blood seepage. A first glance at the body wrapped in a blanket certainly hides what lies beneath, but even the most naive stager would know that the child would be unwrapped and undressed and whatever that blanket was hiding would be discovered.
And actually, JR unwrapped her himself before he brought her up. If FW was right behind him, it was pretty risky to pull that blanket off in case there WAS a lot of blood that seeped, if the blood was something that you wanted to hide.
There are so many inconsistencies in this case that we'll never know what really happened, but I do have a problem understanding why they'd wrap her in a blanket to hide any possible blood seepage. A first glance at the body wrapped in a blanket certainly hides what lies beneath, but even the most naive stager would know that the child would be unwrapped and undressed and whatever that blanket was hiding would be discovered.
And actually, JR unwrapped her himself before he brought her up. If FW was right behind him, it was pretty risky to pull that blanket off in case there WAS a lot of blood that seeped, if the blood was something that you wanted to hide.

my other thought is that perhaps she was restaged,the original staging to be a KN pedo who does take her with him.the RN states her remains will be denied..someone thought about getting her body out of the house?but now that she was to be found indoors,the 'beheading' b/c they called LE is the first thing they wanted noticed.
my other thought is that perhaps she was restaged,the original staging to be a KN pedo who does take her with him.the RN states her remains will be denied..someone thought about getting her body out of the house?but now that she was to be found indoors,the 'beheading' b/c they called LE is the first thing they wanted noticed.

If there was any re-staging, it had to have been done very close to the original staging. Livor mortis begins within about 20 minutes of death, and if the body is moved, a second livor pattern of "marbling" will form, and be superimposed over the first pattern, with the first pattern remaining visible also. This would happen each time the body is moved and left in a different position for at least 20 minutes. During this time, the livor patterns can be "blanched" (that means if you press a finger into the red area, a white spot will emerge. You can see the evidence of this blanching when you view autopsy photos showing her bare back (the photo that shows the 2 circular "abrasions") and you will see a few white "stripes" that indicate where the elastic waistbands of her panties and long johns were, as well as striping from where the fabric of her shirt had wrinkled under her, pressing in to her back. This is the reason we know there was never any cord wrapped tightly around her wrists. There were no marks there.
JBR had only one pattern of marbling in her livor mortis. If she was moved, it was after the livor became "fixed" or non-blanching, which takes a few hours. By the time livor becomes fixed, rigor mortis would have begun, making movement of her limbs impossible without "breaking rigor". This is very hard to do, and requires that the muscle fibers be actually torn. The coroner would have certainly seen this. After rigor is broken, it will not re-form. And we do know from the autopsy that JBR was in full rigor when she was autopsied. We also know from LA's description of her when she was brought up from the basement (about 18-20 hours before she was autopsied) that she was in full rigor by then as well.
Bottom line- it is unlikely that there was a second staging, unless it happened right after the first. No matter where she was killed, she had to have been carried to that wineceller, wiped and redressed all within 20-30 minutes of death. We do know that fibers from the carpet just outside the wineceller were found on the body. The garrote was made right there in the basement. And we know she was alive when she was strangled. So she died after she was already in the basement.
The events of that night happened very close together.
10pm- return home
10-pm-1am eat pineapple, head bash, immediate unconsciousness- the large red mark on her neck (from her shirt collar?) emerges, making it evident that someone has tried to choke her. As she lapses probably into a coma, the decision is made to stage a strangulation/kidnapping, because it is apparent that the head injury is so severe that there is no turning back- she will not survive anyway.
At some point she is seen to be bleeding from the vagina.
She is wiped, redressed, and carried to the wineceller (not necessarily in that order). She is garroted, and placed in the wineceller after she is thought to be dead. A post-mortem urine release may occur at this point, or during the strangulation, with the urine wetting her clothing, and possible being absorbed by the carpet (which is what I believe).
All this happened between 10pm and 1am.
She could have been wrapped in the blanket after the onset of rigor, IF she had been lifted carefully and the blanket placed under her, but this would take two people, as if she was not kept horizontal while moved, a second livor pattern would have formed. For this reason, I do not think she was re-staged. I think the blanket was put in place on the wineceller floor first, then she was placed on the blanket, and it was pulled around her. She wasn't just covered up with it. She was lying on top of it, with the ends pulled up around her.
From 1am to the 911 call, the Rs likely spent making phone calls on the cellphone, whose records from December had disappeared, writing the RN, and formulating their scheme.
..that makes sense,Deedee.would you agree that the cord was placed on her wrists after she was in rigor and they could no longer be moved? my thought there is that was done to get rid of the rest of the cord.
If there was any re-staging, it had to have been done very close to the original staging. Livor mortis begins within about 20 minutes of death, and if the body is moved, a second livor pattern of "marbling" will form, and be superimposed over the first pattern, with the first pattern remaining visible also. This would happen each time the body is moved and left in a different position for at least 20 minutes. During this time, the livor patterns can be "blanched" (that means if you press a finger into the red area, a white spot will emerge. You can see the evidence of this blanching when you view autopsy photos showing her bare back (the photo that shows the 2 circular "abrasions") and you will see a few white "stripes" that indicate where the elastic waistbands of her panties and long johns were, as well as striping from where the fabric of her shirt had wrinkled under her, pressing in to her back. This is the reason we know there was never any cord wrapped tightly around her wrists. There were no marks there.
JBR had only one pattern of marbling in her livor mortis. If she was moved, it was after the livor became "fixed" or non-blanching, which takes a few hours. By the time livor becomes fixed, rigor mortis would have begun, making movement of her limbs impossible without "breaking rigor". This is very hard to do, and requires that the muscle fibers be actually torn. The coroner would have certainly seen this. After rigor is broken, it will not re-form. And we do know from the autopsy that JBR was in full rigor when she was autopsied. We also know from LA's description of her when she was brought up from the basement (about 18-20 hours before she was autopsied) that she was in full rigor by then as well.
Bottom line- it is unlikely that there was a second staging, unless it happened right after the first. No matter where she was killed, she had to have been carried to that wineceller, wiped and redressed all within 20-30 minutes of death. We do know that fibers from the carpet just outside the wineceller were found on the body. The garrote was made right there in the basement. And we know she was alive when she was strangled. So she died after she was already in the basement.
The events of that night happened very close together.
10pm- return home
10-pm-1am eat pineapple, head bash, immediate unconsciousness- the large red mark on her neck (from her shirt collar?) emerges, making it evident that someone has tried to choke her. As she lapses probably into a coma, the decision is made to stage a strangulation/kidnapping, because it is apparent that the head injury is so severe that there is no turning back- she will not survive anyway.
At some point she is seen to be bleeding from the vagina.
She is wiped, redressed, and carried to the wineceller (not necessarily in that order). She is garroted, and placed in the wineceller after she is thought to be dead. A post-mortem urine release may occur at this point, or during the strangulation, with the urine wetting her clothing, and possible being absorbed by the carpet (which is what I believe).
All this happened between 10pm and 1am.
She could have been wrapped in the blanket after the onset of rigor, IF she had been lifted carefully and the blanket placed under her, but this would take two people, as if she was not kept horizontal while moved, a second livor pattern would have formed. For this reason, I do not think she was re-staged. I think the blanket was put in place on the wineceller floor first, then she was placed on the blanket, and it was pulled around her. She wasn't just covered up with it. She was lying on top of it, with the ends pulled up around her.
From 1am to the 911 call, the Rs likely spent making phone calls on the cellphone, whose records from December had disappeared, writing the RN, and formulating their scheme.

Livor mortis begins within about 20 minutes of death, and if the body is moved, a second livor pattern of "marbling" will form, and be superimposed over the first pattern, with the first pattern remaining visible also.
Once cardiac activity ceases the onset of Livor Mortis is immediate, its manifestation is variable and open to interpretation, but 2-4 hours is accepted opinion. However stasis can occur to some extent in shock e.g. whacked on the head, and some degree can be present even while the person is technically alive.

I accept what you suggest, that if JonBenet had been moved then superficially there should be some signs of this, e.g. a livor-pattern, that the onset of Livor Mortis could have occured whilst JonBenet was still alive underlines this.

However JonBenet was killed, I do not think that her killer decided in a 20-minute timeframe to stage a wine-cellar homicide. So one of the following or both must follow:

1. JonBenet was asphyxiated but not killed.

2. JonBenet was killed down in the basement.

Now possibility 1. could encompass the head injury, and this will leave a variable window of opportunity to move her body, as long as there is cardiac activity, however small?

And possibility 2. seems certain given the Liver Mortis and other forensic evidence.

So if you think JonBenet was killed as a result of some toileting incident e.g. rashomon who cites panic, confusion and andrenalin as contributing post-mortem factors. Yet in the PDI here we have Patsy within 20-minutes has JonBenet cleaned up, moved down to the basement then garroted to death? Psychological theories or assumptions regarding a suspects state of mind in the absence of physical evidence is simply speculation, nobody can look back into the past and read someones mind. The physical evidence presented here suggests that a psychopath *advertiser censored* sexual predator did it, reminiscent of Lou Smit's IDI, yet we know the crime-scene was staged!

So when do we think JonBenet was killed? Many think this occured occured somewhere upstairs following a head injury, that there was minimal brain swelling supports their case. Here is Michael M. Baden's, M.D. opinion when asked this question:

Dr. Michael Baden is the former Chief Medical Examiner of New York City and is presently the chief forensic pathologist for the New York State Police.
Does swelling of the brain due to trauma indicate that the victim was alive after the blow?

Yes. The brain reacts to injury by swelling, whether the injury is a blow to the head or the cutting off of oxygen to the brain, asphyxia, which can be caused by strangulation, drowning, a choke hold, or improper anesthesia during an operation. Swelling stops at the time of death when there is no further pumping of blood by the heart.

The assumption that she died upstairs as the result of a head injury, e.g. assumption 1., appears at odds with the forensic evidence e.g. her vaginal injury, the garrote bruising and associated petechia and potentially her post-mortem urine-release? Consider all these people who opine that the lower abrasions on JonBenet's neck are the result of the garrote being placed here then moved up, but the lack of brain swelling tells us that due to cardiac activity ceasing there should be no manifest bruising?

So a better assumption might be is that she was whacked on the head down in the basement probably with the intent of creating signs of a serious visible cause of death, despite cracking JonBenet's skull nearly in half, this never happened, even the Coroner did not know until he did his internal examination. So the garrote could have been added either pre-planned or as a substitute for the lack of a visible serious head injury?

Bottom line- it is unlikely that there was a second staging, unless it happened right after the first.
Some aspects could have been staged after she was moved to the basement and garroted e.g. wrist-restraints, tape on the mouth, hair-ties, wiped with a cloth, vaginal trauma, the latter to offer a rationale for prior bleeding?

A lot of the above draws on assumptions from the PDI, particularly the movement of the body, but what if JonBenet had been in the basement immediately prior to her death, engaged in some activity, potentially abusive, then this may offer an explantion why sexual assault was faked but then covered up?
There are so many inconsistencies in this case that we'll never know what really happened, but I do have a problem understanding why they'd wrap her in a blanket to hide any possible blood seepage. A first glance at the body wrapped in a blanket certainly hides what lies beneath, but even the most naive stager would know that the child would be unwrapped and undressed and whatever that blanket was hiding would be discovered.
And actually, JR unwrapped her himself before he brought her up. If FW was right behind him, it was pretty risky to pull that blanket off in case there WAS a lot of blood that seeped, if the blood was something that you wanted to hide.

I agree with your thoughts. I'm only trying to offer a rationale for the vaginal trauma, being wiped with a cloth then being left in urine-stained clothing, all around the same timeframe as being whacked on the head and garroted. Supposedly culminating in a parental gesture by wrapping her in a blanket? Not unless the latter was intended as deliberate staging in the sense that JonBenet was to be viewed as having been taken from her bed then wrapped in the blanket and carried down to the basement, and not as we view it a final act of parental kindness to her corpse?

That is was the blanket to have been seen as coming from her bed as part of the act of her alleged kidnapping, independently of whether the blanket actually originated there e.g. staging?
..that makes sense,Deedee.would you agree that the cord was placed on her wrists after she was in rigor and they could no longer be moved? my thought there is that was done to get rid of the rest of the cord.

Possibly. The wrist cords serve no real purpose other than staging. Only one wrist was tied anyway, and that was so loose as to be useless. It was also OVER the shirt cuff. It would certainly explain the large length of cord used.

About those arms....there's a crime photo on showing JBR taken at the home that day- before she was removed to the morgue. She is lying on the floor- you can see the pattern of the R living room rug underneath her. Only her head and arms are shown, and she is lying on her side. There is a coroner's ruler laid over the side of her body.
If you look at her arms in that photo- they are bent at the elbow and curved up, the way a boxer's arms would be positioned. They are NOT straight up and over her head they way they are shown in the artist's rendering of the body we have all seen. They are not the way JR describes them either.
Yet her body was in full rigor when she was placed there under the tree. So this is the way her arms were when she was brought up from the basement. They could not have been moved into that position at that point.
It's a small point, but it does mean that she was never "hung up by the arms", which I have seen mentioned from time to time. If she were, her arms would indeed be straight up over her head.
Did anyone else ever notice this?
In PMPT, her body is shown with arms down at her sides, a fairly standard position on the autopsy table. Rigor may have been passing off the arm joints by then, the degree of rigor was noted by Meyer as less in the arms than in the legs at that point; this follows the rules of rigor, as it passes off in order in which it formed- smaller joints first- eyelids, jaw, shoulder, elbows, hips, knees, etc. Then leaves in the same order. I know PMPT takes artistic liberties, but the coroner will sometimes break rigor when performing the autopsy when needed.
Possibly. The wrist cords serve no real purpose other than staging. Only one wrist was tied anyway, and that was so loose as to be useless. It was also OVER the shirt cuff. It would certainly explain the large length of cord used.

About those arms....there's a crime photo on showing JBR taken at the home that day- before she was removed to the morgue. She is lying on the floor- you can see the pattern of the R living room rug underneath her. Only her head and arms are shown, and she is lying on her side. There is a coroner's ruler laid over the side of her body.
If you look at her arms in that photo- they are bent at the elbow and curved up, the way a boxer's arms would be positioned. They are NOT straight up and over her head they way they are shown in the artist's rendering of the body we have all seen. They are not the way JR describes them either.
Yet her body was in full rigor when she was placed there under the tree. So this is the way her arms were when she was brought up from the basement. They could not have been moved into that position at that point.
It's a small point, but it does mean that she was never "hung up by the arms", which I have seen mentioned from time to time. If she were, her arms would indeed be straight up over her head.
Did anyone else ever notice this?
In PMPT, her body is shown with arms down at her sides, a fairly standard position on the autopsy table. Rigor may have been passing off the arm joints by then, the degree of rigor was noted by Meyer as less in the arms than in the legs at that point; this follows the rules of rigor, as it passes off in order in which it formed- smaller joints first- eyelids, jaw, shoulder, elbows, hips, knees, etc. Then leaves in the same order. I know PMPT takes artistic liberties, but the coroner will sometimes break rigor when performing the autopsy when needed.

good explanations,and the loose wrist cord and slack manner of taping JB's mouth to me say that JR likely never touched her body until he 'found' it at 1pm that day.I suspect he was too afraid to,and whatever way Patsy had staged it,he was just going to have to go with it.That does leave me wondering if he didn't know until all was said and done,ie-after Patsy killed her and had the staging complete,yet still b/f the 911 call.If he'd have helped her,it might have been better. Perhaps it's just as Patsy said,one person killed her,and someone else knows who through confession.I also wonder if,when she slips during the interview and says 'she was screaming and JR was screaming when he came up from the basement',if that's when he first saw her body,after Patsy confessing.
I know PMPT takes artistic liberties, but the coroner will sometimes break rigor when performing the autopsy when needed.

I also recall JB was wearing the red turtleneck in the photos at the White's in PMPT,but I guess that was just for dramatic effect.I think Shiller was talking about the house when he said it was all done as closely as possible.I don't recall the underwear looking too large on her on the autopsy table in the movie either,although we know that it was.
Yes, you are right about the underwear. In PMPT she is wearing panties that seem to fit her properly.

We are not the only ones who picked up on PR's "slip-up" about John screaming when he comes up from the basement. Unfortunately, the people who SHOULD have picked up on it, namely the LE who she said it to while being questioned. They let it drop, yet another of the lead balloons they dropped in those interviews.
Yes, you are right about the underwear. In PMPT she is wearing panties that seem to fit her properly.
It's an interesting movie.Smit's (aka "Mr Toothpick Man") version was just all too laughable...the 'intruder' stun-gunned JB,to silence her,(nevermind those things don't work that way anyway),then took her to the basement.JB screamed,yet the intruder took the time to garrote her 'because he got scared'.Yeah....he was real scared,alright.Then he hit her w/ the flashlight,and climbed out the window,using the suitcase to help get himself up there.Uhhh...did he not leave a few things out????Like the pineapple she had eaten 2 hrs earlier,the chair he would have had to have placed in front the door of the room he *just left*,and the flashlight wiped down,(batteries included),and left on the kitchen counter.All these things prove it wasn't an intruder who was frightened of being discovered b/c JB screamed..those things take time.Did he really think this was a believable story??? He obviously couldn't have even believed it.
Possibly. The wrist cords serve no real purpose other than staging. Only one wrist was tied anyway, and that was so loose as to be useless. It was also OVER the shirt cuff. It would certainly explain the large length of cord used.

About those arms....there's a crime photo on showing JBR taken at the home that day- before she was removed to the morgue. She is lying on the floor- you can see the pattern of the R living room rug underneath her. Only her head and arms are shown, and she is lying on her side. There is a coroner's ruler laid over the side of her body.
If you look at her arms in that photo- they are bent at the elbow and curved up, the way a boxer's arms would be positioned. They are NOT straight up and over her head they way they are shown in the artist's rendering of the body we have all seen. They are not the way JR describes them either.
Yet her body was in full rigor when she was placed there under the tree. So this is the way her arms were when she was brought up from the basement. They could not have been moved into that position at that point.
It's a small point, but it does mean that she was never "hung up by the arms", which I have seen mentioned from time to time. If she were, her arms would indeed be straight up over her head.
Did anyone else ever notice this?

I didn't,thanks for pointing that out.
I do have a question,if you might know;wasn't JB's body facing forward,when JR brought her up from the basement?? B/c in the movie,as well as in his descriptions,he picks her up from the front..which would mean that unless he turned her,she would be facing the other way when brought up from the basement.
My point is that if he took the time to turn her around,IMO,it shows he truly wasn't shocked at finding her body,and was more concerned with how she appeared to LE when they first saw her.
I didn't,thanks for pointing that out.
I do have a question,if you might know;wasn't JB's body facing forward,when JR brought her up from the basement?? B/c in the movie,as well as in his descriptions,he picks her up from the front..which would mean that unless he turned her,she would be facing the other way when brought up from the basement.
My point is that if he took the time to turn her around,IMO,it shows he truly wasn't shocked at finding her body,and was more concerned with how she appeared to LE when they first saw her.

Good point!
JR has described her as lying on her back with her head tilted to the right; autopsy supports this, livor mortis patterns show she was lying on her back with her head to the right. So the natural way to pick her up would be for her face to be towards JR, assuming he picks her up by either her waist or thighs.
I have actually read two versions of the position of JBR's corpse JR carried her up from the basement. I have read where it is described as JR holding her facing TOWARDS him, holding her around the thighs, about a foot away from him.
The other version is where JR is holding her around the waist, facing OUT. In both cases, she is obviously dead, pale and stiff, with her arms up and unsupported. The "arms up" is thought to mean STRAIGHT up, over her head, but as is clearly seen in that photo, they were clearly bent at the elbow, curved up in front of her, like a boxer's.
I also recall JB was wearing the red turtleneck in the photos at the White's in PMPT,but I guess that was just for dramatic effect.I think Shiller was talking about the house when he said it was all done as closely as possible.I don't recall the underwear looking too large on her on the autopsy table in the movie either,although we know that it was.
Steve Thomas (who has seen the photos from the Whites' party) said that JonBenet was not wearing the red turtleneck there.

crimeADM: Was JonBenet definitely wearing the red turtleneck at the Whites' party?

stevethomas: no, she was wearing the white top in which her body was eventually found the next day.

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