MA - Bella Bond, 2, found dead, Deer Island, Boston Harbor, June 2015 - #4

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Also, if MM has such a severe seizure disorder that it requires a medical emergency dog, would he have been allowed to drive? Not asking sarcastically, I am not sure if someone with a what sounds to be a severe disorder would have driving limitations.
If you compare this image

With the computer sketch.. Only difference I really see is the eyebrows.

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Since it's been said that Bella likely died of asphyxiation (and not being punched in the tummy), could it be the case that RB actually killed her, and made up the story about MM punching her? I mean, could she have made the whole thing up and blamed him? Could she have told him Bella was in care and he believed her?

Unlikely I guess, but he did shake his head a few times in court as if to say "WTF, thats not true". But then they would probably both be up for murder. But then he pleaded not guilty, but got no bail. Why wouldn't he ask for bail if he's innocent?

My brain is confused. He's clearly a skanky smackhead, but so is she, I wouldn't put anything past her.
Oh. Haha never mind!!! This is what happens when you work nights lol

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LOL, I was their little "love" tent. Just grosses me out that's why I remembered it.
Also, if MM has such a severe seizure disorder that it requires a medical emergency dog, would he have been allowed to drive? Not asking sarcastically, I am not sure if someone with a what sounds to be a severe disorder would have driving limitations.

I'm sure his doctor would have something to say about that but if he uses heroin and kills toddlers he might not worry about breaking the traffic laws all that much.
I have a hard time believing "Grandma" didn't know about Bella too... I can't believe RB didn't try to hit her up for money during Bella's short life.

Grandma had a restraining order against RB, allegedly because RB stole from her. They apparently hadn't been in touch for 14 years.
Close. Neveah backwards is Haeven. I have been seeing this name a lot, and always with the explanation that it is Heaven in reverse.

But her middle name was NevAEh which is indeed Heaven spelled backwards... The original poster just transposed the E and A
I'm sure his doctor would have something to say about that but if he uses heroin and kills toddlers he might not worry about breaking the traffic laws all that much.

My main train of though with that is perhaps it was RB who used the car more so than him. I know someone who has a disease(can't remember the name of it right now but they are prone to seizures) and they own a car, but don't drive it, have friends and family who drive for them.

ETA: perhaps the car once belonged to his deceased mother(pure speculation)
Link to the article where RB's medical problems are mentioned:

"In September of 2011, Bond told attorney Pamela Morris, who was handling a bail hearing for her, that she was bipolar. She said she was prescribed Klonopin and had been in a methadone program for 10 months. She had also been hospitalized at Boston Medical Center and stayed at the Barbara McInnis House, a Boston facility for homeless people who are sick, that year.

She told Morris that she had kidney failure and arthritis.

McCarthy also has a criminal record, though many charges were dismissed. His alleged offenses include possession of ammunition, possession of a hypodermic needle, and motor vehicle offenses."

fwiw, I do not believe klonopin to be prescribed for bipolar illness. In general it treats the symptoms of anxiety disorders or adhd. As a benzo related drug, it is highly addictive. IMHOO === NOT a professional.
Bio Dad needs to be stopped in his tracks. He DID let this little girl down and only wants in now for money and attention. He knew and didn't report it a couple weeks ago? UM, lets arrest HIM on obstruction of justice. No lawsuits lining his pockets then.

Did anyone notice the lawyerly looking guy with the head of white hair sitting next to JA in court? I hope JA DOES sue DCF. This would be a contingency fee case with the lawyer taking 1/3. It is hard to sue the "king".. in this case the king is a state agency.. but it can be done. All the discovery needed to effectively sue them will be done by the defense for MM and should be an easy case to win for JA. Why do i hope he sues and is successful? BECAUSE once and for ALL something has to bring this disgusting system into the light of day and everyone has to stop hiding behind staffing issues and other ridiculous excuses. Either totally revamp this agency in Massachusetts which has been on the fire for years or abolish it. IT ISNT WORKING! JMO

Anything I write is my opinion only
If you compare this image

With the computer sketch.. Only difference I really see is the eyebrows.

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I personally think the image released is this little girls double and I am flabbergasted it's taken this long for a name tbh! Disgusting! I also happen to think she is that 's double, poor child, she's in a safer place :(
Okay. Gotcha. So just coincidence that he came up here? And he knew and did not report anything? Yuck. Real parade of horribles.

I don't think it's a coincidence..

I think the return of "dad" made RB confess. RB is the type of woman who is never single, she always has a guy. There was a guy in the Christmas pics, then a new guy in Feb. Then MM came after that. So long as MM was her guy, she was loyal to him and their cover up. Then "dad" popped back up and RB ran to him. He asked questions and she eventually told the truth(about Bella being dead, how she died is, in my opinion, still unknown). Because "dad" was back and RB jumped to him and no longer felt strong loyalty to MM. She is all about whatever guy is currently in her life

"Dad" seemed to be more loyal to RB than he was to Bella. Hence why he's defending her and pointing the finger at MM.

I personally feel like sober RB had at least a bit of a conscience. And when she stopped using as heavily when "dad" came back, she finally texted the truth to the guy who told his sister who then told LE. When sober or at least not into as many drugs, RB seemed to take decent care of Bella. But then she got high and Bella dropped down to the bottom of her priority list again.

I'm skeptical of the godmother saying she called in twice but I do have to thank her for yelling what all of us were thinking.

"Dad" needs to go back to Florida. His return may have led to RB confessing but he's just another deadbeat who left his child with an addict and prostitute to go live his responsibility free life. I mean, he says he broke up with RB after finding out about her prostitution charges but apparently she was still worthy of being the caregiver of his child.
MM shakes his head "no" several times as the state presents its case.

I'm behind again i think so sorry if y'all have already discussed

But I noticed he shook his head no and looked mad when atty described Rochelle's staring she walked in the room to find him standing over matress on floor with Bella face gray and swollen then RB went to pick her up and knew she was dead.

This was the only time I saw ANY reaction from MM. It makes me think RB is not telling the WHOLE truth. Maybe beans wasn't dead yet and she and mm discussed that she had to be killed now etc. I'm just wondering if RB is more guilty in the actual death of Bella besides being a wretched negligent mother. Otherwise, Why would mm seem adamant about her getting charged with murder too? I guess to let himself off the hook? But the evidence seems pretty damning for him with this new info of the life long friend having lived in the house for them - he is going to be important to this case. I wish he would have called CPS before he moved out :(

Everyone left poor Bella with an abusuve delusional devil worshiper heroine addict and a prostitute anger issues heroine addict mother. This child was failed by SO many on SO many levels :(
Also, if MM has such a severe seizure disorder that it requires a medical emergency dog, would he have been allowed to drive? Not asking sarcastically, I am not sure if someone with a what sounds to be a severe disorder would have driving limitations.

Plus, I would think a dog in that situation would not just let them yell, scream and lock up that little girl without barking. Mine barks if anyone sounds angry. It stresses her out
Since it's been said that Bella likely died of asphyxiation (and not being punched in the tummy), could it be the case that RB actually killed her, and made up the story about MM punching her? I mean, could she have made the whole thing up and blamed him? Could she have told him Bella was in care and he believed her?

Unlikely I guess, but he did shake his head a few times in court as if to say "WTF, thats not true". But then they would probably both be up for murder. But then he pleaded not guilty, but got no bail. Why wouldn't he ask for bail if he's innocent?

My brain is confused. He's clearly a skanky smackhead, but so is she, I wouldn't put anything past her.

It's possible that mom did it and hid Bella. But it seems unlikely that he could live in the apartment for a month and not see Bella in the fridge. I could maybe believe him if it turns out Bella was in a deep freezer rather than the fridge

He may not want to be free. In jail, he'll likely be isolated. He'll get medical treatment. He'll have supervised withdrawal. And he's safer. His face is everywhere right now. Imagine if he was recognized while out on bail?

I hope they have a lot more evidence. I'm worried that they'll blame each other and get off because of that.
I bet these old boyfriends will have a lot to say. I think we are going to see a history of abuse.
Hopefully the police can come up with mountains of circumstantial evidence because judging by the latest comments this thing is headed for trial.

Hopefully they can get some neighbors to say if they saw Bond come and go freely from her apartment since Bella's death, and whether or not McCarthy was away from the apartment for long stretches.
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