Local TV station issues emergency broadcast warning of zombie apocalypse


Watch out for my thorns!
Mar 3, 2006
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It appears the Emergency Zombie Alert System is working just fine in Great Falls, Montana. Last night, local television station KRTV interrupted regularly scheduled programming with the following emergency broadcast, accompanied by the jarring WONK-WONK-WONK of a televised crisis alert

(and 4 people actually called the police to see if it was true!)

Not sure that much hacking was necessary.

It looks like the security breach occurred at stations that didn’t have their login names or passwords reset from factory default settings, said Ed Czarnecki, senior director for strategy and regulatory affairs for Monroe Electronics Inc., a Lyndonville, NY-based manufacturer of EAS equipment.
Can I just say that, while apparently frightening to some, it made me have the best belly laugh in a long time? Of all the things the warning system is designed to do, and does effectively, a zombie attack is likely NOT on the list of things to warn about.

Just tickled me, it did. I am truly sorry for those who thought it was real, but I sat here and just laughed and laughed and laughed.

Herding Cats
I thought it was funny too HC! Oh, and isn't the Walking Dead one of your favorite shows?
It appears the Emergency Zombie Alert System is working just fine in Great Falls, Montana. Last night, local television station KRTV interrupted regularly scheduled programming with the following emergency broadcast, accompanied by the jarring WONK-WONK-WONK of a televised crisis alert

(and 4 people actually called the police to see if it was true!)


That is hilarious to me! :silly:
I thought it was funny too HC! Oh, and isn't the Walking Dead one of your favorite shows?

Yes, actually it IS my favorite show. Love, love, love it. If that came out on my warning system, I'd be thinking about what I've learned from TWD and manage to survive.

And as a matter of fact, I had a GREAT dream about the zombie apocalypse last night. Had a great time in the dream, and helped save a lot of folks.

Yeah...I dunno. I'm whacked, but I like the show. And it's tag line is "fear the living", which I think is the best advice in the whole world.

Herding Cats

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